diff --git a/include/hackney_lib.hrl b/include/hackney_lib.hrl
index a36d9d84..01ce9c33 100644
--- a/include/hackney_lib.hrl
+++ b/include/hackney_lib.hrl
@@ -26,8 +26,10 @@
partial_headers = [] :: list(),
clen = undefined :: integer() | undefined | bad_int,
te = <<>> :: binary(),
+ ce = <<>> :: binary(),
connection = <<>> :: binary(),
ctype = <<>> :: binary(),
location = <<>> :: binary(),
- body_state = waiting :: atom() | tuple()
+ body_state = waiting :: atom() | tuple(),
+ encoding :: {atom(), any()} | undefined
diff --git a/src/hackney.erl b/src/hackney.erl
index 48966858..00cd2b9a 100644
--- a/src/hackney.erl
+++ b/src/hackney.erl
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ cancel_request(Ref) ->
%% @doc set client options.
%% Options are:
+%% - `compress': request compression and transparently decompress
%% - `async': to fetch the response asynchronously
%% - `{async, once}': to receive the response asynchronously one time.
%% To receive the next message use the function `hackney:stream_next/1'.
@@ -211,6 +212,8 @@ request(Method, URL, Headers, Body) ->
%% directly. The response is `{ok, Status, Headers, Body}'
`max_body': sets maximum allowed size of the body if
%% with_body is true
+%% `compress': request that the server sends the body compressed
+%% and instructs hackney to transparently decompress it
%% `async': receive the response asynchronously
%% The function return {ok, StreamRef}.
%% When {async, once} is used the response will be received only once. To
@@ -987,6 +990,9 @@ maybe_update_req(State) ->
parse_options([], State) ->
+parse_options([compress | Rest], State = #client{headers=Headers}) ->
+ Headers2 = hackney_headers:store(<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip, deflate">>, Headers),
+ parse_options(Rest, State#client{headers=Headers2});
parse_options([async | Rest], State) ->
parse_options(Rest, State#client{async=true});
parse_options([{async, Async} | Rest], State) ->
diff --git a/src/hackney_http.erl b/src/hackney_http.erl
index 3a9f2331..b61e601f 100644
--- a/src/hackney_http.erl
+++ b/src/hackney_http.erl
@@ -299,6 +299,9 @@ parse_header(Line, St) ->
<<"transfer-encoding">> ->
TE = hackney_bstr:to_lower(hackney_bstr:trim(Value)),
+ <<"content-encoding">> ->
+ CE = hackney_bstr:to_lower(hackney_bstr:trim(Value)),
+ St#hparser{ce=CE};
<<"connection">> ->
Connection = hackney_bstr:to_lower(hackney_bstr:trim(Value)),
@@ -331,9 +334,31 @@ parse_trailers(St, Acc) ->
{more, St2} -> {more, St2}
-parse_body(#hparser{body_state=waiting, method= <<"HEAD">>, buffer=Buffer}) ->
- {done, Buffer};
-parse_body(St=#hparser{body_state=waiting, te=TE, clen=Length, buffer=Buffer}) ->
+parse_body(#hparser{body_state=waiting, method=Method, buffer=Buffer, clen=Length}) when Method == <<"HEAD">>; Length =:= 0 ->
+ {done, Buffer};
+parse_body(St=#hparser{body_state=waiting, ce=CE}) when CE == <<"gzip">>; CE == <<"deflate">> ->
+ MaxWBITS = 15, % zconf.h
+ WB = MaxWBITS + if CE == <<"gzip">> -> 16; true -> 0 end, % http://www.zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced
+ Z = zlib:open(),
+ ok = zlib:inflateInit(Z, WB),
+ parse_body2(St#hparser{encoding={zlib,Z}});
+parse_body(St=#hparser{encoding={zlib,Z}}) ->
+ case parse_body2(St) of
+ {ok, Chunk, St2} ->
+ Chunk2 = iolist_to_binary(zlib:inflate(Z, Chunk)),
+ {ok, Chunk2, St2};
+ {done, Rest} ->
+ Rest2 = iolist_to_binary(zlib:inflate(Z, Rest)),
+ ok = zlib:inflateEnd(Z),
+ ok = zlib:close(Z),
+ {done, Rest2};
+ Else ->
+ Else
+ end;
+parse_body(St) ->
+ parse_body2(St).
