diff --git a/bin/Makefile b/bin/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecdf68c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#$Id: Makefile $
+.SUFFIXES: .f90 .o
+# Compilers
+# Laptop:
+FC = gfortran
+FFLAGS = -fstack-check -g -O2
+LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -llapack
+#LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -llapack -lrefblas
+MAIN1 = beta_and_derivatives.o
+OBJS1 = secant.o quadpack_double.o
+MODS1 = module.o
+EXEC1 = beta_and_derivatives
+MAIN2 = schmidt_decomposition.o
+OBJS2 = diasym.o SVD.o inverse_matrice.o
+EXEC2 = schmidt_decomposition
+##################### End of Configurable Options ###############
+all: beta_and_derivatives schmidt_decomposition
+beta_and_derivatives: ${MODS1} ${OBJS1} ${MAIN1} Makefile
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} -o ${EXEC1} ${MAIN1} ${OBJS1} ${MODS1} ${LIBS}
+schmidt_decomposition: ${OBJS2} ${MAIN2} Makefile
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} -o ${EXEC2} ${MAIN2} ${OBJS2} ${LIBS}
+.f90.o: ${MODS1} Makefile
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} -c $<
diff --git a/bin/SVD.f90 b/bin/SVD.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2318f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/SVD.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ DOUBLE PRECISION:: A(M,N),U(M,M),VT(N,N),S(N),V(N,N),S_matrix(M,M)
+! Program computes the matrix singular value decomposition.
+! Using Lapack library.
+! Programmed by sukhbinder Singh
+! 14th January 2011
+ JOBU='A'
+ ALLOCATE(work(lwork))
+ V(I,J)=VT(J,I)
+ S_matrix=0
+ DO I=1,LDU
+ S_matrix(I,I)=S(I)
diff --git a/bin/beta_and_derivatives.f90 b/bin/beta_and_derivatives.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2d67b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/beta_and_derivatives.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+! along with this program. If not, see .
+program beta_and_derivatives
+ !
+ ! ==== Global Data ====
+ !
+ USE beta_module
+ !
+ ! ==== Local Data ====
+ !
+real(dp) :: a
+real(dp) :: b
+real(dp) :: U,t
+real(dp) :: x,beta,dbetadt,dbetadU
+real(dp),parameter :: tol=1.0e-9_dp
+integer,parameter :: maxiter=300
+integer :: iter
+integer :: ier
+read(*,*) U,t
+a = 1.0_dp
+b = 2.0_dp
+call secant(f,a,b,x,tol,maxiter,iter,ier)
+beta = x
+a = 1.0_dp
+b = 2.0_dp
+call secant(f,a,b,x,tol,maxiter,iter,ier)
+open (97, file='beta_dbetadU.dat',access='sequential')
+ write(97,15) beta,dbetadU
+ 15 format(f15.10,f15.10,f15.10)
+end program
diff --git a/bin/diasym.f90 b/bin/diasym.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08f9ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/diasym.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+!Calls the LAPACK diagonalization subroutine DSYEV !
+!input: a(n,n) = real symmetric matrix to be diagonalized!
+! n = size of a !
+!output: a(n,n) = orthonormal eigenvectors of a !
+! eig(n) = eigenvalues of a in ascending order !
+ subroutine diasym(a,eig,n)
+ implicit none
+ integer n,l,inf
+ real*8 a(n,n),eig(n),work(n*(3+n/2))
+ l=n*(3+n/2)
+ call dsyev('V','U',n,a,n,eig,work,l,inf)
+ end subroutine diasym
diff --git a/bin/inverse_matrice.f90 b/bin/inverse_matrice.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01b4e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/inverse_matrice.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+subroutine inverse(a,c,n)
+! Inverse matrix
+! Method: Based on Doolittle LU factorization for Ax=b
+! Alex G. December 2009
+! input ...
+! a(n,n) - array of coefficients for matrix A
+! n - dimension
+! output ...
+! c(n,n) - inverse matrix of A
+! comments ...
+! the original matrix a(n,n) will be destroyed
+! during the calculation
+implicit none
+integer n
+double precision a(n,n), c(n,n)
+double precision L(n,n), U(n,n), b(n), d(n), x(n)
+double precision coeff
+integer i, j, k
+! step 0: initialization for matrices L and U and b
+! Fortran 90/95 aloows such operations on matrices
+! step 1: forward elimination
+do k=1, n-1
+ do i=k+1,n
+ coeff=a(i,k)/a(k,k)
+ L(i,k) = coeff
+ do j=k+1,n
+ a(i,j) = a(i,j)-coeff*a(k,j)
+ end do
+ end do
+end do
+! Step 2: prepare L and U matrices
+! L matrix is a matrix of the elimination coefficient
+! + the diagonal elements are 1.0
+do i=1,n
+ L(i,i) = 1.0
+end do
+! U matrix is the upper triangular part of A
+do j=1,n
+ do i=1,j
+ U(i,j) = a(i,j)
+ end do
+end do
+! Step 3: compute columns of the inverse matrix C
+do k=1,n
+ b(k)=1.0
+ d(1) = b(1)
+! Step 3a: Solve Ld=b using the forward substitution
+ do i=2,n
+ d(i)=b(i)
+ do j=1,i-1
+ d(i) = d(i) - L(i,j)*d(j)
+ end do
+ end do
+! Step 3b: Solve Ux=d using the back substitution
+ x(n)=d(n)/U(n,n)
+ do i = n-1,1,-1
+ x(i) = d(i)
+ do j=n,i+1,-1
+ x(i)=x(i)-U(i,j)*x(j)
+ end do
+ x(i) = x(i)/u(i,i)
+ end do
+! Step 3c: fill the solutions x(n) into column k of C
+ do i=1,n
+ c(i,k) = x(i)
+ end do
+ b(k)=0.0
+end do
+end subroutine inverse
diff --git a/bin/module.f90 b/bin/module.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c2bb9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/module.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+module beta_module
+integer,parameter :: dp=kind(1.d0)
+real, parameter :: Pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
+real(dp) :: t_tmp,U_tmp
+function integrand(x) result(res)
+real(dp),intent(in) :: x
+real(dp) :: res
+real(dp) :: num,den
+num = bessel_j0(x)*bessel_j1(x)
+den = x*(1.0_dp + exp(x*U_tmp/2.0_dp/t_tmp))
+res = num/den
+end function
+function f(x) result(res)
+real(dp),intent(in) :: x
+real(dp) :: res
+real(dp) :: a,b
+integer,parameter :: limit=1000
+integer,parameter :: lenw=limit*4
+real(dp) :: abserr
+real(dp),parameter :: epsabs=0.0_dp
+real(dp),parameter :: epsrel=0.00001_dp
+integer :: ier
+integer :: iwork(limit)
+integer,parameter :: inf=1
+integer :: last
+integer :: neval
+real(dp) :: work(lenw)
+! double, quadrature de Gauss pour integrer de 0 a inf. (inf = 1
+! equivaut a infini
+call dqagi(integrand,0.0_dp,inf,epsabs,epsrel,a,abserr,neval, &
+ ier,limit,lenw,last,iwork,work)
+b = -sin(Pi/x)*2.0_dp*t_tmp*x/Pi
+res = b + 4.0_dp*t_tmp*a
+end function
+end module beta_module
diff --git a/bin/quadpack_double.f90 b/bin/quadpack_double.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1312342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/quadpack_double.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,8848 @@
+subroutine dgtsl ( n, c, d, e, b, info )
+!! DGTSL solves a general tridiagonal linear system.
+! Licensing:
+! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
+! Modified:
+! 17 May 2005
+! Author:
+! FORTRAN90 version by John Burkardt.
+! Reference:
+! Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart,
+! LINPACK User's Guide,
+! SIAM, 1979,
+! ISBN13: 978-0-898711-72-1,
+! LC: QA214.L56.
+! Parameters:
+! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the order of the tridiagonal matrix.
+! Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) C(N), contains the subdiagonal of the
+! tridiagonal matrix in entries C(2:N). On output, C is destroyed.
+! Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) D(N). On input, the diagonal of the
+! matrix. On output, D is destroyed.
+! Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) E(N), contains the superdiagonal of the
+! tridiagonal matrix in entries E(1:N-1). On output E is destroyed.
+! Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) B(N). On input, the right hand side.
+! On output, the solution.
+! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) INFO, error flag.
+! 0, normal value.
+! K, the K-th element of the diagonal becomes exactly zero. The
+! routine returns if this error condition is detected.
+ implicit none
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) n
+ real ( kind = 8 ) b(n)
+ real ( kind = 8 ) c(n)
+ real ( kind = 8 ) d(n)
+ real ( kind = 8 ) e(n)
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) info
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) k
+ real ( kind = 8 ) t
+ info = 0
+ c(1) = d(1)
+ if ( 2 <= n ) then
+ d(1) = e(1)
+ e(1) = 0.0D+00
+ e(n) = 0.0D+00
+ do k = 1, n - 1
+! Find the larger of the two rows.
+ if ( abs ( c(k) ) <= abs ( c(k+1) ) ) then
+! Interchange rows.
+ t = c(k+1)
+ c(k+1) = c(k)
+ c(k) = t
+ t = d(k+1)
+ d(k+1) = d(k)
+ d(k) = t
+ t = e(k+1)
+ e(k+1) = e(k)
+ e(k) = t
+ t = b(k+1)
+ b(k+1) = b(k)
+ b(k) = t
+ end if
+! Zero elements.
+ if ( c(k) == 0.0D+00 ) then
+ info = k
+ return
+ end if
+ t = -c(k+1) / c(k)
+ c(k+1) = d(k+1) + t * d(k)
+ d(k+1) = e(k+1) + t * e(k)
+ e(k+1) = 0.0D+00
+ b(k+1) = b(k+1) + t * b(k)
+ end do
+ end if
+ if ( c(n) == 0.0D+00 ) then
+ info = n
+ return
+ end if
+! Back solve.
+ b(n) = b(n) / c(n)
+ if ( 1 < n ) then
+ b(n-1) = ( b(n-1) - d(n-1) * b(n) ) / c(n-1)
+ do k = n-2, 1, -1
+ b(k) = ( b(k) - d(k) * b(k+1) - e(k) * b(k+2) ) / c(k)
+ end do
+ end if
+ return
+subroutine dqage ( f, a, b, epsabs, epsrel, key, limit, result, abserr, &
+ neval, ier, alist, blist, rlist, elist, iord, last )
+!! DQAGE estimates a definite integral.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b),
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-reslt).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! key - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! key for choice of local integration rule
+! a gauss-kronrod pair is used with
+! 7 - 15 points if key.lt.2,
+! 10 - 21 points if key = 2,
+! 15 - 31 points if key = 3,
+! 20 - 41 points if key = 4,
+! 25 - 51 points if key = 5,
+! 30 - 61 points if key.gt.5.
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! gives an upperbound on the number of subintervals
+! in the partition of (a,b), limit.ge.1.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine
+! the estimates for result and error are
+! less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more
+! subdivisions by increasing the value
+! of limit.
+! however, if this yields no improvement it
+! is rather advised to analyze the integrand
+! in order to determine the integration
+! difficulties. if the position of a local
+! difficulty can be determined(e.g.
+! singularity, discontinuity within the
+! interval) one will probably gain from
+! splitting up the interval at this point
+! and calling the integrator on the
+! subranges. if possible, an appropriate
+! special-purpose integrator should be used
+! which is designed for handling the type of
+! difficulty involved.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
+! detected, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
+! at some points of the integration
+! interval.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! result, abserr, neval, last, rlist(1) ,
+! elist(1) and iord(1) are set to zero.
+! alist(1) and blist(1) are set to a and b
+! respectively.
+! alist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the left
+! end points of the subintervals in the partition
+! of the given integration range (a,b)
+! blist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the right
+! end points of the subintervals in the partition
+! of the given integration range (a,b)
+! rlist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the
+! integral approximations on the subintervals
+! elist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the moduli of the
+! absolute error estimates on the subintervals
+! iord - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
+! elements of which are pointers to the
+! error estimates over the subintervals,
+! such that elist(iord(1)), ...,
+! elist(iord(k)) form a decreasing sequence,
+! with k = last if last.le.(limit/2+2), and
+! k = limit+1-last otherwise
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of subintervals actually produced in the
+! subdivision process
+! Local Parameters:
+! alist - list of left end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! blist - list of right end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! rlist(i) - approximation to the integral over
+! (alist(i),blist(i))
+! elist(i) - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
+! maxerr - pointer to the interval with largest
+! error estimate
+! errmax - elist(maxerr)
+! area - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
+! errsum - sum of the errors over the subintervals
+! errbnd - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
+! abs(result))
+! *****1 - variable for the left subinterval
+! *****2 - variable for the right subinterval
+! last - index for subdivision
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abserr,alist,area,area1,area12,area2,a1,a2,b, &
+ blist,b1,b2,defabs,defab1,defab2,elist,epmach, &
+ epsabs,epsrel,errbnd,errmax,error1,error2,erro12,errsum,f, &
+ resabs,result,rlist,uflow
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier,iord,iroff1,iroff2,k,key,keyf,last,limit, &
+ maxerr, nrmax, neval
+ dimension alist(limit),blist(limit),elist(limit),iord(limit), &
+ rlist(limit)
+ external f
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+! test on validity of parameters
+ ier = 0
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ alist(1) = a
+ blist(1) = b
+ rlist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ elist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ iord(1) = 0
+ if(epsabs.le.0.0D+00.and. &
+ epsrel.lt. max ( 0.5D+02*epmach,0.5d-28)) then
+ ier = 6
+ return
+ end if
+! first approximation to the integral
+ keyf = key
+ if(key.le.0) keyf = 1
+ if(key.ge.7) keyf = 6
+ neval = 0
+ if(keyf.eq.1) call dqk15(f,a,b,result,abserr,defabs,resabs)
+ if(keyf.eq.2) call dqk21(f,a,b,result,abserr,defabs,resabs)
+ if(keyf.eq.3) call dqk31(f,a,b,result,abserr,defabs,resabs)
+ if(keyf.eq.4) call dqk41(f,a,b,result,abserr,defabs,resabs)
+ if(keyf.eq.5) call dqk51(f,a,b,result,abserr,defabs,resabs)
+ if(keyf.eq.6) call dqk61(f,a,b,result,abserr,defabs,resabs)
+ last = 1
+ rlist(1) = result
+ elist(1) = abserr
+ iord(1) = 1
+! test on accuracy.
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs, epsrel* abs ( result ) )
+ if(abserr.le.0.5D+02* epmach * defabs .and. &
+ abserr.gt.errbnd) then
+ ier = 2
+ end if
+ if(limit.eq.1) then
+ ier = 1
+ end if
+ if ( ier .ne. 0 .or. &
+ (abserr .le. errbnd .and. abserr .ne. resabs ) .or. &
+ abserr .eq. 0.0D+00 ) then
+ if(keyf.ne.1) then
+ neval = (10*keyf+1)*(2*neval+1)
+ else
+ neval = 30*neval+15
+ end if
+ return
+ end if
+! initialization
+ errmax = abserr
+ maxerr = 1
+ area = result
+ errsum = abserr
+ nrmax = 1
+ iroff1 = 0
+ iroff2 = 0
+! main do-loop
+ do last = 2, limit
+! bisect the subinterval with the largest error estimate.
+ a1 = alist(maxerr)
+ b1 = 0.5D+00*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
+ a2 = b1
+ b2 = blist(maxerr)
+ if(keyf.eq.1) call dqk15(f,a1,b1,area1,error1,resabs,defab1)
+ if(keyf.eq.2) call dqk21(f,a1,b1,area1,error1,resabs,defab1)
+ if(keyf.eq.3) call dqk31(f,a1,b1,area1,error1,resabs,defab1)
+ if(keyf.eq.4) call dqk41(f,a1,b1,area1,error1,resabs,defab1)
+ if(keyf.eq.5) call dqk51(f,a1,b1,area1,error1,resabs,defab1)
+ if(keyf.eq.6) call dqk61(f,a1,b1,area1,error1,resabs,defab1)
+ if(keyf.eq.1) call dqk15(f,a2,b2,area2,error2,resabs,defab2)
+ if(keyf.eq.2) call dqk21(f,a2,b2,area2,error2,resabs,defab2)
+ if(keyf.eq.3) call dqk31(f,a2,b2,area2,error2,resabs,defab2)
+ if(keyf.eq.4) call dqk41(f,a2,b2,area2,error2,resabs,defab2)
+ if(keyf.eq.5) call dqk51(f,a2,b2,area2,error2,resabs,defab2)
+ if(keyf.eq.6) call dqk61(f,a2,b2,area2,error2,resabs,defab2)
+! improve previous approximations to integral
+! and error and test for accuracy.
+ neval = neval+1
+ area12 = area1+area2
+ erro12 = error1+error2
+ errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
+ area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
+ if ( defab1 .ne. error1 .and. defab2 .ne. error2 ) then
+ if( abs ( rlist(maxerr)-area12).le.0.1D-04* abs ( area12) &
+ .and. erro12.ge.0.99D+00*errmax) then
+ iroff1 = iroff1+1
+ end if
+ if(last.gt.10.and.erro12.gt.errmax) then
+ iroff2 = iroff2+1
+ end if
+ end if
+ rlist(maxerr) = area1
+ rlist(last) = area2
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( area))
+ if ( errbnd .lt. errsum ) then
+! test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag.
+ if(iroff1.ge.6.or.iroff2.ge.20) then
+ ier = 2
+ end if
+! set error flag in the case that the number of subintervals
+! equals limit.
+ if(last.eq.limit) then
+ ier = 1
+ end if
+! set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
+! at a point of the integration range.
+ if( max ( abs ( a1), abs ( b2)).le.(0.1D+01+0.1D+03* &
+ epmach)*( abs ( a2)+0.1D+04*uflow)) then
+ ier = 3
+ end if
+ end if
+! append the newly-created intervals to the list.
+ if(error2.le.error1) then
+ alist(last) = a2
+ blist(maxerr) = b1
+ blist(last) = b2
+ elist(maxerr) = error1
+ elist(last) = error2
+ else
+ alist(maxerr) = a2
+ alist(last) = a1
+ blist(last) = b1
+ rlist(maxerr) = area2
+ rlist(last) = area1
+ elist(maxerr) = error2
+ elist(last) = error1
+ end if
+! call dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
+! in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
+! with the largest error estimate (to be bisected next).
+ call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
+ if(ier.ne.0.or.errsum.le.errbnd) then
+ exit
+ end if
+ end do
+! compute final result.
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ do k=1,last
+ result = result+rlist(k)
+ end do
+ abserr = errsum
+ if(keyf.ne.1) then
+ neval = (10*keyf+1)*(2*neval+1)
+ else
+ neval = 30*neval+15
+ end if
+ return
+subroutine dqag ( f, a, b, epsabs, epsrel, key, result, abserr, neval, ier, &
+ limit, lenw, last, iwork, work )
+!! DQAG approximates an integral over a finite interval.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b),
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result)le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
+! Parameters:
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogam defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accoracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! key - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! key for choice of local integration rule
+! a gauss-kronrod pair is used with
+! 7 - 15 points if key.lt.2,
+! 10 - 21 points if key = 2,
+! 15 - 31 points if key = 3,
+! 20 - 41 points if key = 4,
+! 25 - 51 points if key = 5,
+! 30 - 61 points if key.gt.5.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine
+! the estimates for result and error are
+! less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more
+! subdivisions by increasing the value of
+! limit (and taking the according dimension
+! adjustments into account). however, if
+! this yield no improvement it is advised
+! to analyze the integrand in order to
+! determine the integration difficulaties.
+! if the position of a local difficulty can
+! be determined (i.e.singularity,
+! discontinuity within the interval) one
+! will probably gain from splitting up the
+! interval at this point and calling the
+! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
+! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
+! should be used which is designed for
+! handling the type of difficulty involved.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
+! detected, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
+! at some points of the integration
+! interval.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28))
+! or limit.lt.1 or lenw.lt.limit*4.
+! result, abserr, neval, last are set
+! to zero.
+! except when lenw is invalid, iwork(1),
+! work(limit*2+1) and work(limit*3+1) are
+! set to zero, work(1) is set to a and
+! work(limit+1) to b.
+! dimensioning parameters
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for iwork
+! limit determines the maximum number of subintervals
+! in the partition of the given integration interval
+! (a,b), limit.ge.1.
+! if limit.lt.1, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! lenw - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for work
+! lenw must be at least limit*4.
+! if lenw.lt.limit*4, the routine will end with
+! ier = 6.
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! on return, last equals the number of subintervals
+! produced in the subdivision process, which
+! determines the number of significant elements
+! actually in the work arrays.
+! work arrays
+! iwork - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
+! elements of which contain pointers to the error
+! estimates over the subintervals, such that
+! work(limit*3+iwork(1)),... , work(limit*3+iwork(k))
+! form a decreasing sequence with k = last if
+! last.le.(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last otherwise
+! work - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least lenw
+! on return
+! work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left end
+! points of the subintervals in the partition of
+! (a,b),
+! work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain the
+! right end points,
+! work(limit*2+1), ..., work(limit*2+last) contain
+! the integral approximations over the subintervals,
+! work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3+last) contain
+! the error estimates.
+ implicit none
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) lenw
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) limit
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a
+ real ( kind = 8 ) abserr
+ real ( kind = 8 ) b
+ real ( kind = 8 ) epsabs
+ real ( kind = 8 ) epsrel
+ real ( kind = 8 ), external :: f
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) iwork(limit)
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) key
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) last
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) lvl
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l1
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l2
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l3
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) neval
+ real ( kind = 8 ) result
+ real ( kind = 8 ) work(lenw)
+! check validity of lenw.
+ ier = 6
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ if(limit.lt.1.or.lenw.lt.limit*4) go to 10
+! prepare call for dqage.
+ l1 = limit+1
+ l2 = limit+l1
+ l3 = limit+l2
+ call dqage(f,a,b,epsabs,epsrel,key,limit,result,abserr,neval, &
+ ier,work(1),work(l1),work(l2),work(l3),iwork,last)
+! call error handler if necessary.
+ lvl = 0
+10 continue
+ if(ier.eq.6) lvl = 1
+ if(ier.ne.0) call xerror('abnormal return from dqag ',26,ier,lvl)
+ return
+subroutine dqagie ( f, bound, inf, epsabs, epsrel, limit, result, abserr, &
+ neval, ier, alist, blist, rlist, elist, iord, last )
+!! DQAGIE estimates an integral over a semi-infinite or infinite interval.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! integral i = integral of f over (bound,+infinity)
+! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,bound)
+! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,+infinity),
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i))
+! Parameters:
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! bound - real ( kind = 8 )
+! finite bound of integration range
+! (has no meaning if interval is doubly-infinite)
+! inf - real ( kind = 8 )
+! indicating the kind of integration range involved
+! inf = 1 corresponds to (bound,+infinity),
+! inf = -1 to (-infinity,bound),
+! inf = 2 to (-infinity,+infinity).
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! gives an upper bound on the number of subintervals
+! in the partition of (a,b), limit.ge.1
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! - ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine. the
+! estimates for result and error are less
+! reliable. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more
+! subdivisions by increasing the value of
+! limit (and taking the according dimension
+! adjustments into account). however,if
+! this yields no improvement it is advised
+! to analyze the integrand in order to
+! determine the integration difficulties.
+! if the position of a local difficulty can
+! be determined (e.g. singularity,
+! discontinuity within the interval) one
+! will probably gain from splitting up the
+! interval at this point and calling the
+! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
+! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
+! should be used, which is designed for
+! handling the type of difficulty involved.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
+! detected, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! the error may be under-estimated.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
+! at some points of the integration
+! interval.
+! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
+! roundoff error is detected in the
+! extrapolation table.
+! it is assumed that the requested tolerance
+! cannot be achieved, and that the returned
+! result is the best which can be obtained.
+! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
+! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
+! divergence can occur with any other value
+! of ier.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! result, abserr, neval, last, rlist(1),
+! elist(1) and iord(1) are set to zero.
+! alist(1) and blist(1) are set to 0
+! and 1 respectively.
+! alist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the left
+! end points of the subintervals in the partition
+! of the transformed integration range (0,1).
+! blist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the right
+! end points of the subintervals in the partition
+! of the transformed integration range (0,1).
+! rlist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the integral
+! approximations on the subintervals
+! elist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the moduli of the
+! absolute error estimates on the subintervals
+! iord - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension limit, the first k
+! elements of which are pointers to the
+! error estimates over the subintervals,
+! such that elist(iord(1)), ..., elist(iord(k))
+! form a decreasing sequence, with k = last
+! if last.le.(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last
+! otherwise
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of subintervals actually produced
+! in the subdivision process
+! Local Parameters:
+! the dimension of rlist2 is determined by the value of
+! limexp in routine dqelg.
+! alist - list of left end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! blist - list of right end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! rlist(i) - approximation to the integral over
+! (alist(i),blist(i))
+! rlist2 - array of dimension at least (limexp+2),
+! containing the part of the epsilon table
+! wich is still needed for further computations
+! elist(i) - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
+! maxerr - pointer to the interval with largest error
+! estimate
+! errmax - elist(maxerr)
+! erlast - error on the interval currently subdivided
+! (before that subdivision has taken place)
+! area - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
+! errsum - sum of the errors over the subintervals
+! errbnd - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
+! abs(result))
+! *****1 - variable for the left subinterval
+! *****2 - variable for the right subinterval
+! last - index for subdivision
+! nres - number of calls to the extrapolation routine
+! numrl2 - number of elements currently in rlist2. if an
+! appropriate approximation to the compounded
+! integral has been obtained, it is put in
+! rlist2(numrl2) after numrl2 has been increased
+! by one.
+! small - length of the smallest interval considered up
+! to now, multiplied by 1.5
+! erlarg - sum of the errors over the intervals larger
+! than the smallest interval considered up to now
+! extrap - logical variable denoting that the routine
+! is attempting to perform extrapolation. i.e.
+! before subdividing the smallest interval we
+! try to decrease the value of erlarg.
+! noext - logical variable denoting that extrapolation
+! is no longer allowed (true-value)
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+! oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) abseps,abserr,alist,area,area1,area12,area2,a1, &
+ a2,blist,boun,bound,b1,b2,correc,defabs,defab1,defab2, &
+ dres,elist,epmach,epsabs,epsrel,erlarg,erlast, &
+ errbnd,errmax,error1,error2,erro12,errsum,ertest,f,oflow,resabs, &
+ reseps,result,res3la,rlist,rlist2,small,uflow
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) id,ier,ierro,inf,iord,iroff1,iroff2, &
+ iroff3,jupbnd,k,ksgn, &
+ ktmin,last,limit,maxerr,neval,nres,nrmax,numrl2
+ logical extrap,noext
+ dimension alist(limit),blist(limit),elist(limit),iord(limit), &
+ res3la(3),rlist(limit),rlist2(52)
+ external f
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+! test on validity of parameters
+ ier = 0
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ alist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ blist(1) = 0.1D+01
+ rlist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ elist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ iord(1) = 0
+ if(epsabs.le.0.0D+00.and.epsrel.lt. max ( 0.5D+02*epmach,0.5D-28)) then
+ ier = 6
+ end if
+ if(ier.eq.6) then
+ return
+ end if
+! first approximation to the integral
+! determine the interval to be mapped onto (0,1).
+! if inf = 2 the integral is computed as i = i1+i2, where
+! i1 = integral of f over (-infinity,0),
+! i2 = integral of f over (0,+infinity).
+ boun = bound
+ if(inf.eq.2) boun = 0.0D+00
+ call dqk15i(f,boun,inf,0.0D+00,0.1D+01,result,abserr, &
+ defabs,resabs)
+! test on accuracy
+ last = 1
+ rlist(1) = result
+ elist(1) = abserr
+ iord(1) = 1
+ dres = abs ( result)
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel*dres)
+ if(abserr.le.1.0D+02*epmach*defabs.and.abserr.gt.errbnd) ier = 2
+ if(limit.eq.1) ier = 1
+ if(ier.ne.0.or.(abserr.le.errbnd.and.abserr.ne.resabs).or. &
+ abserr.eq.0.0D+00) go to 130
+! initialization
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ oflow = huge ( oflow )
+ rlist2(1) = result
+ errmax = abserr
+ maxerr = 1
+ area = result
+ errsum = abserr
+ abserr = oflow
+ nrmax = 1
+ nres = 0
+ ktmin = 0
+ numrl2 = 2
+ extrap = .false.
+ noext = .false.
+ ierro = 0
+ iroff1 = 0
+ iroff2 = 0
+ iroff3 = 0
+ ksgn = -1
+ if(dres.ge.(0.1D+01-0.5D+02*epmach)*defabs) ksgn = 1
+! main do-loop
+ do 90 last = 2,limit
+! bisect the subinterval with nrmax-th largest error estimate.
+ a1 = alist(maxerr)
+ b1 = 0.5D+00*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
+ a2 = b1
+ b2 = blist(maxerr)
+ erlast = errmax
+ call dqk15i(f,boun,inf,a1,b1,area1,error1,resabs,defab1)
+ call dqk15i(f,boun,inf,a2,b2,area2,error2,resabs,defab2)
+! improve previous approximations to integral
+! and error and test for accuracy.
+ area12 = area1+area2
+ erro12 = error1+error2
+ errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
+ area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
+ if(defab1.eq.error1.or.defab2.eq.error2)go to 15
+ if( abs ( rlist(maxerr)-area12).gt.0.1D-04* abs ( area12) &
+ .or.erro12.lt.0.99D+00*errmax) go to 10
+ if(extrap) iroff2 = iroff2+1
+ if(.not.extrap) iroff1 = iroff1+1
+ 10 if(last.gt.10.and.erro12.gt.errmax) iroff3 = iroff3+1
+ 15 rlist(maxerr) = area1
+ rlist(last) = area2
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( area))
+! test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag.
+ if(iroff1+iroff2.ge.10.or.iroff3.ge.20) ier = 2
+ if(iroff2.ge.5) ierro = 3
+! set error flag in the case that the number of
+! subintervals equals limit.
+ if(last.eq.limit) ier = 1
+! set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
+! at some points of the integration range.
+ if( max ( abs ( a1), abs ( b2)).le.(0.1D+01+0.1D+03*epmach)* &
+ ( abs ( a2)+0.1D+04*uflow)) then
+ ier = 4
+ end if
+! append the newly-created intervals to the list.
+ if(error2.gt.error1) go to 20
+ alist(last) = a2
+ blist(maxerr) = b1
+ blist(last) = b2
+ elist(maxerr) = error1
+ elist(last) = error2
+ go to 30
+ 20 continue
+ alist(maxerr) = a2
+ alist(last) = a1
+ blist(last) = b1
+ rlist(maxerr) = area2
+ rlist(last) = area1
+ elist(maxerr) = error2
+ elist(last) = error1
+! call dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
+! in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
+! with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be bisected next).
+ 30 call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
+ if(errsum.le.errbnd) go to 115
+ if(ier.ne.0) go to 100
+ if(last.eq.2) go to 80
+ if(noext) go to 90
+ erlarg = erlarg-erlast
+ if( abs ( b1-a1).gt.small) erlarg = erlarg+erro12
+ if(extrap) go to 40
+! test whether the interval to be bisected next is the
+! smallest interval.
+ if( abs ( blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr)).gt.small) go to 90
+ extrap = .true.
+ nrmax = 2
+ 40 if(ierro.eq.3.or.erlarg.le.ertest) go to 60
+! the smallest interval has the largest error.
+! before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors over the
+! larger intervals (erlarg) and perform extrapolation.
