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jazz discography represented as a structured property graph

KuzuDB Implementation

Adding new releases

1. Import a release from musicbrainz

poetry run python3 ./import/ 065a2ee7-f9a2-4eb6-b8c0-722909072753 > ./cql/petrucciani-jazz-club-montmartre.cql

2. Import CQL into KuzuDB

cd kuzu
python3 ./utils/
sudo bash ./utils/

3. Synchronize local KuzuDB to remote

scp -r /absolute_path/kuzu_db [email protected]:/home/docker

4. Restart the KuzuDB explorer

docker restart <container_id_or_name>

Example cypher queries using the KuzuDB CLI

What are the songs and performers on "The Roy Haynes Trio" release?

kuzu> MATCH (r:Release {name: "The Roy Haynes Trio"})-[:HAS_TRACK]->(p:Performance) 
      MATCH (p)<-[part:PARTICIPATED_IN]-(person:Person) 
      RETURN AS track, collect( + "(" + part.instruments[1] + ")") AS performers;
│ track                 │ performers                                                   │
│ STRING                │ STRING[]                                                     │
│ Wail                  │ [John Patitucci(bass),Danilo Pérez(piano),Roy Haynes(drums)] │
│ Question and Answer   │ [John Patitucci(bass),Danilo Pérez(piano),Roy Haynes(drums)] │
│ Shulie a Bop          │ [John Patitucci(bass),Danilo Pérez(piano),Roy Haynes(drums)] │
│ Dear Old Stockholm    │ [John Patitucci(bass),Danilo Pérez(piano),Roy Haynes(drums)] │
│ It's Easy to Remember │ [John Patitucci(bass),Danilo Pérez(piano),Roy Haynes(drums)] │
│ Prelude to a Kiss     │ [John Patitucci(bass),Danilo Pérez(piano),Roy Haynes(drums)] │
│ Sippin' at Bells      │ [John Patitucci(bass),Danilo Pérez(piano),Roy Haynes(drums)] │
│ Bright Mississippi    │ [John Patitucci(bass),Danilo Pérez(piano),Roy Haynes(drums)] │
│ Folk Song             │ [John Patitucci(bass),Danilo Pérez(piano),Roy Haynes(drums)] │
│ Green Chimneys        │ [John Patitucci(bass),Danilo Pérez(piano),Roy Haynes(drums)] │
(10 tuples)
(2 columns)
Time: 1.15ms (compiling), 5.65ms (executing)

What songs did Roy Haynes perform on September 10, 1999 and where?

kuzu> MATCH (a:Person{ name: "Roy Haynes"})-[:PARTICIPATED_IN]->(p:Performance{begin_date: "1999-09-10"})-[:HAS_PLACE]->(plc:Place)
      RETURN DISTINCT, p.begin_date,;
│             │ p.begin_date │           │
│ STRING             │ STRING       │ STRING             │
│ Green Chimneys     │ 1999-09-10   │ Scullers Jazz Club │
│ Prelude to a Kiss  │ 1999-09-10   │ Scullers Jazz Club │
│ Sippin' at Bells   │ 1999-09-10   │ Scullers Jazz Club │
│ Bright Mississippi │ 1999-09-10   │ Scullers Jazz Club │
(4 tuples)
(3 columns)
Time: 1.49ms (compiling), 9.42ms (executing)

What bassists did Roy Haynes perform the most with?

kuzu> MATCH (p1:Person {name: "Roy Haynes"})-[:PARTICIPATED_IN]->(perf:Performance)<-[part:PARTICIPATED_IN]-(p2:Person) 
      WHERE "bass" IN part.instruments RETURN, COUNT(*) AS numberOfPerformances 
      ORDER BY numberOfPerformances DESC LIMIT 5;
│           │ numberOfPerformances │
│ STRING            │ INT64                │
│ Christian McBride │ 12                   │
│ Gary Peacock      │ 12                   │
│ John Patitucci    │ 10                   │
│ Paul Chambers     │ 10                   │
│ David Wong        │ 10                   │
(5 tuples)
(2 columns)
Time: 1.76ms (compiling), 4.56ms (executing)

What bassists did Roy Haynes perform the most with in 1960?

kuzu> MATCH (p1:Person {name: "Roy Haynes"})-[:PARTICIPATED_IN]->(perf:Performance)<-[part:PARTICIPATED_IN]-(p2:Person) 
      WHERE "bass" IN part.instruments AND perf.begin_date STARTS WITH "1960" RETURN, COUNT(*) AS numberOfPerformances 
      ORDER BY numberOfPerformances DESC LIMIT 5;
│         │ numberOfPerformances │
│ STRING          │ INT64                │
│ Eddie DeHaas    │ 7                    │
│ George Duvivier │ 6                    │
│ Paul Chambers   │ 4                    │
(3 tuples)
(2 columns)
Time: 1.79ms (compiling), 4.68ms (executing)

