Releases: bitbank2/TIFF_G4
Added robust testing
Incremental Decode
In this release I've added features to make it easy to receive data in small increments and decode the image as it arrives. This sounds an awful lot like "streaming decode". The difference is that streaming decoders use the much slower technique of checking byte by byte if there is enough data to continue. This library checks line by line and can decode images much more efficiently.
AVR support
This release adds support for AVR targets by reducing the maximum image and file buffer sizes. The total RAM needed for decoding images up to 200 x N pixels is 1K.
Bug fixes and added drawIcon method
The main change in this release is the addition of a simplified way of drawing scaled colored icons from TIFF_G4 1-bpp source images. The steps to use it are open, drawIcon, close. I'm trying to add simplicity to my libraries and this should help. See the new example sketch for more info about using it.
First release
The TIFF_G4 library includes not only the ability to decode TIFF G4 images, but it can scale them to any size and add 2 or 4-bit anti-aliasing to make stairstep edges appear smoother.