+ id = nrmax
+ jupbnd = last
+ if(last.gt.(2+limit/2)) jupbnd = limit+3-last
+ do k = id,jupbnd
+ maxerr = iord(nrmax)
+ errmax = elist(maxerr)
+ if( abs ( blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr)).gt.small) go to 90
+ nrmax = nrmax+1
+ end do
+! perform extrapolation.
+ 60 numrl2 = numrl2+1
+ rlist2(numrl2) = area
+ call dqelg(numrl2,rlist2,reseps,abseps,res3la,nres)
+ ktmin = ktmin+1
+ if(ktmin.gt.5.and.abserr.lt.0.1D-02*errsum) ier = 5
+ if(abseps.ge.abserr) go to 70
+ ktmin = 0
+ abserr = abseps
+ result = reseps
+ correc = erlarg
+ ertest = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( reseps))
+ if(abserr.le.ertest) go to 100
+! prepare bisection of the smallest interval.
+ 70 if(numrl2.eq.1) noext = .true.
+ if(ier.eq.5) go to 100
+ maxerr = iord(1)
+ errmax = elist(maxerr)
+ nrmax = 1
+ extrap = .false.
+ small = small*0.5D+00
+ erlarg = errsum
+ go to 90
+ 80 small = 0.375D+00
+ erlarg = errsum
+ ertest = errbnd
+ rlist2(2) = area
+ 90 continue
+! set final result and error estimate.
+ 100 if(abserr.eq.oflow) go to 115
+ if((ier+ierro).eq.0) go to 110
+ if(ierro.eq.3) abserr = abserr+correc
+ if(ier.eq.0) ier = 3
+ if(result.ne.0.0D+00.and.area.ne.0.0D+00)go to 105
+ if(abserr.gt.errsum)go to 115
+ if(area.eq.0.0D+00) go to 130
+ go to 110
+ 105 if(abserr/ abs ( result).gt.errsum/ abs ( area))go to 115
+! test on divergence
+ 110 continue
+ if ( ksgn .eq. (-1) .and. &
+ max ( abs ( result), abs ( area)) .le. defabs*0.1D-01 ) then
+ go to 130
+ end if
+ if ( 0.1D-01 .gt. (result/area) .or. &
+ (result/area) .gt. 0.1D+03 .or. &
+ errsum .gt. abs ( area) ) then
+ ier = 6
+ end if
+ go to 130
+! compute global integral sum.
+ 115 result = 0.0D+00
+ do k = 1,last
+ result = result+rlist(k)
+ end do
+ abserr = errsum
+ 130 continue
+ neval = 30*last-15
+ if(inf.eq.2) neval = 2*neval
+ if(ier.gt.2) ier=ier-1
+ return
+subroutine dqagi ( f, bound, inf, epsabs, epsrel, result, abserr, neval, &
+ ier,limit,lenw,last,iwork,work)
+!! DQAGI estimates an integral over a semi-infinite or infinite interval.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! integral i = integral of f over (bound,+infinity)
+! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,bound)
+! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,+infinity)
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! bound - real ( kind = 8 )
+! finite bound of integration range
+! (has no meaning if interval is doubly-infinite)
+! inf - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! indicating the kind of integration range involved
+! inf = 1 corresponds to (bound,+infinity),
+! inf = -1 to (-infinity,bound),
+! inf = 2 to (-infinity,+infinity).
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! - ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine. the
+! estimates for result and error are less
+! reliable. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more
+! subdivisions by increasing the value of
+! limit (and taking the according dimension
+! adjustments into account). however, if
+! this yields no improvement it is advised
+! to analyze the integrand in order to
+! determine the integration difficulties. if
+! the position of a local difficulty can be
+! determined (e.g. singularity,
+! discontinuity within the interval) one
+! will probably gain from splitting up the
+! interval at this point and calling the
+! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
+! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
+! should be used, which is designed for
+! handling the type of difficulty involved.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
+! detected, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! the error may be under-estimated.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
+! at some points of the integration
+! interval.
+! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
+! roundoff error is detected in the
+! extrapolation table.
+! it is assumed that the requested tolerance
+! cannot be achieved, and that the returned
+! result is the best which can be obtained.
+! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
+! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
+! divergence can occur with any other value
+! of ier.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28))
+! or limit.lt.1 or leniw.lt.limit*4.
+! result, abserr, neval, last are set to
+! zero. exept when limit or leniw is
+! invalid, iwork(1), work(limit*2+1) and
+! work(limit*3+1) are set to zero, work(1)
+! is set to a and work(limit+1) to b.
+! dimensioning parameters
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for iwork
+! limit determines the maximum number of subintervals
+! in the partition of the given integration interval
+! (a,b), limit.ge.1.
+! if limit.lt.1, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! lenw - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for work
+! lenw must be at least limit*4.
+! if lenw.lt.limit*4, the routine will end
+! with ier = 6.
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! on return, last equals the number of subintervals
+! produced in the subdivision process, which
+! determines the number of significant elements
+! actually in the work arrays.
+! work arrays
+! iwork - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! k elements of which contain pointers
+! to the error estimates over the subintervals,
+! such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)),... ,
+! work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing
+! sequence, with k = last if last.le.(limit/2+2), and
+! k = limit+1-last otherwise
+! work - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least lenw
+! on return
+! work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left
+! end points of the subintervals in the
+! partition of (a,b),
+! work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain
+! the right end points,
+! work(limit*2+1), ...,work(limit*2+last) contain the
+! integral approximations over the subintervals,
+! work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3)
+! contain the error estimates.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) abserr,bound,epsabs,epsrel,f,result,work
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier,inf,iwork,last,lenw,limit,lvl,l1,l2,l3,neval
+ dimension iwork(limit),work(lenw)
+ external f
+! check validity of limit and lenw.
+ ier = 6
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ if(limit.lt.1.or.lenw.lt.limit*4) go to 10
+! prepare call for dqagie.
+ l1 = limit+1
+ l2 = limit+l1
+ l3 = limit+l2
+ call dqagie(f,bound,inf,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr, &
+ neval,ier,work(1),work(l1),work(l2),work(l3),iwork,last)
+! call error handler if necessary.
+ lvl = 0
+10 if(ier.eq.6) lvl = 1
+ if(ier.ne.0) then
+ call xerror('abnormal return from dqagi',26,ier,lvl)
+ end if
+ return
+subroutine dqagpe(f,a,b,npts2,points,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result, &
+ abserr,neval,ier,alist,blist,rlist,elist,pts,iord,level,ndin, &
+ last)
+!! DQAGPE computes a definite integral.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b), hopefully
+! satisfying following claim for accuracy abs(i-result).le.
+! max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)). break points of the integration
+! interval, where local difficulties of the integrand may
+! occur(e.g. singularities,discontinuities),provided by user.
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! npts2 - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number equal to two more than the number of
+! user-supplied break points within the integration
+! range, npts2.ge.2.
+! if npts2.lt.2, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! points - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension npts2, the first (npts2-2)
+! elements of which are the user provided break
+! points. if these points do not constitute an
+! ascending sequence there will be an automatic
+! sorting.
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! gives an upper bound on the number of subintervals
+! in the partition of (a,b), limit.ge.npts2
+! if limit.lt.npts2, the routine will end with
+! ier = 6.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine.
+! the estimates for integral and error are
+! less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more
+! subdivisions by increasing the value of
+! limit (and taking the according dimension
+! adjustments into account). however, if
+! this yields no improvement it is advised
+! to analyze the integrand in order to
+! determine the integration difficulties. if
+! the position of a local difficulty can be
+! determined (i.e. singularity,
+! discontinuity within the interval), it
+! should be supplied to the routine as an
+! element of the vector points. if necessary
+! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
+! must be used, which is designed for
+! handling the type of difficulty involved.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
+! detected, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! the error may be under-estimated.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
+! at some points of the integration
+! interval.
+! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
+! roundoff error is detected in the
+! extrapolation table. it is presumed that
+! the requested tolerance cannot be
+! achieved, and that the returned result is
+! the best which can be obtained.
+! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
+! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
+! divergence can occur with any other value
+! of ier.gt.0.
+! = 6 the input is invalid because
+! npts2.lt.2 or
+! break points are specified outside
+! the integration range or
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28))
+! or limit.lt.npts2.
+! result, abserr, neval, last, rlist(1),
+! and elist(1) are set to zero. alist(1) and
+! blist(1) are set to a and b respectively.
+! alist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the left end points
+! of the subintervals in the partition of the given
+! integration range (a,b)
+! blist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the right end points
+! of the subintervals in the partition of the given
+! integration range (a,b)
+! rlist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the integral
+! approximations on the subintervals
+! elist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the moduli of the
+! absolute error estimates on the subintervals
+! pts - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least npts2, containing the
+! integration limits and the break points of the
+! interval in ascending sequence.
+! level - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, containing the
+! subdivision levels of the subinterval, i.e. if
+! (aa,bb) is a subinterval of (p1,p2) where p1 as
+! well as p2 is a user-provided break point or
+! integration limit, then (aa,bb) has level l if
+! abs(bb-aa) = abs(p2-p1)*2**(-l).
+! ndin - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least npts2, after first
+! integration over the intervals (pts(i)),pts(i+1),
+! i = 0,1, ..., npts2-2, the error estimates over
+! some of the intervals may have been increased
+! artificially, in order to put their subdivision
+! forward. if this happens for the subinterval
+! numbered k, ndin(k) is put to 1, otherwise
+! ndin(k) = 0.
+! iord - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
+! elements of which are pointers to the
+! error estimates over the subintervals,
+! such that elist(iord(1)), ..., elist(iord(k))
+! form a decreasing sequence, with k = last
+! if last.le.(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last
+! otherwise
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of subintervals actually produced in the
+! subdivisions process
+! Local Parameters:
+! the dimension of rlist2 is determined by the value of
+! limexp in routine epsalg (rlist2 should be of dimension
+! (limexp+2) at least).
+! alist - list of left end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! blist - list of right end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! rlist(i) - approximation to the integral over
+! (alist(i),blist(i))
+! rlist2 - array of dimension at least limexp+2
+! containing the part of the epsilon table which
+! is still needed for further computations
+! elist(i) - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
+! maxerr - pointer to the interval with largest error
+! estimate
+! errmax - elist(maxerr)
+! erlast - error on the interval currently subdivided
+! (before that subdivision has taken place)
+! area - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
+! errsum - sum of the errors over the subintervals
+! errbnd - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
+! abs(result))
+! *****1 - variable for the left subinterval
+! *****2 - variable for the right subinterval
+! last - index for subdivision
+! nres - number of calls to the extrapolation routine
+! numrl2 - number of elements in rlist2. if an appropriate
+! approximation to the compounded integral has
+! been obtained, it is put in rlist2(numrl2) after
+! numrl2 has been increased by one.
+! erlarg - sum of the errors over the intervals larger
+! than the smallest interval considered up to now
+! extrap - logical variable denoting that the routine
+! is attempting to perform extrapolation. i.e.
+! before subdividing the smallest interval we
+! try to decrease the value of erlarg.
+! noext - logical variable denoting that extrapolation is
+! no longer allowed (true-value)
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+! oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abseps,abserr,alist,area,area1,area12,area2,a1, &
+ a2,b,blist,b1,b2,correc,defabs,defab1,defab2, &
+ dres,elist,epmach,epsabs,epsrel,erlarg,erlast,errbnd, &
+ errmax,error1,erro12,error2,errsum,ertest,f,oflow,points,pts, &
+ resa,resabs,reseps,result,res3la,rlist,rlist2,sgn,temp,uflow
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) i,id,ier,ierro,ind1,ind2,iord,ip1, &
+ iroff1,iroff2,iroff3,j, &
+ jlow,jupbnd,k,ksgn,ktmin,last,levcur,level,levmax,limit,maxerr, &
+ ndin,neval,nint,nintp1,npts,npts2,nres,nrmax,numrl2
+ logical extrap,noext
+ dimension alist(limit),blist(limit),elist(limit),iord(limit), &
+ level(limit),ndin(npts2),points(npts2),pts(npts2),res3la(3), &
+ rlist(limit),rlist2(52)
+ external f
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+! test on validity of parameters
+ ier = 0
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ alist(1) = a
+ blist(1) = b
+ rlist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ elist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ iord(1) = 0
+ level(1) = 0
+ npts = npts2-2
+ if(npts2.lt.2.or.limit.le.npts.or.(epsabs.le.0.0D+00.and. &
+ epsrel.lt. max ( 0.5D+02*epmach,0.5d-28))) ier = 6
+ if(ier.eq.6) then
+ return
+ end if
+! if any break points are provided, sort them into an
+! ascending sequence.
+ sgn = 1.0D+00
+ if(a.gt.b) sgn = -1.0D+00
+ pts(1) = min (a,b)
+ if(npts.eq.0) go to 15
+ do i = 1,npts
+ pts(i+1) = points(i)
+ end do
+ 15 pts(npts+2) = max ( a,b)
+ nint = npts+1
+ a1 = pts(1)
+ if(npts.eq.0) go to 40
+ nintp1 = nint+1
+ do i = 1,nint
+ ip1 = i+1
+ do j = ip1,nintp1
+ if(pts(i).gt.pts(j)) then
+ temp = pts(i)
+ pts(i) = pts(j)
+ pts(j) = temp
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ if(pts(1).ne. min (a,b).or.pts(nintp1).ne. max ( a,b)) ier = 6
+ if(ier.eq.6) then
+ return
+ end if
+! compute first integral and error approximations.
+ 40 resabs = 0.0D+00
+ do i = 1,nint
+ b1 = pts(i+1)
+ call dqk21(f,a1,b1,area1,error1,defabs,resa)
+ abserr = abserr+error1
+ result = result+area1
+ ndin(i) = 0
+ if(error1.eq.resa.and.error1.ne.0.0D+00) ndin(i) = 1
+ resabs = resabs+defabs
+ level(i) = 0
+ elist(i) = error1
+ alist(i) = a1
+ blist(i) = b1
+ rlist(i) = area1
+ iord(i) = i
+ a1 = b1
+ end do
+ errsum = 0.0D+00
+ do i = 1,nint
+ if(ndin(i).eq.1) elist(i) = abserr
+ errsum = errsum+elist(i)
+ end do
+! test on accuracy.
+ last = nint
+ neval = 21*nint
+ dres = abs ( result)
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel*dres)
+ if(abserr.le.0.1D+03*epmach*resabs.and.abserr.gt.errbnd) ier = 2
+ if(nint.eq.1) go to 80
+ do i = 1,npts
+ jlow = i+1
+ ind1 = iord(i)
+ do j = jlow,nint
+ ind2 = iord(j)
+ if(elist(ind1).le.elist(ind2)) then
+ ind1 = ind2
+ k = j
+ end if
+ end do
+ if(ind1.ne.iord(i)) then
+ iord(k) = iord(i)
+ iord(i) = ind1
+ end if
+ end do
+ if(limit.lt.npts2) ier = 1
+ 80 if(ier.ne.0.or.abserr.le.errbnd) go to 210
+! initialization
+ rlist2(1) = result
+ maxerr = iord(1)
+ errmax = elist(maxerr)
+ area = result
+ nrmax = 1
+ nres = 0
+ numrl2 = 1
+ ktmin = 0
+ extrap = .false.
+ noext = .false.
+ erlarg = errsum
+ ertest = errbnd
+ levmax = 1
+ iroff1 = 0
+ iroff2 = 0
+ iroff3 = 0
+ ierro = 0
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ oflow = huge ( oflow )
+ abserr = oflow
+ ksgn = -1
+ if(dres.ge.(0.1D+01-0.5D+02*epmach)*resabs) ksgn = 1
+! main do-loop
+ do 160 last = npts2,limit
+! bisect the subinterval with the nrmax-th largest error estimate.
+ levcur = level(maxerr)+1
+ a1 = alist(maxerr)
+ b1 = 0.5D+00*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
+ a2 = b1
+ b2 = blist(maxerr)
+ erlast = errmax
+ call dqk21(f,a1,b1,area1,error1,resa,defab1)
+ call dqk21(f,a2,b2,area2,error2,resa,defab2)
+! improve previous approximations to integral
+! and error and test for accuracy.
+ neval = neval+42
+ area12 = area1+area2
+ erro12 = error1+error2
+ errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
+ area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
+ if(defab1.eq.error1.or.defab2.eq.error2) go to 95
+ if( abs ( rlist(maxerr)-area12).gt.0.1D-04* abs ( area12) &
+ .or.erro12.lt.0.99D+00*errmax) go to 90
+ if(extrap) iroff2 = iroff2+1
+ if(.not.extrap) iroff1 = iroff1+1
+ 90 if(last.gt.10.and.erro12.gt.errmax) iroff3 = iroff3+1
+ 95 level(maxerr) = levcur
+ level(last) = levcur
+ rlist(maxerr) = area1
+ rlist(last) = area2
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( area))
+! test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag.
+ if(iroff1+iroff2.ge.10.or.iroff3.ge.20) ier = 2
+ if(iroff2.ge.5) ierro = 3
+! set error flag in the case that the number of
+! subintervals equals limit.
+ if(last.eq.limit) ier = 1
+! set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
+! at a point of the integration range
+ if( max ( abs ( a1), abs ( b2)).le.(0.1D+01+0.1D+03*epmach)* &
+ ( abs ( a2)+0.1D+04*uflow)) ier = 4
+! append the newly-created intervals to the list.
+ if(error2.gt.error1) go to 100
+ alist(last) = a2
+ blist(maxerr) = b1
+ blist(last) = b2
+ elist(maxerr) = error1
+ elist(last) = error2
+ go to 110
+ 100 alist(maxerr) = a2
+ alist(last) = a1
+ blist(last) = b1
+ rlist(maxerr) = area2
+ rlist(last) = area1
+ elist(maxerr) = error2
+ elist(last) = error1
+! call dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
+! in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
+! with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be bisected next).
+ 110 call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
+ if(errsum.le.errbnd) go to 190
+ if(ier.ne.0) go to 170
+ if(noext) go to 160
+ erlarg = erlarg-erlast
+ if(levcur+1.le.levmax) erlarg = erlarg+erro12
+ if(extrap) go to 120
+! test whether the interval to be bisected next is the
+! smallest interval.
+ if(level(maxerr)+1.le.levmax) go to 160
+ extrap = .true.
+ nrmax = 2
+ 120 if(ierro.eq.3.or.erlarg.le.ertest) go to 140
+! the smallest interval has the largest error.
+! before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors over
+! the larger intervals (erlarg) and perform extrapolation.
+ id = nrmax
+ jupbnd = last
+ if(last.gt.(2+limit/2)) jupbnd = limit+3-last
+ do k = id,jupbnd
+ maxerr = iord(nrmax)
+ errmax = elist(maxerr)
+ if(level(maxerr)+1.le.levmax) go to 160
+ nrmax = nrmax+1
+ end do
+! perform extrapolation.
+ 140 numrl2 = numrl2+1
+ rlist2(numrl2) = area
+ if(numrl2.le.2) go to 155
+ call dqelg(numrl2,rlist2,reseps,abseps,res3la,nres)
+ ktmin = ktmin+1
+ if(ktmin.gt.5.and.abserr.lt.0.1D-02*errsum) ier = 5
+ if(abseps.ge.abserr) go to 150
+ ktmin = 0
+ abserr = abseps
+ result = reseps
+ correc = erlarg
+ ertest = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( reseps))
+ if(abserr.lt.ertest) go to 170
+! prepare bisection of the smallest interval.
+ 150 if(numrl2.eq.1) noext = .true.
+ if(ier.ge.5) go to 170
+ 155 maxerr = iord(1)
+ errmax = elist(maxerr)
+ nrmax = 1
+ extrap = .false.
+ levmax = levmax+1
+ erlarg = errsum
+ 160 continue
+! set the final result.
+ 170 continue
+ if(abserr.eq.oflow) go to 190
+ if((ier+ierro).eq.0) go to 180
+ if(ierro.eq.3) abserr = abserr+correc
+ if(ier.eq.0) ier = 3
+ if(result.ne.0.0D+00.and.area.ne.0.0D+00)go to 175
+ if(abserr.gt.errsum)go to 190
+ if(area.eq.0.0D+00) go to 210
+ go to 180
+ 175 if(abserr/ abs ( result).gt.errsum/ abs ( area))go to 190
+! test on divergence.
+ 180 if(ksgn.eq.(-1).and. max ( abs ( result), abs ( area)).le. &
+ resabs*0.1D-01) go to 210
+ if(0.1D-01.gt.(result/area).or.(result/area).gt.0.1D+03.or. &
+ errsum.gt. abs ( area)) ier = 6
+ go to 210
+! compute global integral sum.
+ 190 result = 0.0D+00
+ do k = 1,last
+ result = result+rlist(k)
+ end do
+ abserr = errsum
+ 210 if(ier.gt.2) ier = ier-1
+ result = result*sgn
+ return
+subroutine dqagp ( f, a, b, npts2, points, epsabs, epsrel, result, abserr, &
+ neval, ier, leniw, lenw, last, iwork, work )
+!! DQAGP computes a definite integral.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b),
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! break points of the integration interval, where local
+! difficulties of the integrand may occur (e.g.
+! singularities, discontinuities), are provided by the user.
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! npts2 - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number equal to two more than the number of
+! user-supplied break points within the integration
+! range, npts.ge.2.
+! if npts2.lt.2, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! points - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension npts2, the first (npts2-2)
+! elements of which are the user provided break
+! points. if these points do not constitute an
+! ascending sequence there will be an automatic
+! sorting.
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine.
+! the estimates for integral and error are
+! less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more
+! subdivisions by increasing the value of
+! limit (and taking the according dimension
+! adjustments into account). however, if
+! this yields no improvement it is advised
+! to analyze the integrand in order to
+! determine the integration difficulties. if
+! the position of a local difficulty can be
+! determined (i.e. singularity,
+! discontinuity within the interval), it
+! should be supplied to the routine as an
+! element of the vector points. if necessary
+! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
+! must be used, which is designed for
+! handling the type of difficulty involved.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
+! detected, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! the error may be under-estimated.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
+! at some points of the integration
+! interval.
+! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
+! roundoff error is detected in the
+! extrapolation table.
+! it is presumed that the requested
+! tolerance cannot be achieved, and that
+! the returned result is the best which
+! can be obtained.
+! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
+! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
+! divergence can occur with any other value
+! of ier.gt.0.
+! = 6 the input is invalid because
+! npts2.lt.2 or
+! break points are specified outside
+! the integration range or
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28))
+! result, abserr, neval, last are set to
+! zero. exept when leniw or lenw or npts2 is
+! invalid, iwork(1), iwork(limit+1),
+! work(limit*2+1) and work(limit*3+1)
+! are set to zero.
+! work(1) is set to a and work(limit+1)
+! to b (where limit = (leniw-npts2)/2).
+! dimensioning parameters
+! leniw - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for iwork
+! leniw determines limit = (leniw-npts2)/2,
+! which is the maximum number of subintervals in the
+! partition of the given integration interval (a,b),
+! leniw.ge.(3*npts2-2).
+! if leniw.lt.(3*npts2-2), the routine will end with
+! ier = 6.
+! lenw - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for work
+! lenw must be at least leniw*2-npts2.
+! if lenw.lt.leniw*2-npts2, the routine will end
+! with ier = 6.
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! on return, last equals the number of subintervals
+! produced in the subdivision process, which
+! determines the number of significant elements
+! actually in the work arrays.
+! work arrays
+! iwork - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least leniw. on return,
+! the first k elements of which contain
+! pointers to the error estimates over the
+! subintervals, such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)),...,
+! work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing
+! sequence, with k = last if last.le.(limit/2+2), and
+! k = limit+1-last otherwise
+! iwork(limit+1), ...,iwork(limit+last) contain the
+! subdivision levels of the subintervals, i.e.
+! if (aa,bb) is a subinterval of (p1,p2)
+! where p1 as well as p2 is a user-provided
+! break point or integration limit, then (aa,bb) has
+! level l if abs(bb-aa) = abs(p2-p1)*2**(-l),
+! iwork(limit*2+1), ..., iwork(limit*2+npts2) have
+! no significance for the user,
+! note that limit = (leniw-npts2)/2.
+! work - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least lenw
+! on return
+! work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left
+! end points of the subintervals in the
+! partition of (a,b),
+! work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain
+! the right end points,
+! work(limit*2+1), ..., work(limit*2+last) contain
+! the integral approximations over the subintervals,
+! work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3+last)
+! contain the corresponding error estimates,
+! work(limit*4+1), ..., work(limit*4+npts2)
+! contain the integration limits and the
+! break points sorted in an ascending sequence.
+! note that limit = (leniw-npts2)/2.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abserr,b,epsabs,epsrel,f,points,result,work
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier,iwork,last,leniw,lenw,limit,lvl,l1,l2,l3, &
+ l4,neval,npts2
+ dimension iwork(leniw),points(npts2),work(lenw)
+ external f
+! check validity of limit and lenw.
+ ier = 6
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ if(leniw.lt.(3*npts2-2).or.lenw.lt.(leniw*2-npts2).or.npts2.lt.2) &
+ go to 10
+! prepare call for dqagpe.
+ limit = (leniw-npts2)/2
+ l1 = limit+1
+ l2 = limit+l1
+ l3 = limit+l2
+ l4 = limit+l3
+ call dqagpe(f,a,b,npts2,points,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr, &
+ neval,ier,work(1),work(l1),work(l2),work(l3),work(l4), &
+ iwork(1),iwork(l1),iwork(l2),last)
+! call error handler if necessary.
+ lvl = 0
+10 if(ier.eq.6) lvl = 1
+ if(ier.ne.0) then
+ call xerror('abnormal return from dqagp',26,ier,lvl)
+ end if
+ return
+subroutine dqagse(f,a,b,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr,neval, &
+ ier,alist,blist,rlist,elist,iord,last)
+!! DQAGSE estimates the integral of a function.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b),
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! gives an upperbound on the number of subintervals
+! in the partition of (a,b)
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine
+! the estimates for integral and error are
+! less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more sub-
+! divisions by increasing the value of limit
+! (and taking the according dimension
+! adjustments into account). however, if
+! this yields no improvement it is advised
+! to analyze the integrand in order to
+! determine the integration difficulties. if
+! the position of a local difficulty can be
+! determined (e.g. singularity,
+! discontinuity within the interval) one
+! will probably gain from splitting up the
+! interval at this point and calling the
+! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
+! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
+! should be used, which is designed for
+! handling the type of difficulty involved.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is detec-
+! ted, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! the error may be under-estimated.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour
+! occurs at some points of the integration
+! interval.
+! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
+! roundoff error is detected in the
+! extrapolation table.
+! it is presumed that the requested
+! tolerance cannot be achieved, and that the
+! returned result is the best which can be
+! obtained.
+! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
+! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
+! divergence can occur with any other value
+! of ier.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28).
+! result, abserr, neval, last, rlist(1),
+! iord(1) and elist(1) are set to zero.
+! alist(1) and blist(1) are set to a and b
+! respectively.
+! alist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the left end points
+! of the subintervals in the partition of the
+! given integration range (a,b)
+! blist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the right end points
+! of the subintervals in the partition of the given
+! integration range (a,b)
+! rlist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the integral
+! approximations on the subintervals
+! elist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the moduli of the
+! absolute error estimates on the subintervals
+! iord - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
+! elements of which are pointers to the
+! error estimates over the subintervals,
+! such that elist(iord(1)), ..., elist(iord(k))
+! form a decreasing sequence, with k = last
+! if last.le.(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last
+! otherwise
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of subintervals actually produced in the
+! subdivision process
+! Local parameters:
+! the dimension of rlist2 is determined by the value of
+! limexp in routine dqelg (rlist2 should be of dimension
+! (limexp+2) at least).
+! list of major variables
+! alist - list of left end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! blist - list of right end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! rlist(i) - approximation to the integral over
+! (alist(i),blist(i))
+! rlist2 - array of dimension at least limexp+2 containing
+! the part of the epsilon table which is still
+! needed for further computations
+! elist(i) - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
+! maxerr - pointer to the interval with largest error
+! estimate
+! errmax - elist(maxerr)
+! erlast - error on the interval currently subdivided
+! (before that subdivision has taken place)
+! area - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
+! errsum - sum of the errors over the subintervals
+! errbnd - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
+! abs(result))
+! *****1 - variable for the left interval
+! *****2 - variable for the right interval
+! last - index for subdivision
+! nres - number of calls to the extrapolation routine
+! numrl2 - number of elements currently in rlist2. if an
+! appropriate approximation to the compounded
+! integral has been obtained it is put in
+! rlist2(numrl2) after numrl2 has been increased
+! by one.
+! small - length of the smallest interval considered up
+! to now, multiplied by 1.5
+! erlarg - sum of the errors over the intervals larger
+! than the smallest interval considered up to now
+! extrap - logical variable denoting that the routine is
+! attempting to perform extrapolation i.e. before
+! subdividing the smallest interval we try to
+! decrease the value of erlarg.
+! noext - logical variable denoting that extrapolation
+! is no longer allowed (true value)
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+! oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abseps,abserr,alist,area,area1,area12,area2,a1, &
+ a2,b,blist,b1,b2,correc,defabs,defab1,defab2, &
+ dres,elist,epmach,epsabs,epsrel,erlarg,erlast,errbnd,errmax, &
+ error1,error2,erro12,errsum,ertest,f,oflow,resabs,reseps,result, &
+ res3la,rlist,rlist2,small,uflow
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) id,ier,ierro,iord,iroff1,iroff2,iroff3,jupbnd, &
+ k,ksgn,ktmin,last,limit,maxerr,neval,nres,nrmax,numrl2
+ logical extrap,noext
+ dimension alist(limit),blist(limit),elist(limit),iord(limit), &
+ res3la(3),rlist(limit),rlist2(52)
+ external f
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+! test on validity of parameters
+ ier = 0
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ alist(1) = a
+ blist(1) = b
+ rlist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ elist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ if(epsabs.le.0.0D+00.and.epsrel.lt. max ( 0.5D+02*epmach,0.5d-28)) then
+ ier = 6
+ return
+ end if
+! first approximation to the integral
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ oflow = huge ( oflow )
+ ierro = 0
+ call dqk21(f,a,b,result,abserr,defabs,resabs)
+! test on accuracy.
+ dres = abs ( result)
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel*dres)
+ last = 1
+ rlist(1) = result
+ elist(1) = abserr
+ iord(1) = 1
+ if(abserr.le.1.0D+02*epmach*defabs.and.abserr.gt.errbnd) ier = 2
+ if(limit.eq.1) ier = 1
+ if(ier.ne.0.or.(abserr.le.errbnd.and.abserr.ne.resabs).or. &
+ abserr.eq.0.0D+00) go to 140
+! initialization
+ rlist2(1) = result
+ errmax = abserr
+ maxerr = 1
+ area = result
+ errsum = abserr
+ abserr = oflow
+ nrmax = 1
+ nres = 0
+ numrl2 = 2
+ ktmin = 0
+ extrap = .false.
+ noext = .false.
+ iroff1 = 0
+ iroff2 = 0
+ iroff3 = 0
+ ksgn = -1
+ if(dres.ge.(0.1D+01-0.5D+02*epmach)*defabs) ksgn = 1
+! main do-loop
+ do 90 last = 2,limit
+! bisect the subinterval with the nrmax-th largest error estimate.
+ a1 = alist(maxerr)
+ b1 = 0.5D+00*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
+ a2 = b1
+ b2 = blist(maxerr)
+ erlast = errmax
+ call dqk21(f,a1,b1,area1,error1,resabs,defab1)
+ call dqk21(f,a2,b2,area2,error2,resabs,defab2)
+! improve previous approximations to integral
+! and error and test for accuracy.
