Outputs a map of places from Kijiji by scraping its HTML and making calls to Google geo-location API.
- Git clone
- Install dependencies: python setup.py develop
- Go here: https://console.developers.google.com, create a project and enable google APIs:
- Google Maps Geocoding API
- Google Maps JavaScript API
- Get your credentials from Google API Coneole. (API Keys, "Server" and "Browser" key)
- Copy those to secrets.yml, see secrets.yml.example to get an example.
- Edit run.py. Things you might need to change:
- DEFAULT_PAGES (how many pages to crawl?)
- Defaults to: http://www.kijiji.ca/b-2-bedroom-apartments-condos/ottawa/{page}c214l1700185
- Just browse on Kijiji, when you find a category you like, copy the URL. Make sure to insert the {page} formatting token on the URL at the appropriate spot!
- DEFAULT_MAP_CENTER defaults to Ottawa. Change the lat & long for where you're looking for a place.
- Finally execute using
python run.py
. When it's done doing its thing, if it encountered no errors, you'll have a file called "map.html". Open it and have browse places!