--- # Current (March 2022):
March 2022 ### [Snippet injection](https://app.netlify.com/sites/bgoonz-blog/settings/deploys#snippet-injection) Inject analytics or other scripts into the HTML of your site. - before `` goback ``` ``` Remove - before `` mdn-style ``` ``` Remove - before `` stackbit-widget ``` ``` Remove - before `` addthis ``` ``` Remove - before `` meta ``` ``` Remove - before `` search ``` ``` Remove - before `` mailchimp ``` ``` Remove - before `` search ``` ``` Remove - before `` stat ``` View My Stats ``` Remove - before `` sc-search-style ``` ``` Remove - before `` back-2-top ``` ``` Remove - before `` scroll-css ``` ``` Remove - before `` more-style ``` ``` Remove - before `` lazysizes ``` ``` Remove - before `` add-this-2 ``` ``` Remove - before `` google-verification ``` ```
--- --- ```html Web-Dev-Hub ``` ="prefetch" href="/page-data/lorem-ipsum/page-data.json" crossorigin="anonymous" as="fetch"> ``` - ``` ``` Remove - before `` addthis ``` ``` Remove - before `` gtag-n-firebase ``` ``` Remove - before `` gtag-in-body ``` ``` Remove - before `` scroll-2-top ``` ``` Remove - before `` original-analytics ``` ``` Remove - before `` goback ``` ``` Remove - before `` mdn-style ``` ``` Remove - before `` meta ``` ``` Remove - before `` meta ``` ``` Remove - before `` back to top css ``` ``` Remove - before `` print2pdf ``` Save to PDF ``` Remove - before `` scroll2topsvg ```
Back to top
``` Remove - before `` tawk-chat ``` ``` Remove - before `` firebase-cdn ``` ``` Remove - before `` add-this-suggested-pages ``` ``` Remove - before `` auth-firestore-cloud ``` ``` Remove - before `` analytics ``` ``` Remove - before `` search-script ``` ``` Remove - before `` more-meta-tags-open-graph ``` Web-Dev-Hub ``` Remove - before `` simpleanalytics ``` ``` Remove - before `` metaaaa ``` ``` ### [Snippet injection](https://app.netlify.com/sites/bgoonz-blog/settings/deploys#snippet-injection) Inject analytics or other scripts into the HTML of your site. - before `` blm ``` ``` Remove - before `` addthis ``` ``` Remove - before `` gtag-n-firebase ``` ``` Remove - before `` gtag-in-body ``` ``` Remove - before `` scroll-2-top ``` ``` Remove - before `` original-analytics ``` ``` Remove - before `` goback ``` ``` Remove - before `` prism ``` ``` Remove - before `` prismjs ``` ``` Remove - before `` mdn-style ``` ``` Remove - before `` meta ``` ``` Remove - before `` prism2body ``` ``` Remove - before `` algolia ``` ``` Control the post processing and optimizations Netlify can do for you ### [Snippet injection](https://app.netlify.com/sites/bgoonz-blog/settings/deploys#snippet-injection) Inject analytics or other scripts into the HTML of your site. - before `` blm ``` ``` Remove - before `` addthis ``` ``` Remove - before `` apple ``` ``` Remove - before `` hit counter ```

page counter ``` Remove - before `` go-back ``` "; ?> ``` Remove - before `` clock ```


``` Remove - before `` algolia ``` ``` Remove - before `` algolia-cdn ``` ``` Remove - before `` algolia2 ``` ``` Remove ### [Snippet injection](https://app.netlify.com/sites/bgoonz-blog/settings/deploys#snippet-injection) Inject analytics or other scripts into the HTML of your site.--- - before `` scroll2top ```html ``` --- - before `` spotify ```html ``` --- - before `` scroll2-vanilla ```html ``` --- - before `` blm ```html ``` --- - before `` iframe-style ```html ``` --- - before `` addThis ```html ``` --- - before `` analytics-n-addsense ```html ``` --- - before `` netlify-oauth ```html ``` --- - before `` github-netlify-oauth ```html

GitHub Auth Demo:


``` --- - before `` content-authoring ```html ``` --- - before `` Algolia-Search ```html ``` --- - before `` searcg ```html