+ area12 = area1+area2
+ erro12 = error1+error2
+ errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
+ area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
+ if(defab1.eq.error1.or.defab2.eq.error2) go to 15
+ if( abs ( rlist(maxerr)-area12).gt.0.1D-04* abs ( area12) &
+ .or.erro12.lt.0.99D+00*errmax) go to 10
+ if(extrap) iroff2 = iroff2+1
+ if(.not.extrap) iroff1 = iroff1+1
+ 10 if(last.gt.10.and.erro12.gt.errmax) iroff3 = iroff3+1
+ 15 rlist(maxerr) = area1
+ rlist(last) = area2
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( area))
+! test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag.
+ if(iroff1+iroff2.ge.10.or.iroff3.ge.20) ier = 2
+ if(iroff2.ge.5) ierro = 3
+! set error flag in the case that the number of subintervals
+! equals limit.
+ if(last.eq.limit) ier = 1
+! set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
+! at a point of the integration range.
+ if( max ( abs ( a1), abs ( b2)).le.(0.1D+01+0.1D+03*epmach)* &
+ ( abs ( a2)+0.1D+04*uflow)) ier = 4
+! append the newly-created intervals to the list.
+ if(error2.gt.error1) go to 20
+ alist(last) = a2
+ blist(maxerr) = b1
+ blist(last) = b2
+ elist(maxerr) = error1
+ elist(last) = error2
+ go to 30
+ 20 alist(maxerr) = a2
+ alist(last) = a1
+ blist(last) = b1
+ rlist(maxerr) = area2
+ rlist(last) = area1
+ elist(maxerr) = error2
+ elist(last) = error1
+! call dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
+! in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
+! with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be bisected next).
+ 30 call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
+ if(errsum.le.errbnd) go to 115
+ if(ier.ne.0) go to 100
+ if(last.eq.2) go to 80
+ if(noext) go to 90
+ erlarg = erlarg-erlast
+ if( abs ( b1-a1).gt.small) erlarg = erlarg+erro12
+ if(extrap) go to 40
+! test whether the interval to be bisected next is the
+! smallest interval.
+ if( abs ( blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr)).gt.small) go to 90
+ extrap = .true.
+ nrmax = 2
+ 40 if(ierro.eq.3.or.erlarg.le.ertest) go to 60
+! the smallest interval has the largest error.
+! before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors over the
+! larger intervals (erlarg) and perform extrapolation.
+ id = nrmax
+ jupbnd = last
+ if(last.gt.(2+limit/2)) jupbnd = limit+3-last
+ do k = id,jupbnd
+ maxerr = iord(nrmax)
+ errmax = elist(maxerr)
+ if( abs ( blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr)).gt.small) go to 90
+ nrmax = nrmax+1
+ end do
+! perform extrapolation.
+ 60 numrl2 = numrl2+1
+ rlist2(numrl2) = area
+ call dqelg(numrl2,rlist2,reseps,abseps,res3la,nres)
+ ktmin = ktmin+1
+ if(ktmin.gt.5.and.abserr.lt.0.1D-02*errsum) ier = 5
+ if(abseps.ge.abserr) go to 70
+ ktmin = 0
+ abserr = abseps
+ result = reseps
+ correc = erlarg
+ ertest = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( reseps))
+ if(abserr.le.ertest) go to 100
+! prepare bisection of the smallest interval.
+ 70 if(numrl2.eq.1) noext = .true.
+ if(ier.eq.5) go to 100
+ maxerr = iord(1)
+ errmax = elist(maxerr)
+ nrmax = 1
+ extrap = .false.
+ small = small*0.5D+00
+ erlarg = errsum
+ go to 90
+ 80 small = abs ( b-a)*0.375D+00
+ erlarg = errsum
+ ertest = errbnd
+ rlist2(2) = area
+ 90 continue
+! set final result and error estimate.
+ 100 if(abserr.eq.oflow) go to 115
+ if(ier+ierro.eq.0) go to 110
+ if(ierro.eq.3) abserr = abserr+correc
+ if(ier.eq.0) ier = 3
+ if(result.ne.0.0D+00.and.area.ne.0.0D+00) go to 105
+ if(abserr.gt.errsum) go to 115
+ if(area.eq.0.0D+00) go to 130
+ go to 110
+ 105 if(abserr/ abs ( result).gt.errsum/ abs ( area)) go to 115
+! test on divergence.
+ 110 if(ksgn.eq.(-1).and. max ( abs ( result), abs ( area)).le. &
+ defabs*0.1D-01) go to 130
+ if(0.1D-01.gt.(result/area).or.(result/area).gt.0.1D+03 &
+ .or.errsum.gt. abs ( area)) ier = 6
+ go to 130
+! compute global integral sum.
+ 115 result = 0.0D+00
+ do k = 1,last
+ result = result+rlist(k)
+ end do
+ abserr = errsum
+ 130 if(ier.gt.2) ier = ier-1
+ 140 neval = 42*last-21
+ return
+subroutine dqags ( f, a, b, epsabs, epsrel, result, abserr, neval, ier, &
+ limit, lenw, last, iwork, work )
+!! DQAGS estimates the integral of a function.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b),
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine
+! the estimates for integral and error are
+! less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more sub-
+! divisions by increasing the value of limit
+! (and taking the according dimension
+! adjustments into account. however, if
+! this yields no improvement it is advised
+! to analyze the integrand in order to
+! determine the integration difficulties. if
+! the position of a local difficulty can be
+! determined (e.g. singularity,
+! discontinuity within the interval) one
+! will probably gain from splitting up the
+! interval at this point and calling the
+! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
+! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
+! should be used, which is designed for
+! handling the type of difficulty involved.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is detec-
+! ted, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! the error may be under-estimated.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour
+! occurs at some points of the integration
+! interval.
+! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
+! roundoff error is detected in the
+! extrapolation table. it is presumed that
+! the requested tolerance cannot be
+! achieved, and that the returned result is
+! the best which can be obtained.
+! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
+! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
+! divergence can occur with any other value
+! of ier.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28)
+! or limit.lt.1 or lenw.lt.limit*4.
+! result, abserr, neval, last are set to
+! zero.except when limit or lenw is invalid,
+! iwork(1), work(limit*2+1) and
+! work(limit*3+1) are set to zero, work(1)
+! is set to a and work(limit+1) to b.
+! dimensioning parameters
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for iwork
+! limit determines the maximum number of subintervals
+! in the partition of the given integration interval
+! (a,b), limit.ge.1.
+! if limit.lt.1, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! lenw - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for work
+! lenw must be at least limit*4.
+! if lenw.lt.limit*4, the routine will end
+! with ier = 6.
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! on return, last equals the number of subintervals
+! produced in the subdivision process, detemines the
+! number of significant elements actually in the work
+! arrays.
+! work arrays
+! iwork - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
+! elements of which contain pointers
+! to the error estimates over the subintervals
+! such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)),... ,
+! work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing
+! sequence, with k = last if last.le.(limit/2+2),
+! and k = limit+1-last otherwise
+! work - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least lenw
+! on return
+! work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left
+! end-points of the subintervals in the
+! partition of (a,b),
+! work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain
+! the right end-points,
+! work(limit*2+1), ..., work(limit*2+last) contain
+! the integral approximations over the subintervals,
+! work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3+last)
+! contain the error estimates.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abserr,b,epsabs,epsrel,f,result,work
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier,iwork,last,lenw,limit,lvl,l1,l2,l3,neval
+ dimension iwork(limit),work(lenw)
+ external f
+! check validity of limit and lenw.
+ ier = 6
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ if(limit.lt.1.or.lenw.lt.limit*4) go to 10
+! prepare call for dqagse.
+ l1 = limit+1
+ l2 = limit+l1
+ l3 = limit+l2
+ call dqagse(f,a,b,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr,neval, &
+ ier,work(1),work(l1),work(l2),work(l3),iwork,last)
+! call error handler if necessary.
+ lvl = 0
+10 if(ier.eq.6) lvl = 1
+ if(ier.ne.0) call xerror('abnormal return from dqags',26,ier,lvl)
+ return
+subroutine dqawce(f,a,b,c,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr,neval, &
+ ier,alist,blist,rlist,elist,iord,last)
+!! DQAWCE computes a Cauchy principal value.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!*** purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a
+! cauchy principal value i = integral of f*w over (a,b)
+! (w(x) = 1/(x-c), (c.ne.a, c.ne.b), hopefully satisfying
+! following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i))
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! c - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the weight function, c.ne.a, c.ne.b
+! if c = a or c = b, the routine will end with
+! ier = 6.
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! gives an upper bound on the number of subintervals
+! in the partition of (a,b), limit.ge.1
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine
+! the estimates for integral and error are
+! less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more sub-
+! divisions by increasing the value of
+! limit. however, if this yields no
+! improvement it is advised to analyze the
+! the integrand, in order to determine the
+! the integration difficulties. if the
+! position of a local difficulty can be
+! determined (e.g. singularity,
+! discontinuity within the interval) one
+! will probably gain from splitting up the
+! interval at this point and calling
+! appropriate integrators on the subranges.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is detec-
+! ted, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour
+! occurs at some interior points of
+! the integration interval.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! c = a or c = b or
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28))
+! or limit.lt.1.
+! result, abserr, neval, rlist(1), elist(1),
+! iord(1) and last are set to zero. alist(1)
+! and blist(1) are set to a and b
+! respectively.
+! alist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the left
+! end points of the subintervals in the partition
+! of the given integration range (a,b)
+! blist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the right
+! end points of the subintervals in the partition
+! of the given integration range (a,b)
+! rlist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the integral
+! approximations on the subintervals
+! elist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension limit, the first last
+! elements of which are the moduli of the absolute
+! error estimates on the subintervals
+! iord - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
+! elements of which are pointers to the error
+! estimates over the subintervals, so that
+! elist(iord(1)), ..., elist(iord(k)) with k = last
+! if last.le.(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last
+! otherwise, form a decreasing sequence
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of subintervals actually produced in
+! the subdivision process
+! Local Parameters:
+! alist - list of left end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! blist - list of right end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! rlist(i) - approximation to the integral over
+! (alist(i),blist(i))
+! elist(i) - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
+! maxerr - pointer to the interval with largest
+! error estimate
+! errmax - elist(maxerr)
+! area - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
+! errsum - sum of the errors over the subintervals
+! errbnd - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
+! abs(result))
+! *****1 - variable for the left subinterval
+! *****2 - variable for the right subinterval
+! last - index for subdivision
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,aa,abserr,alist,area,area1,area12,area2,a1,a2, &
+ b,bb,blist,b1,b2,c,elist,epmach,epsabs,epsrel, &
+ errbnd,errmax,error1,erro12,error2,errsum,f,result,rlist,uflow
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier,iord,iroff1,iroff2,k,krule,last,limit,&
+ maxerr, nev, &
+ neval,nrmax
+ dimension alist(limit),blist(limit),rlist(limit),elist(limit), &
+ iord(limit)
+ external f
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+! test on validity of parameters
+ ier = 6
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ alist(1) = a
+ blist(1) = b
+ rlist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ elist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ iord(1) = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ if ( c.eq.a .or. &
+ c.eq.b .or. &
+ (epsabs.le.0.0D+00 .and. epsrel.lt. max ( 0.5D+02*epmach,0.5d-28)) ) then
+ ier = 6
+ return
+ end if
+! first approximation to the integral
+ if ( a <= b ) then
+ aa=a
+ bb=b
+ else
+ aa=b
+ bb=a
+ end if
+ ier=0
+ krule = 1
+ call dqc25c(f,aa,bb,c,result,abserr,krule,neval)
+ last = 1
+ rlist(1) = result
+ elist(1) = abserr
+ iord(1) = 1
+ alist(1) = a
+ blist(1) = b
+! test on accuracy
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( result))
+ if(limit.eq.1) ier = 1
+ if(abserr.lt. min (0.1D-01* abs ( result),errbnd) &
+ .or.ier.eq.1) go to 70
+! initialization
+ alist(1) = aa
+ blist(1) = bb
+ rlist(1) = result
+ errmax = abserr
+ maxerr = 1
+ area = result
+ errsum = abserr
+ nrmax = 1
+ iroff1 = 0
+ iroff2 = 0
+! main do-loop
+ do 40 last = 2,limit
+! bisect the subinterval with nrmax-th largest error estimate.
+ a1 = alist(maxerr)
+ b1 = 0.5D+00*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
+ b2 = blist(maxerr)
+ if(c.le.b1.and.c.gt.a1) b1 = 0.5D+00*(c+b2)
+ if(c.gt.b1.and.c.lt.b2) b1 = 0.5D+00*(a1+c)
+ a2 = b1
+ krule = 2
+ call dqc25c(f,a1,b1,c,area1,error1,krule,nev)
+ neval = neval+nev
+ call dqc25c(f,a2,b2,c,area2,error2,krule,nev)
+ neval = neval+nev
+! improve previous approximations to integral
+! and error and test for accuracy.
+ area12 = area1+area2
+ erro12 = error1+error2
+ errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
+ area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
+ if( abs ( rlist(maxerr)-area12).lt.0.1D-04* abs ( area12) &
+ .and.erro12.ge.0.99D+00*errmax.and.krule.eq.0) &
+ iroff1 = iroff1+1
+ if(last.gt.10.and.erro12.gt.errmax.and.krule.eq.0) &
+ iroff2 = iroff2+1
+ rlist(maxerr) = area1
+ rlist(last) = area2
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( area))
+ if(errsum.le.errbnd) go to 15
+! test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag.
+ if(iroff1.ge.6.and.iroff2.gt.20) ier = 2
+! set error flag in the case that number of interval bisections exceeds limit.
+ if(last.eq.limit) ier = 1
+! set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
+! at a point of the integration range.
+ if( max ( abs ( a1), abs ( b2)).le.(0.1D+01+0.1D+03*epmach) &
+ *( abs ( a2)+0.1D+04*uflow)) ier = 3
+! append the newly-created intervals to the list.
+ 15 continue
+ if ( error2 .le. error1 ) then
+ alist(last) = a2
+ blist(maxerr) = b1
+ blist(last) = b2
+ elist(maxerr) = error1
+ elist(last) = error2
+ else
+ alist(maxerr) = a2
+ alist(last) = a1
+ blist(last) = b1
+ rlist(maxerr) = area2
+ rlist(last) = area1
+ elist(maxerr) = error2
+ elist(last) = error1
+ end if
+! call dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
+! in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
+! with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be bisected next).
+ call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
+ if(ier.ne.0.or.errsum.le.errbnd) go to 50
+ 40 continue
+! compute final result.
+ 50 continue
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ do k=1,last
+ result = result+rlist(k)
+ end do
+ abserr = errsum
+ 70 if (aa.eq.b) result=-result
+ return
+subroutine dqawc ( f, a, b, c, epsabs, epsrel, result, abserr, neval, ier, &
+ limit, lenw, last, iwork, work )
+!! DQAWC computes a Cauchy principal value.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a
+! cauchy principal value i = integral of f*w over (a,b)
+! (w(x) = 1/((x-c), c.ne.a, c.ne.b), hopefully satisfying
+! following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.max(epsabe,epsrel*abs(i)).
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! under limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! c - parameter in the weight function, c.ne.a, c.ne.b.
+! if c = a or c = b, the routine will end with
+! ier = 6 .
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate or the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine
+! the estimates for integral and error are
+! less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more sub-
+! divisions by increasing the value of limit
+! (and taking the according dimension
+! adjustments into account). however, if
+! this yields no improvement it is advised
+! to analyze the integrand in order to
+! determine the integration difficulties.
+! if the position of a local difficulty
+! can be determined (e.g. singularity,
+! discontinuity within the interval) one
+! will probably gain from splitting up the
+! interval at this point and calling
+! appropriate integrators on the subranges.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is detec-
+! ted, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
+! at some points of the integration
+! interval.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! c = a or c = b or
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28))
+! or limit.lt.1 or lenw.lt.limit*4.
+! result, abserr, neval, last are set to
+! zero. exept when lenw or limit is invalid,
+! iwork(1), work(limit*2+1) and
+! work(limit*3+1) are set to zero, work(1)
+! is set to a and work(limit+1) to b.
+! dimensioning parameters
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for iwork
+! limit determines the maximum number of subintervals
+! in the partition of the given integration interval
+! (a,b), limit.ge.1.
+! if limit.lt.1, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! lenw - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for work
+! lenw must be at least limit*4.
+! if lenw.lt.limit*4, the routine will end with
+! ier = 6.
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! on return, last equals the number of subintervals
+! produced in the subdivision process, which
+! determines the number of significant elements
+! actually in the work arrays.
+! work arrays
+! iwork - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
+! elements of which contain pointers
+! to the error estimates over the subintervals,
+! such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)), ... ,
+! work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing
+! sequence, with k = last if last.le.(limit/2+2),
+! and k = limit+1-last otherwise
+! work - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least lenw
+! on return
+! work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left
+! end points of the subintervals in the
+! partition of (a,b),
+! work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain
+! the right end points,
+! work(limit*2+1), ..., work(limit*2+last) contain
+! the integral approximations over the subintervals,
+! work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3+last)
+! contain the error estimates.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abserr,b,c,epsabs,epsrel,f,result,work
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier,iwork,last,lenw,limit,lvl,l1,l2,l3,neval
+ dimension iwork(limit),work(lenw)
+ external f
+! check validity of limit and lenw.
+ ier = 6
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ if(limit.lt.1.or.lenw.lt.limit*4) go to 10
+! prepare call for dqawce.
+ l1 = limit+1
+ l2 = limit+l1
+ l3 = limit+l2
+ call dqawce(f,a,b,c,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr,neval,ier, &
+ work(1),work(l1),work(l2),work(l3),iwork,last)
+! call error handler if necessary.
+ lvl = 0
+10 if(ier.eq.6) lvl = 1
+ if(ier.ne.0) then
+ call xerror('abnormal return from dqawc',26,ier,lvl)
+ end if
+ return
+subroutine dqawfe(f,a,omega,integr,epsabs,limlst,limit,maxp1, &
+ result,abserr,neval,ier,rslst,erlst,ierlst,lst,alist,blist, &
+ rlist,elist,iord,nnlog,chebmo)
+!! DQAWFE computes Fourier integrals.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a
+! given fourier integal
+! i = integral of f(x)*w(x) over (a,infinity)
+! where w(x)=cos(omega*x) or w(x)=sin(omega*x),
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.epsabs.
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to
+! be declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! omega - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the weight function
+! integr - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! indicates which weight function is used
+! integr = 1 w(x) = cos(omega*x)
+! integr = 2 w(x) = sin(omega*x)
+! if integr.ne.1.and.integr.ne.2, the routine will
+! end with ier = 6.
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested, epsabs.gt.0
+! if epsabs.le.0, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! limlst - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! limlst gives an upper bound on the number of
+! cycles, limlst.ge.1.
+! if limlst.lt.3, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! gives an upper bound on the number of subintervals
+! allowed in the partition of each cycle, limit.ge.1
+! each cycle, limit.ge.1.
+! maxp1 - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! gives an upper bound on the number of
+! chebyshev moments which can be stored, i.e.
+! for the intervals of lengths abs(b-a)*2**(-l),
+! l=0,1, ..., maxp1-2, maxp1.ge.1
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral x
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of
+! the routine. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine. the
+! estimates for integral and error are less
+! reliable. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! if omega.ne.0
+! ier = 1 maximum number of cycles allowed
+! has been achieved., i.e. of subintervals
+! (a+(k-1)c,a+kc) where
+! c = (2*int(abs(omega))+1)*pi/abs(omega),
+! for k = 1, 2, ..., lst.
+! one can allow more cycles by increasing
+! the value of limlst (and taking the
+! according dimension adjustments into
+! account).
+! examine the array iwork which contains
+! the error flags on the cycles, in order to
+! look for eventual local integration
+! difficulties. if the position of a local
+! difficulty can be determined (e.g.
+! singularity, discontinuity within the
+! interval) one will probably gain from
+! splitting up the interval at this point
+! and calling appropriate integrators on
+! the subranges.
+! = 4 the extrapolation table constructed for
+! convergence acceleration of the series
+! formed by the integral contributions over
+! the cycles, does not converge to within
+! the requested accuracy. as in the case of
+! ier = 1, it is advised to examine the
+! array iwork which contains the error
+! flags on the cycles.
+! = 6 the input is invalid because
+! (integr.ne.1 and integr.ne.2) or
+! epsabs.le.0 or limlst.lt.3.
+! result, abserr, neval, lst are set
+! to zero.
+! = 7 bad integrand behaviour occurs within one
+! or more of the cycles. location and type
+! of the difficulty involved can be
+! determined from the vector ierlst. here
+! lst is the number of cycles actually
+! needed (see below).
+! ierlst(k) = 1 the maximum number of
+! subdivisions (= limit) has
+! been achieved on the k th
+! cycle.
+! = 2 occurrence of roundoff error
+! is detected and prevents the
+! tolerance imposed on the
+! k th cycle, from being
+! achieved.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand
+! behaviour occurs at some
+! points of the k th cycle.
+! = 4 the integration procedure
+! over the k th cycle does
+! not converge (to within the
+! required accuracy) due to
+! roundoff in the
+! extrapolation procedure
+! invoked on this cycle. it
+! is assumed that the result
+! on this interval is the
+! best which can be obtained.
+! = 5 the integral over the k th
+! cycle is probably divergent
+! or slowly convergent. it
+! must be noted that
+! divergence can occur with
+! any other value of
+! ierlst(k).
+! if omega = 0 and integr = 1,
+! the integral is calculated by means of dqagie
+! and ier = ierlst(1) (with meaning as described
+! for ierlst(k), k = 1).
+! rslst - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limlst
+! rslst(k) contains the integral contribution
+! over the interval (a+(k-1)c,a+kc) where
+! c = (2*int(abs(omega))+1)*pi/abs(omega),
+! k = 1, 2, ..., lst.
+! note that, if omega = 0, rslst(1) contains
+! the value of the integral over (a,infinity).
+! erlst - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limlst
+! erlst(k) contains the error estimate corresponding
+! with rslst(k).
+! ierlst - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limlst
+! ierlst(k) contains the error flag corresponding
+! with rslst(k). for the meaning of the local error
+! flags see description of output parameter ier.
+! lst - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of subintervals needed for the integration
+! if omega = 0 then lst is set to 1.
+! alist, blist, rlist, elist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit,
+! iord, nnlog - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, providing
+! space for the quantities needed in the subdivision
+! process of each cycle
+! chebmo - real ( kind = 8 )
+! array of dimension at least (maxp1,25), providing
+! space for the chebyshev moments needed within the
+! cycles
+! Local Parameters:
+! the dimension of psum is determined by the value of
+! limexp in routine dqelg (psum must be of dimension
+! (limexp+2) at least).
+! c1, c2 - end points of subinterval (of length cycle)
+! cycle - (2*int(abs(omega))+1)*pi/abs(omega)
+! psum - vector of dimension at least (limexp+2)
+! (see routine dqelg)
+! psum contains the part of the epsilon table
+! which is still needed for further computations.
+! each element of psum is a partial sum of the
+! series which should sum to the value of the
+! integral.
+! errsum - sum of error estimates over the subintervals,
+! calculated cumulatively
+! epsa - absolute tolerance requested over current
+! subinterval
+! chebmo - array containing the modified chebyshev
+! moments (see also routine dqc25f)
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abseps,abserr,alist,blist,chebmo,correc,cycle, &
+ c1,c2,dl,dla,drl,elist,erlst,ep,eps,epsa, &
+ epsabs,errsum,f,fact,omega,p,pi,p1,psum,reseps,result,res3la, &
+ rlist,rslst,uflow
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier,ierlst,integr,iord,ktmin,l,last,lst,limit
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) limlst
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ll
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) maxp1,momcom,nev,neval,nnlog,nres,numrl2
+ dimension alist(limit),blist(limit),chebmo(maxp1,25),elist(limit), &
+ erlst(limlst),ierlst(limlst),iord(limit),nnlog(limit),psum(52), &
+ res3la(3),rlist(limit),rslst(limlst)
+ external f
+ data p / 0.9D+00 /
+ data pi / 3.14159265358979323846264338327950D+00 /
+! test on validity of parameters
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ neval = 0
+ lst = 0
+ ier = 0
+ if((integr.ne.1.and.integr.ne.2).or.epsabs.le.0.0D+00.or. &
+ limlst.lt.3) then
+ ier = 6
+ return
+ end if
+ if(omega.ne.0.0D+00) go to 10
+! integration by dqagie if omega is zero
+ if(integr.eq.1) then
+ call dqagie(f,0.0D+00,1,epsabs,0.0D+00,limit, &
+ result,abserr,neval,ier,alist,blist,rlist,elist,iord,last)
+ end if
+ rslst(1) = result
+ erlst(1) = abserr
+ ierlst(1) = ier
+ lst = 1
+ go to 999
+! initializations
+ 10 l = abs ( omega)
+ dl = 2*l+1
+ cycle = dl*pi/ abs ( omega)
+ ier = 0
+ ktmin = 0
+ neval = 0
+ numrl2 = 0
+ nres = 0
+ c1 = a
+ c2 = cycle+a
+ p1 = 0.1D+01-p
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ eps = epsabs
+ if(epsabs.gt.uflow/p1) eps = epsabs*p1
+ ep = eps
+ fact = 0.1D+01
+ correc = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ errsum = 0.0D+00
+! main do-loop
+ do lst = 1,limlst
+! integrate over current subinterval.
+ dla = lst
+ epsa = eps*fact
+ call dqawoe(f,c1,c2,omega,integr,epsa,0.0D+00,limit,lst,maxp1, &
+ rslst(lst),erlst(lst),nev,ierlst(lst),last,alist,blist,rlist, &
+ elist,iord,nnlog,momcom,chebmo)
+ neval = neval+nev
+ fact = fact*p
+ errsum = errsum+erlst(lst)
+ drl = 0.5D+02* abs ( rslst(lst))
+! test on accuracy with partial sum
+ if((errsum+drl).le.epsabs.and.lst.ge.6) go to 80
+ correc = max ( correc,erlst(lst))
+ if(ierlst(lst).ne.0) eps = max ( ep,correc*p1)
+ if(ierlst(lst).ne.0) ier = 7
+ if(ier.eq.7.and.(errsum+drl).le.correc*0.1D+02.and. &
+ lst.gt.5) go to 80
+ numrl2 = numrl2+1
+ if(lst.gt.1) go to 20
+ psum(1) = rslst(1)
+ go to 40
+ 20 psum(numrl2) = psum(ll)+rslst(lst)
+ if(lst.eq.2) go to 40
+! test on maximum number of subintervals
+ if(lst.eq.limlst) ier = 1
+! perform new extrapolation
+ call dqelg(numrl2,psum,reseps,abseps,res3la,nres)
+! test whether extrapolated result is influenced by roundoff
+ ktmin = ktmin+1
+ if(ktmin.ge.15.and.abserr.le.0.1D-02*(errsum+drl)) ier = 4
+ if(abseps.gt.abserr.and.lst.ne.3) go to 30
+ abserr = abseps
+ result = reseps
+ ktmin = 0
+! if ier is not 0, check whether direct result (partial sum)
+! or extrapolated result yields the best integral
+! approximation
+ if((abserr+0.1D+02*correc).le.epsabs.or. &
+ (abserr.le.epsabs.and.0.1D+02*correc.ge.epsabs)) go to 60
+ 30 if(ier.ne.0.and.ier.ne.7) go to 60
+ 40 ll = numrl2
+ c1 = c2
+ c2 = c2+cycle
+ end do
+! set final result and error estimate
+ 60 abserr = abserr+0.1D+02*correc
+ if(ier.eq.0) go to 999
+ if(result.ne.0.0D+00.and.psum(numrl2).ne.0.0D+00) go to 70
+ if(abserr.gt.errsum) go to 80
+ if(psum(numrl2).eq.0.0D+00) go to 999
+ 70 if(abserr/ abs ( result).gt.(errsum+drl)/ abs ( psum(numrl2))) &
+ go to 80
+ if(ier.ge.1.and.ier.ne.7) abserr = abserr+drl
+ go to 999
+ 80 result = psum(numrl2)
+ abserr = errsum+drl
+ 999 continue
+ return
+subroutine dqawf ( f, a, omega, integr, epsabs, result, abserr, neval, ier, &
+ limlst, lst, leniw, maxp1, lenw, iwork, work )
+!! DQAWF computes Fourier integrals over the interval [ A, +Infinity ).
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! fourier integral i=integral of f(x)*w(x) over (a,infinity)
+! where w(x) = cos(omega*x) or w(x) = sin(omega*x).
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.epsabs.
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! omega - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the integrand weight function
+! integr - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! indicates which of the weight functions is used
+! integr = 1 w(x) = cos(omega*x)
+! integr = 2 w(x) = sin(omega*x)
+! if integr.ne.1.and.integr.ne.2, the routine
+! will end with ier = 6.
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested, epsabs.gt.0.
+! if epsabs.le.0, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine.
+! the estimates for integral and error are
+! less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! if omega.ne.0
+! ier = 1 maximum number of cycles allowed
+! has been achieved, i.e. of subintervals
+! (a+(k-1)c,a+kc) where
+! c = (2*int(abs(omega))+1)*pi/abs(omega),
+! for k = 1, 2, ..., lst.
+! one can allow more cycles by increasing
+! the value of limlst (and taking the
+! according dimension adjustments into
+! account). examine the array iwork which
+! contains the error flags on the cycles, in
+! order to look for eventual local
+! integration difficulties.
+! if the position of a local difficulty
+! can be determined (e.g. singularity,
+! discontinuity within the interval) one
+! will probably gain from splitting up the
+! interval at this point and calling
+! appropriate integrators on the subranges.
+! = 4 the extrapolation table constructed for
+! convergence accelaration of the series
+! formed by the integral contributions over
+! the cycles, does not converge to within
+! the requested accuracy.
+! as in the case of ier = 1, it is advised
+! to examine the array iwork which contains
+! the error flags on the cycles.
+! = 6 the input is invalid because
+! (integr.ne.1 and integr.ne.2) or
+! epsabs.le.0 or limlst.lt.1 or
+! leniw.lt.(limlst+2) or maxp1.lt.1 or
+! lenw.lt.(leniw*2+maxp1*25).
+! result, abserr, neval, lst are set to
+! zero.
+! = 7 bad integrand behaviour occurs within
+! one or more of the cycles. location and
+! type of the difficulty involved can be
+! determined from the first lst elements of
+! vector iwork. here lst is the number of
+! cycles actually needed (see below).
+! iwork(k) = 1 the maximum number of
+! subdivisions (=(leniw-limlst)
+! /2) has been achieved on the
+! k th cycle.
+! = 2 occurrence of roundoff error
+! is detected and prevents the
+! tolerance imposed on the k th
+! cycle, from being achieved
+! on this cycle.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand
+! behaviour occurs at some
+! points of the k th cycle.
+! = 4 the integration procedure
+! over the k th cycle does
+! not converge (to within the
+! required accuracy) due to
+! roundoff in the extrapolation
+! procedure invoked on this
+! cycle. it is assumed that the
+! result on this interval is
+! the best which can be
+! obtained.
+! = 5 the integral over the k th
+! cycle is probably divergent
+! or slowly convergent. it must
+! be noted that divergence can
+! occur with any other value of
+! iwork(k).
+! if omega = 0 and integr = 1,
+! the integral is calculated by means of dqagie,
+! and ier = iwork(1) (with meaning as described
+! for iwork(k),k = 1).
+! dimensioning parameters
+! limlst - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! limlst gives an upper bound on the number of
+! cycles, limlst.ge.3.
+! if limlst.lt.3, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! lst - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! on return, lst indicates the number of cycles
+! actually needed for the integration.
+! if omega = 0, then lst is set to 1.
