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Maintaining the Terraform AWS Provider

Community Maintainers

Members of the community who participate in any aspects of maintaining the provider must adhere to the HashiCorp Community Guidelines.


Incoming issues are classified using labels. These are assigned either by automation, or manually during the triage process. We follow a two-label system where we classify by type and by the area of the provider they affect. A full listing of the labels and how they are used can be found in the Label Dictionary.

Pull Requests

Pull Request Review Process

Throughout the review process our first priority is to interact with contributors with kindness, empathy and in accordance with the Guidelines and Principles of Hashicorp.

Our contributors are often working within the provider as a hobby, or not in their main line of work so we need to give adequate time for response. By default this is a week, but it is worth considering taking on the work to complete the PR ourselves if the administrative effort of waiting for a response is greater than just resolving the issues ourselves (Don't wait the week, or add a context shift for yourself and the contributor to fix a typo). As long as we use their commits, contributions will be recorded by Github and as always ensure to thank the contributor for their work. Roadmap items are another area where we would consider taking on the work ourselves more quickly in order to meet the commitments made to our users.

Notes for each type of pull request are (or will be) available in subsections below.

  • If you plan to be responsible for the pull request through the merge/closure process, assign it to yourself
  • Add bug, enhancement, new-data-source, new-resource, or technical-debt labels to match expectations from change
  • Perform a quick scan of open issues and ensure they are referenced in the pull request description (e.g., Closes #1234, Relates #5678). Edit the description yourself and mention this to the author:
This pull request appears to be related to/solve #1234, so I have edited the pull request description to denote the issue reference.
  • Review the contents of the pull request and ensure the change follows the relevant section of the Contributing Guide
  • If the change is not acceptable, leave a long form comment about the reasoning and close the pull request
  • If the change is acceptable with modifications, leave a pull request review marked using the Request Changes option (for maintainer pull requests with minor modification requests, giving feedback with the Approve option is recommended so they do not need to wait for another round of review)
  • If the author is unresponsive for changes (by default we give two weeks), determine importance and level of effort to finish the pull request yourself including their commits or close the pull request
  • Run relevant acceptance testing (locally or in TeamCity) against AWS Commercial and AWS GovCloud (US) to ensure no new failures are being introduced
  • Approve the pull request with a comment outlining what steps you took that ensure the change is acceptable, e.g., acceptance testing output
Looks good, thanks @username! :rocket:

Output from acceptance testing in AWS Commercial:

--- PASS: TestAcc...
--- PASS: TestAcc...

Output from acceptance testing in AWS GovCloud (US):

--- PASS: TestAcc...
--- PASS: TestAcc...

Dependency Updates

Go Default Version Update

This project typically upgrades its Go version for development and testing shortly after release to get the latest and greatest Go functionality. Before beginning the update process, ensure that you review the new version release notes to look for any areas of possible friction when updating.

Create an issue to cover the update noting down any areas of particular interest or friction.

Ensure that the following steps are tracked within the issue and completed within the resulting pull request.

  • Update go version in go.mod
  • Verify make test lint works as expected
  • Verify goreleaser build --snapshot succeeds for all currently supported architectures
  • Verify goenv support for the new version
  • Update
  • Update .go-version
  • Update detailing the update and mention any notes practitioners need to be aware of.

See #9992 / #10206 for a recent example.

AWS Go SDK Updates

Almost exclusively, updates are additive in nature. It is generally safe to only scan through them before approving and merging. If you have any concerns about any of the service client updates such as suspicious code removals in the update, or deprecations introduced, run the acceptance testing for potentially affected resources before merging.

Authentication changes:

Occasionally, there will be changes listed in the authentication pieces of the AWS Go SDK codebase, e.g., changes to aws/session. The AWS Go SDK CHANGELOG should include a relevant description of these changes under a heading such as SDK Enhancements or SDK Bug Fixes. If they seem worthy of a callout in the Terraform AWS Provider CHANGELOG, then upon merging we should include a similar message prefixed with the provider subsystem, e.g., * provider: ....