+parse_body2(St=#hparser{body_state=waiting, te=TE, clen=Length, buffer=Buffer}) ->
case {TE, Length} of
{<<"chunked">>, _} ->
@@ -347,14 +372,13 @@ parse_body(St=#hparser{body_state=waiting, te=TE, clen=Length, buffer=Buffer}) -
St#hparser{body_state={stream, fun te_identity/2, {0, Length}, fun ce_identity/1}}
-parse_body(#hparser{body_state=done, buffer=Buffer}) ->
+parse_body2(#hparser{body_state=done, buffer=Buffer}) ->
{done, Buffer};
-parse_body(St=#hparser{buffer=Buffer, body_state={stream, _, _, _}}) when byte_size(Buffer) > 0 ->
+parse_body2(St=#hparser{buffer=Buffer, body_state={stream, _, _, _}}) when byte_size(Buffer) > 0 ->
transfer_decode(Buffer, St#hparser{buffer= <<>>});
-parse_body(St) ->
+parse_body2(St) ->
{more, St, <<>>}.
-spec transfer_decode(binary(), #hparser{})
-> {ok, binary(), #hparser{}} | {done, binary()} | {error, atom()}.
transfer_decode(Data, St=#hparser{
@@ -514,6 +538,8 @@ get_property(method, #hparser{method=Method}) ->
get_property(transfer_encoding, #hparser{te=TE}) ->
+get_property(content_encoding, #hparser{ce=CE}) ->
+ CE;
get_property(content_length, #hparser{clen=CLen}) ->
get_property(connection, #hparser{connection=Connection}) ->
diff --git a/src/hackney_request.erl b/src/hackney_request.erl
index 612a1707..5d2acf17 100644
--- a/src/hackney_request.erl
+++ b/src/hackney_request.erl
@@ -61,30 +61,35 @@ perform(Client0, {Method0, Path0, Headers0, Body0}) ->
%% add host eventually
Headers2 = maybe_add_host(Headers1, Client0#client.netloc),
+ Compress = proplists:get_value(compress, Options, false),
+ Headers3 = if Compress ->
+ hackney_headers_new:store(<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip, deflate">>, Headers2);
+ true -> Headers2 end,
%% get expect headers
- Expect = expectation(Headers2),
+ Expect = expectation(Headers3),
%% build headers with the body.
{FinalHeaders, ReqType, Body, Client1} = case Body0 of
stream ->
- {Headers2, ReqType0, stream, Client0};
+ {Headers3, ReqType0, stream, Client0};
stream_multipart ->
- handle_multipart_body(Headers2, ReqType0, Client0);
+ handle_multipart_body(Headers3, ReqType0, Client0);
{stream_multipart, Size} ->
- handle_multipart_body(Headers2, ReqType0, Size, Client0);
+ handle_multipart_body(Headers3, ReqType0, Size, Client0);
{stream_multipart, Size, Boundary} ->
- handle_multipart_body(Headers2, ReqType0,
+ handle_multipart_body(Headers3, ReqType0,
Size, Boundary, Client0);
<<>> when Method =:= <<"POST">> orelse Method =:= <<"PUT">> ->
- handle_body(Headers2, ReqType0, Body0, Client0);
+ handle_body(Headers3, ReqType0, Body0, Client0);
[] when Method =:= <<"POST">> orelse Method =:= <<"PUT">> ->
- handle_body(Headers2, ReqType0, Body0, Client0);
+ handle_body(Headers3, ReqType0, Body0, Client0);
<<>> ->
- {Headers2, ReqType0, Body0, Client0};
+ {Headers3, ReqType0, Body0, Client0};
[] ->
- {Headers2, ReqType0, Body0, Client0};
+ {Headers3, ReqType0, Body0, Client0};
_ ->
- handle_body(Headers2, ReqType0, Body0, Client0)
+ handle_body(Headers3, ReqType0, Body0, Client0)
%% build final client record