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Note: requires bosh-cli version v2.0.36+ to vendor-package and create-release.

To vendor golang package into your release, run:

$ git clone
$ cd ~/workspace/your-release
$ bosh vendor-package golang-1.24-linux ~/workspace/bosh-package-golang-release

Included packages:

  • golang-1-{linux,darwin,windows}: updated with latest version of go 1.x
  • golang-1.23-{linux,darwin,windows}: updated with latest version of go 1.23.x
  • golang-1.24-{linux,darwin,windows}: updated with latest version of go 1.24.x

To use golang-* package for compilation in your packaging script:

#!/bin/bash -eu
source /var/vcap/packages/golang-1.24-linux/bosh/compile.env
go build ...

or on Windows:

. C:\var\vcap\packages\golang-1.24-windows\bosh\compile.ps1
go build ...

[advanced use] To use golang-* package at runtime in your job scripts:

#!/bin/bash -eu
source /var/vcap/packages/golang-1.24-linux/bosh/runtime.env
go run ...

or on Windows:

. C:\var\vcap\packages\golang-1.24-windows\bosh\runtime.ps1
go run ...


To run tests cd tests/ && BOSH_ENVIRONMENT=vbox ./

Adding a new golang line

To add a new line, edit the variable in the top of dev/add-line Execute the script, commit changes, and update the pipeline.

The blobs necessary for the new version line will automatically be added via CI. The build-docker-image job will fail until the blobs are added by the bump job.


You will need to set the following variables, for example:

export STEMCELL_PATH="/path/to/windows/"
export STEMCELL_VERSION="<version>"
export OS="windows2019"
export JOB_NAME="test-windows"
export VM_EXTENSIONS="[50GB_ephemeral_disk]"

Shared Concourse tasks

This repository provides a couple helpful Concourse tasks in ci/tasks/shared that can help keep the Golang package vendored in your BOSH release up to date, and bump dependencies.


The bump-golang-package task runs bosh vendor-package to automatically update the version of Golang vendored into your own BOSH release.

  • GIT_USER_NAME: Required. The email that will be used to generate commits.
  • GIT_USER_EMAIL: Required. The user name that will be used to generate commits.
  • PACKAGES: Required. Specifies Golang packages will be vendored into your own BOSH release, e.g. the golang-1-linux package.
  • PACKAGES_TO_REMOVE: Optional. A list of packages to remove from the release. This can be useful if one is bumping from golang-1.x-linux to golang-1.y-linux and 1.y is intended to replace 1.x/
  • PRIVATE_YML: Required. The contents of config/private.yml for your own BOSH release. Necessary to run bosh vendor-package.
  • RELEASE_DIR: Required. The directory where your release has been cloned on disk.


The bump-deps task will update to go version specified in go.mod and then run go get -u ./..., and if a tools package is present go get -u ./tools in the $SOURCE_PATH directory specified.

  • GIT_USER_NAME: Required. The email that will be used to generate commits.
  • GIT_USER_EMAIL: Required. The user name that will be used to generate commits.
  • GO_PACKAGE: Required. The location of the vendored Golang package to be used when running go commands.
  • SOURCE_PATH: Required. The location of the Golang source you wish to update. Must contain a go.mod file.