Additionally, if a CHANGELOG addition seemed appropriate, this dependency and version should also be updated in the Terraform S3 Backend, which currently lives in Terraform Core. An example of this can be found with hashicorp#9305 and hashicorp/terraform#22055.

CloudFront changes:

CloudFront service client updates have previously caused an issue when a new field introduced in the SDK was not included with Terraform and caused all requests to error (hashicorp#4091). As a precaution, if you see CloudFront updates, run all the CloudFront resource acceptance testing before merging (TestAccCloudFront).

New Regions:

These are added to the AWS Go SDK aws/endpoints/defaults.go file and generally noted in the AWS Go SDK CHANGELOG as aws/endpoints: Updated Regions. Since April 2019, new regions added to AWS now require being explicitly enabled before they can be used. Examples of this can be found when me-south-1 was announced:

Typically our process for new regions is as follows:

  • Create new (if not existing) Terraform AWS Provider issue: Support Automatic Region Validation for XX-XXXXX-# (Location)
  • Create new (if not existing) Terraform S3 Backend issue: backend/s3: Support Automatic Region Validation for XX-XXXXX-# (Location)
  • Enable the new region in an AWS testing account and verify AWS Go SDK update works with the new region with export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=XX-XXXXX-# with the new region and run the TestAccDataSourceAwsRegion_ acceptance testing or by building the provider and testing a configuration like the following:
provider "aws" {
  region = "me-south-1"

data "aws_region" "current" {}

output "region" {
  value =
  • Merge AWS Go SDK update in Terraform AWS Provider and close issue with the following information:
Support for automatic validation of this new region has been merged and will release with version <x.y.z> of the Terraform AWS Provider, later this week.


Please note that this new region requires [a manual process to enable]( Once enabled in the console, it takes a few minutes for everything to work properly.

If the region is not enabled properly, or the enablement process is still in progress, you can receive errors like these:

$ terraform apply

Error: error validating provider credentials: error calling sts:GetCallerIdentity: InvalidClientTokenId: The security token included in the request is invalid.
    status code: 403, request id: 142f947b-b2c3-11e9-9959-c11ab17bcc63

  on line 1, in provider "aws":
   1: provider "aws" {


To use this new region before support has been added to Terraform AWS Provider version in use, you must disable the provider's automatic region validation via:

provider "aws" {
  # ... potentially other configuration ...

  region                 = "me-south-1"
  skip_region_validation = true
  • Update the Terraform AWS Provider CHANGELOG with the following:

* provider: Region validation now automatically supports the new `XX-XXXXX-#` (Location) region. For AWS operations to work in the new region, the region must be explicitly enabled as outlined in the [AWS Documentation]( When the region is not enabled, the Terraform AWS Provider will return errors during credential validation (e.g., `error validating provider credentials: error calling sts:GetCallerIdentity: InvalidClientTokenId: The security token included in the request is invalid`) or AWS operations will throw their own errors (e.g., `data.aws_availability_zones.available: Error fetching Availability Zones: AuthFailure: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials`). [GH-####]


* provider: Support automatic region validation for `XX-XXXXX-#` [GH-####]
  • Follow the Contributing Guide to submit updates for various data sources to support the new region
  • Submit the dependency update to the Terraform S3 Backend by running the following:
go get
go mod tidy
  • Create a S3 Bucket in the new region and verify AWS Go SDK update works with new region by building the Terraform S3 Backend and testing a configuration like the following:
terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket = "XXX"
    key    = "test"
    region = "me-south-1"

output "test" {
  value = timestamp()
  • After approval, merge AWS Go SDK update in Terraform S3 Backend and close issue with the following information:
Support for automatic validation of this new region has been merged and will release with the next version of the Terraform.

This was verified on a build of Terraform with the update:

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket = "XXX"
    key    = "test"
    region = "me-south-1"

output "test" {
  value = timestamp()


$ terraform init
Terraform has been successfully initialized!