+! leniw - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for iwork. on entry,
+! (leniw-limlst)/2 equals the maximum number of
+! subintervals allowed in the partition of each
+! cycle, leniw.ge.(limlst+2).
+! if leniw.lt.(limlst+2), the routine will end with
+! ier = 6.
+! maxp1 - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! maxp1 gives an upper bound on the number of
+! chebyshev moments which can be stored, i.e. for
+! the intervals of lengths abs(b-a)*2**(-l),
+! l = 0,1, ..., maxp1-2, maxp1.ge.1.
+! if maxp1.lt.1, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! lenw - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for work
+! lenw must be at least leniw*2+maxp1*25.
+! if lenw.lt.(leniw*2+maxp1*25), the routine will
+! end with ier = 6.
+! work arrays
+! iwork - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least leniw
+! on return, iwork(k) for k = 1, 2, ..., lst
+! contain the error flags on the cycles.
+! work - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least lenw
+! on return,
+! work(1), ..., work(lst) contain the integral
+! approximations over the cycles,
+! work(limlst+1), ..., work(limlst+lst) contain
+! the error extimates over the cycles.
+! further elements of work have no specific
+! meaning for the user.
+ implicit none
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) leniw
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) lenw
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a
+ real ( kind = 8 ) abserr
+ real ( kind = 8 ) epsabs
+ real ( kind = 8 ), external :: f
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) integr
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) iwork(leniw)
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) last
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) limit
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) limlst
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ll2
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) lst
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) lvl
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l1
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l2
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l3
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l4
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l5
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l6
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) maxp1
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) neval
+ real ( kind = 8 ) omega
+ real ( kind = 8 ) result
+ real ( kind = 8 ) work(lenw)
+! check validity of limlst, leniw, maxp1 and lenw.
+ ier = 6
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ if(limlst.lt.3.or.leniw.lt.(limlst+2).or.maxp1.lt.1.or.lenw.lt. &
+ (leniw*2+maxp1*25)) go to 10
+! prepare call for dqawfe
+ limit = (leniw-limlst)/2
+ l1 = limlst+1
+ l2 = limlst+l1
+ l3 = limit+l2
+ l4 = limit+l3
+ l5 = limit+l4
+ l6 = limit+l5
+ ll2 = limit+l1
+ call dqawfe(f,a,omega,integr,epsabs,limlst,limit,maxp1,result, &
+ abserr,neval,ier,work(1),work(l1),iwork(1),lst,work(l2), &
+ work(l3),work(l4),work(l5),iwork(l1),iwork(ll2),work(l6))
+! call error handler if necessary
+ lvl = 0
+10 continue
+ if(ier.eq.6) lvl = 1
+ if(ier.ne.0) call xerror('abnormal return from dqawf',26,ier,lvl)
+ return
+subroutine dqawoe ( f, a, b, omega, integr, epsabs, epsrel, limit, icall, &
+ maxp1, result, abserr, neval, ier, last, alist, blist, rlist, elist, iord, &
+ nnlog, momcom, chebmo )
+!! DQAWOE computes the integrals of oscillatory integrands.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! definite integral
+! i = integral of f(x)*w(x) over (a,b)
+! where w(x) = cos(omega*x) or w(x)=sin(omega*x),
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! omega - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the integrand weight function
+! integr - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! indicates which of the weight functions is to be
+! used
+! integr = 1 w(x) = cos(omega*x)
+! integr = 2 w(x) = sin(omega*x)
+! if integr.ne.1 and integr.ne.2, the routine
+! will end with ier = 6.
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! gives an upper bound on the number of subdivisions
+! in the partition of (a,b), limit.ge.1.
+! icall - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! if dqawoe is to be used only once, icall must
+! be set to 1. assume that during this call, the
+! chebyshev moments (for clenshaw-curtis integration
+! of degree 24) have been computed for intervals of
+! lenghts (abs(b-a))*2**(-l), l=0,1,2,...momcom-1.
+! if icall.gt.1 this means that dqawoe has been
+! called twice or more on intervals of the same
+! length abs(b-a). the chebyshev moments already
+! computed are then re-used in subsequent calls.
+! if icall.lt.1, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! maxp1 - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! gives an upper bound on the number of chebyshev
+! moments which can be stored, i.e. for the
+! intervals of lenghts abs(b-a)*2**(-l),
+! l=0,1, ..., maxp1-2, maxp1.ge.1.
+! if maxp1.lt.1, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has been achieved.
+! - ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine.
+! the estimates for integral and error are
+! less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more
+! subdivisions by increasing the value of
+! limit (and taking according dimension
+! adjustments into account). however, if
+! this yields no improvement it is advised
+! to analyze the integrand, in order to
+! determine the integration difficulties.
+! if the position of a local difficulty can
+! be determined (e.g. singularity,
+! discontinuity within the interval) one
+! will probably gain from splitting up the
+! interval at this point and calling the
+! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
+! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
+! should be used which is designed for
+! handling the type of difficulty involved.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
+! detected, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! the error may be under-estimated.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
+! at some points of the integration
+! interval.
+! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
+! roundoff error is detected in the
+! extrapolation table.
+! it is presumed that the requested
+! tolerance cannot be achieved due to
+! roundoff in the extrapolation table,
+! and that the returned result is the
+! best which can be obtained.
+! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
+! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
+! divergence can occur with any other value
+! of ier.gt.0.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28))
+! or (integr.ne.1 and integr.ne.2) or
+! icall.lt.1 or maxp1.lt.1.
+! result, abserr, neval, last, rlist(1),
+! elist(1), iord(1) and nnlog(1) are set
+! to zero. alist(1) and blist(1) are set
+! to a and b respectively.
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! on return, last equals the number of
+! subintervals produces in the subdivision
+! process, which determines the number of
+! significant elements actually in the
+! work arrays.
+! alist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the left
+! end points of the subintervals in the partition
+! of the given integration range (a,b)
+! blist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the right
+! end points of the subintervals in the partition
+! of the given integration range (a,b)
+! rlist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the integral
+! approximations on the subintervals
+! elist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the moduli of the
+! absolute error estimates on the subintervals
+! iord - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
+! elements of which are pointers to the error
+! estimates over the subintervals,
+! such that elist(iord(1)), ...,
+! elist(iord(k)) form a decreasing sequence, with
+! k = last if last.le.(limit/2+2), and
+! k = limit+1-last otherwise.
+! nnlog - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, containing the
+! subdivision levels of the subintervals, i.e.
+! iwork(i) = l means that the subinterval
+! numbered i is of length abs(b-a)*2**(1-l)
+! on entry and return
+! momcom - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! indicating that the chebyshev moments
+! have been computed for intervals of lengths
+! (abs(b-a))*2**(-l), l=0,1,2, ..., momcom-1,
+! momcom.lt.maxp1
+! chebmo - real ( kind = 8 )
+! array of dimension (maxp1,25) containing the
+! chebyshev moments
+! Local Parameters:
+! the dimension of rlist2 is determined by the value of
+! limexp in routine dqelg (rlist2 should be of
+! dimension (limexp+2) at least).
+! list of major variables
+! alist - list of left end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! blist - list of right end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! rlist(i) - approximation to the integral over
+! (alist(i),blist(i))
+! rlist2 - array of dimension at least limexp+2
+! containing the part of the epsilon table
+! which is still needed for further computations
+! elist(i) - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
+! maxerr - pointer to the interval with largest
+! error estimate
+! errmax - elist(maxerr)
+! erlast - error on the interval currently subdivided
+! area - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
+! errsum - sum of the errors over the subintervals
+! errbnd - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
+! abs(result))
+! *****1 - variable for the left subinterval
+! *****2 - variable for the right subinterval
+! last - index for subdivision
+! nres - number of calls to the extrapolation routine
+! numrl2 - number of elements in rlist2. if an appropriate
+! approximation to the compounded integral has
+! been obtained it is put in rlist2(numrl2) after
+! numrl2 has been increased by one
+! small - length of the smallest interval considered
+! up to now, multiplied by 1.5
+! erlarg - sum of the errors over the intervals larger
+! than the smallest interval considered up to now
+! extrap - logical variable denoting that the routine is
+! attempting to perform extrapolation, i.e. before
+! subdividing the smallest interval we try to
+! decrease the value of erlarg
+! noext - logical variable denoting that extrapolation
+! is no longer allowed (true value)
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+! oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abseps,abserr,alist,area,area1,area12,area2,a1, &
+ a2,b,blist,b1,b2,chebmo,correc,defab1,defab2,defabs, &
+ domega,dres,elist,epmach,epsabs,epsrel,erlarg,erlast, &
+ errbnd,errmax,error1,erro12,error2,errsum,ertest,f,oflow, &
+ omega,resabs,reseps,result,res3la,rlist,rlist2,small,uflow,width
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) icall,id,ier,ierro,integr,iord,iroff1,iroff2
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) iroff3
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) jupbnd
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) k,ksgn,ktmin,last,limit,maxerr,maxp1,momcom,nev,neval, &
+ nnlog,nres,nrmax,nrmom,numrl2
+ logical extrap,noext,extall
+ dimension alist(limit),blist(limit),rlist(limit),elist(limit), &
+ iord(limit),rlist2(52),res3la(3),chebmo(maxp1,25),nnlog(limit)
+ external f
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+! test on validity of parameters
+ ier = 0
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ alist(1) = a
+ blist(1) = b
+ rlist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ elist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ iord(1) = 0
+ nnlog(1) = 0
+ if((integr.ne.1.and.integr.ne.2).or.(epsabs.le.0.0D+00.and. &
+ epsrel.lt. max ( 0.5D+02*epmach,0.5D-28)).or.icall.lt.1.or. &
+ maxp1.lt.1) ier = 6
+ if(ier.eq.6) go to 999
+! first approximation to the integral
+ domega = abs ( omega)
+ nrmom = 0
+ if (icall.gt.1) go to 5
+ momcom = 0
+ 5 call dqc25f(f,a,b,domega,integr,nrmom,maxp1,0,result,abserr, &
+ neval,defabs,resabs,momcom,chebmo)
+! test on accuracy.
+ dres = abs ( result)
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel*dres)
+ rlist(1) = result
+ elist(1) = abserr
+ iord(1) = 1
+ if(abserr.le.0.1D+03*epmach*defabs.and.abserr.gt.errbnd) ier = 2
+ if(limit.eq.1) ier = 1
+ if(ier.ne.0.or.abserr.le.errbnd) go to 200
+! initializations
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ oflow = huge ( oflow )
+ errmax = abserr
+ maxerr = 1
+ area = result
+ errsum = abserr
+ abserr = oflow
+ nrmax = 1
+ extrap = .false.
+ noext = .false.
+ ierro = 0
+ iroff1 = 0
+ iroff2 = 0
+ iroff3 = 0
+ ktmin = 0
+ small = abs ( b-a)*0.75D+00
+ nres = 0
+ numrl2 = 0
+ extall = .false.
+ if(0.5D+00* abs ( b-a)*domega.gt.0.2D+01) go to 10
+ numrl2 = 1
+ extall = .true.
+ rlist2(1) = result
+ 10 if(0.25D+00* abs ( b-a)*domega.le.0.2D+01) extall = .true.
+ ksgn = -1
+ if(dres.ge.(0.1D+01-0.5D+02*epmach)*defabs) ksgn = 1
+! main do-loop
+ do 140 last = 2,limit
+! bisect the subinterval with the nrmax-th largest error estimate.
+ nrmom = nnlog(maxerr)+1
+ a1 = alist(maxerr)
+ b1 = 0.5D+00*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
+ a2 = b1
+ b2 = blist(maxerr)
+ erlast = errmax
+ call dqc25f(f,a1,b1,domega,integr,nrmom,maxp1,0, &
+ area1,error1,nev,resabs,defab1,momcom,chebmo)
+ neval = neval+nev
+ call dqc25f(f,a2,b2,domega,integr,nrmom,maxp1,1, &
+ area2,error2,nev,resabs,defab2,momcom,chebmo)
+ neval = neval+nev
+! improve previous approximations to integral
+! and error and test for accuracy.
+ area12 = area1+area2
+ erro12 = error1+error2
+ errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
+ area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
+ if(defab1.eq.error1.or.defab2.eq.error2) go to 25
+ if( abs ( rlist(maxerr)-area12).gt.0.1D-04* abs ( area12) &
+ .or.erro12.lt.0.99D+00*errmax) go to 20
+ if(extrap) iroff2 = iroff2+1
+ if(.not.extrap) iroff1 = iroff1+1
+ 20 if(last.gt.10.and.erro12.gt.errmax) iroff3 = iroff3+1
+ 25 rlist(maxerr) = area1
+ rlist(last) = area2
+ nnlog(maxerr) = nrmom
+ nnlog(last) = nrmom
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( area))
+! test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag.
+ if(iroff1+iroff2.ge.10.or.iroff3.ge.20) ier = 2
+ if(iroff2.ge.5) ierro = 3
+! set error flag in the case that the number of
+! subintervals equals limit.
+ if(last.eq.limit) ier = 1
+! set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
+! at a point of the integration range.
+ if( max ( abs ( a1), abs ( b2)).le.(0.1D+01+0.1D+03*epmach) &
+ *( abs ( a2)+0.1D+04*uflow)) ier = 4
+! append the newly-created intervals to the list.
+ if(error2.gt.error1) go to 30
+ alist(last) = a2
+ blist(maxerr) = b1
+ blist(last) = b2
+ elist(maxerr) = error1
+ elist(last) = error2
+ go to 40
+ 30 alist(maxerr) = a2
+ alist(last) = a1
+ blist(last) = b1
+ rlist(maxerr) = area2
+ rlist(last) = area1
+ elist(maxerr) = error2
+ elist(last) = error1
+! call dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
+! in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
+! with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to bisected next).
+ 40 call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
+ if(errsum.le.errbnd) go to 170
+ if(ier.ne.0) go to 150
+ if(last.eq.2.and.extall) go to 120
+ if(noext) go to 140
+ if(.not.extall) go to 50
+ erlarg = erlarg-erlast
+ if( abs ( b1-a1).gt.small) erlarg = erlarg+erro12
+ if(extrap) go to 70
+! test whether the interval to be bisected next is the
+! smallest interval.
+ 50 width = abs ( blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr))
+ if(width.gt.small) go to 140
+ if(extall) go to 60
+! test whether we can start with the extrapolation procedure
+! (we do this if we integrate over the next interval with
+! use of a gauss-kronrod rule - see routine dqc25f).
+ small = small*0.5D+00
+ if(0.25D+00*width*domega.gt.0.2D+01) go to 140
+ extall = .true.
+ go to 130
+ 60 extrap = .true.
+ nrmax = 2
+ 70 if(ierro.eq.3.or.erlarg.le.ertest) go to 90
+! the smallest interval has the largest error.
+! before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors over
+! the larger intervals (erlarg) and perform extrapolation.
+ jupbnd = last
+ if (last.gt.(limit/2+2)) jupbnd = limit+3-last
+ id = nrmax
+ do k = id,jupbnd
+ maxerr = iord(nrmax)
+ errmax = elist(maxerr)
+ if( abs ( blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr)).gt.small) go to 140
+ nrmax = nrmax+1
+ end do
+! perform extrapolation.
+ 90 numrl2 = numrl2+1
+ rlist2(numrl2) = area
+ if(numrl2.lt.3) go to 110
+ call dqelg(numrl2,rlist2,reseps,abseps,res3la,nres)
+ ktmin = ktmin+1
+ if(ktmin.gt.5.and.abserr.lt.0.1D-02*errsum) ier = 5
+ if(abseps.ge.abserr) go to 100
+ ktmin = 0
+ abserr = abseps
+ result = reseps
+ correc = erlarg
+ ertest = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( reseps))
+ if(abserr.le.ertest) go to 150
+! prepare bisection of the smallest interval.
+ 100 if(numrl2.eq.1) noext = .true.
+ if(ier.eq.5) go to 150
+ 110 maxerr = iord(1)
+ errmax = elist(maxerr)
+ nrmax = 1
+ extrap = .false.
+ small = small*0.5D+00
+ erlarg = errsum
+ go to 140
+ 120 small = small*0.5D+00
+ numrl2 = numrl2+1
+ rlist2(numrl2) = area
+ 130 ertest = errbnd
+ erlarg = errsum
+ 140 continue
+! set the final result.-
+ 150 if(abserr.eq.oflow.or.nres.eq.0) go to 170
+ if(ier+ierro.eq.0) go to 165
+ if(ierro.eq.3) abserr = abserr+correc
+ if(ier.eq.0) ier = 3
+ if(result.ne.0.0D+00.and.area.ne.0.0D+00) go to 160
+ if(abserr.gt.errsum) go to 170
+ if(area.eq.0.0D+00) go to 190
+ go to 165
+ 160 if(abserr/ abs ( result).gt.errsum/ abs ( area)) go to 170
+! test on divergence.
+ 165 if(ksgn.eq.(-1).and. max ( abs ( result), abs ( area)).le. &
+ defabs*0.1D-01) go to 190
+ if(0.1D-01.gt.(result/area).or.(result/area).gt.0.1D+03 &
+ .or.errsum.ge. abs ( area)) ier = 6
+ go to 190
+! compute global integral sum.
+ 170 result = 0.0D+00
+ do k=1,last
+ result = result+rlist(k)
+ end do
+ abserr = errsum
+ 190 if (ier.gt.2) ier=ier-1
+ 200 if (integr.eq.2.and.omega.lt.0.0D+00) result=-result
+ 999 continue
+ return
+subroutine dqawo ( f, a, b, omega, integr, epsabs, epsrel, result, abserr, &
+ neval, ier, leniw, maxp1, lenw, last, iwork, work )
+!! DQAWO computes the integrals of oscillatory integrands.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! definite integral i=integral of f(x)*w(x) over (a,b)
+! where w(x) = cos(omega*x)
+! or w(x) = sin(omega*x),
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the function
+! f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! omega - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the integrand weight function
+! integr - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! indicates which of the weight functions is used
+! integr = 1 w(x) = cos(omega*x)
+! integr = 2 w(x) = sin(omega*x)
+! if integr.ne.1.and.integr.ne.2, the routine will
+! end with ier = 6.
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! - ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine.
+! the estimates for integral and error are
+! less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! (= leniw/2) has been achieved. one can
+! allow more subdivisions by increasing the
+! value of leniw (and taking the according
+! dimension adjustments into account).
+! however, if this yields no improvement it
+! is advised to analyze the integrand in
+! order to determine the integration
+! difficulties. if the position of a local
+! difficulty can be determined (e.g.
+! singularity, discontinuity within the
+! interval) one will probably gain from
+! splitting up the interval at this point
+! and calling the integrator on the
+! subranges. if possible, an appropriate
+! special-purpose integrator should be used
+! which is designed for handling the type of
+! difficulty involved.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
+! detected, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! the error may be under-estimated.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
+! at some interior points of the
+! integration interval.
+! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
+! roundoff error is detected in the
+! extrapolation table. it is presumed that
+! the requested tolerance cannot be achieved
+! due to roundoff in the extrapolation
+! table, and that the returned result is
+! the best which can be obtained.
+! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
+! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
+! divergence can occur with any other value
+! of ier.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28))
+! or (integr.ne.1 and integr.ne.2),
+! or leniw.lt.2 or maxp1.lt.1 or
+! lenw.lt.leniw*2+maxp1*25.
+! result, abserr, neval, last are set to
+! zero. except when leniw, maxp1 or lenw are
+! invalid, work(limit*2+1), work(limit*3+1),
+! iwork(1), iwork(limit+1) are set to zero,
+! work(1) is set to a and work(limit+1) to
+! b.
+! dimensioning parameters
+! leniw - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for iwork.
+! leniw/2 equals the maximum number of subintervals
+! allowed in the partition of the given integration
+! interval (a,b), leniw.ge.2.
+! if leniw.lt.2, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! maxp1 - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! gives an upper bound on the number of chebyshev
+! moments which can be stored, i.e. for the
+! intervals of lengths abs(b-a)*2**(-l),
+! l=0,1, ..., maxp1-2, maxp1.ge.1
+! if maxp1.lt.1, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! lenw - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for work
+! lenw must be at least leniw*2+maxp1*25.
+! if lenw.lt.(leniw*2+maxp1*25), the routine will
+! end with ier = 6.
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! on return, last equals the number of subintervals
+! produced in the subdivision process, which
+! determines the number of significant elements
+! actually in the work arrays.
+! work arrays
+! iwork - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least leniw
+! on return, the first k elements of which contain
+! pointers to the error estimates over the
+! subintervals, such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)), ..
+! work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing
+! sequence, with limit = lenw/2 , and k = last
+! if last.le.(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last
+! otherwise.
+! furthermore, iwork(limit+1), ..., iwork(limit+
+! last) indicate the subdivision levels of the
+! subintervals, such that iwork(limit+i) = l means
+! that the subinterval numbered i is of length
+! abs(b-a)*2**(1-l).
+! work - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least lenw
+! on return
+! work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left
+! end points of the subintervals in the
+! partition of (a,b),
+! work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain
+! the right end points,
+! work(limit*2+1), ..., work(limit*2+last) contain
+! the integral approximations over the
+! subintervals,
+! work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3+last)
+! contain the error estimates.
+! work(limit*4+1), ..., work(limit*4+maxp1*25)
+! provide space for storing the chebyshev moments.
+! note that limit = lenw/2.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abserr,b,epsabs,epsrel,f,omega,result,work
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier,integr,iwork,last,limit,lenw,leniw,lvl,l
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l1
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l2
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l3
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) l4
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) maxp1,momcom,neval
+ dimension iwork(leniw),work(lenw)
+ external f
+! check validity of leniw, maxp1 and lenw.
+ ier = 6
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ if(leniw.lt.2.or.maxp1.lt.1.or.lenw.lt.(leniw*2+maxp1*25)) &
+ go to 10
+! prepare call for dqawoe
+ limit = leniw/2
+ l1 = limit+1
+ l2 = limit+l1
+ l3 = limit+l2
+ l4 = limit+l3
+ call dqawoe(f,a,b,omega,integr,epsabs,epsrel,limit,1,maxp1,result, &
+ abserr,neval,ier,last,work(1),work(l1),work(l2),work(l3), &
+ iwork(1),iwork(l1),momcom,work(l4))
+! call error handler if necessary
+ lvl = 0
+10 if(ier.eq.6) lvl = 0
+ if(ier.ne.0) call xerror('abnormal return from dqawo',26,ier,lvl)
+ return
+subroutine dqawse(f,a,b,alfa,beta,integr,epsabs,epsrel,limit, &
+ result,abserr,neval,ier,alist,blist,rlist,elist,iord,last)
+!! DQAWSE estimates integrals with algebraico-logarithmic end singularities.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! definite integral i = integral of f*w over (a,b),
+! (where w shows a singular behaviour at the end points,
+! see parameter integr).
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration, b.gt.a
+! if b.le.a, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! alfa - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the weight function, alfa.gt.(-1)
+! if alfa.le.(-1), the routine will end with
+! ier = 6.
+! beta - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the weight function, beta.gt.(-1)
+! if beta.le.(-1), the routine will end with
+! ier = 6.
+! integr - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! indicates which weight function is to be used
+! = 1 (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta
+! = 2 (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta*log(x-a)
+! = 3 (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta*log(b-x)
+! = 4 (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta*log(x-a)*log(b-x)
+! if integr.lt.1 or integr.gt.4, the routine
+! will end with ier = 6.
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! gives an upper bound on the number of subintervals
+! in the partition of (a,b), limit.ge.2
+! if limit.lt.2, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine
+! the estimates for the integral and error
+! are less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more
+! subdivisions by increasing the value of
+! limit. however, if this yields no
+! improvement, it is advised to analyze the
+! integrand in order to determine the
+! integration difficulties which prevent the
+! requested tolerance from being achieved.
+! in case of a jump discontinuity or a local
+! singularity of algebraico-logarithmic type
+! at one or more interior points of the
+! integration range, one should proceed by
+! splitting up the interval at these
+! points and calling the integrator on the
+! subranges.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
+! detected, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
+! at some points of the integration
+! interval.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! b.le.a or alfa.le.(-1) or beta.le.(-1), or
+! integr.lt.1 or integr.gt.4, or
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! or limit.lt.2.
+! result, abserr, neval, rlist(1), elist(1),
+! iord(1) and last are set to zero. alist(1)
+! and blist(1) are set to a and b
+! respectively.
+! alist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the left
+! end points of the subintervals in the partition
+! of the given integration range (a,b)
+! blist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the right
+! end points of the subintervals in the partition
+! of the given integration range (a,b)
+! rlist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit,the first
+! last elements of which are the integral
+! approximations on the subintervals
+! elist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
+! last elements of which are the moduli of the
+! absolute error estimates on the subintervals
+! iord - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
+! of which are pointers to the error
+! estimates over the subintervals, so that
+! elist(iord(1)), ..., elist(iord(k)) with k = last
+! if last.le.(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last
+! otherwise form a decreasing sequence
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of subintervals actually produced in
+! the subdivision process
+! Local parameters:
+! alist - list of left end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! blist - list of right end points of all subintervals
+! considered up to now
+! rlist(i) - approximation to the integral over
+! (alist(i),blist(i))
+! elist(i) - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
+! maxerr - pointer to the interval with largest
+! error estimate
+! errmax - elist(maxerr)
+! area - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
+! errsum - sum of the errors over the subintervals
+! errbnd - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
+! abs(result))
+! *****1 - variable for the left subinterval
+! *****2 - variable for the right subinterval
+! last - index for subdivision
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abserr,alfa,alist,area,area1,area12,area2,a1, &
+ a2,b,beta,blist,b1,b2,centre,elist,epmach, &
+ epsabs,epsrel,errbnd,errmax,error1,erro12,error2,errsum,f, &
+ resas1,resas2,result,rg,rh,ri,rj,rlist,uflow
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier,integr,iord,iroff1,iroff2,k,last,limit
+ integer ( kind = 4 )maxerr
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) nev
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) neval,nrmax
+ external f
+ dimension alist(limit),blist(limit),rlist(limit),elist(limit), &
+ iord(limit),ri(25),rj(25),rh(25),rg(25)
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+! test on validity of parameters
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ rlist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ elist(1) = 0.0D+00
+ iord(1) = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ if ( b.le.a .or. &
+ (epsabs.eq.0.0D+00 .and. epsrel .lt. max ( 0.5D+02*epmach,0.5D-28) ) .or. &
+ alfa .le. (-0.1D+01) .or. &
+ beta .le. (-0.1D+01) .or. &
+ integr.lt.1 .or. &
+ integr.gt.4 .or. &
+ limit.lt.2 ) then
+ ier = 6
+ return
+ end if
+ ier = 0
+! compute the modified chebyshev moments.
+ call dqmomo(alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,integr)
+! integrate over the intervals (a,(a+b)/2) and ((a+b)/2,b).
+ centre = 0.5D+00*(b+a)
+ call dqc25s(f,a,b,a,centre,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,area1, &
+ error1,resas1,integr,nev)
+ neval = nev
+ call dqc25s(f,a,b,centre,b,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,area2, &
+ error2,resas2,integr,nev)
+ last = 2
+ neval = neval+nev
+ result = area1+area2
+ abserr = error1+error2
+! test on accuracy.
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( result))
+! initialization
+ if ( error2 .le. error1 ) then
+ alist(1) = a
+ alist(2) = centre
+ blist(1) = centre
+ blist(2) = b
+ rlist(1) = area1
+ rlist(2) = area2
+ elist(1) = error1
+ elist(2) = error2
+ else
+ alist(1) = centre
+ alist(2) = a
+ blist(1) = b
+ blist(2) = centre
+ rlist(1) = area2
+ rlist(2) = area1
+ elist(1) = error2
+ elist(2) = error1
+ end if
+ iord(1) = 1
+ iord(2) = 2
+ if(limit.eq.2) ier = 1
+ if(abserr.le.errbnd.or.ier.eq.1) then
+ return
+ end if
+ errmax = elist(1)
+ maxerr = 1
+ nrmax = 1
+ area = result
+ errsum = abserr
+ iroff1 = 0
+ iroff2 = 0
+! main do-loop
+ do 60 last = 3,limit
+! bisect the subinterval with largest error estimate.
+ a1 = alist(maxerr)
+ b1 = 0.5D+00*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
+ a2 = b1
+ b2 = blist(maxerr)
+ call dqc25s(f,a,b,a1,b1,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,area1, &
+ error1,resas1,integr,nev)
+ neval = neval+nev
+ call dqc25s(f,a,b,a2,b2,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,area2, &
+ error2,resas2,integr,nev)
+ neval = neval+nev
+! improve previous approximations integral and error and test for accuracy.
+ area12 = area1+area2
+ erro12 = error1+error2
+ errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
+ area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
+ if(a.eq.a1.or.b.eq.b2) go to 30
+ if(resas1.eq.error1.or.resas2.eq.error2) go to 30
+! test for roundoff error.
+ if( abs ( rlist(maxerr)-area12).lt.0.1D-04* abs ( area12) &
+ .and.erro12.ge.0.99D+00*errmax) iroff1 = iroff1+1
+ if(last.gt.10.and.erro12.gt.errmax) iroff2 = iroff2+1
+ 30 rlist(maxerr) = area1
+ rlist(last) = area2
+! test on accuracy.
+ errbnd = max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( area))
+ if(errsum.le.errbnd) go to 35
+! set error flag in the case that the number of interval
+! bisections exceeds limit.
+ if(last.eq.limit) ier = 1
+! set error flag in the case of roundoff error.
+ if(iroff1.ge.6.or.iroff2.ge.20) ier = 2
+! set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
+! at interior points of integration range.
+ if( max ( abs ( a1), abs ( b2)).le.(0.1D+01+0.1D+03*epmach)* &
+ ( abs ( a2)+0.1D+04*uflow)) ier = 3
+! append the newly-created intervals to the list.
+ 35 if(error2.gt.error1) go to 40
+ alist(last) = a2
+ blist(maxerr) = b1
+ blist(last) = b2
+ elist(maxerr) = error1
+ elist(last) = error2
+ go to 50
+ 40 alist(maxerr) = a2
+ alist(last) = a1
+ blist(last) = b1
+ rlist(maxerr) = area2
+ rlist(last) = area1
+ elist(maxerr) = error2
+ elist(last) = error1
+! call dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
+! in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
+! with largest error estimate (to be bisected next).
+ 50 call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
+ if (ier.ne.0.or.errsum.le.errbnd) go to 70
+ 60 continue
+! compute final result.
+ 70 continue
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ do k=1,last
+ result = result+rlist(k)
+ end do
+ abserr = errsum
+ 999 continue
+ return
+subroutine dqaws ( f, a, b, alfa, beta, integr, epsabs, epsrel, result, &
+ abserr, neval, ier, limit, lenw, last, iwork, work )
+!! DQAWS estimates integrals with algebraico-logarithmic endpoint singularities.
+! Modified:
+! 12 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
+! definite integral i = integral of f*w over (a,b),
+! (where w shows a singular behaviour at the end points
+! see parameter integr).
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration, b.gt.a
+! if b.le.a, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! alfa - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the integrand function, alfa.gt.(-1)
+! if alfa.le.(-1), the routine will end with
+! ier = 6.
+! beta - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the integrand function, beta.gt.(-1)
+! if beta.le.(-1), the routine will end with
+! ier = 6.
+! integr - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! indicates which weight function is to be used
+! = 1 (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta
+! = 2 (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta*log(x-a)
+! = 3 (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta*log(b-x)
+! = 4 (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta*log(x-a)*log(b-x)
+! if integr.lt.1 or integr.gt.4, the routine
+! will end with ier = 6.
