Under normal circumstances, when an item in Box is deleted, it is not actually erased immediately. Instead, it is moved to the Trash. The Trash allows you to recover files and folders that have been deleted. By default, items in the Trash will be purged after 30 days.
- Get Trashed Items
- Get a Trashed File
- Get a Trashed Folder
- Purge a File from the Trash
- Purge a Folder from the Trash
- Restore a File From Trash
- Restore a Folder from Trash
To retrieve files and folders that have been moved to the Trash, call
FoldersManager.GetTrashItemsAsync(int limit, int offset = 0, IEnumerable<string> fields = null, bool autoPaginate=false)
BoxCollection<BoxItem> trashedItems = await client.FoldersManager.GetTrashItemsAsync(limit: 100);
Information about a file in the trash can be retrieved by calling the
FilesManager.GetTrashedAsync(string id, IEnumerable<string> fields = null)
method with the ID of the file in the trash.
BoxFile trashedFile = await client.FilesManager.GetTrashedAsync("11111");
Information about a folder in the trash can be retrieved by calling the
FoldersManager.GetTrashedFolderAsync(string id, IEnumerable<string> fields = null)
method with the ID of the folder in the trash.
BoxFolder trashedFolder = await client.FoldersManager.GetTrashedFolderAsync("22222");
Calling the FilesManager.PurgeTrashedAsync(string id)
method will remove the file permanently from the user's trash.
await client.FilesManager.PurgeTrashedAsync("11111");
Calling the FoldersManager.PurgeTrashedFolderAsync(string id)
method will remove the folder permanently from
the user's trash.
await client.FoldersManager.PurgeTrashedFolderAsync("22222");
Calling FilesManager.RestoreTrashedAsync(BoxFileRequest fileRequest, IEnumerable<string> fields = null)
will restore an item from the user's trash. Default behavior is to restore the item
to the folder it was in before it was moved to the trash. Options are available
to handle possible failure cases: if an item with the same name already exists in
folder's old location, the restored folder can be given an alternate name with
the Name
option. If the folder's old location no longer exists, it can be
placed inside a new parent folder with the Parent.Id
var requestParams = new BoxFileRequest()
Name = "Name in case of conflict",
Parent = new BoxRequestEntity()
// File will be placed in this folder if original location no longer exists
Id = "12345"
BoxFile restoredFile = await client.FilesManager.RestoreTrashedAsync(requestParams);
A folder can be restored from the trash with the
FoldersManager.RestoreTrashedFolderAsync(BoxFolderRequest folderRequest, IEnumerable<string> fields = null)
method. Default behavior is to restore the item to the folder it was in before
it was moved to the trash. Options are available to handle possible failure
cases: if an item with the same name already exists in folder's old location, the
restored folder can be given an alternate name with the Name
option. If the
folder's old location no longer exists, it can be placed inside a new parent
folder with the Parent.Id
var requestParams = new BoxFolderRequest()
Name = "Name in case of conflict",
Parent = new BoxRequestEntity()
// Folder will be placed in this parent folder if original location no longer exists
Id = "12345"
BoxFolder restoredFolder = await client.FoldersManager.RestoreTrashedFolderAsync(requestParams);