# Current (March 2022):
March 2022
### [Snippet injection](https://app.netlify.com/sites/bgoonz-blog/settings/deploys#snippet-injection)
Inject analytics or other scripts into the HTML of your site.
- before `
` goback ``` ``` Remove - before `` mdn-style ``` ``` Remove - before `` stackbit-widget ``` ``` Remove - before `` addthis ``` ``` Remove - before `` meta ``` ``` Remove - before `` search ``` ``` Remove - before `` mailchimp ``` ``` Remove - before `` search ``` ``` Remove - before `` stat ``` View My Stats ``` Remove - before `` sc-search-style ``` ``` Remove - before `` back-2-top ``` ``` Remove - before `` scroll-css ``` ``` Remove - before `` more-style ``` ``` Remove - before `` lazysizes ``` ``` Remove - before `` add-this-2 ``` ``` Remove - before `` google-verification ``` ``` --- --- ```html