COVID19 case numbers Canton of Zurich - case numbers include persons tested in the Canton of Zurich. The data is updated at least once a day (times of collection and update may vary).
Important: Since 09.03.2020, only persons who meet certain test criteria are tested (see "Testkriterien" at
COVID19_Fallzahlen_Kanton_ZH_total.csv is LIVE
COVID19_Fallzahlen_Kanton_ZH_alter_geschlecht.csv is LIVE
Metadata (in German):
Definition of not self-explanatory column names of the data resources are:
- 'NewConfCases' = Newly confirmed cases (2nd tests are positive)
- 'NewPosTests1' = Newly 1st tests, which are positive
- 'TotalConfCases' = Total number of confirmed cases (2nd tests are positive)
- 'TotalPosTests1' = Total number of 1st tests, which are positive
We invite other Cantons and the Confederation to provide case numbers in the same structure, regularly updated and machine-readable as Open Government Data (OGD).
The data is structured in such a way, it can be easily expanded both horizontally (Cantons) and vertically (Confederation).
The aim is to create a common official OGD dataset of the Swiss Authorities.
We are available to advise and support interested authorities. You can reach us during office hours at: [email protected] (please mention a phone number, we call you back)
On Twitter we are available, too: