Manage folders
box folders:collaborations ID
box folders:collaborations:add ID
box folders:collaborations:delete ID
box folders:collaborations:list ID
box folders:collaborations:update ID
box folders:copy ID PARENTID
box folders:create PARENTID NAME
box folders:delete ID
box folders:download ID
box folders:get ID
box folders:items ID
box folders:list-items ID
box folders:locks ID
box folders:locks:create ID
box folders:locks:delete ID
box folders:locks:list ID
box folders:metadata ID
box folders:metadata:add ID
box folders:metadata:create ID
box folders:metadata:delete ID
box folders:metadata:get ID
box folders:metadata:get-all ID
box folders:metadata:remove ID
box folders:metadata:set ID
box folders:metadata:update ID
box folders:move ID PARENTID
box folders:rename ID NAME
box folders:share ID
box folders:shared-links:create ID
box folders:shared-links:delete ID
box folders:shared-links:update ID
box folders:unshare ID
box folders:update ID
box folders:upload PATH
List all collaborations on a folder
$ box folders:collaborations ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q]
ID ID of the folder to get the collaborations on
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
List all collaborations on a folder
$ box folders:collaborations:list
$ box folders:collaborations 22222
See code: src/commands/folders/collaborations/index.js
Create a collaboration for a folder
$ box folders:collaborations:add ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [-r
editor|viewer|previewer|uploader|previewer_uploader|viewer_uploader|co-owner | | | | | | | ] [--user-id
<value> | --group-id <value> | --login <value>] [--can-view-path] [--id-only] [--notify]
ID ID of the folder to add a collaboration to
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-r, --role=<option> An option to manually enter the role
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--[no-]can-view-path Whether view path collaboration feature is enabled or not
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--group-id=<value> Id for group to collaborate
--id-only Return only an ID to output from this command
--json Output formatted JSON
--login=<value> Login for user to collaborate
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--[no-]notify All users will receive email notification of the collaboration
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--user-id=<value> Id for user to collaborate
Create a collaboration for a folder
$ box folders:collaborations:add 22222 --role editor --user-id 33333
See code: src/commands/folders/collaborations/add.js
Remove a collaboration
$ box folders:collaborations:delete ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q]
ID The ID of the collaboration to delete
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Remove a collaboration
$ box files:collaborations:delete
$ box folders:collaborations:delete
$ box collaborations:delete 12345
List all collaborations on a folder
$ box folders:collaborations:list ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q]
ID ID of the folder to get the collaborations on
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
List all collaborations on a folder
$ box folders:collaborations:list
$ box folders:collaborations 22222
Update a collaboration
$ box folders:collaborations:update ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [-r
editor|viewer|previewer|uploader|previewer_uploader|viewer_uploader|co-owner|owner | | | | | | | | ]
[--status accepted|pending|rejected] [--can-view-path] [--expires-at <value>]
ID The ID of the collaboration to update
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-r, --role=<option> An option to manually enter the role
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--[no-]can-view-path Whether view path collaboration feature is enabled or not
--csv Output formatted CSV
--expires-at=<value> When the collaboration should expire
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--status=<option> Update the collaboration status
<options: accepted|pending|rejected>
Update a collaboration
$ box files:collaborations:update
$ box folders:collaborations:update
$ box collaborations:update 12345 --role viewer
Copy a folder to a different folder
$ box folders:copy ID PARENTID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s |
--save-to-file-path <value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--name <value>]
ID ID of the folder to copy
PARENTID ID of the new parent folder to copy the folder into
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--id-only Return only an ID to output from this command
--json Output formatted JSON
--name=<value> An optional new name for the folder
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Copy a folder to a different folder
$ box folders:copy 22222 44444
See code: src/commands/folders/copy.js
Create a new folder
$ box folders:create PARENTID NAME [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s |
--save-to-file-path <value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--description
<value>] [--id-only]
PARENTID ID of parent folder to add new folder to, use '0' for the root folder
NAME Name of new folder
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--description=<value> A description for folder <DESCRIPTION>
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--id-only Return only an ID to output from this command
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Create a new folder
$ box folders:create 22222 "New Subfolder"
See code: src/commands/folders/create.js
Delete a folder
$ box folders:delete ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--etag <value>] [-r] [-f]
ID ID of the folder to delete
-f, --force Permanently delete the folder, bypassing the trash
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-r, --recursive Delete the folder, even if it still has items in it
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--etag=<value> Only delete if etag value matches
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Delete a folder
$ box folders:delete 22222
See code: src/commands/folders/delete.js
Download a folder
$ box folders:download ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--destination <value>] [--zip] [--depth
<value>] [--create-path] [--overwrite]
ID ID of the folder to download
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--[no-]create-path Recursively creates a path to a directory if it does not exist
--csv Output formatted CSV
--depth=<value> Number of levels deep to recurse when downloading the folder tree
--destination=<value> The destination folder to download the Box folder into
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--[no-]overwrite [default: true] Overwrite the folder if it already exists.