Please note that this new region requires [a manual process to enable]( Once enabled in the console, it takes a few minutes for everything to work properly.

If the region is not enabled properly, or the enablement process is still in progress, you can receive errors like these:

$ terraform init

Initializing the backend...

Error: error validating provider credentials: error calling sts:GetCallerIdentity: InvalidClientTokenId: The security token included in the request is invalid.


To use this new region before this update is released, you must disable the Terraform S3 Backend's automatic region validation via:

terraform {
  # ... potentially other configuration ...

  backend "s3" {
    # ... other configuration ...

    region                 = "me-south-1"
    skip_region_validation = true
  • Update the Terraform S3 Backend CHANGELOG with the following:

* backend/s3: Region validation now automatically supports the new `XX-XXXXX-#` (Location) region. For AWS operations to work in the new region, the region must be explicitly enabled as outlined in the [AWS Documentation]( When the region is not enabled, the Terraform S3 Backend will return errors during credential validation (e.g., `error validating provider credentials: error calling sts:GetCallerIdentity: InvalidClientTokenId: The security token included in the request is invalid`). [GH-####]


* backend/s3: Support automatic region validation for `XX-XXXXX-#` [GH-####]
golangci-lint Updates

Merge if CI passes.

Terraform Plugin SDK Updates

Except for trivial changes, run the full acceptance testing suite against the pull request and verify there are no new or unexpected failures.

tfproviderdocs Updates

Merge if CI passes.

tfproviderlint Updates

Merge if CI passes.

yaml.v2 Updates

Run the acceptance testing pattern, TestAccCloudFormationStack(_dataSource)?_yaml, and merge if passing.

Pull Request Merge Process

  • Add this pull request to the upcoming release milestone
  • Add any linked issues that will be closed by the pull request to the same upcoming release milestone
  • Merge the pull request
  • Delete the branch (if the branch is on this repository)
  • Determine if the pull request should have a CHANGELOG entry by reviewing the Pull Request Types to CHANGELOG section, and follow the CHANGELOG specification here
  • Leave a comment on any issues closed by the pull request noting that it has been merged and when to expect the release containing it, e.g.
The fix for this has been merged and will release with version X.Y.Z of the Terraform AWS Provider, expected in the XXX timeframe.

Breaking Changes

When breaking changes to the provider are necessary we release them in a major version. If an issue or PR necessitates a breaking change, then the following procedure should be observed:

  • Add the breaking-change label.
  • Add the issue/PR to the next major version milestone.
  • Leave a comment why this is a breaking change or otherwise only being considered for a major version update. If possible, detail any changes that might be made for the contributor to accomplish the task without a breaking change.

Branch Dictionary

The following branch conventions are used:

Branch Example Description
main main Main, unreleased code branch.
release/* release/2.x Backport branches for previous major releases.

Additional branch naming recommendations can be found in the Pull Request Submission and Lifecycle documentation.

Environment Variable Dictionary

Environment variables (beyond standard AWS Go SDK ones) used by acceptance testing. See also the internal/acctest package.