When did Roy Haynes record at Rudy Van Gelder's studio and how many performances?

kuzu> MATCH (person:Person {name: "Roy Haynes"})-[part:PARTICIPATED_IN]->(performance:Performance)-[hp:HAS_PLACE]->(place:Place {name: "Van Gelder Studio"}) 
      RETURN DISTINCT hp.begin_date as dates, as place, count(performance) as performances
      ORDER BY dates ASC;
│ dates      │ place             │ performances │
│ STRING     │ STRING            │ INT64        │
│ 1958-11-14 │ Van Gelder Studio │ 6            │
│ 1960-05-27 │ Van Gelder Studio │ 6            │
│ 1960-07-05 │ Van Gelder Studio │ 7            │
│ 1960-12-21 │ Van Gelder Studio │ 5            │
│ 1961-02-23 │ Van Gelder Studio │ 6            │
│ 1961-03-14 │ Van Gelder Studio │ 7            │
│ 1962-05-16 │ Van Gelder Studio │ 4            │
│ 1962-05-23 │ Van Gelder Studio │ 3            │
│ 1963-04-10 │ Van Gelder Studio │ 6            │
│ 1963-11-08 │ Van Gelder Studio │ 7            │
│ 1963-11-10 │ Van Gelder Studio │ 5            │
│ 1963-12-13 │ Van Gelder Studio │ 7            │
(12 tuples)
(3 columns)
Time: 1.94ms (compiling), 8.21ms (executing)

What Monk compositions has Roy Haynes performed?

kuzu> MATCH (person:Person {name: "Roy Haynes"})-[part:PARTICIPATED_IN]->(performance:Performance)-[:PERFORMANCE_OF]->(work:Work)<-[:COMPOSED]-(composer:Person {name: "Thelonious Monk"})
│            │
│ STRING               │
│ Rhythm-a-Ning        │
│ ’Round Midnight      │
│ Eronel               │
│ Think of One         │
│ Little Rootie Tootie │
│ Reflections          │
│ Hackensack           │
│ Ask Me Now           │
│ Green Chimneys       │
│ Nutty                │
│          ·           │
│          ·           │
│          ·           │
│ Epistrophy           │
│ Bemsha Swing         │
│ Trinkle Tinkle       │
│ Let’s Cool One       │
│ Off Minor            │
│ Blue Monk            │
│ Misterioso           │
│ Bright Mississippi   │
│ Light Blue           │
│ In Walked Bud        │
(21 tuples, 20 shown)
(1 column)
Time: 3.84ms (compiling), 3.42ms (executing)

What performances has Roy Haynes performed in with a trio?

kuzu> MATCH (p:Person)-[r:PARTICIPATED_IN]->(perf:Performance) 
      WHERE 'musician' IN r.roles 
      WITH perf, COLLECT( AS person_coll, COUNT(p) AS performerCount 
      WHERE performerCount = 3 AND "Roy Haynes" in person_coll
      RETURN, person_coll;
│                  │ person_coll                                  │
│ STRING                     │ STRING[]                                     │
│ Salt Peanuts               │ [Roy Haynes,Charles Mingus,Bud Powell]       │
│ Trio Improvisation, Part 3 │ [Chick Corea,Roy Haynes,Miroslav Vitouš]     │
│ Eronel                     │ [Chick Corea,Roy Haynes,Miroslav Vitouš]     │
│ Cold Bordeaux Blues        │ [Roy Haynes,Duke Jordan,Wilbur Little]       │
│ Flight to Japan            │ [Roy Haynes,Duke Jordan,Wilbur Little]       │
│ Cinco y quatro             │ [Jaki Byard,Ron Carter,Roy Haynes]           │
│ Sweet and Lovely           │ [Roy Haynes,Eddie DeHaas,Richard Wyands]     │
│ Bebop                      │ [Kenny Barron,Charlie Haden,Roy Haynes]      │
│ Never Too Far Away         │ [Roy Haynes,Dave Holland,Pat Metheny]        │
│ Sippin' at Bells           │ [Roy Haynes,Danilo Pérez,John Patitucci]     │
│             ·              │                      ·                       │
│             ·              │                      ·                       │
│             ·              │                      ·                       │
│ Spanish Moods              │ [Hampton Hawes,Roy Haynes,Cecil McBee]       │
│ To My Wife                 │ [Jaki Byard,Ron Carter,Roy Haynes]           │
│ Wanton Spirit              │ [Kenny Barron,Charlie Haden,Roy Haynes]      │
│ Love Letters               │ [Roy Haynes,Dave Holland,John Scofield]      │
│ Lover Come Back to Me      │ [Roy Haynes,Oscar Pettiford,Bud Powell]      │
│ Speak Low                  │ [Roy Haynes,Eddie DeHaas,Richard Wyands]     │
│ Processional               │ [George Cables,Roy Haynes,Kenneth Nash]      │
│ Think of One               │ [Chick Corea,Roy Haynes,Miroslav Vitouš]     │
│ Mr. KJ                     │ [Roy Haynes,Gary Peacock,Michel Petrucciani] │
│ I've Got You Under My Skin │ [Roy Haynes,Charles Mingus,Bud Powell]       │
(123 tuples, 20 shown)
(2 columns)
Time: 0.98ms (compiling), 17.62ms (executing)