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--zip Download the folder into a single .zip archive
Download a folder
$ box folders:download 22222
See code: src/commands/folders/download.js
Get information about a folder
$ box folders:get ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q]
ID ID of folder to get; use 0 for the root folder
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Get information about a folder
$ box folders:get 22222
See code: src/commands/folders/get.js
List items in a folder
$ box folders:items ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--max-items <value>] [--direction
ASC|DESC] [--sort id|name|date]
ID ID of the folder to get the items in, use 0 for the root folder
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--direction=<option> The direction to order returned items
<options: ASC|DESC>
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--max-items=<value> A value that indicates the maximum number of results to return. This only specifies a
maximum boundary and will not guarantee the minimum number of results returned. When
the max-items (x) is greater than 1000, then the maximum ceil(x/1000) requests will
be made.
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--sort=<option> The parameter to sort returned items
<options: id|name|date>
List items in a folder
$ box folders:list-items
$ box folders:items 22222
See code: src/commands/folders/items.js
List items in a folder
$ box folders:list-items ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--max-items <value>] [--direction
ASC|DESC] [--sort id|name|date]
ID ID of the folder to get the items in, use 0 for the root folder
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--direction=<option> The direction to order returned items
<options: ASC|DESC>
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--max-items=<value> A value that indicates the maximum number of results to return. This only specifies a
maximum boundary and will not guarantee the minimum number of results returned. When
the max-items (x) is greater than 1000, then the maximum ceil(x/1000) requests will
be made.
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--sort=<option> The parameter to sort returned items
<options: id|name|date>
List items in a folder
$ box folders:list-items
$ box folders:items 22222
List all locks on a folder
$ box folders:locks ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q]
ID ID of the folder to get the locks on
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
List all locks on a folder
$ box folders:locks:list
$ box folders:locks 22222
See code: src/commands/folders/locks/index.js
Create a lock on a folder
$ box folders:locks:create ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q]
ID ID of the folder to create a lock on
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Create a lock on a folder
$ box folders:locks:create 22222
See code: src/commands/folders/locks/create.js
Delete a lock on a folder
$ box folders:locks:delete ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q]
ID ID of the folder lock to delete
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Delete a lock on a folder
$ box folders:locks:delete 22222
See code: src/commands/folders/locks/delete.js
List all locks on a folder
$ box folders:locks:list ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q]
ID ID of the folder to get the locks on
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
List all locks on a folder
$ box folders:locks:list
$ box folders:locks 22222
Get all metadata on a folder
$ box folders:metadata ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q]
ID ID of the folder to get all metadata on
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Get all metadata on a folder
$ box folders:metadata:get-all
$ box folders:metadata 22222
See code: src/commands/folders/metadata/index.js
Add metadata to a folder
$ box folders:metadata:add ID --data <value>... --template-key <value> [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color]
[--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path <value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y]
[-q] [--scope <value>]
ID ID of the folder to add metadata to
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--data=<value>... (required) Metadata key and value, in the form "key=value". Note: For float type,
use "#" at the beginning of digits: key2=#1234.50
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--scope=<value> [default: enterprise] The scope of the metadata template to use
--template-key=<value> (required) The key of the metadata template to use
Add metadata to a folder
$ box folders:metadata:create
$ box folders:metadata:add 22222 --template-key employeeRecord --data "name=John Doe" --data department=Sales
$ box folders:metadata:add 22222 --template-key myTemplate --data "multiselectkey1=[option1A,option1B]" --data "multiselectkey2=[option2A]"
See code: src/commands/folders/metadata/add.js
Add metadata to a folder
$ box folders:metadata:create ID --data <value>... --template-key <value> [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color]
[--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path <value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y]
[-q] [--scope <value>]
ID ID of the folder to add metadata to
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--data=<value>... (required) Metadata key and value, in the form "key=value". Note: For float type,
use "#" at the beginning of digits: key2=#1234.50
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--scope=<value> [default: enterprise] The scope of the metadata template to use
--template-key=<value> (required) The key of the metadata template to use
Add metadata to a folder
$ box folders:metadata:create
$ box folders:metadata:add 22222 --template-key employeeRecord --data "name=John Doe" --data department=Sales
$ box folders:metadata:add 22222 --template-key myTemplate --data "multiselectkey1=[option1A,option1B]" --data "multiselectkey2=[option2A]"
Delete metadata from a folder
$ box folders:metadata:delete ID --template-key <value> [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s
| --save-to-file-path <value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--scope <value>]
ID ID of the folder to remove metadata from
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--scope=<value> [default: enterprise] The scope of the metadata template to remove
