Hardware needed: none
replays data collected with dashcam or openpilot.
Unlogger with remote data:
# Log in via browser
python lib/auth.py
# Start unlogger
python replay/unlogger.py <route-name>
#python replay/unlogger.py '3533c53bb29502d1|2019-12-10--01-13-27'
# In another terminal you can run a debug visualizer:
python replay/ui.py # Define the environmental variable HORIZONTAL is the ui layout is too tall
Unlogger with local data downloaded from device or https://connect.comma.ai:
python replay/unlogger.py <route-name> <path-to-data-directory>
#python replay/unlogger.py '99c94dc769b5d96e|2018-11-14--13-31-42' /home/batman/unlogger_data
#Within /home/batman/unlogger_data:
# 99c94dc769b5d96e|2018-11-14--13-31-42--0--fcamera.hevc
# 99c94dc769b5d96e|2018-11-14--13-31-42--0--rlog.bz2
# ...
LogReader with remote data
from tools.lib.logreader import LogReader
from tools.lib.route import Route
route = Route('3533c53bb29502d1|2019-12-10--01-13-27')
log_paths = route.log_paths()
events_seg0 = list(LogReader(log_paths[0]))
print(len(events_seg0), 'events logged in first segment')
Hardware needed: 2 x panda, debug board, EON.
It is possible to replay CAN messages as they were recorded and forward them to a EON. Connect 2 pandas to the debug board. A panda connects to the PC, the other panda connects to the EON.
# With MOCK=1 boardd will read logged can messages from a replay and send them to the panda.
MOCK=1 selfdrive/boardd/tests/boardd_old.py
# In another terminal:
python replay/unlogger.py <route-name> <path-to-data-directory>