The base-endpoint is:
All endpoints return either a JSON object or array.
endpoints, parameters must be sent as aquery string
. -
For POST endpoints, parameters must be send in the request body, with content-type(application/json) in headers.
Some restfull api client demos:
Java :
Api request rate limit: 10 time/s for create/cancel order
Version | Description | Time | Mark |
V1.0.0 | include some rest api(virtual coin,contracts) and error code list. | 2019-03 | usable |
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
apiKey | unique tag for user | N | required by authentication of request,apply for the key in website. | String |
timestamp | request timestamp | N | the paramter will be need in request which need to authenticate, if space of time too long between current and request will be reject. | Long |
signature | signature data | N | required by authentication of request. | String |
msgNo | request id | N | just for some api(place order),max length is 50 chars | String |
Base style :
"info": {},
"success": true,
"msg": "",
"code": "0",
"params": []
if need page, like:
"info": {
"num":xx, // total counts
"list":[] // data collection
"success": true,
"msg": "",
"code": "0",
"params": []
The part just for authentication of request, the pair of apiKey and secretKey can be apply in website (
For authentication of request, the request paramters need to be sign by HmacSHA256
The prepared signature data is a string which make up of all request parameters which in alphabetic order and join with '&'
The signature needs to be in lowercase
signature example:
request parameters like:
{ "apiKey" : "XXX", "msgNo":"1234567890", "timestamp":1534892332334, "version":"V1.0.0" //this parameter are optional.
String json = “apiKey=XXX&msgNo=1234567890×tamp=1534892332334&version=V1.0.0”;
String signature = HmacSHA256.encode (json , secretKey );
last,the request parameters like:
{ "apiKey" : "XXX", "msgNo":"1234567890", "timestamp":1534892332334, "version":"V1.0.0", "signature": signature }
request url: {base-endpoint}/serverTime
request method: GET
request parameter infomation: none
response example:
"data": 1557134972000,
"success": true,
"msg": "",
"code": "0"
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/config
request method: GET
request parameter infomation: null
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
spotConfig | spot config | Object | |
coinConfig | coin config | Object | |
contractConfig | contract config | Object |
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
name | coin name | String | |
fullName | full name | String | |
depositStatus | can deposit | String | |
withdrawStatus | can withdraw | String | |
minWithdraw | min withdraw amount | String | |
withdrawFee | withdraw fee | String | |
makerFeeRate | maker transaction fee | String | |
takerFeeRate | taker transaction fee | String | |
minTxAmt | min transaction amount | String |
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
symbol | String | ||
makerFeeRate | maker transaction fee | String | |
takerFeeRate | taker transaction fee | String |
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
symbol | String | ||
accuracy | String[] | ||
percentPrice | price range(multiplierDown and multiplierUp), lastPrice*multiplierDown < price < lastPrice*multiplierUp | Object |
response example:
"data": {
"coinConfig": [
"makerFeeRate": "0.001",
"minWithdraw": "10",
"withdrawFee": "0.1",
"name": "BXA",
"depositStatus": "0",
"fullName": "Exchange Alliance",
"takerFeeRate": "0.001",
"withdrawStatus": "0"
"contractConfig": [
"symbol": "TBTCUSD",
"makerFeeRate": "-0.00025",
"takerFeeRate": "0.00075"
"spotConfig": [
"symbol": "BTC-USDT",
"accuracy": [
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1557200664263
request url: {base-endpoint}/withdraw
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Filed | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
coinType | Y | e.g BTC,USDT(USDT-ERC20,USDT-OMNI) | String | |
address | target wallet address | Y | String | |
extendParam | memo or tag | N | String | |
quantity | Y | String | ||
mark | Y | max support for 250 char | String |
request url: {base-endpoint}/transfer
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
coinType | Y | e.g BTC | String | |
quantity | Y | String | ||
from | from account type(WALLET,SPOT,CONTRACT) | Y | String | |
to | target account type(WALLET,SPOT,CONTRACT) | Y | String |
request url: {base-endpoint}/wallet/depositHistory
request method:POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
coin | coin type | N | eg. BTC | String |
start | query start time | Y | Long | |
end | query end time | N | end - start should less than or equal 90 day | Long |
limit | response record limit | N | Default:50,max record size: 50 | Integer |
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
id | String | ||
status | deposit status | 0:fail, 1:success | String |
coinType | eg. BTC | String | |
quantity | String | ||
createTime | deposit time | Long | |
address | if accountName=no, the field may be block deposit address or inner transfer address of exchange, or be memo. | String | |
txid | block hash | String | |
acountName | default is 'no', or be contract address | String |
response example:
request uri:{base-endpoint}/wallet/withdrawHistory
request method:POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
coin | coin type | N | eg: BTC | String |
start | query start time | Y | Long | |
end | query end time | N | end - start should less than or equal 90 day | Long |