Variable Description
ACM_CERTIFICATE_ROOT_DOMAIN Root domain name to use with ACM Certificate testing.
ACM_CERTIFICATE_MULTIPLE_ISSUED_DOMAIN Domain name of ACM Certificate with a multiple issued certificates. DEPRECATED: Should be replaced with aws_acm_certficate resource usage in tests.
ACM_CERTIFICATE_MULTIPLE_ISSUED_MOST_RECENT_ARN Amazon Resource Name of most recent ACM Certificate with a multiple issued certificates. DEPRECATED: Should be replaced with aws_acm_certficate resource usage in tests.
ACM_CERTIFICATE_SINGLE_ISSUED_DOMAIN Domain name of ACM Certificate with a single issued certificate. DEPRECATED: Should be replaced with aws_acm_certficate resource usage in tests.
ACM_CERTIFICATE_SINGLE_ISSUED_MOST_RECENT_ARN Amazon Resource Name of most recent ACM Certificate with a single issued certificate. DEPRECATED: Should be replaced with aws_acm_certficate resource usage in tests.
ADM_CLIENT_ID Identifier for Amazon Device Manager Client in Pinpoint testing.
AMPLIFY_DOMAIN_NAME Domain name to use for Amplify domain association testing.
AMPLIFY_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN GitHub access token used for AWS Amplify testing.
AMPLIFY_GITHUB_REPOSITORY GitHub repository used for AWS Amplify testing.
ADM_CLIENT_SECRET Secret for Amazon Device Manager Client in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_BUNDLE_ID Identifier for Apple Push Notification Service Bundle in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_CERTIFICATE Certificate (PEM format) for Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY Private key for Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_SANDBOX_BUNDLE_ID Identifier for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service Bundle in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_SANDBOX_CERTIFICATE Certificate (PEM format) for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_SANDBOX_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY Private key for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_SANDBOX_CREDENTIAL Credential contents for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in SNS Application Platform testing. Conflicts with APNS_SANDBOX_CREDENTIAL_PATH.
APNS_SANDBOX_CREDENTIAL_PATH Path to credential for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in SNS Application Platform testing. Conflicts with APNS_SANDBOX_CREDENTIAL.
APNS_SANDBOX_PRINCIPAL Principal contents for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in SNS Application Platform testing. Conflicts with APNS_SANDBOX_PRINCIPAL_PATH.
APNS_SANDBOX_PRINCIPAL_PATH Path to principal for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in SNS Application Platform testing. Conflicts with APNS_SANDBOX_PRINCIPAL.
APNS_SANDBOX_TEAM_ID Identifier for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service Team in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_SANDBOX_TOKEN_KEY Token key file content (.p8 format) for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_SANDBOX_TOKEN_KEY_ID Identifier for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service Token Key in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_TEAM_ID Identifier for Apple Push Notification Service Team in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_TOKEN_KEY Token key file content (.p8 format) for Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_TOKEN_KEY_ID Identifier for Apple Push Notification Service Token Key in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_VOIP_BUNDLE_ID Identifier for VOIP Apple Push Notification Service Bundle in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_VOIP_CERTIFICATE Certificate (PEM format) for VOIP Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_VOIP_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY Private key for VOIP Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_VOIP_TEAM_ID Identifier for VOIP Apple Push Notification Service Team in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_VOIP_TOKEN_KEY Token key file content (.p8 format) for VOIP Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_VOIP_TOKEN_KEY_ID Identifier for VOIP Apple Push Notification Service Token Key in Pinpoint testing.
APPRUNNER_CUSTOM_DOMAIN A custom domain endpoint (root domain, subdomain, or wildcard) for AppRunner Custom Domain Association testing.
AWS_ALTERNATE_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS access key ID with access to a secondary AWS account for tests requiring multiple accounts. Requires AWS_ALTERNATE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Conflicts with AWS_ALTERNATE_PROFILE.
AWS_ALTERNATE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS secret access key with access to a secondary AWS account for tests requiring multiple accounts. Requires AWS_ALTERNATE_ACCESS_KEY_ID. Conflicts with AWS_ALTERNATE_PROFILE.