What trios has Roy Haynes performed in and how often?

kuzu> MATCH (p:Person)-[r:PARTICIPATED_IN]->(perf:Performance) 
      WHERE 'musician' IN r.roles 
      WITH perf, COLLECT( AS person_coll, COUNT(p) AS performerCount 
      WHERE performerCount = 3 AND "Roy Haynes" in person_coll
      WITH count(perf) AS perf_count, person_coll as trio
      ORDER BY perf_count DESC LIMIT 100
      RETURN DISTINCT trio, perf_count;
│ trio                                         │ perf_count │
│ STRING[]                                     │ INT64      │
│ [Chick Corea,Roy Haynes,Miroslav Vitouš]     │ 20         │
│ [Roy Haynes,Gary Peacock,Michel Petrucciani] │ 12         │
│ [Roy Haynes,Duke Jordan,Wilbur Little]       │ 11         │
│ [Kenny Barron,Charlie Haden,Roy Haynes]      │ 10         │
│ [Roy Haynes,Danilo Pérez,John Patitucci]     │ 10         │
│ [Roy Haynes,Dave Holland,Pat Metheny]        │ 9          │
│ [Roy Haynes,Oscar Pettiford,Bud Powell]      │ 8          │
│ [Jaki Byard,Ron Carter,Roy Haynes]           │ 7          │
│ [Roy Haynes,Eddie DeHaas,Richard Wyands]     │ 7          │
│ [Roy Haynes,Charles Mingus,Bud Powell]       │ 6          │
│                      ·                       │     ·      │
│                      ·                       │     ·      │
│                      ·                       │     ·      │
│ [Hampton Hawes,Roy Haynes,Cecil McBee]       │ 4          │
│ [Roy Haynes,Fred Lacey,Rodney Richardson]    │ 3          │
│ [Roy Haynes,Dave Holland,John Scofield]      │ 2          │
│ [Roy Haynes,Tommy Potter,Bud Powell]         │ 2          │
│ [Kenny Barron,Roy Haynes,Christian McBride]  │ 1          │
│ [Richard Davis,Roy Haynes,Andrew Hill]       │ 1          │
│ [Roy Haynes,Chick Corea,Miroslav Vitouš]     │ 1          │
│ [Adrian Acia,Joe Benjamin,Roy Haynes]        │ 1          │
│ [Chick Corea,Roy Haynes,Christian McBride]   │ 1          │
│ [George Cables,Roy Haynes,Kenneth Nash]      │ 1          │
(21 tuples, 20 shown)
(2 columns)
Time: 1.20ms (compiling), 13.60ms (executing)

Shortest path queries

What is the single shortest path between Roy Haynes and Chick Corea?

kuzu> MATCH p = (a)-[part:PARTICIPATED_IN* SHORTEST 1..3 ]-(b)
      WHERE = 'Roy Haynes' AND = 'Chick Corea'
      RETURN length(part) AS length;
│ length │
│ INT64  │
│ 2      │
(1 tuple)
(1 column)
Time: 1.93ms (compiling), 4.72ms (executing)

How many shortest paths are there between Roy Haynes and Chick Corea?

kuzu> MATCH p = (a)-[part:PARTICIPATED_IN* ALL SHORTEST 1..3 ]-(b)
      WHERE = 'Roy Haynes' AND = 'Chick Corea'
      RETURN COUNT(*) AS num_shortest_path;
│ num_shortest_path │
│ INT64             │
│ 53                │
(1 tuple)
(1 column)
Time: 2.04ms (compiling), 5.46ms (executing)

What is the shortest path between Roy Haynes and Horace Silver where both participated as musicians?

MATCH p = ((a:Person {name: "Roy Haynes"})-[part:PARTICIPATED_IN* SHORTEST (r, _ | WHERE "musician" in r.roles)]-(b:Person {name: "Horace Silver"})) 

Alt text

What is the shortest path between Roy Haynes and Jason Moran regardless of the participation role?

MATCH p = ((a:Person {name: "Roy Haynes"})-[part:PARTICIPATED_IN* SHORTEST]-(b:Person {name: "Jason Moran"})) 

Alt text