limit | resposne record limit | N | Default:50,max record size: 50 | Integer |
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
id | String | ||
status | 0,1,2,3=pending, 7=success,8=fail | String | |
coinType | String | ||
quantity | String | ||
createTime | Long | ||
address | String | ||
txid | String | ||
withdrawType | 0:inner transfer,1: wallet | String | |
fee |
response example:
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/ticker
request method: GET
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Unique tag(ex:ETH-USDT) | Y | =ALL,get all symbol tickers | String |
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
c | last price in the past of 24 hours | String | |
h | high price in the past of 24 hours | String | |
l | low price in the past of 24 hours | String | |
p | price change in the past of hours | String | |
v | deal quantity in the past of hours | String | |
s | symbol | String |
response example:
"data": [
"c": "3700.458408",
"h": "3700.458408",
"l": "3700.458408",
"p": "0.0000",
"v": "0.00",
"s": "BTC-USDT"
"success": true,
"msg": "",
"code": "0",
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/orderBook
request method: GET
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Unique tag(ex:ETH-USDT) | Y | String |
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
b | Bids | String[2](first:price, second:quantity) | |
s | Asks | String[2](first:price, second:quantity) | |
ver | version number | String | |
symbol | String |
response example:
"data": {
"b": [
"s": [
"success": true,
"msg": "",
"code": "0",
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/trades
request method: GET
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String |
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
p | deal price | String | |
s | trade type | buy or sell | String |
v | deal quantity | String | |
t | timestamp | String | |
ver | String |
response example:
"data": [
"success": true,
"msg": "",
"code": "0",
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/kline
request method: GET
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String | ||
type | kline type | Y | m1,m3,m5,m15,m30,h1,h2,h4,h6,h8,h12,d1,d3,w1,M1(m=minute,h=hour,d=day,w=week,M=month) | String |
start | start time | Y | unit: second | Long |
end | end time | Y | unit: second | Long |
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
c | close price | String | |
h | hign price | String | |
l | low price | String | |
o | open price | String | |
s | total deal money | String | |
t | total deal times | String | |
time | timestamp | String | |
v | total deal quantity | String |
response example:
"data": [
"success": true,
"msg": "",
"code": "0",
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/placeOrder
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String | ||
type | order type | Y | limit(limit price) or market(market price) | String |
side | order side | Y | buy or sell | String |
price | Y | when type is market, the value = -1 | String | |
quantity | Y | eg.BTC-USDT,normally point at the quantity of BTC,when type=market,side=buy,point at the quantity of USDT, and the quantity should greater than or equal to the minimum trading volume of BTC | String | |
timestamp | Y | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
orderId | String | ||
symbol | String |
response example:
"data": {
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/cancelOrder
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
orderId | Y | String | ||
symbol | Y | String |
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/assetList
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
coinType | coin type | N | if null, response ALL virtual asset | String |
assetType | asset type (spot,wallet) | Y | spot for virtual | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
coinType | coin type | String | |
count | usable amount | String | |
frozen | frozen amount | String | |
btcQuantity | probably equal BTC | String | |
type | type | 1=virtual coin,2=legal |
response example:
"data": [
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/orderDetail
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
orderId | Y | String | ||
symbol | Y | String | ||
page | current page | N | default = 1 | String |
count | current page count | N | default = 10 | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
num | total numbers | Long | |
list | trade detail | List |
response description (List):
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
orderId | String | ||
orderSign | order status | deal by taker or maker? | String |
getCount | get | String | |
getCountUnit | coin type | String | |
loseCount | lose | String | |
loseCountUnit | coin type | String | |
price | deal price | String | |
priceUnit | coin type | String | |
fee | deal fee | fee | String |
feeUnit | coin type | String | |
time | time | Long | |
fsymbol | symbol | BTC-USDT | String |
side | order side | buy or sell | String |
response example:
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/orderList
request method: POST
request parameter information:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
side | order side(buy,sell) | Y | String | |
symbol | Y | String | ||
status | order status(traded (history order)) | Y | String | |
queryRange | the range of order(thisweek(in 7 day),thisweekago(before 7 ago)) | Y | String | |
page | current page | N | String | |
count | current page count | N | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
num | total numbers | Long | |
list | orde list | List |
