- Unrecognized type letters will be treated as a primitive cell (fix #2).
- Breaking change in array support to make it compatible with existing solutions (fix #1). Example:
public OnGameModeInit()
new meaningOfLife[2];
meaningOfLife[0] = 42;
meaningOfLife[1] = 737;
// Arrays are always passed as a pair of two letters: aA or ai
// 'a' contains the actual array.
// 'A' or 'i' should contain the size of the array, as shown.
SetPreciseTimer("MeaningOfLife", 1000, false, "daA", playerid, meaningOfLife, sizeof(meaningOfLife));
// Callbacks receive the size of the array
forward MeaningOfLife(playerid,array[],array_size)
for(new i = 0; i < array_size; i++)
- Support for arrays.
Initial stable release. Supports basic AMX cells and strings.