AWS_ALTERNATE_PROFILE AWS profile with access to a secondary AWS account for tests requiring multiple accounts. Conflicts with AWS_ALTERNATE_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_ALTERNATE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
AWS_ALTERNATE_REGION Secondary AWS region for tests requiring multiple regions. Defaults to us-east-1.
AWS_API_GATEWAY_DOMAIN_NAME_CERTIFICATE_BODY Certificate body of publicly trusted certificate for API Gateway Domain Name testing.
AWS_API_GATEWAY_DOMAIN_NAME_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN Certificate chain of publicly trusted certificate for API Gateway Domain Name testing.
AWS_API_GATEWAY_DOMAIN_NAME_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY Private key of publicly trusted certificate for API Gateway Domain Name testing.
AWS_API_GATEWAY_DOMAIN_NAME_REGIONAL_CERTIFICATE_NAME_ENABLED Flag to enable API Gateway Domain Name regional certificate upload testing.
AWS_CODEBUILD_BITBUCKET_SOURCE_LOCATION BitBucket source URL for CodeBuild testing. CodeBuild must have access to this repository via OAuth or Source Credentials. Defaults to https://[email protected]/terraform/aws-test.git.
AWS_CODEBUILD_GITHUB_SOURCE_LOCATION GitHub source URL for CodeBuild testing. CodeBuild must have access to this repository via OAuth or Source Credentials. Defaults to
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION Primary AWS region for tests. Defaults to us-west-2.
AWS_DETECTIVE_MEMBER_EMAIL Email address for Detective Member testing. A valid email address associated with an AWS root account is required for tests to pass.
AWS_EC2_CLASSIC_REGION AWS region for EC2-Classic testing. Defaults to us-east-1 in AWS Commercial and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION otherwise.
AWS_EC2_CLIENT_VPN_LIMIT Concurrency limit for Client VPN acceptance tests. Default is 5 if not specified.
AWS_EC2_EIP_PUBLIC_IPV4_POOL Identifier for EC2 Public IPv4 Pool for EC2 EIP testing.
AWS_GUARDDUTY_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier of AWS Account for GuardDuty Member testing. DEPRECATED: Should be replaced with standard alternate account handling for tests.
AWS_GUARDDUTY_MEMBER_EMAIL Email address for GuardDuty Member testing. DEPRECATED: It may be possible to use a placeholder email address instead.
AWS_LAMBDA_IMAGE_LATEST_ID ECR repository image URI (tagged as latest) for Lambda container image acceptance tests.
AWS_LAMBDA_IMAGE_V1_ID ECR repository image URI (tagged as v1) for Lambda container image acceptance tests.
AWS_LAMBDA_IMAGE_V2_ID ECR repository image URI (tagged as v2) for Lambda container image acceptance tests.
DX_CONNECTION_ID Identifier for Direct Connect Connection testing.
DX_VIRTUAL_INTERFACE_ID Identifier for Direct Connect Virtual Interface testing.
EC2_SECURITY_GROUP_RULES_PER_GROUP_LIMIT EC2 Quota for Rules per Security Group. Defaults to 50. DEPRECATED: Can be augmented or replaced with Service Quotas lookup.
EVENT_BRIDGE_PARTNER_EVENT_BUS_NAME Amazon EventBridge partner event bus name.
EVENT_BRIDGE_PARTNER_EVENT_SOURCE_NAME Amazon EventBridge partner event source name.
GCM_API_KEY API Key for Google Cloud Messaging in Pinpoint and SNS Platform Application testing.
GITHUB_TOKEN GitHub token for CodePipeline testing.
GRAFANA_SSO_GROUP_ID AWS SSO group ID for Grafana testing.
GRAFANA_SSO_USER_ID AWS SSO user ID for Grafana testing.
MACIE_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier of AWS Account for Macie Member testing. DEPRECATED: Should be replaced with standard alternate account handling for tests.
QUICKSIGHT_NAMESPACE QuickSight namespace name for testing.
ROUTE53DOMAINS_DOMAIN_NAME Registered domain for Route 53 Domains testing.
SAGEMAKER_IMAGE_VERSION_BASE_IMAGE SageMaker base image to use for tests.
SERVICEQUOTAS_INCREASE_ON_CREATE_QUOTA_CODE Quota Code for Service Quotas testing (submits support case).
SERVICEQUOTAS_INCREASE_ON_CREATE_SERVICE_CODE Service Code for Service Quotas testing (submits support case).
SERVICEQUOTAS_INCREASE_ON_CREATE_VALUE Value of quota increase for Service Quotas testing (submits support case).
SES_DOMAIN_IDENTITY_ROOT_DOMAIN Root domain name of publicly accessible and Route 53 configurable domain for SES Domain Identity testing.
SWF_DOMAIN_TESTING_ENABLED Enables SWF Domain testing (API does not support deletions).
TEST_AWS_ORGANIZATION_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_DOMAIN Email address for Organizations Account testing.
TEST_AWS_SES_VERIFIED_EMAIL_ARN Verified SES Email Identity for use in Cognito User Pool testing.
TF_ACC Enables Go tests containing resource.Test() and resource.ParallelTest().
TF_ACC_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN Amazon Resource Name of existing IAM Role to use for limited permissions acceptance testing.
TF_TEST_CLOUDFRONT_RETAIN Flag to disable but dangle CloudFront Distributions during testing to reduce feedback time (must be manually destroyed afterwards)

