C/C++ implementation for PCDN, SCDN and CDN metioned in the paper:
Parallelized Coordinate Descent Newton Method for Efficient L1-Regularized Minimization. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8661743 https://arxiv.org/abs/1306.4080
On Unix systems, type
$ make
to build the train' and
programs. type
$ make clean
to clean the built files.
Run them without arguments to show the usages.
The software has been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64.
============= Usage: train [options] training_file test_file [model_file_name]
-a algorithm: set algorithm type (default 0) 0 -- CDN 1 -- Shotgun CDN (SCDN) 2 -- Parallel CDN (PCDN)
-s solver type : set type of solver (default 0) 0 -- L1-regularized logistic regression with bias term 1 -- L1-regularized L2-loss support vector classification
-c cost : set the parameter C (default 1)
-e epsilon : set tolerance of termination criterion |f^S(w)|_1 <= epsmin(pos,neg)/l|f^S(w0)|_1, where f^S(w) is the minimum-norm subgradient at w
-g g -n n : to generate the experimental results of CDN using a decreasing epsilon values = eps/g^i, for i = 0,1,...,n-1 (default g=1.0 n=1)
-q : quiet mode (no screen outputs)
training_file: training set file
test_file: test set file
model_file_name: model file name If you do not set model_file_name, it will be set as the result file nam e following ".model"
Usage: infer test_file model_file output_file
test_file: test set file
model_file_name: model file name
output_file: output file name
$ python ./gen_data.py
The script will defaultly download 1 data set (real-sim) from LIBSVM Data page. If you want to download more datasets, edit the "data_dict" in 'gen_data.py' to indicate data sets for generation. For those datasets, we do a 80/20 split for training and testing. It then stores *.train and *.test in the 'data' directory. Note that you need bunzip2, which is called by gen_data.py
Edit line 121-123 of src/train.cpp :
int g_pcdn_thread_num = 0; //#threads for pcdn. default (set as 0): num_procs -1; otherwise, set as other positive integer int g_bundle_size = 1250; // bundle size for pcdn int g_scdn_thread_num = 8; // #threads for scdn
then type
$ make
With each run, two log files will be stored in 'log/' directory, with the name indicating configuration of the specific experiment. For example,
indicate: algorithm: pcdn, threads: 3, bundle size: 1250, slover: 0, C: 4.0, epsilon: 1e-3, dataset: real-sim.
The first log file stores the contents printed on the terminal, the second log file stores outputs of each iteration, which could be used to generate the experimental results.
real-sim.train and real-sim.test are put as example dataset on the project webpage:
bundle size: 1250
L1-regularized logistic regression with bias term:
$./train -a 2 -s 0 -c 4.0 -e 1e-3 ./data/real-sim.train ./data/real-sim.test model_lrb
$./infer ./data/real-sim.test model_lrb out_lrb
L1-regularized L2-loss support vector classification:
$ ./train -a 2 -s 1 -c 1.0 -e 1e-3 ./data/real-sim.train ./data/real-sim.test model_svc
$ ./infer ./data/real-sim.test model_svc out_svc
Copyright (2019) [Yatao (An) Bian [email protected] | yataobian.com]. Please cite the above paper if you use this code in your work.