``` --- - before `` algolia-search-cdn ```html ``` [Post processing](https://app.netlify.com/sites/bgoonz-blog/settings/deploys#post-processing) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control the post processing and optimizations Netlify can do for you ### [Snippet injection](https://app.netlify.com/sites/bgoonz-blog/settings/deploys#snippet-injection) Inject analytics or other scripts into the HTML of your site. - before `` gtag-n-firebase ``` ``` Remove - before `` gtag-in-body ``` ``` Remove - before `` scroll-2-top ``` ``` Remove - before `` original-analytics ``` ``` Remove - before `` goback ``` ``` Remove - before `` mdn-style ``` ``` Remove - before `` meta ``` ``` Remove - before `` meta ``` ``` Remove - before `` back to top css ``` ``` Remove - before `` scroll2topsvg ```
Back to top
``` Remove - before `` firebase-cdn ``` ``` Remove - before `` analytics ``` ``` Remove - before `` more-meta-tags-open-graph ``` Web-Dev-Hub ``` Remove - before `` simpleanalytics ``` ``` Remove - before `` metaaaa ``` ``` Remove - before `` algolia-head ``` ``` Remove - before `` fb ``` ``` Remove - before `` stackbit-widget ``` ``` Remove - before `` blm ``` ``` Remove - before `` addthis ``` ``` Remove - before `` add-this ``` ``` Remove - before `` meta ``` ``` Remove - before `` test - before `` search ``` ``` Remove - before `` links-highlight ``` ``` Remove --- created: 2022-01-16T11:01:24 (UTC -05:00) tags: [] source: https://app.netlify.com/sites/bgoonz-blog/settings/deploys author: --- # Build & deploy | Site settings > ## Excerpt > Settings for Continuous Deployment from a Git repository --- ## [Continuous Deployment](https://app.netlify.com/sites/bgoonz-blog/settings/deploys#continuous-deployment) Settings for Continuous Deployment from a Git repository Deploy Previews allow you and your team to experience changes to any part of your site without having to publish them to production. Deploy Previews Don’t deploy pull requests Netlify Drawer Enabled [Learn more about Deploy Previews in the docs](https://docs.netlify.com/site-deploys/deploy-previews) Build hooks give you a unique URL you can use to trigger a build. - **stackbit-build-hook** https://api.netlify.com/build\_hooks/609b2d9f66af5127803b19c3 Send a POST request to this webhook to trigger a deploy from [master](https://github.com/stackbit-projects/best-celery-b2d7c/tree/master). Example using cURL: ``` curl -X POST -d {} https://api.netlify.com/build_hooks/609b2d9f66af5127803b19c3 ``` - **gitter** https://api.netlify.com/build\_hooks/61dccb6ed7c12040ccc2daef Send a POST request to this webhook to trigger a deploy from [master](https://github.com/stackbit-projects/best-celery-b2d7c/tree/master). Example using cURL: ``` curl -X POST -d {} https://api.netlify.com/build_hooks/61dccb6ed7c12040ccc2daef ``` [Learn more about build hooks in the docs](https://www.netlify.com/docs/webhooks/#incoming-webhooks) A deploy key grants permissions to our build system to access your private submodule. ``` ssh-rsa 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 ``` [Learn more about deploy keys in the docs](https://docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/repo-permissions-linking/#access-other-repositories-at-build) ## [Environment](https://app.netlify.com/sites/bgoonz-blog/settings/deploys#environment) Control the environment your site builds in and/or gets deployed to. Deploy Previews triggered by a pull request from an unrecognized author’s fork are considered untrusted deploys. Choose how to manage sensitive environment variable access for these deploys. Untrusted deploys Deploy without sensitive variables [Learn more about sensitive variable policy in the docs](https://docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/environment-variables/#sensitive-variable-policy) ## [Post processing](https://app.netlify.com/sites/bgoonz-blog/settings/deploys#post-processing) Control the post processing and optimizations Netlify can do for you Inject analytics or other scripts into the HTML of your site. - before `` gtag-n-firebase ``` ``` - before `` gtag-in-body ``` ``` - before `` original-analytics ``` ``` - before `` goback ``` ``` - before `` mdn-style ``` ``` - before `` algolia-head ``` ``` - before `` stackbit-widget ``` ``` - before `` addthis ``` ``` - before `` meta ``` ``` - before `` search ``` ``` - before `` mailchimp ``` ``` - before `` google-adds ``` ``` - before `` google-search ``` ``` - before `` gs-head-script ``` ``` - before `` jquery ``` ``` - before `` search2 ```


``` - before `` blm ``` ``` - before `` netlify-identity ``` ``` - before `` netlify-identity ``` ``` - before `` search ``` ``` - before `` sb-search ```


``` [Learn more about snippet injection in the docs](https://www.netlify.com/docs/inject-analytics-snippets) URLs Pretty URLs CSS Bundle & Minify JS Bundle & Minify Images Lossless compression **Prerendering enabled with Netlify** With each deploy, Netlify scans new and changed HTML files for forms to enable handling submissions. If you’re not using Netlify Forms, you can disable form detection to speed up deploy time. [Learn more about form detection in the docs](https://docs.netlify.com/site-deploys/post-processing/form-detection/) ## [Deploy notifications](https://app.netlify.com/sites/bgoonz-blog/settings/deploys#deploy-notifications) Set up outgoing webhooks to notify other services about deploys for your site. [Learn more](https://www.netlify.com/docs/webhooks/#outgoing-webhooks-and-notifications)