Label Dictionary

Label Description Automation
breaking-change                                    Introduces a breaking change in current functionality; breaking changes are usually deferred to the next major release. None
bug Addresses a defect in current functionality. None
crash Results from or addresses a Terraform crash or kernel panic. None
dependencies Used to indicate dependency changes. Added by Hashibot.
documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. None
enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. None
examples Introduces or discusses updates to examples. None
good first issue Call to action for new contributors looking for a place to start. Smaller or straightforward issues. None
hacktoberfest Call to action for Hacktoberfest (OSS Initiative). None
hashibot ignore Issues or PRs labelled with this are ignored by Hashibot. None
help wanted Call to action for contributors. Indicates an area of the codebase we’d like to expand/work on but don’t have the bandwidth inside the team. None
needs-triage Waiting for first response or review from a maintainer. Added to all new issues or PRs by GitHub action in .github/workflows/issues.yml or PRs by Hashibot in .hashibot.hcl unless they were submitted by a maintainer.
new-data-source Introduces a new data source. None
new-resource Introduces a new resrouce. None
proposal Proposes new design or functionality. None
provider Pertains to the provider itself, rather than any interaction with AWS. Added by Hashibot when the code change is in an area configured in .hashibot.hcl
question Includes a question about existing functionality; most questions will be re-routed to None
regression Pertains to a degraded workflow resulting from an upstream patch or internal enhancement; usually categorized as a bug. None
reinvent Pertains to a service or feature announced at reinvent. None
service <*> Indicates the service that is covered or introduced (i.e. service/s3) Added by Hashibot when the code change matches a service definition in .hashibot.hcl.
size%2F<*> Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR Added by Hashibot to indicate the size of the PR.
stale Old or inactive issues managed by automation, if no further action taken these will get closed. Added by a Github Action, configuration is found: .github/workflows/stale.yml.
technical-debt Addresses areas of the codebase that need refactoring or redesign. None
tests On a PR this indicates expanded test coverage. On an Issue this proposes expanded coverage or enhancement to test infrastructure. None
thinking Requires additional research by the maintainers. None
upstream-terraform Addresses functionality related to the Terraform core binary. None
upstream Addresses functionality related to the cloud provider. None
waiting-response Maintainers are waiting on response from community or contributor. None

Release Process

  • Create a milestone for the next release after this release (generally, the next milestone will be a minor version increase unless previously decided for a major or patch version)
  • Check the existing release milestone for open items and either work through them or move them to the next milestone
  • Run the HashiCorp (non-OSS) TeamCity release job either via:
    • Slack command: /tcrelease aws #.#.# (no v prefix)
    • Web interface: With the DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_VERSION matching the expected release milestone and DEPLOYMENT_NEXT_VERSION matching the next release milestone
  • Wait for the TeamCity release job to complete either by watching the build logs or Slack notifications
  • Close the release milestone
  • Create a new GitHub release with the release title exactly matching the tag and milestone (e.g., v2.22.0) and copy the entries from the CHANGELOG to the release notes.