- built-ins.cs
- initialize.cs
- session.cs
- blsh.cs
Look for blsh.ini (
), if it does not exist create one spcific to OS- if does exist continue to next step
Initialize program
Initialize newInit = new Initialize()
- Create environment variables, most importantly
. These are the home path and binaries paths respecitvely
- Create environment variables, most importantly
Set arbitrary env variables such as color
Create the session object
Session newSession = new Session (newInit.GetPath(), newInit.GetBinaries());
pulling from initialize class -
Set current Directory
begin loop that awaits user input
after input, split command from arguments
- add command to history
pass session object, command, and argument into Promulgate method
Promulgate(newSession, command, args);
Promulgate method
- if command = exit, exit program
- check if command exists in built-ins dictionary
else if (BuiltIns.builtins.ContainsKey(command))
- if not in built-ins, attempt to run as a system process
process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(bin + external, args );
- pass exception to shell if there is one, currently does not pass exception message because it is checking an array of binary paths and will send several exceptions because file only exists in one.
built-ins uses a delegate so command can call a method using a dictionary or KVP instead of branching.
- Create delegate
- Create dictionary linking methods to possible input
runBuiltIns(Session thisSession, string com, string args)
is called from the Promugate method in blsh.cs- run method assocated with input
- return to blsh.cs