list description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
orderId | String | ||
symbol | String | ||
price | order price | decimal | |
tradedNum | completed quantity | Decimal | |
quantity | total quantity | Decimal | |
avgPrice | average price | Decimal | |
status | order status | send,pending,success,cancel | String |
type | order type | market,limit | String |
side | order side | buy,sell | String |
createTime | order create time | Date | |
tradeTotal | Decimal |
response example:
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/singleOrder
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
orderId | Y | String | ||
symbol | Y | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
orderId | String | ||
symbol | String | ||
price | order price | decimal | |
tradedNum | completed quantity | Decimal | |
quantity | total quantity | Decimal | |
avgPrice | average price | Decimal | |
status | order status | send,pending,success,cancel | String |
type | order type | market,limit | String |
side | order side | buy,sell | String |
createTime | create time | Date | |
tradeTotal | Decimal |
response example:
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/openOrders
request method: POST
request parameter information:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String | ||
page | current page | N | String | |
count | current page count | N | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
num | total numbers | Long | |
list | orde list | List |
list description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
orderId | String | ||
symbol | String | ||
price | order price | decimal | |
tradedNum | completed quantity | Decimal | |
quantity | total quantity | Decimal | |
avgPrice | average price | Decimal | |
status | order status | send,pending,success,cancel | String |
type | order type | market,limit | String |
side | order side | buy,sell | String |
createTime | order create time | Date | |
tradeTotal | Decimal |
response example:
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/myTrades
request method: POST
request parameter information:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String | ||
startTime | trades start time | N | if null, will use current timestamp | Long |
limit | N | Integer |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
id | Long | ||
price | BigDecimal | ||
amount | BigDecimal | ||
side | String | ||
direction | String | ||
time | Date |
response example:
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/cancelOrder/batch
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
ids | N | ids split by "," batch max ids <= 100 for single request, if ids = "" or null or no ids parameter, will cancel all order for symbol. | String | |
symbol | Y | String |
request body example:
request url:{base-endpoint}/spot/placeOrders
request method:POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
multiParams | Y | Array of single place's order parameters,0 < order's list of size <= 10 | String |
request body example:
response example:
request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/orderBook
request method: GET
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
b | Bids | split by ":",first is price, second is quantity | String |
s | Asks | split by ":",first is price, second is quantity | String |
type | type | String |
response example:
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/ticker
request method: GET
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
symbol | contract symbol | String | |
type | Type | String | |
lastPrice | last price | String | |
high | high price in the past of 24 hours | String | |
low | low price in the past of 24 hours | String | |
volume | completed quantity in the past of 24 hours | String | |
change | need * 100 | String | |
openValue | not completed value | String | |
fundRate0 | contract fee change value in the next time | String | |
fundTime0 | contract fee change time(million second) in the next time | String | |
adlRanker | ADL range | String | |
ver | version number | String | |
openInterest | String | ||
turnover | String |
response example:
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/order/create
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
property | current is normal | Y | String | |
symbol | Y | ex: BTCUSD | String | |
type | Y | market or limit | String | |
amount | Y | must be whole number | String | |
amountDisplay | show quantity for ice order | Y | String | |
price | N | don't need if type is market, else must be an integral multiple of tickerPrice. | String | |
side | order side | Y | buy or sell | String |
postOnly | only do maker? | Y | false or true | String |
reduceOnly | only for reduce position? | Y | false or true | String |
timeInForce | order time inforce type | Y | default is GTC, 'GTC'(always valid until cancel), 'FOK'(all completed or cancel), 'IOC'(completed or cancel fast, or part completed) | String |
leverage | leverage value | N | String | |
triggerPrice | trigger price | N | when property is trigger. | String |
benchmarkPrice | N | String | ||
triggerPriceType | N | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
orderId | String |
response example:
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []
request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/order/cancel
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
orderId | Y | String |
response description: when code = "0" is success
request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/leverageEdit
