Device pins allow enterprises to control what devices can use native Box applications. To learn more about device pinning, please see the Device Pinning documentation.
Get all device pins records for an enterprise by calling
DevicePinManager.GetEnterpriseDevicePinsAsync(string enterpriseId, string marker = null, int limit = 100, BoxSortDirection direction = BoxSortDirection.ASC, bool autoPaginate = false)
BoxCollectionMarkerBased<BoxDevicePin> pins = await client.DevicePinManager
.GetEnterpriseDevicePinsAsync(enterpriseId: "12345");
To get information about a specific device pin, call DevicePinManager.GetDevicePin(string id)
with the ID of the device pin object.
BoxDevicePin pin = await client.DevicePinManager.GetDevicePin(id: "11111");
To remove a specific device pin, call DevicePinManager.DeleteDevicePin(string id)
with the ID of the device
pin to delete.
await client.DevicePinManager.DeleteDevicePin(id: "11111");