Android doesn't know the string names, only the numeric id. To map from string to the id, reflection can be used.
Map<String,Integer> stringIds = new Map<String, Integer>();
FieldInfo[] fields = Resource.String.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) {
if (!field.IsInitOnly && field.IsLiteral) {
stringIdsMap.add (field, field.GetValue(null));
Alternatively the android getValue method can be used (which relies on Android's get identifier).
public void getValue (String name, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolveRefs), android.util.TypedValue, boolean)
todo: better approach code generation based on resource file
Catalog.GetText -> manually specifying a string is error prone. generates run time errors. better approach is to have compile time check that the resource is valid.
custom twine formatter is used to generate a static constant class.
public partial class String {
public const string app_name = "value";
this works on both ios & android. the native resources are still generated for appium.