Configuration for Zsh.
- Sensible defaults
- Fancy prompt
- Zoxide for navigation
A blank ~/.zshrc_local
which is not version controlled is installed which can be used for customization. It's sourced last and can override any setting. Also useful for pre-loading commonly used environments.
Someone working with Java applications and infrastructure on AWS might load the following tools by default as an example.
The module contains for option support for environments. These are not loaded by default and must be activated with activate_<name>
to use.
Activated with activate_aws
. Install the AWS CLI and command completions.
Activated with activate_gcloud
. Install the GCP CLI and command completions.
Activated with activate_go
. Installs and initializes Goenv for go version management.
Activated with activate_sdkman
. Installs and initializes Sdkman for java version management.
Activated with activate_k8s
. Install the Kubernetes CLI and command completions. Installs Krew together with some plugins.
Provides some aliases.
Support for working with markup files.
Activated with activate_markup
. Installs Gojq and Bat and sets up aliases.
Activated with activate_nodenv
. Installs and initializes nodeenv for node.js version management.
Activated with activate_podman
. Installs Podman and command completions.
Provides some aliases.
Activated with activate_pyenv
. Installs and initializes pyenv for Python version management.
Activated with activate_rbenv
. Installs and initializes rbenv for Ruby version management.
Activated with activate_rustup
. Installs and initializes cargo
Activated with activate_tfenv
. Installs and initializes tfenv for Terraform version management.