layout | permalink | title | header1 | header2 | yearName | image | keywords | description | startDate | endDate |
workshop_main_2day |
/INR_2023 |
INR 2023 |
Workshop Pages for Students |
Introduction to R 2023 |
Introduction to R 2023 |
/site_images/CBW_introtoR-icon.jpg |
Data handling, using R syntax, scientific computational work |
Course introduces essential ideas and tools of R, and covers statistical tests in R. |
2023-06-26 |
2023-06-27 |
The course schedule can be found here
Meet your faculty here
Pre-work including programs to install can be found here.
Introduction to R Class of 2023
Frances Wong
Day 1 Slides
Day 1 Rmd File (empty)
Day 1 Rmd File (complete) | HTML version
Abalone Dataset
Water Potability Dataset
Frances Wong
Day 2 Slides
Day 2 Rmd File (empty)
Day 2 Rmd File (complete) | HTML version
Diamonds Dataset
Stroke Dataset