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine
+! the estimates for the integral and error
+! are less reliable. it is assumed that the
+! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
+! has been achieved. one can allow more
+! subdivisions by increasing the value of
+! limit (and taking the according dimension
+! adjustments into account). however, if
+! this yields no improvement it is advised
+! to analyze the integrand, in order to
+! determine the integration difficulties
+! which prevent the requested tolerance from
+! being achieved. in case of a jump
+! discontinuity or a local singularity
+! of algebraico-logarithmic type at one or
+! more interior points of the integration
+! range, one should proceed by splitting up
+! the interval at these points and calling
+! the integrator on the subranges.
+! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
+! detected, which prevents the requested
+! tolerance from being achieved.
+! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
+! at some points of the integration
+! interval.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! b.le.a or alfa.le.(-1) or beta.le.(-1) or
+! or integr.lt.1 or integr.gt.4 or
+! (epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28))
+! or limit.lt.2 or lenw.lt.limit*4.
+! result, abserr, neval, last are set to
+! zero. except when lenw or limit is invalid
+! iwork(1), work(limit*2+1) and
+! work(limit*3+1) are set to zero, work(1)
+! is set to a and work(limit+1) to b.
+! dimensioning parameters
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for iwork
+! limit determines the maximum number of
+! subintervals in the partition of the given
+! integration interval (a,b), limit.ge.2.
+! if limit.lt.2, the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! lenw - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! dimensioning parameter for work
+! lenw must be at least limit*4.
+! if lenw.lt.limit*4, the routine will end
+! with ier = 6.
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! on return, last equals the number of
+! subintervals produced in the subdivision process,
+! which determines the significant number of
+! elements actually in the work arrays.
+! work arrays
+! iwork - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension limit, the first k
+! elements of which contain pointers
+! to the error estimates over the subintervals,
+! such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)), ...,
+! work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing
+! sequence with k = last if last.le.(limit/2+2),
+! and k = limit+1-last otherwise
+! work - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension lenw
+! on return
+! work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left
+! end points of the subintervals in the
+! partition of (a,b),
+! work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain
+! the right end points,
+! work(limit*2+1), ..., work(limit*2+last)
+! contain the integral approximations over
+! the subintervals,
+! work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3+last)
+! contain the error estimates.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abserr,alfa,b,beta,epsabs,epsrel,f,result,work
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier,integr,iwork,last,lenw,limit,lvl,l1,l2,l3
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) neval
+ dimension iwork(limit),work(lenw)
+ external f
+! check validity of limit and lenw.
+ ier = 6
+ neval = 0
+ last = 0
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ if(limit.lt.2.or.lenw.lt.limit*4) go to 10
+! prepare call for dqawse.
+ l1 = limit+1
+ l2 = limit+l1
+ l3 = limit+l2
+ call dqawse(f,a,b,alfa,beta,integr,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result, &
+ abserr,neval,ier,work(1),work(l1),work(l2),work(l3),iwork,last)
+! call error handler if necessary.
+ lvl = 0
+10 if(ier.eq.6) lvl = 1
+ if(ier.ne.0) call xerror('abnormal return from dqaws',26,ier,lvl)
+ return
+subroutine dqc25c(f,a,b,c,result,abserr,krul,neval)
+!! DQC25C returns integration rules for Cauchy Principal Value integrals.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose to compute i = integral of f*w over (a,b) with
+! error estimate, where w(x) = 1/(x-c)
+! Parameters:
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand function
+! f(x). the actual name for f needs to be declared
+! e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! left end point of the integration interval
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! right end point of the integration interval, b.gt.a
+! c - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the weight function
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! result is computed by using a generalized
+! clenshaw-curtis method if c lies within ten percent
+! of the integration interval. in the other case the
+! 15-point kronrod rule obtained by optimal addition
+! of abscissae to the 7-point gauss rule, is applied.
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! krul - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! key which is decreased by 1 if the 15-point
+! gauss-kronrod scheme has been used
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! Local Parameters:
+! fval - value of the function f at the points
+! cos(k*pi/24), k = 0, ..., 24
+! cheb12 - chebyshev series expansion coefficients,
+! for the function f, of degree 12
+! cheb24 - chebyshev series expansion coefficients,
+! for the function f, of degree 24
+! res12 - approximation to the integral corresponding
+! to the use of cheb12
+! res24 - approximation to the integral corresponding
+! to the use of cheb24
+! dqwgtc - external function subprogram defining
+! the weight function
+! hlgth - half-length of the interval
+! centr - mid point of the interval
+! the vector x contains the values cos(k*pi/24),
+! k = 1, ..., 11, to be used for the chebyshev series
+! expansion of f
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abserr,ak22,amom0,amom1,amom2,b,c,cc,centr, &
+ cheb12,cheb24,dqwgtc,f,fval,hlgth,p2,p3,p4,resabs, &
+ resasc,result,res12,res24,u,x
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) i,isym,k,kp,krul,neval
+ dimension x(11),fval(25),cheb12(13),cheb24(25)
+ external f
+ external dqwgtc
+ data x(1) / 0.991444861373810411144557526928563d0 /
+ data x(2) / 0.965925826289068286749743199728897d0 /
+ data x(3) / 0.923879532511286756128183189396788d0 /
+ data x(4) / 0.866025403784438646763723170752936d0 /
+ data x(5) / 0.793353340291235164579776961501299d0 /
+ data x(6) / 0.707106781186547524400844362104849d0 /
+ data x(7) / 0.608761429008720639416097542898164d0 /
+ data x(8) / 0.500000000000000000000000000000000d0 /
+ data x(9) / 0.382683432365089771728459984030399d0 /
+ data x(10) / 0.258819045102520762348898837624048d0 /
+ data x(11) / 0.130526192220051591548406227895489d0 /
+! check the position of c.
+ cc = (0.2D+01*c-b-a)/(b-a)
+ if( abs ( cc).lt.0.11D+01) go to 10
+! apply the 15-point gauss-kronrod scheme.
+ krul = krul-1
+ call dqk15w(f,dqwgtc,c,p2,p3,p4,kp,a,b,result,abserr, &
+ resabs,resasc)
+ neval = 15
+ if (resasc.eq.abserr) krul = krul+1
+ go to 50
+! use the generalized clenshaw-curtis method.
+ 10 hlgth = 0.5D+00*(b-a)
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(b+a)
+ neval = 25
+ fval(1) = 0.5D+00*f(hlgth+centr)
+ fval(13) = f(centr)
+ fval(25) = 0.5D+00*f(centr-hlgth)
+ do i=2,12
+ u = hlgth*x(i-1)
+ isym = 26-i
+ fval(i) = f(u+centr)
+ fval(isym) = f(centr-u)
+ end do
+! compute the chebyshev series expansion.
+ call dqcheb(x,fval,cheb12,cheb24)
+! the modified chebyshev moments are computed by forward
+! recursion, using amom0 and amom1 as starting values.
+ amom0 = log ( abs ( (0.1D+01-cc)/(0.1D+01+cc)))
+ amom1 = 0.2D+01+cc*amom0
+ res12 = cheb12(1)*amom0+cheb12(2)*amom1
+ res24 = cheb24(1)*amom0+cheb24(2)*amom1
+ do k=3,13
+ amom2 = 0.2D+01*cc*amom1-amom0
+ ak22 = (k-2)*(k-2)
+ if((k/2)*2.eq.k) amom2 = amom2-0.4D+01/(ak22-0.1D+01)
+ res12 = res12+cheb12(k)*amom2
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(k)*amom2
+ amom0 = amom1
+ amom1 = amom2
+ end do
+ do k=14,25
+ amom2 = 0.2D+01*cc*amom1-amom0
+ ak22 = (k-2)*(k-2)
+ if((k/2)*2.eq.k) amom2 = amom2-0.4D+01/(ak22-0.1D+01)
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(k)*amom2
+ amom0 = amom1
+ amom1 = amom2
+ end do
+ result = res24
+ abserr = abs ( res24-res12)
+ 50 continue
+ return
+subroutine dqc25f(f,a,b,omega,integr,nrmom,maxp1,ksave,result, &
+ abserr,neval,resabs,resasc,momcom,chebmo)
+!! DQC25F returns integration rules for functions with a COS or SIN factor.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose to compute the integral i=integral of f(x) over (a,b)
+! where w(x) = cos(omega*x) or w(x)=sin(omega*x) and to
+! compute j = integral of abs(f) over (a,b). for small value
+! of omega or small intervals (a,b) the 15-point gauss-kronro
+! rule is used. otherwise a generalized clenshaw-curtis
+! method is used.
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to
+! be declared e x t e r n a l in the calling program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! omega - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the weight function
+! integr - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! indicates which weight function is to be used
+! integr = 1 w(x) = cos(omega*x)
+! integr = 2 w(x) = sin(omega*x)
+! nrmom - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! the length of interval (a,b) is equal to the length
+! of the original integration interval divided by
+! 2**nrmom (we suppose that the routine is used in an
+! adaptive integration process, otherwise set
+! nrmom = 0). nrmom must be zero at the first call.
+! maxp1 - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! gives an upper bound on the number of chebyshev
+! moments which can be stored, i.e. for the
+! intervals of lengths abs(bb-aa)*2**(-l),
+! l = 0,1,2, ..., maxp1-2.
+! ksave - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! key which is one when the moments for the
+! current interval have been computed
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral i
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute
+! error, which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! resabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral j
+! resasc - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral of abs(f-i/(b-a))
+! on entry and return
+! momcom - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! for each interval length we need to compute the
+! chebyshev moments. momcom counts the number of
+! intervals for which these moments have already been
+! computed. if nrmom.lt.momcom or ksave = 1, the
+! chebyshev moments for the interval (a,b) have
+! already been computed and stored, otherwise we
+! compute them and we increase momcom.
+! chebmo - real ( kind = 8 )
+! array of dimension at least (maxp1,25) containing
+! the modified chebyshev moments for the first momcom
+! momcom interval lengths
+! Local Parameters:
+! the vector x contains the values cos(k*pi/24)
+! k = 1, ...,11, to be used for the chebyshev expansion of f
+! centr - mid point of the integration interval
+! hlgth - half-length of the integration interval
+! fval - value of the function f at the points
+! (b-a)*0.5*cos(k*pi/12) + (b+a)*0.5, k = 0, ..., 24
+! cheb12 - coefficients of the chebyshev series expansion
+! of degree 12, for the function f, in the
+! interval (a,b)
+! cheb24 - coefficients of the chebyshev series expansion
+! of degree 24, for the function f, in the
+! interval (a,b)
+! resc12 - approximation to the integral of
+! cos(0.5*(b-a)*omega*x)*f(0.5*(b-a)*x+0.5*(b+a))
+! over (-1,+1), using the chebyshev series
+! expansion of degree 12
+! resc24 - approximation to the same integral, using the
+! chebyshev series expansion of degree 24
+! ress12 - the analogue of resc12 for the sine
+! ress24 - the analogue of resc24 for the sine
+! machine dependent constant
+! oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abserr,ac,an,an2,as,asap,ass,b,centr,chebmo, &
+ cheb12,cheb24,conc,cons,cospar,d,dqwgtf,d1, &
+ d2,estc,ests,f,fval,hlgth,oflow,omega,parint,par2,par22, &
+ p2,p3,p4,resabs,resasc,resc12,resc24,ress12,ress24,result, &
+ sinpar,v,x
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) i,iers,integr,isym,j,k,ksave,m,momcom,neval, maxp1,&
+ noequ,noeq1,nrmom
+ dimension chebmo(maxp1,25),cheb12(13),cheb24(25),d(25),d1(25), &
+ d2(25),fval(25),v(28),x(11)
+ external f,dqwgtf
+ data x(1) / 0.991444861373810411144557526928563d0 /
+ data x(2) / 0.965925826289068286749743199728897d0 /
+ data x(3) / 0.923879532511286756128183189396788d0 /
+ data x(4) / 0.866025403784438646763723170752936d0 /
+ data x(5) / 0.793353340291235164579776961501299d0 /
+ data x(6) / 0.707106781186547524400844362104849d0 /
+ data x(7) / 0.608761429008720639416097542898164d0 /
+ data x(8) / 0.500000000000000000000000000000000d0 /
+ data x(9) / 0.382683432365089771728459984030399d0 /
+ data x(10) / 0.258819045102520762348898837624048d0 /
+ data x(11) / 0.130526192220051591548406227895489d0 /
+ oflow = huge ( oflow )
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(b+a)
+ hlgth = 0.5D+00*(b-a)
+ parint = omega*hlgth
+! compute the integral using the 15-point gauss-kronrod
+! formula if the value of the parameter in the integrand is small.
+ if( abs ( parint).gt.0.2D+01) go to 10
+ call dqk15w(f,dqwgtf,omega,p2,p3,p4,integr,a,b,result, &
+ abserr,resabs,resasc)
+ neval = 15
+ go to 170
+! compute the integral using the generalized clenshaw-
+! curtis method.
+ 10 conc = hlgth*dcos(centr*omega)
+ cons = hlgth*dsin(centr*omega)
+ resasc = oflow
+ neval = 25
+! check whether the chebyshev moments for this interval
+! have already been computed.
+ if(nrmom.lt.momcom.or.ksave.eq.1) go to 120
+! compute a new set of chebyshev moments.
+ m = momcom+1
+ par2 = parint*parint
+ par22 = par2+0.2D+01
+ sinpar = dsin(parint)
+ cospar = dcos(parint)
+! compute the chebyshev moments with respect to cosine.
+ v(1) = 0.2D+01*sinpar/parint
+ v(2) = (0.8D+01*cospar+(par2+par2-0.8D+01)*sinpar/parint)/par2
+ v(3) = (0.32D+02*(par2-0.12D+02)*cospar+(0.2D+01* &
+ ((par2-0.80D+02)*par2+0.192D+03)*sinpar)/parint)/(par2*par2)
+ ac = 0.8D+01*cospar
+ as = 0.24D+02*parint*sinpar
+ if( abs ( parint).gt.0.24D+02) go to 30
+! compute the chebyshev moments as the solutions of a
+! boundary value problem with 1 initial value (v(3)) and 1
+! end value (computed using an asymptotic formula).
+ noequ = 25
+ noeq1 = noequ-1
+ an = 0.6D+01
+ do k = 1,noeq1
+ an2 = an*an
+ d(k) = -0.2D+01*(an2-0.4D+01)*(par22-an2-an2)
+ d2(k) = (an-0.1D+01)*(an-0.2D+01)*par2
+ d1(k+1) = (an+0.3D+01)*(an+0.4D+01)*par2
+ v(k+3) = as-(an2-0.4D+01)*ac
+ an = an+0.2D+01
+ end do
+ an2 = an*an
+ d(noequ) = -0.2D+01*(an2-0.4D+01)*(par22-an2-an2)
+ v(noequ+3) = as-(an2-0.4D+01)*ac
+ v(4) = v(4)-0.56D+02*par2*v(3)
+ ass = parint*sinpar
+ asap = (((((0.210D+03*par2-0.1D+01)*cospar-(0.105D+03*par2 &
+ -0.63D+02)*ass)/an2-(0.1D+01-0.15D+02*par2)*cospar &
+ +0.15D+02*ass)/an2-cospar+0.3D+01*ass)/an2-cospar)/an2
+ v(noequ+3) = v(noequ+3)-0.2D+01*asap*par2*(an-0.1D+01)* &
+ (an-0.2D+01)
+! solve the tridiagonal system by means of gaussian
+! elimination with partial pivoting.
+ call dgtsl(noequ,d1,d,d2,v(4),iers)
+ go to 50
+! compute the chebyshev moments by means of forward recursion.
+ 30 an = 0.4D+01
+ do i = 4,13
+ an2 = an*an
+ v(i) = ((an2-0.4D+01)*(0.2D+01*(par22-an2-an2)*v(i-1)-ac) &
+ +as-par2*(an+0.1D+01)*(an+0.2D+01)*v(i-2))/ &
+ (par2*(an-0.1D+01)*(an-0.2D+01))
+ an = an+0.2D+01
+ end do
+ 50 continue
+ do j = 1,13
+ chebmo(m,2*j-1) = v(j)
+ end do
+! compute the chebyshev moments with respect to sine.
+ v(1) = 0.2D+01*(sinpar-parint*cospar)/par2
+ v(2) = (0.18D+02-0.48D+02/par2)*sinpar/par2 &
+ +(-0.2D+01+0.48D+02/par2)*cospar/parint
+ ac = -0.24D+02*parint*cospar
+ as = -0.8D+01*sinpar
+ if( abs ( parint).gt.0.24D+02) go to 80
+! compute the chebyshev moments as the solutions of a boundary
+! value problem with 1 initial value (v(2)) and 1 end value
+! (computed using an asymptotic formula).
+ an = 0.5D+01
+ do k = 1,noeq1
+ an2 = an*an
+ d(k) = -0.2D+01*(an2-0.4D+01)*(par22-an2-an2)
+ d2(k) = (an-0.1D+01)*(an-0.2D+01)*par2
+ d1(k+1) = (an+0.3D+01)*(an+0.4D+01)*par2
+ v(k+2) = ac+(an2-0.4D+01)*as
+ an = an+0.2D+01
+ end do
+ an2 = an*an
+ d(noequ) = -0.2D+01*(an2-0.4D+01)*(par22-an2-an2)
+ v(noequ+2) = ac+(an2-0.4D+01)*as
+ v(3) = v(3)-0.42D+02*par2*v(2)
+ ass = parint*cospar
+ asap = (((((0.105D+03*par2-0.63D+02)*ass+(0.210D+03*par2 &
+ -0.1D+01)*sinpar)/an2+(0.15D+02*par2-0.1D+01)*sinpar- &
+ 0.15D+02*ass)/an2-0.3D+01*ass-sinpar)/an2-sinpar)/an2
+ v(noequ+2) = v(noequ+2)-0.2D+01*asap*par2*(an-0.1D+01) &
+ *(an-0.2D+01)
+! solve the tridiagonal system by means of gaussian
+! elimination with partial pivoting.
+ call dgtsl(noequ,d1,d,d2,v(3),iers)
+ go to 100
+! compute the chebyshev moments by means of forward recursion.
+ 80 an = 0.3D+01
+ do i = 3,12
+ an2 = an*an
+ v(i) = ((an2-0.4D+01)*(0.2D+01*(par22-an2-an2)*v(i-1)+as) &
+ +ac-par2*(an+0.1D+01)*(an+0.2D+01)*v(i-2)) &
+ /(par2*(an-0.1D+01)*(an-0.2D+01))
+ an = an+0.2D+01
+ end do
+ 100 continue
+ do j = 1,12
+ chebmo(m,2*j) = v(j)
+ end do
+ 120 if (nrmom.lt.momcom) m = nrmom+1
+ if (momcom.lt.(maxp1-1).and.nrmom.ge.momcom) momcom = momcom+1
+! compute the coefficients of the chebyshev expansions
+! of degrees 12 and 24 of the function f.
+ fval(1) = 0.5D+00*f(centr+hlgth)
+ fval(13) = f(centr)
+ fval(25) = 0.5D+00*f(centr-hlgth)
+ do i = 2,12
+ isym = 26-i
+ fval(i) = f(hlgth*x(i-1)+centr)
+ fval(isym) = f(centr-hlgth*x(i-1))
+ end do
+ call dqcheb(x,fval,cheb12,cheb24)
+! compute the integral and error estimates.
+ resc12 = cheb12(13)*chebmo(m,13)
+ ress12 = 0.0D+00
+ k = 11
+ do j = 1,6
+ resc12 = resc12+cheb12(k)*chebmo(m,k)
+ ress12 = ress12+cheb12(k+1)*chebmo(m,k+1)
+ k = k-2
+ end do
+ resc24 = cheb24(25)*chebmo(m,25)
+ ress24 = 0.0D+00
+ resabs = abs ( cheb24(25))
+ k = 23
+ do j = 1,12
+ resc24 = resc24+cheb24(k)*chebmo(m,k)
+ ress24 = ress24+cheb24(k+1)*chebmo(m,k+1)
+ resabs = abs ( cheb24(k))+ abs ( cheb24(k+1))
+ k = k-2
+ end do
+ estc = abs ( resc24-resc12)
+ ests = abs ( ress24-ress12)
+ resabs = resabs* abs ( hlgth)
+ if(integr.eq.2) go to 160
+ result = conc*resc24-cons*ress24
+ abserr = abs ( conc*estc)+ abs ( cons*ests)
+ go to 170
+ 160 result = conc*ress24+cons*resc24
+ abserr = abs ( conc*ests)+ abs ( cons*estc)
+ 170 continue
+ return
+subroutine dqc25s(f,a,b,bl,br,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,result, &
+ abserr,resasc,integr,nev)
+!! DQC25S returns rules for algebraico-logarithmic end point singularities.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose to compute i = integral of f*w over (bl,br), with error
+! estimate, where the weight function w has a singular
+! behaviour of algebraico-logarithmic type at the points
+! a and/or b. (bl,br) is a part of (a,b).
+! Parameters:
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! f(x). the actual name for f needs to be declared
+! e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! left end point of the original interval
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! right end point of the original interval, b.gt.a
+! bl - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration, bl.ge.a
+! br - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration, br.le.b
+! alfa - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the weight function
+! beta - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the weight function
+! ri,rj,rg,rh - real ( kind = 8 )
+! modified chebyshev moments for the application
+! of the generalized clenshaw-curtis
+! method (computed in routine dqmomo)
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral
+! result is computed by using a generalized
+! clenshaw-curtis method if b1 = a or br = b.
+! in all other cases the 15-point kronrod
+! rule is applied, obtained by optimal addition of
+! abscissae to the 7-point gauss rule.
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! resasc - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral of abs(f*w-i/(b-a))
+! integr - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! which determines the weight function
+! = 1 w(x) = (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta
+! = 2 w(x) = (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta*log(x-a)
+! = 3 w(x) = (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta*log(b-x)
+! = 4 w(x) = (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta*log(x-a)*
+! log(b-x)
+! nev - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! Local Parameters:
+! the vector x contains the values cos(k*pi/24)
+! k = 1, ..., 11, to be used for the computation of the
+! chebyshev series expansion of f.
+! fval - value of the function f at the points
+! (br-bl)*0.5*cos(k*pi/24)+(br+bl)*0.5
+! k = 0, ..., 24
+! cheb12 - coefficients of the chebyshev series expansion
+! of degree 12, for the function f, in the
+! interval (bl,br)
+! cheb24 - coefficients of the chebyshev series expansion
+! of degree 24, for the function f, in the
+! interval (bl,br)
+! res12 - approximation to the integral obtained from cheb12
+! res24 - approximation to the integral obtained from cheb24
+! dqwgts - external function subprogram defining
+! the four possible weight functions
+! hlgth - half-length of the interval (bl,br)
+! centr - mid point of the interval (bl,br)
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,abserr,alfa,b,beta,bl,br,centr,cheb12,cheb24, &
+ dc,f,factor,fix,fval,hlgth,resabs,resasc,result,res12, &
+ res24,rg,rh,ri,rj,u,dqwgts,x
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) i,integr,isym,nev
+ dimension cheb12(13),cheb24(25),fval(25),rg(25),rh(25),ri(25), &
+ rj(25),x(11)
+ external f,dqwgts
+ data x(1) / 0.991444861373810411144557526928563d0 /
+ data x(2) / 0.965925826289068286749743199728897d0 /
+ data x(3) / 0.923879532511286756128183189396788d0 /
+ data x(4) / 0.866025403784438646763723170752936d0 /
+ data x(5) / 0.793353340291235164579776961501299d0 /
+ data x(6) / 0.707106781186547524400844362104849d0 /
+ data x(7) / 0.608761429008720639416097542898164d0 /
+ data x(8) / 0.500000000000000000000000000000000d0 /
+ data x(9) / 0.382683432365089771728459984030399d0 /
+ data x(10) / 0.258819045102520762348898837624048d0 /
+ data x(11) / 0.130526192220051591548406227895489d0 /
+ nev = 25
+ if(bl.eq.a.and.(alfa.ne.0.0D+00.or.integr.eq.2.or.integr.eq.4)) &
+ go to 10
+ if(br.eq.b.and.(beta.ne.0.0D+00.or.integr.eq.3.or.integr.eq.4)) &
+ go to 140
+! if a.gt.bl and b.lt.br, apply the 15-point gauss-kronrod scheme.
+ call dqk15w(f,dqwgts,a,b,alfa,beta,integr,bl,br, &
+ result,abserr,resabs,resasc)
+ nev = 15
+ go to 270
+! this part of the program is executed only if a = bl.
+! compute the chebyshev series expansion of the
+! following function
+! f1 = (0.5*(b+b-br-a)-0.5*(br-a)*x)**beta
+! *f(0.5*(br-a)*x+0.5*(br+a))
+ 10 hlgth = 0.5D+00*(br-bl)
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(br+bl)
+ fix = b-centr
+ fval(1) = 0.5D+00*f(hlgth+centr)*(fix-hlgth)**beta
+ fval(13) = f(centr)*(fix**beta)
+ fval(25) = 0.5D+00*f(centr-hlgth)*(fix+hlgth)**beta
+ do i=2,12
+ u = hlgth*x(i-1)
+ isym = 26-i
+ fval(i) = f(u+centr)*(fix-u)**beta
+ fval(isym) = f(centr-u)*(fix+u)**beta
+ end do
+ factor = hlgth**(alfa+0.1D+01)
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ res12 = 0.0D+00
+ res24 = 0.0D+00
+ if(integr.gt.2) go to 70
+ call dqcheb(x,fval,cheb12,cheb24)
+! integr = 1 (or 2)
+ do i=1,13
+ res12 = res12+cheb12(i)*ri(i)
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*ri(i)
+ end do
+ do i=14,25
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*ri(i)
+ end do
+ if(integr.eq.1) go to 130
+! integr = 2
+ dc = log (br-bl)
+ result = res24*dc
+ abserr = abs ( (res24-res12)*dc)
+ res12 = 0.0D+00
+ res24 = 0.0D+00
+ do i=1,13
+ res12 = res12+cheb12(i)*rg(i)
+ res24 = res12+cheb24(i)*rg(i)
+ end do
+ do i=14,25
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*rg(i)
+ end do
+ go to 130
+! compute the chebyshev series expansion of the
+! following function
+! f4 = f1*log(0.5*(b+b-br-a)-0.5*(br-a)*x)
+ 70 fval(1) = fval(1)* log (fix-hlgth)
+ fval(13) = fval(13)* log (fix)
+ fval(25) = fval(25)* log (fix+hlgth)
+ do i=2,12
+ u = hlgth*x(i-1)
+ isym = 26-i
+ fval(i) = fval(i)* log (fix-u)
+ fval(isym) = fval(isym)* log (fix+u)
+ end do
+ call dqcheb(x,fval,cheb12,cheb24)
+! integr = 3 (or 4)
+ do i=1,13
+ res12 = res12+cheb12(i)*ri(i)
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*ri(i)
+ end do
+ do i=14,25
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*ri(i)
+ end do
+ if(integr.eq.3) go to 130
+! integr = 4
+ dc = log (br-bl)
+ result = res24*dc
+ abserr = abs ( (res24-res12)*dc)
+ res12 = 0.0D+00
+ res24 = 0.0D+00
+ do i=1,13
+ res12 = res12+cheb12(i)*rg(i)
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*rg(i)
+ end do
+ do i=14,25
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*rg(i)
+ end do
+ 130 result = (result+res24)*factor
+ abserr = (abserr+ abs ( res24-res12))*factor
+ go to 270
+! this part of the program is executed only if b = br.
+! compute the chebyshev series expansion of the following function:
+! f2 = (0.5*(b+bl-a-a)+0.5*(b-bl)*x)**alfa*f(0.5*(b-bl)*x+0.5*(b+bl))
+ 140 hlgth = 0.5D+00*(br-bl)
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(br+bl)
+ fix = centr-a
+ fval(1) = 0.5D+00*f(hlgth+centr)*(fix+hlgth)**alfa
+ fval(13) = f(centr)*(fix**alfa)
+ fval(25) = 0.5D+00*f(centr-hlgth)*(fix-hlgth)**alfa
+ do i=2,12
+ u = hlgth*x(i-1)
+ isym = 26-i
+ fval(i) = f(u+centr)*(fix+u)**alfa
+ fval(isym) = f(centr-u)*(fix-u)**alfa
+ end do
+ factor = hlgth**(beta+0.1D+01)
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ res12 = 0.0D+00
+ res24 = 0.0D+00
+ if(integr.eq.2.or.integr.eq.4) go to 200
+! integr = 1 (or 3)
+ call dqcheb(x,fval,cheb12,cheb24)
+ do i=1,13
+ res12 = res12+cheb12(i)*rj(i)
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*rj(i)
+ end do
+ do i=14,25
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*rj(i)
+ end do
+ if(integr.eq.1) go to 260
+! integr = 3
+ dc = log (br-bl)
+ result = res24*dc
+ abserr = abs ( (res24-res12)*dc)
+ res12 = 0.0D+00
+ res24 = 0.0D+00
+ do i=1,13
+ res12 = res12+cheb12(i)*rh(i)
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*rh(i)
+ end do
+ do i=14,25
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*rh(i)
+ end do
+ go to 260
+! compute the chebyshev series expansion of the
+! following function
+! f3 = f2*log(0.5*(b-bl)*x+0.5*(b+bl-a-a))
+ 200 fval(1) = fval(1)* log (hlgth+fix)
+ fval(13) = fval(13)* log (fix)
+ fval(25) = fval(25)* log (fix-hlgth)
+ do i=2,12
+ u = hlgth*x(i-1)
+ isym = 26-i
+ fval(i) = fval(i)* log (u+fix)
+ fval(isym) = fval(isym)* log (fix-u)
+ end do
+ call dqcheb(x,fval,cheb12,cheb24)
+! integr = 2 (or 4)
+ do i=1,13
+ res12 = res12+cheb12(i)*rj(i)
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*rj(i)
+ end do
+ do i=14,25
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*rj(i)
+ end do
+ if(integr.eq.2) go to 260
+ dc = log (br-bl)
+ result = res24*dc
+ abserr = abs ( (res24-res12)*dc)
+ res12 = 0.0D+00
+ res24 = 0.0D+00
+! integr = 4
+ do i=1,13
+ res12 = res12+cheb12(i)*rh(i)
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*rh(i)
+ end do
+ do i=14,25
+ res24 = res24+cheb24(i)*rh(i)
+ end do
+ 260 result = (result+res24)*factor
+ abserr = (abserr+ abs ( res24-res12))*factor
+ 270 return
+subroutine dqcheb ( x, fval, cheb12, cheb24 )
+!! DQCHEB computes the Chebyshev series expansion.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose this routine computes the chebyshev series expansion
+! of degrees 12 and 24 of a function using a
+! fast fourier transform method
+! f(x) = sum(k=1,..,13) (cheb12(k)*t(k-1,x)),
+! f(x) = sum(k=1,..,25) (cheb24(k)*t(k-1,x)),
+! where t(k,x) is the chebyshev polynomial of degree k.
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! x - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension 11 containing the
+! values cos(k*pi/24), k = 1, ..., 11
+! fval - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension 25 containing the
+! function values at the points
+! (b+a+(b-a)*cos(k*pi/24))/2, k = 0, ...,24,
+! where (a,b) is the approximation interval.
+! fval(1) and fval(25) are divided by two
+! (these values are destroyed at output).
