diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index 2ab8d56c..19be42d6 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -26,6 +26,14 @@ include the following citation:
You can find the `Emperor paper here `_, and the data presented in this paper can be found `here `_.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ tutorials/animations
@@ -33,6 +41,7 @@ Scripts:
:maxdepth: 2
+ tutorials/animations
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35b59518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/tutorials/animations.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+.. _animations:
+.. index:: animations
+Creating an animation using Emperor
+In this tutorial we describe how to create a principal coordinates analysis
+(PCoA) plot, and display animated traces of the samples sorted by a metadata
+category. For this purpose, we will describe a `Synthetic Example` (explaining
+concepts) and a `Real Example` (that deals with the actual plot generation, and
+To do this, we need to have two metadata categories, a *gradient* category, and
+a *trajectory* category. The *gradient* category determines the order in which
+samples are connected together, the *trajectory* category determines how
+samples are grouped together.
+Synthetic Example
+In most cases the *trajectory* and *gradient* columns already exist as part of
+your sample information, however you may need to do some curation to make these
+compatible with Emperor.
+In this example, consider a longitudinal study where you wish to track the oral
+microbiome changes in a cohort of 3 mice over the course of 5 weeks, each
+sample will be described by the following columns:
+* ``cage_number``: the cage where each mice was housed, more than one mice could
+ have resided in the same cage.
+* ``age_in_years``: the age of each mice in years.
+* ``week``: the number of the week in this experiment.
+* ``sex``: the sex of each mice.
+* ``mice_identifier``: where each mice is assigned a unique identifier.
+Here, we can use the ``week`` column as our *gradient* category, so as long as
+all the values are numerical. To be more precise, a column where values were
+indicated as ``pre-treatment, first, second, third and last`` would not be
+appropriate and instead would need to be converted into (for example): ``-1, 1,
+2, 3 and 4`` (remember we have 5 weeks of data).
+As for the *trajectory* category, the natural choice would be to use the
+``mice_identifier`` column, because it uniquely identifies every mice, and
+should be the same throughout the experiment.
+All the remaining columns (``cage_number``, ``age_in_years`` and ``sex``), are
+not explicitly needed to create an animation, but can be used to change the
+color, visibility and size of the samples.
+The following figure shows what we expect to observe when we press the play
+button (week numbers are only showed as a reference).
+.. figure:: trajectories.png
+ :alt: Cartoon representation of the example above.
+ Cartoon representation of the synthetic example. On the left, the unmodified
+ ordination coloring samples by mice. On the center, the same ordination with
+ a label for each sample, corresponding to the week where this sample was
+ collected. On the right, samples connected by a line, where the order is
+ determined by the collection time (all trajectories begin at ``-1``).
+From the trajectories, you can see that samples are connected according to the
+numerical order in the *gradient* category, and that missing data is simply
+ignored, for example the red samples are missing timepoint ``2``, therefore
+sample ``1`` is connected to sample ``3``.
+In the next section we will go through an example using published data from
+`Weingarden et al. 2015 `_.
+Real Example
+This example will help us visualize the short and long-term changes of four
+patients as they undergo a fecal material transplant (FMT). To contextualize
+these changes, we are going to use the data from the Human Microbiome Project
+(HMP), an initiative that characterized the microbial communities of 252
+**healthy** human adults in four different supersites (fecal, skin, oral and
+vaginal communities).
+For convenience, we combined the two datasets using `Qiita
+`_. Specifically the studies we used are `study 10057
+`_ (FMT) and `study 1928
+`_ (HMP). Remember you need to
+be logged in to access the studies.
+The files needed for this tutorial can be downloaded from this `link
+As discussed before, we will need to identify two columns that allow us to sort
+samples, and to group them. We only want to focus on the observed changes in
+the microbiome of patients that undergo an FMT, therefore the subjects from the
+HMP data won't need to be animated, and the samples are instead used as a frame
+of reference.
+Notice that in ``mapping-file.txt`` there are two columns that describe this
+information. First, as the *gradient* category, we can use
+``day_relative_to_fmt`` (a column that describes the number of days before or
+after the FMT), and as the *trajectory* category we can use ``host_subject_id``
+(a column with unique identifiers for each individual participating in both
+One thing you will notice is that samples from the HMP lack a value for the
+``day_relative_to_fmt`` column, since these subjects did not undergo a
+transplant. When we look at these samples, we observe that they are all labeled
+with an ``unknown`` value. In order to use this information we will replace the
+label ``unknown`` for a ``0``, such that the mapping file passes Emperor's
+validations. You can do this using a spreadsheet manipulation program like
+Excel, or alternatively you can use a scripting language like R or Python
+(using Pandas is recommended) to perform these manipulations. After doing this,
+we suggest that you create a new column that includes these modifications, and
+name it ``animations_gradient``.
+.. note::
+ When plots are generated with Emperor, only columns where all values are
+ numeric will be accessible as a *trajectory* category.
+As for the *trajectory* category, we will ignore all subjects but the ones that
+underwent a FMT, so for all other samples (both for the HMP and FMT), we will
+set the ``host_subject_id`` value to ``NA``. Again, we will create a new column
+to store this modified information, and we will name it
+.. note::
+ The names of the columns can be arbitrarly chosen by the user, but we
+ recommend clearly distinguishing the purpose.
+After you've done this, the result will be a new metadata mapping file that
+includes two new columns, ``animations_gradient`` and ``animations_subject``
+(for an example see ``mapping-file.animations.txt``). All that's left is to
+create the plot itself, to do that we will use ``make_emperor.py``::
+ make_emperor.py -i unweighted-unifrac-pc.txt -m mapping-file.animations.txt -o animations --add_unique_columns
+After you do this, you can open the plot (by opening the file inside
+``animations/index.html``), select ``body_habitat`` as a color category (under
+the Colors tab). Now, go to the animations tab on the right. Next, in the
+*Gradient Category* menu select *animations_gradient*, and in the *Trajectory
+Category* menu select *animations_subject*. Now you can click the play
+button and visualize the changes in the microbiome of the four patients. As you
+do this, you can continue to interact with the plot, and change any colors as
+The resulting plot can be found `here
+`_, please note that this plot includes
+a few presets that will be different from the plot that you generated above,
+however both plots are fundamentally the same.
+Filtering out data
+In some situations, we want to focus only one or a handful of the existing
+trajectories in a dataset. In such a case, you can hide any trajectories you
+want by creating a new column in your sample information, for example
+``animation_one_trajectory``, and then setting the values of the samples that
+you do not wish to see animated to ``0``.
+The idea above applies as well to blanks or other types of technical samples
+that will not need to be animated.
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorials/trajectories.png b/doc/source/tutorials/trajectories.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/source/tutorials/trajectories.png differ