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A simple way to do a standalone deployment of Greenlight for development or production using docker-compose.

Installation for devlopment (short version)

On an Ubuntu 20.04 machine (AWS EC2 instance, LXC container, VMWare machine etc).

Fetching the scripts

git clone
cd greenlight-run
git checkout dev-v3

Initializing environment variables

Create a new .env file for greenlight based on the dotenv file included.

cp data/greenlight/dotenv data/greenlight/.env

Most required variables are pre-set by default, the ones that must be set before starting are:


They can be added by editing the file or with sed.

sed -i "s/SECRET_KEY_BASE=.*/SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(openssl rand -hex 64)/" data/greenlight/.env
sed -i "s/PORT=.*/PORT=3080/" data/greenlight/.env

Create a new .env file for the deployment based on the dotenv file included.

cp dotenv .env

The only variable required is the domain name that will be used, since by default, the app will be exposed as gl.DOMAIN_NAME for greenlight and kc.DOMAIN_NAME for keycloak.


Also, when using the script, you should add the email.


For using a SSL certificate signed by Let’s Encrypt, generate the certificates.


certbot certonly --manual -d gl.<DOMAIN_NAME> --agree-tos --no-bootstrap --manual-public-ip-logging-ok --preferred-challenges=dns --email [email protected] --server

Validate the Let’s Encrypt challenge

Respond yes to sharing the Email and IP

Take the string given as a challenge and create a TXT record on your DNS (see the prerequisites). You should set up the Challenge as indicated.

Performing the following challenges:
dns-01 challenge for gl.<DOMAIN_NAME>

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Please deploy a DNS TXT record under the name<DOMAIN_NAME> with the following value:


Before continuing, verify the record is deployed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Press Enter to Continue

The record would be like:

gl.<DOMAIN_NAME>.	TXT	60	"XdFPEeAvHmJGjDmmXsqvNPjYC74U_wjZFcqv4IrlDFM"

Make sure to set 60 secs for the TTL, you may need to update it later and that will shorten the time you wait for the DNS to propagate.

Wait for 60 secs before hitting on the console.

Now repeat the same procedure for kc.<DOMAIN_NAME>

Once that is done, you can copy the letsencrypt certificates to data/certbot/config

cp -R /etc/letsencrypt/config/* data/certbot/config

Automated (on machines on the cloud holding a public IP and linked to a valid hostname)


Start the services.

docker-compose up -d

Now, the greenlight server is running, but it is not quite yet ready. The database must be initialized.

For greenlight:

docker exec -i greenlight bundle exec rake db:setup

For keycloak:

docker exec -it postgres psql -U postgres -W

For development, we can use the local template by editing the variable SITES_TEMPLATE=local in .env. This will redirect the requests to your local rails app instead of doing so to the docker container.

Keep in mind that the port in the template is hard-coded to 3000, but it can be edited (or sed) directly at data/nginx/sites.template-local.


sed -i "s/NGINX_HOSTNAME:.*/NGINX_HOSTNAME:5000/" data/nginx/sites.template-local

When keycloak is initialized, it also needs to be configured by adding a, and then set those values into the data/greenlight/.env file.

The env variables that need to be added are:



Using keycloak with greenlight using OIDC

Log into Keycloak

(Optional) Create a realm for greenlight by hovering "master" dropdown and clicking new realm: image

In realm settings > Login, enable user registration and remember to click save.
In clients, click create and give an appropriate client id (Ex: greenlight)
Set the access type to confidential, and fill out redirect url and web origins. Ex configuration: image Copy Client ID in the admin console on the same page and paste it into greenlight/.env under OPENID_CONNECT_CLIENT_ID
Under the same page/client, click on the credentials tab and copy and paste it into greenlight/.env under OPENID_CONNECT_CLIENT_SECRET

Go back to the Realm settings on the sidebar and click on the link OpenID Endpoint Configuration where you will find the issuer.
Copy the issuer and paste it into greenlight/.env under OPENID_CONNECT_ISSUER
In addition, fill out the OAUTH2_REDIRECT with the appropriate URL. Ex sample:


Finally, restart the deployment and signing up using OIDC should be possible