+! on return
+! cheb12 - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension 13 containing the
+! chebyshev coefficients for degree 12
+! cheb24 - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension 25 containing the
+! chebyshev coefficients for degree 24
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) alam,alam1,alam2,cheb12,cheb24,fval,part1,part2, &
+ part3,v,x
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) i,j
+ dimension cheb12(13),cheb24(25),fval(25),v(12),x(11)
+ do i=1,12
+ j = 26-i
+ v(i) = fval(i)-fval(j)
+ fval(i) = fval(i)+fval(j)
+ end do
+ alam1 = v(1)-v(9)
+ alam2 = x(6)*(v(3)-v(7)-v(11))
+ cheb12(4) = alam1+alam2
+ cheb12(10) = alam1-alam2
+ alam1 = v(2)-v(8)-v(10)
+ alam2 = v(4)-v(6)-v(12)
+ alam = x(3)*alam1+x(9)*alam2
+ cheb24(4) = cheb12(4)+alam
+ cheb24(22) = cheb12(4)-alam
+ alam = x(9)*alam1-x(3)*alam2
+ cheb24(10) = cheb12(10)+alam
+ cheb24(16) = cheb12(10)-alam
+ part1 = x(4)*v(5)
+ part2 = x(8)*v(9)
+ part3 = x(6)*v(7)
+ alam1 = v(1)+part1+part2
+ alam2 = x(2)*v(3)+part3+x(10)*v(11)
+ cheb12(2) = alam1+alam2
+ cheb12(12) = alam1-alam2
+ alam = x(1)*v(2)+x(3)*v(4)+x(5)*v(6)+x(7)*v(8) &
+ +x(9)*v(10)+x(11)*v(12)
+ cheb24(2) = cheb12(2)+alam
+ cheb24(24) = cheb12(2)-alam
+ alam = x(11)*v(2)-x(9)*v(4)+x(7)*v(6)-x(5)*v(8) &
+ +x(3)*v(10)-x(1)*v(12)
+ cheb24(12) = cheb12(12)+alam
+ cheb24(14) = cheb12(12)-alam
+ alam1 = v(1)-part1+part2
+ alam2 = x(10)*v(3)-part3+x(2)*v(11)
+ cheb12(6) = alam1+alam2
+ cheb12(8) = alam1-alam2
+ alam = x(5)*v(2)-x(9)*v(4)-x(1)*v(6) &
+ -x(11)*v(8)+x(3)*v(10)+x(7)*v(12)
+ cheb24(6) = cheb12(6)+alam
+ cheb24(20) = cheb12(6)-alam
+ alam = x(7)*v(2)-x(3)*v(4)-x(11)*v(6)+x(1)*v(8) &
+ -x(9)*v(10)-x(5)*v(12)
+ cheb24(8) = cheb12(8)+alam
+ cheb24(18) = cheb12(8)-alam
+ do i=1,6
+ j = 14-i
+ v(i) = fval(i)-fval(j)
+ fval(i) = fval(i)+fval(j)
+ end do
+ alam1 = v(1)+x(8)*v(5)
+ alam2 = x(4)*v(3)
+ cheb12(3) = alam1+alam2
+ cheb12(11) = alam1-alam2
+ cheb12(7) = v(1)-v(5)
+ alam = x(2)*v(2)+x(6)*v(4)+x(10)*v(6)
+ cheb24(3) = cheb12(3)+alam
+ cheb24(23) = cheb12(3)-alam
+ alam = x(6)*(v(2)-v(4)-v(6))
+ cheb24(7) = cheb12(7)+alam
+ cheb24(19) = cheb12(7)-alam
+ alam = x(10)*v(2)-x(6)*v(4)+x(2)*v(6)
+ cheb24(11) = cheb12(11)+alam
+ cheb24(15) = cheb12(11)-alam
+ do i=1,3
+ j = 8-i
+ v(i) = fval(i)-fval(j)
+ fval(i) = fval(i)+fval(j)
+ end do
+ cheb12(5) = v(1)+x(8)*v(3)
+ cheb12(9) = fval(1)-x(8)*fval(3)
+ alam = x(4)*v(2)
+ cheb24(5) = cheb12(5)+alam
+ cheb24(21) = cheb12(5)-alam
+ alam = x(8)*fval(2)-fval(4)
+ cheb24(9) = cheb12(9)+alam
+ cheb24(17) = cheb12(9)-alam
+ cheb12(1) = fval(1)+fval(3)
+ alam = fval(2)+fval(4)
+ cheb24(1) = cheb12(1)+alam
+ cheb24(25) = cheb12(1)-alam
+ cheb12(13) = v(1)-v(3)
+ cheb24(13) = cheb12(13)
+ alam = 0.1D+01/0.6D+01
+ do i=2,12
+ cheb12(i) = cheb12(i)*alam
+ end do
+ alam = 0.5D+00*alam
+ cheb12(1) = cheb12(1)*alam
+ cheb12(13) = cheb12(13)*alam
+ do i=2,24
+ cheb24(i) = cheb24(i)*alam
+ end do
+ cheb24(1) = 0.5D+00*alam*cheb24(1)
+ cheb24(25) = 0.5D+00*alam*cheb24(25)
+ return
+subroutine dqelg ( n, epstab, result, abserr, res3la, nres )
+!! DQELG carries out the Epsilon extrapolation algorithm.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine determines the limit of a given sequence of
+! approximations, by means of the epsilon algorithm of
+! p.wynn. an estimate of the absolute error is also given.
+! the condensed epsilon table is computed. only those
+! elements needed for the computation of the next diagonal
+! are preserved.
+! Parameters:
+! n - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! epstab(n) contains the new element in the
+! first column of the epsilon table.
+! epstab - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension 52 containing the elements
+! of the two lower diagonals of the triangular
+! epsilon table. the elements are numbered
+! starting at the right-hand corner of the
+! triangle.
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! resulting approximation to the integral
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the absolute error computed from
+! result and the 3 previous results
+! res3la - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension 3 containing the last 3
+! results
+! nres - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of calls to the routine
+! (should be zero at first call)
+! Local Parameters:
+! e0 - the 4 elements on which the computation of a new
+! e1 element in the epsilon table is based
+! e2
+! e3 e0
+! e3 e1 new
+! e2
+! newelm - number of elements to be computed in the new
+! diagonal
+! error - error = abs(e1-e0)+abs(e2-e1)+abs(new-e2)
+! result - the element in the new diagonal with least value
+! of error
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
+! limexp is the maximum number of elements the epsilon
+! table can contain. if this number is reached, the upper
+! diagonal of the epsilon table is deleted.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) abserr,delta1,delta2,delta3, &
+ epmach,epsinf,epstab,error,err1,err2,err3,e0,e1,e1abs,e2,e3, &
+ oflow,res,result,res3la,ss,tol1,tol2,tol3
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) i,ib,ib2,ie,indx,k1,k2,k3,limexp,n,newelm
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) nres
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) num
+ dimension epstab(52),res3la(3)
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ oflow = huge ( oflow )
+ nres = nres+1
+ abserr = oflow
+ result = epstab(n)
+ if(n.lt.3) go to 100
+ limexp = 50
+ epstab(n+2) = epstab(n)
+ newelm = (n-1)/2
+ epstab(n) = oflow
+ num = n
+ k1 = n
+ do 40 i = 1,newelm
+ k2 = k1-1
+ k3 = k1-2
+ res = epstab(k1+2)
+ e0 = epstab(k3)
+ e1 = epstab(k2)
+ e2 = res
+ e1abs = abs ( e1)
+ delta2 = e2-e1
+ err2 = abs ( delta2)
+ tol2 = max ( abs ( e2),e1abs)*epmach
+ delta3 = e1 - e0
+ err3 = abs ( delta3)
+ tol3 = max ( e1abs, abs ( e0))*epmach
+ if(err2.gt.tol2.or.err3.gt.tol3) go to 10
+! if e0, e1 and e2 are equal to machine accuracy, convergence is assumed.
+ result = res
+ abserr = err2+err3
+ go to 100
+ 10 e3 = epstab(k1)
+ epstab(k1) = e1
+ delta1 = e1-e3
+ err1 = abs ( delta1)
+ tol1 = max ( e1abs, abs ( e3))*epmach
+! if two elements are very close to each other, omit
+! a part of the table by adjusting the value of n
+ if(err1.le.tol1.or.err2.le.tol2.or.err3.le.tol3) go to 20
+ ss = 0.1D+01/delta1+0.1D+01/delta2-0.1D+01/delta3
+ epsinf = abs ( ss*e1)
+! test to detect irregular behaviour in the table, and
+! eventually omit a part of the table adjusting the value
+! of n.
+ if(epsinf.gt.0.1D-03) go to 30
+ 20 n = i+i-1
+ go to 50
+! compute a new element and eventually adjust
+! the value of result.
+ 30 res = e1+0.1D+01/ss
+ epstab(k1) = res
+ k1 = k1-2
+ error = err2 + abs ( res-e2 ) + err3
+ if ( error .le. abserr ) then
+ abserr = error
+ result = res
+ end if
+ 40 continue
+! shift the table.
+ 50 if(n.eq.limexp) n = 2*(limexp/2)-1
+ ib = 1
+ if((num/2)*2.eq.num) ib = 2
+ ie = newelm+1
+ do i=1,ie
+ ib2 = ib+2
+ epstab(ib) = epstab(ib2)
+ ib = ib2
+ end do
+ if(num.eq.n) go to 80
+ indx = num-n+1
+ do i = 1,n
+ epstab(i)= epstab(indx)
+ indx = indx+1
+ end do
+ 80 if(nres.ge.4) go to 90
+ res3la(nres) = result
+ abserr = oflow
+ go to 100
+! compute error estimate
+ 90 abserr = abs ( result-res3la(3))+ abs ( result-res3la(2)) &
+ + abs ( result-res3la(1))
+ res3la(1) = res3la(2)
+ res3la(2) = res3la(3)
+ res3la(3) = result
+ 100 continue
+ abserr = max ( abserr, 0.5D+01*epmach* abs ( result))
+ return
+subroutine dqk15(f,a,b,result,abserr,resabs,resasc)
+!! DQK15 carries out a 15 point Gauss-Kronrod quadrature rule.
+! the abscissae and weights are given for the interval (-1,1).
+! because of symmetry only the positive abscissae and their
+! corresponding weights are given.
+! xgk - abscissae of the 15-point kronrod rule
+! xgk(2), xgk(4), ... abscissae of the 7-point
+! gauss rule
+! xgk(1), xgk(3), ... abscissae which are optimally
+! added to the 7-point gauss rule
+! wgk - weights of the 15-point kronrod rule
+! wg - weights of the 7-point gauss rule
+! gauss quadrature weights and kronron quadrature abscissae and weights
+! as evaluated with 80 decimal digit arithmetic by l. w. fullerton,
+! bell labs, nov. 1981.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose to compute i = integral of f over (a,b), with error
+! estimate
+! j = integral of abs(f) over (a,b)
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the calling program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral i
+! result is computed by applying the 15-point
+! kronrod rule (resk) obtained by optimal addition
+! of abscissae to the7-point gauss rule(resg).
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should not exceed abs(i-result)
+! resabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral j
+! resasc - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral of abs(f-i/(b-a))
+! over (a,b)
+! Local Parameters:
+! centr - mid point of the interval
+! hlgth - half-length of the interval
+! absc - abscissa
+! fval* - function value
+! resg - result of the 7-point gauss formula
+! resk - result of the 15-point kronrod formula
+! reskh - approximation to the mean value of f over (a,b),
+! i.e. to i/(b-a)
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,absc,abserr,b,centr,dhlgth, &
+ epmach,f,fc,fsum,fval1,fval2,fv1,fv2,hlgth,resabs,resasc, &
+ resg,resk,reskh,result,uflow,wg,wgk,xgk
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) j,jtw,jtwm1
+ external f
+ dimension fv1(7),fv2(7),wg(4),wgk(8),xgk(8)
+ data wg ( 1) / 0.129484966168869693270611432679082d0 /
+ data wg ( 2) / 0.279705391489276667901467771423780d0 /
+ data wg ( 3) / 0.381830050505118944950369775488975d0 /
+ data wg ( 4) / 0.417959183673469387755102040816327d0 /
+ data xgk ( 1) / 0.991455371120812639206854697526329d0 /
+ data xgk ( 2) / 0.949107912342758524526189684047851d0 /
+ data xgk ( 3) / 0.864864423359769072789712788640926d0 /
+ data xgk ( 4) / 0.741531185599394439863864773280788d0 /
+ data xgk ( 5) / 0.586087235467691130294144838258730d0 /
+ data xgk ( 6) / 0.405845151377397166906606412076961d0 /
+ data xgk ( 7) / 0.207784955007898467600689403773245d0 /
+ data xgk ( 8) / 0.000000000000000000000000000000000d0 /
+ data wgk ( 1) / 0.022935322010529224963732008058970d0 /
+ data wgk ( 2) / 0.063092092629978553290700663189204d0 /
+ data wgk ( 3) / 0.104790010322250183839876322541518d0 /
+ data wgk ( 4) / 0.140653259715525918745189590510238d0 /
+ data wgk ( 5) / 0.169004726639267902826583426598550d0 /
+ data wgk ( 6) / 0.190350578064785409913256402421014d0 /
+ data wgk ( 7) / 0.204432940075298892414161999234649d0 /
+ data wgk ( 8) / 0.209482141084727828012999174891714d0 /
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(a+b)
+ hlgth = 0.5D+00*(b-a)
+ dhlgth = abs ( hlgth)
+! compute the 15-point kronrod approximation to
+! the integral, and estimate the absolute error.
+ fc = f(centr)
+ resg = fc*wg(4)
+ resk = fc*wgk(8)
+ resabs = abs ( resk)
+ do j=1,3
+ jtw = j*2
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(jtw)
+ fval1 = f(centr-absc)
+ fval2 = f(centr+absc)
+ fv1(jtw) = fval1
+ fv2(jtw) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtw)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtw)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ do j = 1,4
+ jtwm1 = j*2-1
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(jtwm1)
+ fval1 = f(centr-absc)
+ fval2 = f(centr+absc)
+ fv1(jtwm1) = fval1
+ fv2(jtwm1) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtwm1)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtwm1)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ reskh = resk*0.5D+00
+ resasc = wgk(8)* abs ( fc-reskh)
+ do j=1,7
+ resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*( abs ( fv1(j)-reskh)+ abs ( fv2(j)-reskh))
+ end do
+ result = resk*hlgth
+ resabs = resabs*dhlgth
+ resasc = resasc*dhlgth
+ abserr = abs ( (resk-resg)*hlgth)
+ if(resasc.ne.0.0D+00.and.abserr.ne.0.0D+00) &
+ abserr = resasc* min (0.1D+01,(0.2D+03*abserr/resasc)**1.5D+00)
+ if(resabs.gt.uflow/(0.5D+02*epmach)) abserr = max &
+ ((epmach*0.5D+02)*resabs,abserr)
+ return
+subroutine dqk15i(f,boun,inf,a,b,result,abserr,resabs,resasc)
+!! DQK15I applies a 15 point Gauss-Kronrod quadrature on an infinite interval.
+! the abscissae and weights are supplied for the interval
+! (-1,1). because of symmetry only the positive abscissae and
+! their corresponding weights are given.
+! xgk - abscissae of the 15-point kronrod rule
+! xgk(2), xgk(4), ... abscissae of the 7-point
+! gauss rule
+! xgk(1), xgk(3), ... abscissae which are optimally
+! added to the 7-point gauss rule
+! wgk - weights of the 15-point kronrod rule
+! wg - weights of the 7-point gauss rule, corresponding
+! to the abscissae xgk(2), xgk(4), ...
+! wg(1), wg(3), ... are set to zero.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the original (infinite integration range is mapped
+! onto the interval (0,1) and (a,b) is a part of (0,1).
+! it is the purpose to compute
+! i = integral of transformed integrand over (a,b),
+! j = integral of abs(transformed integrand) over (a,b).
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! fuction subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the calling program.
+! boun - real ( kind = 8 )
+! finite bound of original integration
+! range (set to zero if inf = +2)
+! inf - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! if inf = -1, the original interval is
+! (-infinity,bound),
+! if inf = +1, the original interval is
+! (bound,+infinity),
+! if inf = +2, the original interval is
+! (-infinity,+infinity) and
+! the integral is computed as the sum of two
+! integrals, one over (-infinity,0) and one over
+! (0,+infinity).
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit for integration over subrange
+! of (0,1)
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit for integration over subrange
+! of (0,1)
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral i
+! result is computed by applying the 15-point
+! kronrod rule(resk) obtained by optimal addition
+! of abscissae to the 7-point gauss rule(resg).
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! resabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral j
+! resasc - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral of
+! abs((transformed integrand)-i/(b-a)) over (a,b)
+! Local Parameters:
+! centr - mid point of the interval
+! hlgth - half-length of the interval
+! absc* - abscissa
+! tabsc* - transformed abscissa
+! fval* - function value
+! resg - result of the 7-point gauss formula
+! resk - result of the 15-point kronrod formula
+! reskh - approximation to the mean value of the transformed
+! integrand over (a,b), i.e. to i/(b-a)
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,absc,absc1,absc2,abserr,b,boun,centr,dinf, &
+ epmach,f,fc,fsum,fval1,fval2,fv1,fv2,hlgth, &
+ resabs,resasc,resg,resk,reskh,result,tabsc1,tabsc2,uflow,wg,wgk, &
+ xgk
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) inf,j
+ external f
+ dimension fv1(7),fv2(7),xgk(8),wgk(8),wg(8)
+ data wg(1) / 0.0d0 /
+ data wg(2) / 0.129484966168869693270611432679082d0 /
+ data wg(3) / 0.0d0 /
+ data wg(4) / 0.279705391489276667901467771423780d0 /
+ data wg(5) / 0.0d0 /
+ data wg(6) / 0.381830050505118944950369775488975d0 /
+ data wg(7) / 0.0d0 /
+ data wg(8) / 0.417959183673469387755102040816327d0 /
+ data xgk(1) / 0.991455371120812639206854697526329d0 /
+ data xgk(2) / 0.949107912342758524526189684047851d0 /
+ data xgk(3) / 0.864864423359769072789712788640926d0 /
+ data xgk(4) / 0.741531185599394439863864773280788d0 /
+ data xgk(5) / 0.586087235467691130294144838258730d0 /
+ data xgk(6) / 0.405845151377397166906606412076961d0 /
+ data xgk(7) / 0.207784955007898467600689403773245d0 /
+ data xgk(8) / 0.000000000000000000000000000000000d0 /
+ data wgk(1) / 0.022935322010529224963732008058970d0 /
+ data wgk(2) / 0.063092092629978553290700663189204d0 /
+ data wgk(3) / 0.104790010322250183839876322541518d0 /
+ data wgk(4) / 0.140653259715525918745189590510238d0 /
+ data wgk(5) / 0.169004726639267902826583426598550d0 /
+ data wgk(6) / 0.190350578064785409913256402421014d0 /
+ data wgk(7) / 0.204432940075298892414161999234649d0 /
+ data wgk(8) / 0.209482141084727828012999174891714d0 /
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ dinf = min ( 1, inf )
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(a+b)
+ hlgth = 0.5D+00*(b-a)
+ tabsc1 = boun+dinf*(0.1D+01-centr)/centr
+ fval1 = f(tabsc1)
+ if(inf.eq.2) fval1 = fval1+f(-tabsc1)
+ fc = (fval1/centr)/centr
+! compute the 15-point kronrod approximation to
+! the integral, and estimate the error.
+ resg = wg(8)*fc
+ resk = wgk(8)*fc
+ resabs = abs ( resk)
+ do j=1,7
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(j)
+ absc1 = centr-absc
+ absc2 = centr+absc
+ tabsc1 = boun+dinf*(0.1D+01-absc1)/absc1
+ tabsc2 = boun+dinf*(0.1D+01-absc2)/absc2
+ fval1 = f(tabsc1)
+ fval2 = f(tabsc2)
+ if(inf.eq.2) fval1 = fval1+f(-tabsc1)
+ if(inf.eq.2) fval2 = fval2+f(-tabsc2)
+ fval1 = (fval1/absc1)/absc1
+ fval2 = (fval2/absc2)/absc2
+ fv1(j) = fval1
+ fv2(j) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum
+ resk = resk+wgk(j)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(j)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ reskh = resk*0.5D+00
+ resasc = wgk(8)* abs ( fc-reskh)
+ do j=1,7
+ resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*( abs ( fv1(j)-reskh)+ abs ( fv2(j)-reskh))
+ end do
+ result = resk*hlgth
+ resasc = resasc*hlgth
+ resabs = resabs*hlgth
+ abserr = abs ( (resk-resg)*hlgth)
+ if(resasc.ne.0.0D+00.and.abserr.ne.0.d0) abserr = resasc* &
+ min (0.1D+01,(0.2D+03*abserr/resasc)**1.5D+00)
+ if(resabs.gt.uflow/(0.5D+02*epmach)) abserr = max &
+ ((epmach*0.5D+02)*resabs,abserr)
+ return
+subroutine dqk15w(f,w,p1,p2,p3,p4,kp,a,b,result,abserr, resabs,resasc)
+!! DQK15W applies a 15 point Gauss-Kronrod rule for a weighted integrand.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose to compute i = integral of f*w over (a,b), with error
+! estimate
+! j = integral of abs(f*w) over (a,b)
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! w - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! weight function w(x). the actual name for w
+! needs to be declared e x t e r n a l in the
+! calling program.
+! p1, p2, p3, p4 - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameters in the weight function
+! kp - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! key for indicating the type of weight function
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral i
+! result is computed by applying the 15-point
+! kronrod rule (resk) obtained by optimal addition
+! of abscissae to the 7-point gauss rule (resg).
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! resabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral of abs(f)
+! resasc - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral of abs(f-i/(b-a))
+! Local Parameters:
+! the abscissae and weights are given for the interval (-1,1).
+! because of symmetry only the positive abscissae and their
+! corresponding weights are given.
+! xgk - abscissae of the 15-point gauss-kronrod rule
+! xgk(2), xgk(4), ... abscissae of the 7-point
+! gauss rule
+! xgk(1), xgk(3), ... abscissae which are optimally
+! added to the 7-point gauss rule
+! wgk - weights of the 15-point gauss-kronrod rule
+! wg - weights of the 7-point gauss rule
+! centr - mid point of the interval
+! hlgth - half-length of the interval
+! absc* - abscissa
+! fval* - function value
+! resg - result of the 7-point gauss formula
+! resk - result of the 15-point kronrod formula
+! reskh - approximation to the mean value of f*w over (a,b),
+! i.e. to i/(b-a)
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,absc,absc1,absc2,abserr,b,centr,dhlgth, &
+ epmach,f,fc,fsum,fval1,fval2,fv1,fv2,hlgth, &
+ p1,p2,p3,p4,resabs,resasc,resg,resk,reskh,result,uflow,w,wg,wgk, &
+ xgk
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) j,jtw,jtwm1,kp
+ external f,w
+ dimension fv1(7),fv2(7),xgk(8),wgk(8),wg(4)
+ data xgk(1),xgk(2),xgk(3),xgk(4),xgk(5),xgk(6),xgk(7),xgk(8)/ &
+ 0.9914553711208126D+00, 0.9491079123427585D+00, &
+ 0.8648644233597691D+00, 0.7415311855993944D+00, &
+ 0.5860872354676911D+00, 0.4058451513773972D+00, &
+ 0.2077849550078985D+00, 0.0000000000000000D+00/
+ data wgk(1),wgk(2),wgk(3),wgk(4),wgk(5),wgk(6),wgk(7),wgk(8)/ &
+ 0.2293532201052922D-01, 0.6309209262997855D-01, &
+ 0.1047900103222502D+00, 0.1406532597155259D+00, &
+ 0.1690047266392679D+00, 0.1903505780647854D+00, &
+ 0.2044329400752989D+00, 0.2094821410847278D+00/
+ data wg(1),wg(2),wg(3),wg(4)/ &
+ 0.1294849661688697D+00, 0.2797053914892767D+00, &
+ 0.3818300505051889D+00, 0.4179591836734694D+00/
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(a+b)
+ hlgth = 0.5D+00*(b-a)
+ dhlgth = abs ( hlgth)
+! compute the 15-point kronrod approximation to the
+! integral, and estimate the error.
+ fc = f(centr)*w(centr,p1,p2,p3,p4,kp)
+ resg = wg(4)*fc
+ resk = wgk(8)*fc
+ resabs = abs ( resk)
+ do j=1,3
+ jtw = j*2
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(jtw)
+ absc1 = centr-absc
+ absc2 = centr+absc
+ fval1 = f(absc1)*w(absc1,p1,p2,p3,p4,kp)
+ fval2 = f(absc2)*w(absc2,p1,p2,p3,p4,kp)
+ fv1(jtw) = fval1
+ fv2(jtw) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtw)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtw)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ do j=1,4
+ jtwm1 = j*2-1
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(jtwm1)
+ absc1 = centr-absc
+ absc2 = centr+absc
+ fval1 = f(absc1)*w(absc1,p1,p2,p3,p4,kp)
+ fval2 = f(absc2)*w(absc2,p1,p2,p3,p4,kp)
+ fv1(jtwm1) = fval1
+ fv2(jtwm1) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtwm1)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtwm1)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ reskh = resk*0.5D+00
+ resasc = wgk(8)* abs ( fc-reskh)
+ do j=1,7
+ resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*( abs ( fv1(j)-reskh)+ abs ( fv2(j)-reskh))
+ end do
+ result = resk*hlgth
+ resabs = resabs*dhlgth
+ resasc = resasc*dhlgth
+ abserr = abs ( (resk-resg)*hlgth)
+ if(resasc.ne.0.0D+00.and.abserr.ne.0.0D+00) &
+ abserr = resasc* min (0.1D+01,(0.2D+03*abserr/resasc)**1.5D+00)
+ if(resabs.gt.uflow/(0.5D+02*epmach)) abserr = max ( (epmach* &
+ 0.5D+02)*resabs,abserr)
+ return
+subroutine dqk21(f,a,b,result,abserr,resabs,resasc)
+!! DQK21 carries out a 21 point Gauss-Kronrod quadrature rule.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose to compute i = integral of f over (a,b), with error
+! estimate
+! j = integral of abs(f) over (a,b)
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral i
+! result is computed by applying the 21-point
+! kronrod rule (resk) obtained by optimal addition
+! of abscissae to the 10-point gauss rule (resg).
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should not exceed abs(i-result)
+! resabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral j
+! resasc - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral of abs(f-i/(b-a))
+! over (a,b)
+! Local Parameters:
+! the abscissae and weights are given for the interval (-1,1).
+! because of symmetry only the positive abscissae and their
+! corresponding weights are given.
+! xgk - abscissae of the 21-point kronrod rule
+! xgk(2), xgk(4), ... abscissae of the 10-point
+! gauss rule
+! xgk(1), xgk(3), ... abscissae which are optimally
+! added to the 10-point gauss rule
+! wgk - weights of the 21-point kronrod rule
+! wg - weights of the 10-point gauss rule
+! gauss quadrature weights and kronron quadrature abscissae and weights
+! as evaluated with 80 decimal digit arithmetic by l. w. fullerton,
+! bell labs, nov. 1981.
+! centr - mid point of the interval
+! hlgth - half-length of the interval
+! absc - abscissa
+! fval* - function value
+! resg - result of the 10-point gauss formula
+! resk - result of the 21-point kronrod formula
+! reskh - approximation to the mean value of f over (a,b),
+! i.e. to i/(b-a)
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,absc,abserr,b,centr,dhlgth, &
+ epmach,f,fc,fsum,fval1,fval2,fv1,fv2,hlgth,resabs,resasc, &
+ resg,resk,reskh,result,uflow,wg,wgk,xgk
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) j,jtw,jtwm1
+ external f
+ dimension fv1(10),fv2(10),wg(5),wgk(11),xgk(11)
+ data wg ( 1) / 0.066671344308688137593568809893332d0 /
+ data wg ( 2) / 0.149451349150580593145776339657697d0 /
+ data wg ( 3) / 0.219086362515982043995534934228163d0 /
+ data wg ( 4) / 0.269266719309996355091226921569469d0 /
+ data wg ( 5) / 0.295524224714752870173892994651338d0 /
+ data xgk ( 1) / 0.995657163025808080735527280689003d0 /
+ data xgk ( 2) / 0.973906528517171720077964012084452d0 /
+ data xgk ( 3) / 0.930157491355708226001207180059508d0 /
+ data xgk ( 4) / 0.865063366688984510732096688423493d0 /
+ data xgk ( 5) / 0.780817726586416897063717578345042d0 /
+ data xgk ( 6) / 0.679409568299024406234327365114874d0 /
+ data xgk ( 7) / 0.562757134668604683339000099272694d0 /
+ data xgk ( 8) / 0.433395394129247190799265943165784d0 /
+ data xgk ( 9) / 0.294392862701460198131126603103866d0 /
+ data xgk ( 10) / 0.148874338981631210884826001129720d0 /
+ data xgk ( 11) / 0.000000000000000000000000000000000d0 /
+ data wgk ( 1) / 0.011694638867371874278064396062192d0 /
+ data wgk ( 2) / 0.032558162307964727478818972459390d0 /
+ data wgk ( 3) / 0.054755896574351996031381300244580d0 /
+ data wgk ( 4) / 0.075039674810919952767043140916190d0 /
+ data wgk ( 5) / 0.093125454583697605535065465083366d0 /
+ data wgk ( 6) / 0.109387158802297641899210590325805d0 /
+ data wgk ( 7) / 0.123491976262065851077958109831074d0 /
+ data wgk ( 8) / 0.134709217311473325928054001771707d0 /
+ data wgk ( 9) / 0.142775938577060080797094273138717d0 /
+ data wgk ( 10) / 0.147739104901338491374841515972068d0 /
+ data wgk ( 11) / 0.149445554002916905664936468389821d0 /
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(a+b)
+ hlgth = 0.5D+00*(b-a)
+ dhlgth = abs ( hlgth)
+! compute the 21-point kronrod approximation to
+! the integral, and estimate the absolute error.
+ resg = 0.0D+00
+ fc = f(centr)
+ resk = wgk(11)*fc
+ resabs = abs ( resk)
+ do j=1,5
+ jtw = 2*j
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(jtw)
+ fval1 = f(centr-absc)
+ fval2 = f(centr+absc)
+ fv1(jtw) = fval1
+ fv2(jtw) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtw)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtw)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ do j = 1,5
+ jtwm1 = 2*j-1
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(jtwm1)
+ fval1 = f(centr-absc)
+ fval2 = f(centr+absc)
+ fv1(jtwm1) = fval1
+ fv2(jtwm1) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtwm1)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtwm1)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ reskh = resk*0.5D+00
+ resasc = wgk(11)* abs ( fc-reskh)
+ do j=1,10
+ resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*( abs ( fv1(j)-reskh)+ abs ( fv2(j)-reskh))
+ end do
+ result = resk*hlgth
+ resabs = resabs*dhlgth
+ resasc = resasc*dhlgth
+ abserr = abs ( (resk-resg)*hlgth)
+ if(resasc.ne.0.0D+00.and.abserr.ne.0.0D+00) &
+ abserr = resasc*min(0.1D+01,(0.2D+03*abserr/resasc)**1.5D+00)
+ if(resabs.gt.uflow/(0.5D+02*epmach)) abserr = max &
+ ((epmach*0.5D+02)*resabs,abserr)
+ return
+subroutine dqk31(f,a,b,result,abserr,resabs,resasc)
+!! DQK31 carries out a 31 point Gauss-Kronrod quadrature rule.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose to compute i = integral of f over (a,b) with error
+! estimate
+! j = integral of abs(f) over (a,b)
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the calling program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral i
+! result is computed by applying the 31-point
+! gauss-kronrod rule (resk), obtained by optimal
+! addition of abscissae to the 15-point gauss
+! rule (resg).
+! abserr - double precison
+! estimate of the modulus of the modulus,
+! which should not exceed abs(i-result)
+! resabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral j
+! resasc - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral of abs(f-i/(b-a))
+! over (a,b)
+! Local Parameters:
+! the abscissae and weights are given for the interval (-1,1).
