- Reverted back after having issues with docker and packaged tools instead of building from source.
- Updated to include link to Docker container and updated Ubuntu / WSL to Ubuntu 22.04, which simplifies and speeds up the configuration significantly
- Updated to install libusb-dev, which is required for the Teensy CLI to work on Ubuntu
- Updated to install g++10 and set as default compiler (needed for c++20)
- Updated README for Linux
- Added some information on getting WSL to work on the Window's drives
- Had some issues building the mat_converter, due to a CMake version mis-match, so went back to building CMake and Protobuf from source
- Updated build tools to simplify
- Fixed bug with nanopb install location
- Updated to use WSL or Linux instead of VirtualBox, was having a lot of reliability issues with Vagrant and VirtualBox.
- Speed up using binary packages, where able, instead of building from source.
- Install a common set of build tools in /usr/local/bfs instead of having each repo carry their own copy. Should significantly ease maintenance and addition of new microcontrollers.
- Added the "create" option to the Vagrantfile synced folder to fix an issue where the user would need to create this file first
- Initial baseline