--template-key=<value> (required) The key of the metadata template to remove
Delete metadata from a folder
$ box folders:metadata:delete
$ box folders:metadata:remove 22222 --scope global --template-key properties
Get information about a metadata object
$ box folders:metadata:get ID --template-key <value> [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s
| --save-to-file-path <value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--scope <value>]
ID ID of the folder to get metadata on
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--scope=<value> [default: enterprise] The scope of the metadata template to retrieve
--template-key=<value> (required) The key of the metadata template to retrieve
Get information about a metadata object
$ box folders:metadata:get 22222 --template-key employeeRecord
See code: src/commands/folders/metadata/get.js
Get all metadata on a folder
$ box folders:metadata:get-all ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q]
ID ID of the folder to get all metadata on
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Get all metadata on a folder
$ box folders:metadata:get-all
$ box folders:metadata 22222
Delete metadata from a folder
$ box folders:metadata:remove ID --template-key <value> [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s
| --save-to-file-path <value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--scope <value>]
ID ID of the folder to remove metadata from
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--scope=<value> [default: enterprise] The scope of the metadata template to remove
--template-key=<value> (required) The key of the metadata template to remove
Delete metadata from a folder
$ box folders:metadata:delete
$ box folders:metadata:remove 22222 --scope global --template-key properties
See code: src/commands/folders/metadata/remove.js
Set metadata on a folder
$ box folders:metadata:set ID --data <value>... --template-key <value> [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color]
[--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path <value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y]
[-q] [--scope <value>]
ID ID of the folder to add metadata to
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--data=<value>... (required) Metadata key and value, in the form "key=value". Note: For float type,
use "#" at the beginning of digits: key2=#1234.50
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--scope=<value> [default: enterprise] The scope of the metadata template to use
--template-key=<value> (required) The key of the metadata template to use
Set metadata on a folder
$ box folders:metadata:set 22222 --template-key employeeRecord --data "name=John Doe" --data department=Sales
$ box folders:metadata:set 22222 --template-key myTemplate --data "multiselectkey1=[option1A,option1B]" --data "multiselectkey2=[option2A]"
See code: src/commands/folders/metadata/set.js
Update the metadata attached to a folder
$ box folders:metadata:update ID --template-key <value> [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s
| --save-to-file-path <value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--scope <value>]
[-a <value>...] [-c <value>...] [-m <value>...] [--remove <value>...] [--replace <value>...] [-t <value>...]
ID ID of the folder to update metadata on
-a, --add=<value>... Add a key to the metadata document; must be in the form key=value
-c, --copy=<value>... Copy a metadata value to another key; must be in the form sourceKey>destinationKey
-h, --help Show CLI help
-m, --move=<value>... Move a metadata value from one key to another; must be in the form
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --test=<value>... Test that a metadata key contains a specific value; must be in the form key=value
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--remove=<value>... Remove a key from the metadata document
--replace=<value>... Replace the value of an existing metadata key; must be in the form key=value
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--scope=<value> [default: enterprise] The scope of the metadata template to update against
--template-key=<value> (required) The key of the metadata template to update against
Update the metadata attached to a folder
$ box folders:metadata:update 22222 --template-key employeeRecord --replace department=Finance
See code: src/commands/folders/metadata/update.js
Move a folder to a different folder
$ box folders:move ID PARENTID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s |
--save-to-file-path <value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--etag <value>]
ID ID of folder to copy
PARENTID ID of the new parent folder to move the folder into
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--etag=<value> Only move if etag value matches
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Move a folder to a different folder
$ box folders:move 22222 44444
See code: src/commands/folders/move.js
Rename a folder
$ box folders:rename ID NAME [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s |
--save-to-file-path <value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--description
<value>] [--etag <value>]
ID ID of the folder to rename
NAME New name for the folder
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--description=<value> Change the folder description
--etag=<value> Only rename if etag value matches
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Rename a folder
$ box folders:rename 22222 "New Folder Name"
See code: src/commands/folders/rename.js
Create a shared link for a folder
$ box folders:share ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--access <value>] [--password <value>]
[--unshared-at <value>] [--can-download] [--vanity-name <value>]
ID ID of the folder to share
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--access=<value> Shared link access level
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--[no-]can-download Whether the shared link allows downloads
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--password=<value> Shared link password
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--unshared-at=<value> Time that this link will become disabled. Use s for seconds, m for minutes, h for
hours, d for days, w for weeks, M for months. For example, 30 seconds is 30s from
--vanity-name=<value> Defines a custom vanity name to use in the shared link URL. It should be between 12
and 30 characters. This field can contains only letters, numbers and hyphens.