+! because of symmetry only the positive abscissae and their
+! corresponding weights are given.
+! xgk - abscissae of the 31-point kronrod rule
+! xgk(2), xgk(4), ... abscissae of the 15-point
+! gauss rule
+! xgk(1), xgk(3), ... abscissae which are optimally
+! added to the 15-point gauss rule
+! wgk - weights of the 31-point kronrod rule
+! wg - weights of the 15-point gauss rule
+! gauss quadrature weights and kronron quadrature abscissae and weights
+! as evaluated with 80 decimal digit arithmetic by l. w. fullerton,
+! bell labs, nov. 1981.
+! centr - mid point of the interval
+! hlgth - half-length of the interval
+! absc - abscissa
+! fval* - function value
+! resg - result of the 15-point gauss formula
+! resk - result of the 31-point kronrod formula
+! reskh - approximation to the mean value of f over (a,b),
+! i.e. to i/(b-a)
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,absc,abserr,b,centr,dhlgth, &
+ epmach,f,fc,fsum,fval1,fval2,fv1,fv2,hlgth,resabs,resasc, &
+ resg,resk,reskh,result,uflow,wg,wgk,xgk
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) j,jtw,jtwm1
+ external f
+ dimension fv1(15),fv2(15),xgk(16),wgk(16),wg(8)
+ data wg ( 1) / 0.030753241996117268354628393577204d0 /
+ data wg ( 2) / 0.070366047488108124709267416450667d0 /
+ data wg ( 3) / 0.107159220467171935011869546685869d0 /
+ data wg ( 4) / 0.139570677926154314447804794511028d0 /
+ data wg ( 5) / 0.166269205816993933553200860481209d0 /
+ data wg ( 6) / 0.186161000015562211026800561866423d0 /
+ data wg ( 7) / 0.198431485327111576456118326443839d0 /
+ data wg ( 8) / 0.202578241925561272880620199967519d0 /
+ data xgk ( 1) / 0.998002298693397060285172840152271d0 /
+ data xgk ( 2) / 0.987992518020485428489565718586613d0 /
+ data xgk ( 3) / 0.967739075679139134257347978784337d0 /
+ data xgk ( 4) / 0.937273392400705904307758947710209d0 /
+ data xgk ( 5) / 0.897264532344081900882509656454496d0 /
+ data xgk ( 6) / 0.848206583410427216200648320774217d0 /
+ data xgk ( 7) / 0.790418501442465932967649294817947d0 /
+ data xgk ( 8) / 0.724417731360170047416186054613938d0 /
+ data xgk ( 9) / 0.650996741297416970533735895313275d0 /
+ data xgk ( 10) / 0.570972172608538847537226737253911d0 /
+ data xgk ( 11) / 0.485081863640239680693655740232351d0 /
+ data xgk ( 12) / 0.394151347077563369897207370981045d0 /
+ data xgk ( 13) / 0.299180007153168812166780024266389d0 /
+ data xgk ( 14) / 0.201194093997434522300628303394596d0 /
+ data xgk ( 15) / 0.101142066918717499027074231447392d0 /
+ data xgk ( 16) / 0.000000000000000000000000000000000d0 /
+ data wgk ( 1) / 0.005377479872923348987792051430128d0 /
+ data wgk ( 2) / 0.015007947329316122538374763075807d0 /
+ data wgk ( 3) / 0.025460847326715320186874001019653d0 /
+ data wgk ( 4) / 0.035346360791375846222037948478360d0 /
+ data wgk ( 5) / 0.044589751324764876608227299373280d0 /
+ data wgk ( 6) / 0.053481524690928087265343147239430d0 /
+ data wgk ( 7) / 0.062009567800670640285139230960803d0 /
+ data wgk ( 8) / 0.069854121318728258709520077099147d0 /
+ data wgk ( 9) / 0.076849680757720378894432777482659d0 /
+ data wgk ( 10) / 0.083080502823133021038289247286104d0 /
+ data wgk ( 11) / 0.088564443056211770647275443693774d0 /
+ data wgk ( 12) / 0.093126598170825321225486872747346d0 /
+ data wgk ( 13) / 0.096642726983623678505179907627589d0 /
+ data wgk ( 14) / 0.099173598721791959332393173484603d0 /
+ data wgk ( 15) / 0.100769845523875595044946662617570d0 /
+ data wgk ( 16) / 0.101330007014791549017374792767493d0 /
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(a+b)
+ hlgth = 0.5D+00*(b-a)
+ dhlgth = abs ( hlgth)
+! compute the 31-point kronrod approximation to
+! the integral, and estimate the absolute error.
+ fc = f(centr)
+ resg = wg(8)*fc
+ resk = wgk(16)*fc
+ resabs = abs ( resk)
+ do j=1,7
+ jtw = j*2
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(jtw)
+ fval1 = f(centr-absc)
+ fval2 = f(centr+absc)
+ fv1(jtw) = fval1
+ fv2(jtw) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtw)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtw)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ do j = 1,8
+ jtwm1 = j*2-1
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(jtwm1)
+ fval1 = f(centr-absc)
+ fval2 = f(centr+absc)
+ fv1(jtwm1) = fval1
+ fv2(jtwm1) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtwm1)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtwm1)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ reskh = resk*0.5D+00
+ resasc = wgk(16)* abs ( fc-reskh)
+ do j=1,15
+ resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*( abs ( fv1(j)-reskh)+ abs ( fv2(j)-reskh))
+ end do
+ result = resk*hlgth
+ resabs = resabs*dhlgth
+ resasc = resasc*dhlgth
+ abserr = abs ( (resk-resg)*hlgth)
+ if(resasc.ne.0.0D+00.and.abserr.ne.0.0D+00) &
+ abserr = resasc* min (0.1D+01,(0.2D+03*abserr/resasc)**1.5D+00)
+ if(resabs.gt.uflow/(0.5D+02*epmach)) abserr = max &
+ ((epmach*0.5D+02)*resabs,abserr)
+ return
+subroutine dqk41 ( f, a, b, result, abserr, resabs, resasc )
+!! DQK41 carries out a 41 point Gauss-Kronrod quadrature rule.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose to compute i = integral of f over (a,b), with error
+! estimate
+! j = integral of abs(f) over (a,b)
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the calling program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral i
+! result is computed by applying the 41-point
+! gauss-kronrod rule (resk) obtained by optimal
+! addition of abscissae to the 20-point gauss
+! rule (resg).
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should not exceed abs(i-result)
+! resabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral j
+! resasc - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integal of abs(f-i/(b-a))
+! over (a,b)
+! Local Parameters:
+! the abscissae and weights are given for the interval (-1,1).
+! because of symmetry only the positive abscissae and their
+! corresponding weights are given.
+! xgk - abscissae of the 41-point gauss-kronrod rule
+! xgk(2), xgk(4), ... abscissae of the 20-point
+! gauss rule
+! xgk(1), xgk(3), ... abscissae which are optimally
+! added to the 20-point gauss rule
+! wgk - weights of the 41-point gauss-kronrod rule
+! wg - weights of the 20-point gauss rule
+! gauss quadrature weights and kronron quadrature abscissae and weights
+! as evaluated with 80 decimal digit arithmetic by l. w. fullerton,
+! bell labs, nov. 1981.
+! centr - mid point of the interval
+! hlgth - half-length of the interval
+! absc - abscissa
+! fval* - function value
+! resg - result of the 20-point gauss formula
+! resk - result of the 41-point kronrod formula
+! reskh - approximation to mean value of f over (a,b), i.e.
+! to i/(b-a)
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,absc,abserr,b,centr,dhlgth, &
+ epmach,f,fc,fsum,fval1,fval2,fv1,fv2,hlgth,resabs,resasc, &
+ resg,resk,reskh,result,uflow,wg,wgk,xgk
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) j,jtw,jtwm1
+ external f
+ dimension fv1(20),fv2(20),xgk(21),wgk(21),wg(10)
+ data wg ( 1) / 0.017614007139152118311861962351853d0 /
+ data wg ( 2) / 0.040601429800386941331039952274932d0 /
+ data wg ( 3) / 0.062672048334109063569506535187042d0 /
+ data wg ( 4) / 0.083276741576704748724758143222046d0 /
+ data wg ( 5) / 0.101930119817240435036750135480350d0 /
+ data wg ( 6) / 0.118194531961518417312377377711382d0 /
+ data wg ( 7) / 0.131688638449176626898494499748163d0 /
+ data wg ( 8) / 0.142096109318382051329298325067165d0 /
+ data wg ( 9) / 0.149172986472603746787828737001969d0 /
+ data wg ( 10) / 0.152753387130725850698084331955098d0 /
+ data xgk ( 1) / 0.998859031588277663838315576545863d0 /
+ data xgk ( 2) / 0.993128599185094924786122388471320d0 /
+ data xgk ( 3) / 0.981507877450250259193342994720217d0 /
+ data xgk ( 4) / 0.963971927277913791267666131197277d0 /
+ data xgk ( 5) / 0.940822633831754753519982722212443d0 /
+ data xgk ( 6) / 0.912234428251325905867752441203298d0 /
+ data xgk ( 7) / 0.878276811252281976077442995113078d0 /
+ data xgk ( 8) / 0.839116971822218823394529061701521d0 /
+ data xgk ( 9) / 0.795041428837551198350638833272788d0 /
+ data xgk ( 10) / 0.746331906460150792614305070355642d0 /
+ data xgk ( 11) / 0.693237656334751384805490711845932d0 /
+ data xgk ( 12) / 0.636053680726515025452836696226286d0 /
+ data xgk ( 13) / 0.575140446819710315342946036586425d0 /
+ data xgk ( 14) / 0.510867001950827098004364050955251d0 /
+ data xgk ( 15) / 0.443593175238725103199992213492640d0 /
+ data xgk ( 16) / 0.373706088715419560672548177024927d0 /
+ data xgk ( 17) / 0.301627868114913004320555356858592d0 /
+ data xgk ( 18) / 0.227785851141645078080496195368575d0 /
+ data xgk ( 19) / 0.152605465240922675505220241022678d0 /
+ data xgk ( 20) / 0.076526521133497333754640409398838d0 /
+ data xgk ( 21) / 0.000000000000000000000000000000000d0 /
+ data wgk ( 1) / 0.003073583718520531501218293246031d0 /
+ data wgk ( 2) / 0.008600269855642942198661787950102d0 /
+ data wgk ( 3) / 0.014626169256971252983787960308868d0 /
+ data wgk ( 4) / 0.020388373461266523598010231432755d0 /
+ data wgk ( 5) / 0.025882133604951158834505067096153d0 /
+ data wgk ( 6) / 0.031287306777032798958543119323801d0 /
+ data wgk ( 7) / 0.036600169758200798030557240707211d0 /
+ data wgk ( 8) / 0.041668873327973686263788305936895d0 /
+ data wgk ( 9) / 0.046434821867497674720231880926108d0 /
+ data wgk ( 10) / 0.050944573923728691932707670050345d0 /
+ data wgk ( 11) / 0.055195105348285994744832372419777d0 /
+ data wgk ( 12) / 0.059111400880639572374967220648594d0 /
+ data wgk ( 13) / 0.062653237554781168025870122174255d0 /
+ data wgk ( 14) / 0.065834597133618422111563556969398d0 /
+ data wgk ( 15) / 0.068648672928521619345623411885368d0 /
+ data wgk ( 16) / 0.071054423553444068305790361723210d0 /
+ data wgk ( 17) / 0.073030690332786667495189417658913d0 /
+ data wgk ( 18) / 0.074582875400499188986581418362488d0 /
+ data wgk ( 19) / 0.075704497684556674659542775376617d0 /
+ data wgk ( 20) / 0.076377867672080736705502835038061d0 /
+ data wgk ( 21) / 0.076600711917999656445049901530102d0 /
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(a+b)
+ hlgth = 0.5D+00*(b-a)
+ dhlgth = abs ( hlgth)
+! compute the 41-point gauss-kronrod approximation to
+! the integral, and estimate the absolute error.
+ resg = 0.0D+00
+ fc = f(centr)
+ resk = wgk(21)*fc
+ resabs = abs ( resk)
+ do j=1,10
+ jtw = j*2
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(jtw)
+ fval1 = f(centr-absc)
+ fval2 = f(centr+absc)
+ fv1(jtw) = fval1
+ fv2(jtw) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtw)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtw)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ do j = 1,10
+ jtwm1 = j*2-1
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(jtwm1)
+ fval1 = f(centr-absc)
+ fval2 = f(centr+absc)
+ fv1(jtwm1) = fval1
+ fv2(jtwm1) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtwm1)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtwm1)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ reskh = resk*0.5D+00
+ resasc = wgk(21)* abs ( fc-reskh)
+ do j=1,20
+ resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*( abs ( fv1(j)-reskh)+ abs ( fv2(j)-reskh))
+ end do
+ result = resk*hlgth
+ resabs = resabs*dhlgth
+ resasc = resasc*dhlgth
+ abserr = abs ( (resk-resg)*hlgth)
+ if(resasc.ne.0.0D+00.and.abserr.ne.0.D+00) &
+ abserr = resasc* min (0.1D+01,(0.2D+03*abserr/resasc)**1.5D+00)
+ if(resabs.gt.uflow/(0.5D+02*epmach)) abserr = max &
+ ((epmach*0.5D+02)*resabs,abserr)
+ return
+subroutine dqk51(f,a,b,result,abserr,resabs,resasc)
+!! DQK51 carries out a 51 point Gauss-Kronrod quadrature rule.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose to compute i = integral of f over (a,b) with error
+! estimate
+! j = integral of abs(f) over (a,b)
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the calling program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral i
+! result is computed by applying the 51-point
+! kronrod rule (resk) obtained by optimal addition
+! of abscissae to the 25-point gauss rule (resg).
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should not exceed abs(i-result)
+! resabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral j
+! resasc - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral of abs(f-i/(b-a))
+! over (a,b)
+! Local Parameters:
+! the abscissae and weights are given for the interval (-1,1).
+! because of symmetry only the positive abscissae and their
+! corresponding weights are given.
+! xgk - abscissae of the 51-point kronrod rule
+! xgk(2), xgk(4), ... abscissae of the 25-point
+! gauss rule
+! xgk(1), xgk(3), ... abscissae which are optimally
+! added to the 25-point gauss rule
+! wgk - weights of the 51-point kronrod rule
+! wg - weights of the 25-point gauss rule
+! gauss quadrature weights and kronron quadrature abscissae and weights
+! as evaluated with 80 decimal digit arithmetic by l. w. fullerton,
+! bell labs, nov. 1981.
+! centr - mid point of the interval
+! hlgth - half-length of the interval
+! absc - abscissa
+! fval* - function value
+! resg - result of the 25-point gauss formula
+! resk - result of the 51-point kronrod formula
+! reskh - approximation to the mean value of f over (a,b),
+! i.e. to i/(b-a)
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,absc,abserr,b,centr,dhlgth, &
+ epmach,f,fc,fsum,fval1,fval2,fv1,fv2,hlgth,resabs,resasc, &
+ resg,resk,reskh,result,uflow,wg,wgk,xgk
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) j,jtw,jtwm1
+ external f
+ dimension fv1(25),fv2(25),xgk(26),wgk(26),wg(13)
+ data wg ( 1) / 0.011393798501026287947902964113235d0 /
+ data wg ( 2) / 0.026354986615032137261901815295299d0 /
+ data wg ( 3) / 0.040939156701306312655623487711646d0 /
+ data wg ( 4) / 0.054904695975835191925936891540473d0 /
+ data wg ( 5) / 0.068038333812356917207187185656708d0 /
+ data wg ( 6) / 0.080140700335001018013234959669111d0 /
+ data wg ( 7) / 0.091028261982963649811497220702892d0 /
+ data wg ( 8) / 0.100535949067050644202206890392686d0 /
+ data wg ( 9) / 0.108519624474263653116093957050117d0 /
+ data wg ( 10) / 0.114858259145711648339325545869556d0 /
+ data wg ( 11) / 0.119455763535784772228178126512901d0 /
+ data wg ( 12) / 0.122242442990310041688959518945852d0 /
+ data wg ( 13) / 0.123176053726715451203902873079050d0 /
+ data xgk ( 1) / 0.999262104992609834193457486540341d0 /
+ data xgk ( 2) / 0.995556969790498097908784946893902d0 /
+ data xgk ( 3) / 0.988035794534077247637331014577406d0 /
+ data xgk ( 4) / 0.976663921459517511498315386479594d0 /
+ data xgk ( 5) / 0.961614986425842512418130033660167d0 /
+ data xgk ( 6) / 0.942974571228974339414011169658471d0 /
+ data xgk ( 7) / 0.920747115281701561746346084546331d0 /
+ data xgk ( 8) / 0.894991997878275368851042006782805d0 /
+ data xgk ( 9) / 0.865847065293275595448996969588340d0 /
+ data xgk ( 10) / 0.833442628760834001421021108693570d0 /
+ data xgk ( 11) / 0.797873797998500059410410904994307d0 /
+ data xgk ( 12) / 0.759259263037357630577282865204361d0 /
+ data xgk ( 13) / 0.717766406813084388186654079773298d0 /
+ data xgk ( 14) / 0.673566368473468364485120633247622d0 /
+ data xgk ( 15) / 0.626810099010317412788122681624518d0 /
+ data xgk ( 16) / 0.577662930241222967723689841612654d0 /
+ data xgk ( 17) / 0.526325284334719182599623778158010d0 /
+ data xgk ( 18) / 0.473002731445714960522182115009192d0 /
+ data xgk ( 19) / 0.417885382193037748851814394594572d0 /
+ data xgk ( 20) / 0.361172305809387837735821730127641d0 /
+ data xgk ( 21) / 0.303089538931107830167478909980339d0 /
+ data xgk ( 22) / 0.243866883720988432045190362797452d0 /
+ data xgk ( 23) / 0.183718939421048892015969888759528d0 /
+ data xgk ( 24) / 0.122864692610710396387359818808037d0 /
+ data xgk ( 25) / 0.061544483005685078886546392366797d0 /
+ data xgk ( 26) / 0.000000000000000000000000000000000d0 /
+ data wgk ( 1) / 0.001987383892330315926507851882843d0 /
+ data wgk ( 2) / 0.005561932135356713758040236901066d0 /
+ data wgk ( 3) / 0.009473973386174151607207710523655d0 /
+ data wgk ( 4) / 0.013236229195571674813656405846976d0 /
+ data wgk ( 5) / 0.016847817709128298231516667536336d0 /
+ data wgk ( 6) / 0.020435371145882835456568292235939d0 /
+ data wgk ( 7) / 0.024009945606953216220092489164881d0 /
+ data wgk ( 8) / 0.027475317587851737802948455517811d0 /
+ data wgk ( 9) / 0.030792300167387488891109020215229d0 /
+ data wgk ( 10) / 0.034002130274329337836748795229551d0 /
+ data wgk ( 11) / 0.037116271483415543560330625367620d0 /
+ data wgk ( 12) / 0.040083825504032382074839284467076d0 /
+ data wgk ( 13) / 0.042872845020170049476895792439495d0 /
+ data wgk ( 14) / 0.045502913049921788909870584752660d0 /
+ data wgk ( 15) / 0.047982537138836713906392255756915d0 /
+ data wgk ( 16) / 0.050277679080715671963325259433440d0 /
+ data wgk ( 17) / 0.052362885806407475864366712137873d0 /
+ data wgk ( 18) / 0.054251129888545490144543370459876d0 /
+ data wgk ( 19) / 0.055950811220412317308240686382747d0 /
+ data wgk ( 20) / 0.057437116361567832853582693939506d0 /
+ data wgk ( 21) / 0.058689680022394207961974175856788d0 /
+ data wgk ( 22) / 0.059720340324174059979099291932562d0 /
+ data wgk ( 23) / 0.060539455376045862945360267517565d0 /
+ data wgk ( 24) / 0.061128509717053048305859030416293d0 /
+ data wgk ( 25) / 0.061471189871425316661544131965264d0 /
+ data wgk ( 26) / 0.061580818067832935078759824240066d0 /
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(a+b)
+ hlgth = 0.5D+00*(b-a)
+ dhlgth = abs ( hlgth)
+! compute the 51-point kronrod approximation to
+! the integral, and estimate the absolute error.
+ fc = f(centr)
+ resg = wg(13)*fc
+ resk = wgk(26)*fc
+ resabs = abs ( resk)
+ do j=1,12
+ jtw = j*2
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(jtw)
+ fval1 = f(centr-absc)
+ fval2 = f(centr+absc)
+ fv1(jtw) = fval1
+ fv2(jtw) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtw)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtw)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ do j = 1,13
+ jtwm1 = j*2-1
+ absc = hlgth*xgk(jtwm1)
+ fval1 = f(centr-absc)
+ fval2 = f(centr+absc)
+ fv1(jtwm1) = fval1
+ fv2(jtwm1) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtwm1)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtwm1)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ reskh = resk*0.5D+00
+ resasc = wgk(26)* abs ( fc-reskh)
+ do j=1,25
+ resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*( abs ( fv1(j)-reskh)+ abs ( fv2(j)-reskh))
+ end do
+ result = resk*hlgth
+ resabs = resabs*dhlgth
+ resasc = resasc*dhlgth
+ abserr = abs ( (resk-resg)*hlgth)
+ if(resasc.ne.0.0D+00.and.abserr.ne.0.0D+00) &
+ abserr = resasc* min (0.1D+01,(0.2D+03*abserr/resasc)**1.5D+00)
+ if(resabs.gt.uflow/(0.5D+02*epmach)) abserr = max &
+ ((epmach*0.5D+02)*resabs,abserr)
+ return
+subroutine dqk61(f,a,b,result,abserr,resabs,resasc)
+!! DQK61 carries out a 61 point Gauss-Kronrod quadrature rule.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose to compute i = integral of f over (a,b) with error
+! estimate
+! j = integral of abs ( f) over (a,b)
+! Parameters:
+! on entry
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand
+! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
+! declared e x t e r n a l in the calling program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral i
+! result is computed by applying the 61-point
+! kronrod rule (resk) obtained by optimal addition of
+! abscissae to the 30-point gauss rule (resg).
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs ( i-result)
+! resabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral j
+! resasc - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral of abs ( f-i/(b-a))
+! Local Parameters:
+! the abscissae and weights are given for the
+! interval (-1,1). because of symmetry only the positive
+! abscissae and their corresponding weights are given.
+! xgk - abscissae of the 61-point kronrod rule
+! xgk(2), xgk(4) ... abscissae of the 30-point
+! gauss rule
+! xgk(1), xgk(3) ... optimally added abscissae
+! to the 30-point gauss rule
+! wgk - weights of the 61-point kronrod rule
+! wg - weigths of the 30-point gauss rule
+! gauss quadrature weights and kronron quadrature abscissae and weights
+! as evaluated with 80 decimal digit arithmetic by l. w. fullerton,
+! bell labs, nov. 1981.
+! centr - mid point of the interval
+! hlgth - half-length of the interval
+! dabsc - abscissa
+! fval* - function value
+! resg - result of the 30-point gauss rule
+! resk - result of the 61-point kronrod rule
+! reskh - approximation to the mean value of f
+! over (a,b), i.e. to i/(b-a)
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,dabsc,abserr,b,centr,dhlgth, &
+ epmach,f,fc,fsum,fval1,fval2,fv1,fv2,hlgth,resabs,resasc, &
+ resg,resk,reskh,result,uflow,wg,wgk,xgk
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) j,jtw,jtwm1
+ external f
+ dimension fv1(30),fv2(30),xgk(31),wgk(31),wg(15)
+ data wg ( 1) / 0.007968192496166605615465883474674d0 /
+ data wg ( 2) / 0.018466468311090959142302131912047d0 /
+ data wg ( 3) / 0.028784707883323369349719179611292d0 /
+ data wg ( 4) / 0.038799192569627049596801936446348d0 /
+ data wg ( 5) / 0.048402672830594052902938140422808d0 /
+ data wg ( 6) / 0.057493156217619066481721689402056d0 /
+ data wg ( 7) / 0.065974229882180495128128515115962d0 /
+ data wg ( 8) / 0.073755974737705206268243850022191d0 /
+ data wg ( 9) / 0.080755895229420215354694938460530d0 /
+ data wg ( 10) / 0.086899787201082979802387530715126d0 /
+ data wg ( 11) / 0.092122522237786128717632707087619d0 /
+ data wg ( 12) / 0.096368737174644259639468626351810d0 /
+ data wg ( 13) / 0.099593420586795267062780282103569d0 /
+ data wg ( 14) / 0.101762389748405504596428952168554d0 /
+ data wg ( 15) / 0.102852652893558840341285636705415d0 /
+ data xgk ( 1) / 0.999484410050490637571325895705811d0 /
+ data xgk ( 2) / 0.996893484074649540271630050918695d0 /
+ data xgk ( 3) / 0.991630996870404594858628366109486d0 /
+ data xgk ( 4) / 0.983668123279747209970032581605663d0 /
+ data xgk ( 5) / 0.973116322501126268374693868423707d0 /
+ data xgk ( 6) / 0.960021864968307512216871025581798d0 /
+ data xgk ( 7) / 0.944374444748559979415831324037439d0 /
+ data xgk ( 8) / 0.926200047429274325879324277080474d0 /
+ data xgk ( 9) / 0.905573307699907798546522558925958d0 /
+ data xgk ( 10) / 0.882560535792052681543116462530226d0 /
+ data xgk ( 11) / 0.857205233546061098958658510658944d0 /
+ data xgk ( 12) / 0.829565762382768397442898119732502d0 /
+ data xgk ( 13) / 0.799727835821839083013668942322683d0 /
+ data xgk ( 14) / 0.767777432104826194917977340974503d0 /
+ data xgk ( 15) / 0.733790062453226804726171131369528d0 /
+ data xgk ( 16) / 0.697850494793315796932292388026640d0 /
+ data xgk ( 17) / 0.660061064126626961370053668149271d0 /
+ data xgk ( 18) / 0.620526182989242861140477556431189d0 /
+ data xgk ( 19) / 0.579345235826361691756024932172540d0 /
+ data xgk ( 20) / 0.536624148142019899264169793311073d0 /
+ data xgk ( 21) / 0.492480467861778574993693061207709d0 /
+ data xgk ( 22) / 0.447033769538089176780609900322854d0 /
+ data xgk ( 23) / 0.400401254830394392535476211542661d0 /
+ data xgk ( 24) / 0.352704725530878113471037207089374d0 /
+ data xgk ( 25) / 0.304073202273625077372677107199257d0 /
+ data xgk ( 26) / 0.254636926167889846439805129817805d0 /
+ data xgk ( 27) / 0.204525116682309891438957671002025d0 /
+ data xgk ( 28) / 0.153869913608583546963794672743256d0 /
+ data xgk ( 29) / 0.102806937966737030147096751318001d0 /
+ data xgk ( 30) / 0.051471842555317695833025213166723d0 /
+ data xgk ( 31) / 0.000000000000000000000000000000000d0 /
+ data wgk ( 1) / 0.001389013698677007624551591226760d0 /
+ data wgk ( 2) / 0.003890461127099884051267201844516d0 /
+ data wgk ( 3) / 0.006630703915931292173319826369750d0 /
+ data wgk ( 4) / 0.009273279659517763428441146892024d0 /
+ data wgk ( 5) / 0.011823015253496341742232898853251d0 /
+ data wgk ( 6) / 0.014369729507045804812451432443580d0 /
+ data wgk ( 7) / 0.016920889189053272627572289420322d0 /
+ data wgk ( 8) / 0.019414141193942381173408951050128d0 /
+ data wgk ( 9) / 0.021828035821609192297167485738339d0 /
+ data wgk ( 10) / 0.024191162078080601365686370725232d0 /
+ data wgk ( 11) / 0.026509954882333101610601709335075d0 /
+ data wgk ( 12) / 0.028754048765041292843978785354334d0 /
+ data wgk ( 13) / 0.030907257562387762472884252943092d0 /
+ data wgk ( 14) / 0.032981447057483726031814191016854d0 /
+ data wgk ( 15) / 0.034979338028060024137499670731468d0 /
+ data wgk ( 16) / 0.036882364651821229223911065617136d0 /
+ data wgk ( 17) / 0.038678945624727592950348651532281d0 /
+ data wgk ( 18) / 0.040374538951535959111995279752468d0 /
+ data wgk ( 19) / 0.041969810215164246147147541285970d0 /
+ data wgk ( 20) / 0.043452539701356069316831728117073d0 /
+ data wgk ( 21) / 0.044814800133162663192355551616723d0 /
+ data wgk ( 22) / 0.046059238271006988116271735559374d0 /
+ data wgk ( 23) / 0.047185546569299153945261478181099d0 /
+ data wgk ( 24) / 0.048185861757087129140779492298305d0 /
+ data wgk ( 25) / 0.049055434555029778887528165367238d0 /
+ data wgk ( 26) / 0.049795683427074206357811569379942d0 /
+ data wgk ( 27) / 0.050405921402782346840893085653585d0 /
+ data wgk ( 28) / 0.050881795898749606492297473049805d0 /
+ data wgk ( 29) / 0.051221547849258772170656282604944d0 /
+ data wgk ( 30) / 0.051426128537459025933862879215781d0 /
+ data wgk ( 31) / 0.051494729429451567558340433647099d0 /
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(b+a)
+ hlgth = 0.5D+00*(b-a)
+ dhlgth = abs ( hlgth)
+! compute the 61-point kronrod approximation to the
+! integral, and estimate the absolute error.
+ resg = 0.0D+00
+ fc = f(centr)
+ resk = wgk(31)*fc
+ resabs = abs ( resk)
+ do j=1,15
+ jtw = j*2
+ dabsc = hlgth*xgk(jtw)
+ fval1 = f(centr-dabsc)
+ fval2 = f(centr+dabsc)
+ fv1(jtw) = fval1
+ fv2(jtw) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtw)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtw)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ do j=1,15
+ jtwm1 = j*2-1
+ dabsc = hlgth*xgk(jtwm1)
+ fval1 = f(centr-dabsc)
+ fval2 = f(centr+dabsc)
+ fv1(jtwm1) = fval1
+ fv2(jtwm1) = fval2
+ fsum = fval1+fval2
+ resk = resk+wgk(jtwm1)*fsum
+ resabs = resabs+wgk(jtwm1)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ end do
+ reskh = resk*0.5D+00
+ resasc = wgk(31)* abs ( fc-reskh)
+ do j=1,30
+ resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*( abs ( fv1(j)-reskh)+ abs ( fv2(j)-reskh))
+ end do
+ result = resk*hlgth
+ resabs = resabs*dhlgth
+ resasc = resasc*dhlgth
+ abserr = abs ( (resk-resg)*hlgth)
+ if(resasc.ne.0.0D+00.and.abserr.ne.0.0D+00) &
+ abserr = resasc* min (0.1D+01,(0.2D+03*abserr/resasc)**1.5D+00)
+ if(resabs.gt.uflow/(0.5D+02*epmach)) abserr = max &
+ ((epmach*0.5D+02)*resabs,abserr)
+ return
+subroutine dqmomo(alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,integr)
+!! DQMOMO computes modified Chebyshev moments.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose this routine computes modified chebsyshev moments. the k-th
+! modified chebyshev moment is defined as the integral over
+! (-1,1) of w(x)*t(k,x), where t(k,x) is the chebyshev
+! polynomial of degree k.
+! Parameters:
+! alfa - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the weight function w(x), alfa.gt.(-1)
+! beta - real ( kind = 8 )
+! parameter in the weight function w(x), beta.gt.(-1)
+! ri - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension 25
+! ri(k) is the integral over (-1,1) of
+! (1+x)**alfa*t(k-1,x), k = 1, ..., 25.
