Legality check of "China Citizen ID Card Number" and "China Unified Social Credit Code for Legal Persons and Other Organizations"
中文 | English
A go package for verify the ID card number and the unified social credit code of legal persons and other organizations.
Calculation rules refer to national standard documents:
GB 11643-1999: China citizen identification number
GB 32100-2015: The coding rule of the unified social credit identifier for legal entities and other organizations
Note: Due to the earlier implementation of the “Unified Social Credit Code for Legal Persons and Other Organizations” in some pilot areas of China, some code may not meet national standards, But they are all rightful code and should be handled separately. For example:
The calculated check digit is1
does not match厦门云上晴空航空科技有限公司:
The calculated check digit isR
does not match.厦门黑脉网络科技有限公司:
The calculated check digit isJ
and P dos not match.
go get
- Unified social credit code for legal persons and other organizations
import ""
var usci = USCI.New("91350100M000100Y43")
if usci.IsValid() {
} else {
- identification number
import ""
var id = IdNumber.New("11010519491231002X")
if id.IsValid() {
fmt.Printf("%s -> %s\n", id, "✅")
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s -> %s\n", id, "❌")
var birthday = id.GetBirthday()
if birthday != nil {
fmt.Printf("Birthday:%s-%s-%s\n", birthday.Year, birthday.Month, birthday.Day)
} else {
// invalid ID card number
var gender = id.GetGender()
if gender != -1 {
genderMap := map[Gender]string{
Female: "Female",
Male: "Male",
fmt.Printf("Gender:%s\n", genderMap[gender])
} else {
// invalid ID card number
// Generate a random ID number that conforms to the verification rules. Although it complies with the verification rules, it does not necessarily exist.
randomIDCard := IdNumber.Random()
fmt.Printf("random ID number:%s\n", randomIDCard)
ChrisDowney1996 validators