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String | ||
leverage | new leverage info | Y | String |
request description: when code="0" is success
request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/position
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
positionId | String | ||
symbol | String | ||
amount | position amount | String | |
margin | position margin | String | |
positionValue | position value | String | |
leverage | String | ||
status | position status | String | |
openPositionTime | open position time | String | |
flatPositionTime | flat position time | String | |
realProfit | completed profit | String | |
liquidation | force completed price | String | |
side | position side | String | |
frozen | position frozen | String |
request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/margin/update
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String | ||
changeAmount | amount change with positive and negative | Y | String |
response description:when code="0" is success
request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/asset/info
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
page | Y | Int | ||
count | Y | Int | ||
coinIdLike | coin type | N | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
pageInfo | Object | ||
records | Array |
pageInfo:(refer to orderList)
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
btcValue | probably equal BTC | String | |
coinId | coin type | String | |
count | usable amount | String | |
frozen | frozen amount | String |
request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/info
request method: POST
request parameter infomation:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
symbol | String | ||
leverage | leverage number | String | |
fundRate0 | String | ||
riskLimit | risk limit | String |
request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/account/info
request method: POST
request parameter information:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
coin | coin symbol | Y | String |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
coin | coin symbol | String | |
totalAmount | total amount | String | |
remainMargin | remain margin | String | |
openPositionMargin | String | ||
openOrderMarginTotal | String | ||
availableAmount | available amount | String |
request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/orders
request method: POST
request parameter information:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String | ||
type | order type(open or history) | Y | String | |
page | N | default 1 | Integer | |
count | N | default 10 | Integer |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
pageInfo | Object | ||
records | Array |
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
page | Integer | ||
count | Integer | ||
pageTotal | Integer | ||
recordTotal | Integer |
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
orderId | String | ||
symbol | String | ||
type | order type | limit or market | String |
side | order side | buy or sell | String |
price | price | when type=market is 0 | String |
amountReal | real amount | String | |
amountFill | completed amount | String | |
status | order status | open、cancel、filled、rejected、untrigger | String |
avgPrice | average price | String | |
time | create time | Long |
request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/trades
request method: POST
request parameter information:
Field | Description | Required(Y or N) | Mark | Type |
symbol | Y | String | ||
page | N | default=1 | Integer | |
count | N | default=10 | Integer |
response description:
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
pageInfo | Object | ||
records | Array |
pageInfo:(refer to orderList)
Field | Description | Mark | Type |
symbol | String | ||
orderId | String | ||
isTaker | Boolean | ||
side | buy or sell | String | |
fee | String | ||
price | String | ||
amount | String | ||
time | String | ||
version | Long |
code | msg | Description | Mark |
0 | success | ||
9000 | missing parameter | apiKey or signature is absent | |
9001 | version not matched | ||
9002 | verifySignature failed | ||
9004 | access denied or request's params absent | if access denied, please check your bind ip,api's permission,or account's status | |
9005 | key expired | ||
9006 | no server | ||
9007 | request invalid | check your request timestamp(compare with server time),msgNo's length need to less than or equal 50 | |
9008 | api request params error | ||
9999 | system error | ||
9010 | access denied(ip is invalid) | request ip not in your bind's ip whitelist | |
9011 | access denied(no permission) | no api's permission | |
9012 | access denied(account is abnormal) | account is abnormal | |
20000 | order params error | ||
20002 | user asset account abnormal | ||
20003 | user asset not enough | ||
20004 | order absent | ||
20010 | trade pair had been closed | ||
20012 | cancel faild,order status changed | order's status is succeed or canceled | |
20043 | price accuracy is wrong for placing order | check symbol's accuracy from config api | |
20044 | quantity accuracy is wrong for placing order | check symbol's accuracy from config api | |
20048 | trade pair not open | ||
20053 | need sign protocol in website | if place order at first time, need to sign protocol in bithumb global website at trade page, just place one order before using trade's api. | |
20054 | order price out of range | check symbol's percentPrice from config api | |
20056 | order quantity out of range | the max quantity need to less than 100000000 | |