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Our e-voting system is inspired by the first version of Helios where the encrypted ballots are shuffled and anonymized before they are decrypted. Instead of the shuffle used in Helios, we implemented a Neff shuffle which is much faster than the original Helios shuffle.
To further reduce single points of failure we introduce the cothority and store all the votes on a skipchain, so that they can be publicly verified by a third party.
As this system is to be used in an EPFL election, we added an authentication to the Gaspar/Tequila service.
- Student Project: EPFL e-voting:
- Paper: Verifiable Mixing (Shuffling) of ElGamal Pairs; C. Andrew Neff, 2004
- Paper: Helios: Web-based Open-Audit Voting; Ben Adida, 2008
- Paper: Decentralizing authorities into scalable strongest-link cothorities: Ford et. al., 2015
- Paper: Secure distributed key generation for discrete-log based cryptosystems; Gennaro et. al., 1999