Create a shared link for a folder
$ box folders:shared-links:create
$ box folders:shared-links:update
$ box folders:share 22222 --access company --vanity-name my-custom-name-123
See code: src/commands/folders/share.js
Create a shared link for a folder
$ box folders:shared-links:create ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--access <value>] [--password <value>]
[--unshared-at <value>] [--can-download] [--vanity-name <value>]
ID ID of the folder to share
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--access=<value> Shared link access level
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--[no-]can-download Whether the shared link allows downloads
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--password=<value> Shared link password
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--unshared-at=<value> Time that this link will become disabled. Use s for seconds, m for minutes, h for
hours, d for days, w for weeks, M for months. For example, 30 seconds is 30s from
--vanity-name=<value> Defines a custom vanity name to use in the shared link URL. It should be between 12
and 30 characters. This field can contains only letters, numbers and hyphens.
Create a shared link for a folder
$ box folders:shared-links:create
$ box folders:shared-links:update
$ box folders:share 22222 --access company --vanity-name my-custom-name-123
Delete a shared link for a folder
$ box folders:shared-links:delete ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q]
ID ID of the folder to unshare
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Delete a shared link for a folder
$ box folders:shared-links:delete
$ box folders:unshare 22222
Create a shared link for a folder
$ box folders:shared-links:update ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--access <value>] [--password <value>]
[--unshared-at <value>] [--can-download] [--vanity-name <value>]
ID ID of the folder to share
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--access=<value> Shared link access level
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--[no-]can-download Whether the shared link allows downloads
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--password=<value> Shared link password
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--unshared-at=<value> Time that this link will become disabled. Use s for seconds, m for minutes, h for
hours, d for days, w for weeks, M for months. For example, 30 seconds is 30s from
--vanity-name=<value> Defines a custom vanity name to use in the shared link URL. It should be between 12
and 30 characters. This field can contains only letters, numbers and hyphens.
Create a shared link for a folder
$ box folders:shared-links:create
$ box folders:shared-links:update
$ box folders:share 22222 --access company --vanity-name my-custom-name-123
Delete a shared link for a folder
$ box folders:unshare ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q]
ID ID of the folder to unshare
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Delete a shared link for a folder
$ box folders:shared-links:delete
$ box folders:unshare 22222
See code: src/commands/folders/unshare.js
Update a folder
$ box folders:update ID [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--name <value>]
[--can-non-owners-invite] [--can-non-owners-view-collaborators] [--description <value>] [--upload-email-access
open|collaborators] [--tags <value>] [--sync] [--restrict-collaboration] [--restrict-to-enterprise] [--etag <value>]
ID ID of the folder to update
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--[no-]can-non-owners-invite Specifies if users who are not the owner of the folder can invite new
collaborators to the folder.
--[no-]can-non-owners-view-collaborators Restricts collaborators who are not the owner of this folder from
viewing other collaborations on this folder.
--csv Output formatted CSV
--description=<value> New description for folder
--etag=<value> Only apply updates if the etag value matches
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--name=<value> New name for folder
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--[no-]restrict-collaboration Restrict collaboration so only owners can invite new collaborators
--[no-]restrict-to-enterprise Restrict collaboration so only users in the folder owner's enterprise
can be added
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
--[no-]sync Whether the folder is synced to desktop
--tags=<value> Comma seperated tags
--upload-email-access=<option> Upload email access level
<options: open|collaborators>
Update a folder
$ box folders:update 22222 --name "New Folder Name"
See code: src/commands/folders/update.js
Upload a folder
$ box folders:upload PATH [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s | --save-to-file-path
<value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--folder-name <value>] [--id-only] [-p
PATH Local path to the folder to upload
-h, --help Show CLI help
-p, --parent-folder=<value> [default: 0] Folder to upload this folder into; defaults to the root folder
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--folder-name=<value> Name to use for folder if not using local folder name
--id-only Return only an ID to output from this command
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Upload a folder
$ box folders:upload /path/to/folder
See code: src/commands/folders/upload.js