The perceptor project is a distributed system for responding to events residing in particular cloud native infrastructures.
The Perceivers are the cloud native extension points to the overall perceptor project, handling intercepting of events + responding to those events.
These opensource projects come together to make the opsite product.
The opsite product hardens the perceptor ecosystem into a 'downstream' artifact which blackduck officially supports, with specific customizations that make it easy for us to gaurantee performance and security specifications around.
NOTE: The first section is about learning kubernetes/openshift and understanding the upstream components of opsite are not valuable to downstream testing.
Once you understand the basics, skip to the next section, and focus on 'real QA' :).
The easiest way to get started is to use minikube, or minishift, to install the upstream perceptor components.
- First install minishift or minikube.
- git clone our installation tool, perceptor-protoform, and run a recipe in the install/ directory.
- If you have issues file them in github.
It should be as simple as cloning perceptor-protoform, installing minishift or minikube, and then running the scripts in the install/ directory from protofrom (either openshijft or kubernetes).
Create a red hat developer account
Download the latest openshift-cdk
Then enable OCP on it:
minishift config set vm-driver virtualbox ; minishift setup-cdk
Now, you can start
minishift start --ocp-tag=3.10.14
Clone the connector, and run
git checkout release-2.0.x
. -
minishift ssh, then
sudo su
... At which point you can 'oc login', into localhost. Use credentials 'admin'/'admin'. Then it should allow you (since your root) to do:
/var/lib/minishift/bin/oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin developer
Which effectively makes your developer account an administrative one.
- Run the installer:
./ --hub-host --hub-user sysadmin --hub-password blackduck --hub-port 443 --hub-max-concurrent-scans 2 -M -v 2.0.2-RC --pcp-namespace jasonia