+! rj - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension 25
+! rj(k) is the integral over (-1,1) of
+! (1-x)**beta*t(k-1,x), k = 1, ..., 25.
+! rg - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension 25
+! rg(k) is the integral over (-1,1) of
+! (1+x)**alfa*log((1+x)/2)*t(k-1,x), k = 1, ..., 25.
+! rh - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension 25
+! rh(k) is the integral over (-1,1) of
+! (1-x)**beta*log((1-x)/2)*t(k-1,x), k = 1, ..., 25.
+! integr - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! input parameter indicating the modified
+! moments to be computed
+! integr = 1 compute ri, rj
+! = 2 compute ri, rj, rg
+! = 3 compute ri, rj, rh
+! = 4 compute ri, rj, rg, rh
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) alfa,alfp1,alfp2,an,anm1,beta,betp1,betp2,ralf, &
+ rbet,rg,rh,ri,rj
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) i,im1,integr
+ dimension rg(25),rh(25),ri(25),rj(25)
+ alfp1 = alfa+0.1D+01
+ betp1 = beta+0.1D+01
+ alfp2 = alfa+0.2D+01
+ betp2 = beta+0.2D+01
+ ralf = 0.2D+01**alfp1
+ rbet = 0.2D+01**betp1
+! compute ri, rj using a forward recurrence relation.
+ ri(1) = ralf/alfp1
+ rj(1) = rbet/betp1
+ ri(2) = ri(1)*alfa/alfp2
+ rj(2) = rj(1)*beta/betp2
+ an = 0.2D+01
+ anm1 = 0.1D+01
+ do i=3,25
+ ri(i) = -(ralf+an*(an-alfp2)*ri(i-1))/(anm1*(an+alfp1))
+ rj(i) = -(rbet+an*(an-betp2)*rj(i-1))/(anm1*(an+betp1))
+ anm1 = an
+ an = an+0.1D+01
+ end do
+ if(integr.eq.1) go to 70
+ if(integr.eq.3) go to 40
+! compute rg using a forward recurrence relation.
+ rg(1) = -ri(1)/alfp1
+ rg(2) = -(ralf+ralf)/(alfp2*alfp2)-rg(1)
+ an = 0.2D+01
+ anm1 = 0.1D+01
+ im1 = 2
+ do i=3,25
+ rg(i) = -(an*(an-alfp2)*rg(im1)-an*ri(im1)+anm1*ri(i))/ &
+ (anm1*(an+alfp1))
+ anm1 = an
+ an = an+0.1D+01
+ im1 = i
+ end do
+ if(integr.eq.2) go to 70
+! compute rh using a forward recurrence relation.
+ 40 rh(1) = -rj(1)/betp1
+ rh(2) = -(rbet+rbet)/(betp2*betp2)-rh(1)
+ an = 0.2D+01
+ anm1 = 0.1D+01
+ im1 = 2
+ do i=3,25
+ rh(i) = -(an*(an-betp2)*rh(im1)-an*rj(im1)+ &
+ anm1*rj(i))/(anm1*(an+betp1))
+ anm1 = an
+ an = an+0.1D+01
+ im1 = i
+ end do
+ do i=2,25,2
+ rh(i) = -rh(i)
+ end do
+ 70 continue
+ do i=2,25,2
+ rj(i) = -rj(i)
+ end do
+ 90 continue
+ return
+subroutine dqng ( f, a, b, epsabs, epsrel, result, abserr, neval, ier )
+!! DQNG estimates an integral, using non-adaptive integration.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a
+! given definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b),
+! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
+! abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
+! Parameters:
+! f - real ( kind = 8 )
+! function subprogram defining the integrand function
+! f(x). the actual name for f needs to be declared
+! e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
+! a - real ( kind = 8 )
+! lower limit of integration
+! b - real ( kind = 8 )
+! upper limit of integration
+! epsabs - real ( kind = 8 )
+! absolute accuracy requested
+! epsrel - real ( kind = 8 )
+! relative accuracy requested
+! if epsabs.le.0
+! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
+! the routine will end with ier = 6.
+! on return
+! result - real ( kind = 8 )
+! approximation to the integral i
+! result is obtained by applying the 21-point
+! gauss-kronrod rule (res21) obtained by optimal
+! addition of abscissae to the 10-point gauss rule
+! (res10), or by applying the 43-point rule (res43)
+! obtained by optimal addition of abscissae to the
+! 21-point gauss-kronrod rule, or by applying the
+! 87-point rule (res87) obtained by optimal addition
+! of abscissae to the 43-point rule.
+! abserr - real ( kind = 8 )
+! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
+! neval - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of integrand evaluations
+! ier - ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
+! routine. it is assumed that the requested
+! accuracy has been achieved.
+! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine. it is
+! assumed that the requested accuracy has
+! not been achieved.
+! error messages
+! ier = 1 the maximum number of steps has been
+! executed. the integral is probably too
+! difficult to be calculated by dqng.
+! = 6 the input is invalid, because
+! epsabs.le.0 and
+! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28).
+! result, abserr and neval are set to zero.
+! Local Parameters:
+! the data statements contain the
+! abscissae and weights of the integration rules used.
+! x1 abscissae common to the 10-, 21-, 43- and 87-
+! point rule
+! x2 abscissae common to the 21-, 43- and 87-point rule
+! x3 abscissae common to the 43- and 87-point rule
+! x4 abscissae of the 87-point rule
+! w10 weights of the 10-point formula
+! w21a weights of the 21-point formula for abscissae x1
+! w21b weights of the 21-point formula for abscissae x2
+! w43a weights of the 43-point formula for abscissae x1, x3
+! w43b weights of the 43-point formula for abscissae x3
+! w87a weights of the 87-point formula for abscissae x1,
+! x2, x3
+! w87b weights of the 87-point formula for abscissae x4
+! gauss-kronrod-patterson quadrature coefficients for use in
+! quadpack routine qng. these coefficients were calculated with
+! 101 decimal digit arithmetic by l. w. fullerton, bell labs, nov 1981.
+! centr - mid point of the integration interval
+! hlgth - half-length of the integration interval
+! fcentr - function value at mid point
+! absc - abscissa
+! fval - function value
+! savfun - array of function values which have already been
+! computed
+! res10 - 10-point gauss result
+! res21 - 21-point kronrod result
+! res43 - 43-point result
+! res87 - 87-point result
+! resabs - approximation to the integral of abs(f)
+! resasc - approximation to the integral of abs(f-i/(b-a))
+! machine dependent constants
+! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
+! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,absc,abserr,b,centr,dhlgth, &
+ epmach,epsabs,epsrel,f,fcentr,fval,fval1,fval2,fv1,fv2, &
+ fv3,fv4,hlgth,result,res10,res21,res43,res87,resabs,resasc, &
+ reskh,savfun,uflow,w10,w21a,w21b,w43a,w43b,w87a,w87b,x1,x2,x3,x4
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) ier,ipx,k,l,neval
+ external f
+ dimension fv1(5),fv2(5),fv3(5),fv4(5),x1(5),x2(5),x3(11),x4(22), &
+ w10(5),w21a(5),w21b(6),w43a(10),w43b(12),w87a(21),w87b(23), &
+ savfun(21)
+ data x1 ( 1) / 0.973906528517171720077964012084452d0 /
+ data x1 ( 2) / 0.865063366688984510732096688423493d0 /
+ data x1 ( 3) / 0.679409568299024406234327365114874d0 /
+ data x1 ( 4) / 0.433395394129247190799265943165784d0 /
+ data x1 ( 5) / 0.148874338981631210884826001129720d0 /
+ data w10 ( 1) / 0.066671344308688137593568809893332d0 /
+ data w10 ( 2) / 0.149451349150580593145776339657697d0 /
+ data w10 ( 3) / 0.219086362515982043995534934228163d0 /
+ data w10 ( 4) / 0.269266719309996355091226921569469d0 /
+ data w10 ( 5) / 0.295524224714752870173892994651338d0 /
+ data x2 ( 1) / 0.995657163025808080735527280689003d0 /
+ data x2 ( 2) / 0.930157491355708226001207180059508d0 /
+ data x2 ( 3) / 0.780817726586416897063717578345042d0 /
+ data x2 ( 4) / 0.562757134668604683339000099272694d0 /
+ data x2 ( 5) / 0.294392862701460198131126603103866d0 /
+ data w21a ( 1) / 0.032558162307964727478818972459390d0 /
+ data w21a ( 2) / 0.075039674810919952767043140916190d0 /
+ data w21a ( 3) / 0.109387158802297641899210590325805d0 /
+ data w21a ( 4) / 0.134709217311473325928054001771707d0 /
+ data w21a ( 5) / 0.147739104901338491374841515972068d0 /
+ data w21b ( 1) / 0.011694638867371874278064396062192d0 /
+ data w21b ( 2) / 0.054755896574351996031381300244580d0 /
+ data w21b ( 3) / 0.093125454583697605535065465083366d0 /
+ data w21b ( 4) / 0.123491976262065851077958109831074d0 /
+ data w21b ( 5) / 0.142775938577060080797094273138717d0 /
+ data w21b ( 6) / 0.149445554002916905664936468389821d0 /
+ data x3 ( 1) / 0.999333360901932081394099323919911d0 /
+ data x3 ( 2) / 0.987433402908088869795961478381209d0 /
+ data x3 ( 3) / 0.954807934814266299257919200290473d0 /
+ data x3 ( 4) / 0.900148695748328293625099494069092d0 /
+ data x3 ( 5) / 0.825198314983114150847066732588520d0 /
+ data x3 ( 6) / 0.732148388989304982612354848755461d0 /
+ data x3 ( 7) / 0.622847970537725238641159120344323d0 /
+ data x3 ( 8) / 0.499479574071056499952214885499755d0 /
+ data x3 ( 9) / 0.364901661346580768043989548502644d0 /
+ data x3 ( 10) / 0.222254919776601296498260928066212d0 /
+ data x3 ( 11) / 0.074650617461383322043914435796506d0 /
+ data w43a ( 1) / 0.016296734289666564924281974617663d0 /
+ data w43a ( 2) / 0.037522876120869501461613795898115d0 /
+ data w43a ( 3) / 0.054694902058255442147212685465005d0 /
+ data w43a ( 4) / 0.067355414609478086075553166302174d0 /
+ data w43a ( 5) / 0.073870199632393953432140695251367d0 /
+ data w43a ( 6) / 0.005768556059769796184184327908655d0 /
+ data w43a ( 7) / 0.027371890593248842081276069289151d0 /
+ data w43a ( 8) / 0.046560826910428830743339154433824d0 /
+ data w43a ( 9) / 0.061744995201442564496240336030883d0 /
+ data w43a ( 10) / 0.071387267268693397768559114425516d0 /
+ data w43b ( 1) / 0.001844477640212414100389106552965d0 /
+ data w43b ( 2) / 0.010798689585891651740465406741293d0 /
+ data w43b ( 3) / 0.021895363867795428102523123075149d0 /
+ data w43b ( 4) / 0.032597463975345689443882222526137d0 /
+ data w43b ( 5) / 0.042163137935191811847627924327955d0 /
+ data w43b ( 6) / 0.050741939600184577780189020092084d0 /
+ data w43b ( 7) / 0.058379395542619248375475369330206d0 /
+ data w43b ( 8) / 0.064746404951445885544689259517511d0 /
+ data w43b ( 9) / 0.069566197912356484528633315038405d0 /
+ data w43b ( 10) / 0.072824441471833208150939535192842d0 /
+ data w43b ( 11) / 0.074507751014175118273571813842889d0 /
+ data w43b ( 12) / 0.074722147517403005594425168280423d0 /
+ data x4 ( 1) / 0.999902977262729234490529830591582d0 /
+ data x4 ( 2) / 0.997989895986678745427496322365960d0 /
+ data x4 ( 3) / 0.992175497860687222808523352251425d0 /
+ data x4 ( 4) / 0.981358163572712773571916941623894d0 /
+ data x4 ( 5) / 0.965057623858384619128284110607926d0 /
+ data x4 ( 6) / 0.943167613133670596816416634507426d0 /
+ data x4 ( 7) / 0.915806414685507209591826430720050d0 /
+ data x4 ( 8) / 0.883221657771316501372117548744163d0 /
+ data x4 ( 9) / 0.845710748462415666605902011504855d0 /
+ data x4 ( 10) / 0.803557658035230982788739474980964d0 /
+ data x4 ( 11) / 0.757005730685495558328942793432020d0 /
+ data x4 ( 12) / 0.706273209787321819824094274740840d0 /
+ data x4 ( 13) / 0.651589466501177922534422205016736d0 /
+ data x4 ( 14) / 0.593223374057961088875273770349144d0 /
+ data x4 ( 15) / 0.531493605970831932285268948562671d0 /
+ data x4 ( 16) / 0.466763623042022844871966781659270d0 /
+ data x4 ( 17) / 0.399424847859218804732101665817923d0 /
+ data x4 ( 18) / 0.329874877106188288265053371824597d0 /
+ data x4 ( 19) / 0.258503559202161551802280975429025d0 /
+ data x4 ( 20) / 0.185695396568346652015917141167606d0 /
+ data x4 ( 21) / 0.111842213179907468172398359241362d0 /
+ data x4 ( 22) / 0.037352123394619870814998165437704d0 /
+ data w87a ( 1) / 0.008148377384149172900002878448190d0 /
+ data w87a ( 2) / 0.018761438201562822243935059003794d0 /
+ data w87a ( 3) / 0.027347451050052286161582829741283d0 /
+ data w87a ( 4) / 0.033677707311637930046581056957588d0 /
+ data w87a ( 5) / 0.036935099820427907614589586742499d0 /
+ data w87a ( 6) / 0.002884872430211530501334156248695d0 /
+ data w87a ( 7) / 0.013685946022712701888950035273128d0 /
+ data w87a ( 8) / 0.023280413502888311123409291030404d0 /
+ data w87a ( 9) / 0.030872497611713358675466394126442d0 /
+ data w87a ( 10) / 0.035693633639418770719351355457044d0 /
+ data w87a ( 11) / 0.000915283345202241360843392549948d0 /
+ data w87a ( 12) / 0.005399280219300471367738743391053d0 /
+ data w87a ( 13) / 0.010947679601118931134327826856808d0 /
+ data w87a ( 14) / 0.016298731696787335262665703223280d0 /
+ data w87a ( 15) / 0.021081568889203835112433060188190d0 /
+ data w87a ( 16) / 0.025370969769253827243467999831710d0 /
+ data w87a ( 17) / 0.029189697756475752501446154084920d0 /
+ data w87a ( 18) / 0.032373202467202789685788194889595d0 /
+ data w87a ( 19) / 0.034783098950365142750781997949596d0 /
+ data w87a ( 20) / 0.036412220731351787562801163687577d0 /
+ data w87a ( 21) / 0.037253875503047708539592001191226d0 /
+ data w87b ( 1) / 0.000274145563762072350016527092881d0 /
+ data w87b ( 2) / 0.001807124155057942948341311753254d0 /
+ data w87b ( 3) / 0.004096869282759164864458070683480d0 /
+ data w87b ( 4) / 0.006758290051847378699816577897424d0 /
+ data w87b ( 5) / 0.009549957672201646536053581325377d0 /
+ data w87b ( 6) / 0.012329447652244853694626639963780d0 /
+ data w87b ( 7) / 0.015010447346388952376697286041943d0 /
+ data w87b ( 8) / 0.017548967986243191099665352925900d0 /
+ data w87b ( 9) / 0.019938037786440888202278192730714d0 /
+ data w87b ( 10) / 0.022194935961012286796332102959499d0 /
+ data w87b ( 11) / 0.024339147126000805470360647041454d0 /
+ data w87b ( 12) / 0.026374505414839207241503786552615d0 /
+ data w87b ( 13) / 0.028286910788771200659968002987960d0 /
+ data w87b ( 14) / 0.030052581128092695322521110347341d0 /
+ data w87b ( 15) / 0.031646751371439929404586051078883d0 /
+ data w87b ( 16) / 0.033050413419978503290785944862689d0 /
+ data w87b ( 17) / 0.034255099704226061787082821046821d0 /
+ data w87b ( 18) / 0.035262412660156681033782717998428d0 /
+ data w87b ( 19) / 0.036076989622888701185500318003895d0 /
+ data w87b ( 20) / 0.036698604498456094498018047441094d0 /
+ data w87b ( 21) / 0.037120549269832576114119958413599d0 /
+ data w87b ( 22) / 0.037334228751935040321235449094698d0 /
+ data w87b ( 23) / 0.037361073762679023410321241766599d0 /
+ epmach = epsilon ( epmach )
+ uflow = tiny ( uflow )
+! test on validity of parameters
+ result = 0.0D+00
+ abserr = 0.0D+00
+ neval = 0
+ ier = 6
+ if(epsabs.le.0.0D+00.and.epsrel.lt. max ( 0.5D+02*epmach,0.5d-28)) &
+ go to 80
+ hlgth = 0.5D+00*(b-a)
+ dhlgth = abs ( hlgth)
+ centr = 0.5D+00*(b+a)
+ fcentr = f(centr)
+ neval = 21
+ ier = 1
+! compute the integral using the 10- and 21-point formula.
+ do 70 l = 1,3
+ go to (5,25,45),l
+ 5 res10 = 0.0D+00
+ res21 = w21b(6)*fcentr
+ resabs = w21b(6)* abs ( fcentr)
+ do k=1,5
+ absc = hlgth*x1(k)
+ fval1 = f(centr+absc)
+ fval2 = f(centr-absc)
+ fval = fval1+fval2
+ res10 = res10+w10(k)*fval
+ res21 = res21+w21a(k)*fval
+ resabs = resabs+w21a(k)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ savfun(k) = fval
+ fv1(k) = fval1
+ fv2(k) = fval2
+ end do
+ ipx = 5
+ do k=1,5
+ ipx = ipx+1
+ absc = hlgth*x2(k)
+ fval1 = f(centr+absc)
+ fval2 = f(centr-absc)
+ fval = fval1+fval2
+ res21 = res21+w21b(k)*fval
+ resabs = resabs+w21b(k)*( abs ( fval1)+ abs ( fval2))
+ savfun(ipx) = fval
+ fv3(k) = fval1
+ fv4(k) = fval2
+ end do
+! test for convergence.
+ result = res21*hlgth
+ resabs = resabs*dhlgth
+ reskh = 0.5D+00*res21
+ resasc = w21b(6)* abs ( fcentr-reskh)
+ do k = 1,5
+ resasc = resasc+w21a(k)*( abs ( fv1(k)-reskh)+ abs ( fv2(k)-reskh)) &
+ +w21b(k)*( abs ( fv3(k)-reskh)+ abs ( fv4(k)-reskh))
+ end do
+ abserr = abs ( (res21-res10)*hlgth)
+ resasc = resasc*dhlgth
+ go to 65
+! compute the integral using the 43-point formula.
+25 res43 = w43b(12)*fcentr
+ neval = 43
+ do k=1,10
+ res43 = res43+savfun(k)*w43a(k)
+ end do
+ do k=1,11
+ ipx = ipx+1
+ absc = hlgth*x3(k)
+ fval = f(absc+centr)+f(centr-absc)
+ res43 = res43+fval*w43b(k)
+ savfun(ipx) = fval
+ end do
+! test for convergence.
+ result = res43*hlgth
+ abserr = abs ( (res43-res21)*hlgth)
+ go to 65
+! compute the integral using the 87-point formula.
+45 res87 = w87b(23)*fcentr
+ neval = 87
+ do k=1,21
+ res87 = res87+savfun(k)*w87a(k)
+ end do
+ do k=1,22
+ absc = hlgth*x4(k)
+ res87 = res87+w87b(k)*(f(absc+centr)+f(centr-absc))
+ end do
+ result = res87*hlgth
+ abserr = abs ( (res87-res43)*hlgth)
+65 continue
+ if(resasc.ne.0.0D+00.and.abserr.ne.0.0D+00) then
+ abserr = resasc* min (0.1D+01,(0.2D+03*abserr/resasc)**1.5D+00)
+ end if
+ if (resabs.gt.uflow/(0.5D+02*epmach)) then
+ abserr = max ((epmach*0.5D+02)*resabs,abserr)
+ end if
+ if (abserr.le. max ( epsabs,epsrel* abs ( result))) then
+ ier = 0
+ return
+ end if
+70 continue
+ 80 call xerror('abnormal return from dqng ',26,ier,0)
+ 999 continue
+ return
+subroutine dqpsrt ( limit, last, maxerr, ermax, elist, iord, nrmax )
+!! DQPSRT maintains the order of a list of local error estimates.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+!***purpose this routine maintains the descending ordering in the
+! list of the local error estimated resulting from the
+! interval subdivision process. at each call two error
+! estimates are inserted using the sequential search
+! method, top-down for the largest error estimate and
+! bottom-up for the smallest error estimate.
+! Parameters:
+! limit - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! maximum number of error estimates the list
+! can contain
+! last - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! number of error estimates currently in the list
+! maxerr - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! maxerr points to the nrmax-th largest error
+! estimate currently in the list
+! ermax - real ( kind = 8 )
+! nrmax-th largest error estimate
+! ermax = elist(maxerr)
+! elist - real ( kind = 8 )
+! vector of dimension last containing
+! the error estimates
+! iord - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! vector of dimension last, the first k elements
+! of which contain pointers to the error
+! estimates, such that
+! elist(iord(1)),..., elist(iord(k))
+! form a decreasing sequence, with
+! k = last if last.le.(limit/2+2), and
+! k = limit+1-last otherwise
+! nrmax - integer ( kind = 4 )
+! maxerr = iord(nrmax)
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) elist,ermax,errmax,errmin
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) i,ibeg,ido,iord,isucc,j,jbnd,jupbn,k,last, &
+ lim
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) limit
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) maxerr
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) nrmax
+ dimension elist(last),iord(last)
+! check whether the list contains more than
+! two error estimates.
+ if(last.gt.2) go to 10
+ iord(1) = 1
+ iord(2) = 2
+ go to 90
+! this part of the routine is only executed if, due to a
+! difficult integrand, subdivision increased the error
+! estimate. in the normal case the insert procedure should
+! start after the nrmax-th largest error estimate.
+ 10 errmax = elist(maxerr)
+ ido = nrmax-1
+ do i = 1,ido
+ isucc = iord(nrmax-1)
+ if(errmax.le.elist(isucc)) go to 30
+ iord(nrmax) = isucc
+ nrmax = nrmax-1
+ end do
+! compute the number of elements in the list to be maintained
+! in descending order. this number depends on the number of
+! subdivisions still allowed.
+ 30 jupbn = last
+ if(last.gt.(limit/2+2)) jupbn = limit+3-last
+ errmin = elist(last)
+! insert errmax by traversing the list top-down,
+! starting comparison from the element elist(iord(nrmax+1)).
+ jbnd = jupbn-1
+ ibeg = nrmax+1
+ do i=ibeg,jbnd
+ isucc = iord(i)
+ if(errmax.ge.elist(isucc)) go to 60
+ iord(i-1) = isucc
+ end do
+ iord(jbnd) = maxerr
+ iord(jupbn) = last
+ go to 90
+! insert errmin by traversing the list bottom-up.
+ 60 iord(i-1) = maxerr
+ k = jbnd
+ do j=i,jbnd
+ isucc = iord(k)
+ if(errmin.lt.elist(isucc)) go to 80
+ iord(k+1) = isucc
+ k = k-1
+ end do
+ iord(i) = last
+ go to 90
+ 80 iord(k+1) = last
+! set maxerr and ermax.
+ 90 maxerr = iord(nrmax)
+ ermax = elist(maxerr)
+ return
+function dqwgtc ( x, c, p2, p3, p4, kp )
+!! DQWGTC defines the weight function used by DQC25C.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) dqwgtc
+ real ( kind = 8 ) c,p2,p3,p4,x
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) kp
+ dqwgtc = 0.1D+01 / ( x - c )
+ return
+function dqwgtf(x,omega,p2,p3,p4,integr)
+!! DQWGTF defines the weight functions used by DQC25F.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+ implicit none
+ real ( kind = 8 ) dqwgtf
+ real ( kind = 8 ) dcos,dsin,omega,omx,p2,p3,p4,x
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) integr
+ omx = omega * x
+ if ( integr == 1 ) then
+ dqwgtf = cos ( omx )
+ else
+ dqwgtf = sin ( omx )
+ end if
+ return
+function dqwgts ( x, a, b, alfa, beta, integr )
+!! DQWGTS defines the weight functions used by DQC25S.
+! Modified:
+! 11 September 2015
+! Author:
+! Robert Piessens, Elise de Doncker
+ implicit none
+ real dqwgts
+ real ( kind = 8 ) a,alfa,b,beta,bmx,x,xma
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) integr
+ xma = x - a
+ bmx = b - x
+ dqwgts = xma ** alfa * bmx ** beta
+ go to (40,10,20,30),integr
+ 10 dqwgts = dqwgts* log ( xma )
+ go to 40
+ 20 dqwgts = dqwgts* log ( bmx )
+ go to 40
+ 30 dqwgts = dqwgts* log ( xma ) * log ( bmx )
+ 40 continue
+ return
+subroutine timestamp ( )
+!! TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
+! Example:
+! 31 May 2001 9:45:54.872 AM
+! Licensing:
+! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
+! Modified:
+! 18 May 2013
+! Author:
+! John Burkardt
+! Parameters:
+! None
+ implicit none
+ character ( len = 8 ) ampm
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) d
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) h
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) m
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) mm
+ character ( len = 9 ), parameter, dimension(12) :: month = (/ &
+ 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', &
+ 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', &
+ 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' /)
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) n
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) s
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) values(8)
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) y
+ call date_and_time ( values = values )
+ y = values(1)
+ m = values(2)
+ d = values(3)
+ h = values(5)
+ n = values(6)
+ s = values(7)
+ mm = values(8)
+ if ( h < 12 ) then
+ ampm = 'AM'
+ else if ( h == 12 ) then
+ if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then
+ ampm = 'Noon'
+ else
+ ampm = 'PM'
+ end if
+ else
+ h = h - 12
+ if ( h < 12 ) then
+ ampm = 'PM'
+ else if ( h == 12 ) then
+ if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then
+ ampm = 'Midnight'
+ else
+ ampm = 'AM'
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ write ( *, '(i2.2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) &
+ d, trim ( month(m) ), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, trim ( ampm )
+ return
+subroutine xerror ( xmess, nmess, nerr, level )
+!! XERROR replaces the SLATEC XERROR routine.
+! Modified:
+! 12 September 2015
+ implicit none
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) level
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) nerr
+ integer ( kind = 4 ) nmess
+ character ( len = * ) xmess
+ if ( 1 <= LEVEL ) then
+ WRITE ( *,'(1X,A)') XMESS(1:NMESS)
+ WRITE ( *,'('' ERROR NUMBER = '',I5,'', MESSAGE LEVEL = '',I5)') &
+ end if
+ return
diff --git a/bin/schmidt_decomposition.f90 b/bin/schmidt_decomposition.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8094ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/schmidt_decomposition.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+! along with this program. If not, see .
+program SOET_DMET
+ !
+ ! ==== Local Data ====
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer,parameter :: dp=kind(1.d0), OUT=99
+ integer :: i,j,L,Nelec,nocc,imp
+ real(dp) :: t,U
+ DOUBLE PRECISION, allocatable :: D_SOFT(:,:),D_SOFT_diag(:,:), &
+ D(:,:), D_F(:,:),D_E(:,:),D_unocc_F(:,:), D_occ_E(:,:),D_unocc_E(:,:), &
+ U_SVD(:,:),V_SVD(:,:),S(:),D_occ_F(:,:), &
+ sqrt_n0(:,:),n0(:,:), sqrt_un_n0(:,:), inv_sqrt_un_n0(:,:), &
+ V_F(:,:),V_E(:,:),Socc(:,:),tildeC_F(:,:),C_B(:,:), &
+ D_provisoir(:,:),eig(:),P(:,:),Pbar(:,:)
+! Allocation and Initialization !
+ open(10,file='mat.dat',status='old')
+ read(10,*)L, Nelec, U, t, imp ! #sites, #electrons, t, U, #impurities
+ allocate(D_F(imp,L))
+ allocate(D_E(L-imp,L))
+ allocate(D_SOFT(L,L))
+ allocate(D_SOFT_diag(L,L))
+ allocate(D(L,L))
+ allocate(eig(L))
+ open ( UNIT = OUT, FILE = 'Schmidt_decomposition.out', ACCESS = 'SEQUENTIAL' )
+ write(OUT,*)'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
+ write(OUT,*)'% This program performs the Schmidt Decomposition %'
+ write(OUT,*)'% on the Slater determinant obtained by KS-SOFT. %'
+ write(OUT,*)'% It returns the embedded problem to be solved %'
+ write(OUT,*)'% either by DMRG for 2 or more than 2 impurities, %'
+ write(OUT,*)'% or analytically for a single impurity site. %'
+ write(OUT,*)'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
+ write(OUT,*)
+ write(OUT,*)'Number sites :', L
+ write(OUT,*)'Number of impurity sites :', imp
+ write(OUT,*)'Number of electrons :', Nelec
+ write(OUT,*)'On-site Coulomb repulsion U :', U
+ write(OUT,*)'Hopping parameter t :', t
+ write(OUT,*)
+ write(OUT,*)'Step 1. Read the matrix representation of :'
+ write(OUT,*)' - the 1RDM of the KS-SOFT system, D_soft (size L x L)'
+!!! SOFT density matrix
+ do i=1,L
+ read(10,*)(D_SOFT(i,j),j=1,L)
+ enddo
+ close(10)
+! Diagonalize the non-interacting Hamiltonian !
+ write(OUT,*)
+ write(OUT,*)'Step 2. Diagonalize D_soft. Determine the transformation matrix D.'
+ write(OUT,*)' D_diag = D^T D_soft D'
+! Initialize the transformation D to be set in diasym.
+! The minus sign to sort from the biggest to the lowest one.
+ call diasym(D,eig,L)
+ D_SOFT_diag=matmul(matmul(transpose(D),D_SOFT),D)
+! Determine nocc
+ nocc = 0
+ do i=1,L
+ if (D_SOFT_diag(i,i) > 0.99999) then
+ nocc = nocc + 1
+ endif
+ enddo
+! Split transformation matrix into !
+! fragment (F) + environment (E) !
+ write(OUT,*)
+ write(OUT,*)'Step 3. Split the transformation matrix D (L x L) into:'
+ write(OUT,*)' - a fragment part D_F (n_imp x L),'
+ write(OUT,*)' - an environment part D_E (L-n_imp x L).'
+ do i=1,imp
+ do j=1,L
+ D_F(i,j)=D(i,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=1,L-imp
+ do j=1,L
+ D_E(i,j)=D(i+imp,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! Split transformation matrix into !
+! occupied and unoccupied !
+ write(OUT,*)
+ write(OUT,*)'Step 4. Split D_F and D_E into occupied and unoccupied parts:'
+ write(OUT,*)' - D_occ_F (n_imp x n_occ),'
+ write(OUT,*)' - D_unocc_F (n_imp x L-n_occ),'
+ write(OUT,*)' - D_occ_E(L-n_imp x n_occ),'
+ write(OUT,*)' - D_unocc_E(L-n_imp x L-n_occ).'
+ allocate(D_occ_F(imp,nocc))
+ allocate(D_unocc_F(imp,L-nocc))
+ allocate(D_occ_E(L-imp,nocc))
+ allocate(D_unocc_E(L-imp,L-nocc))
+ do i=1,imp
+ do j=1,nocc
+ D_occ_F(i,j)=D_F(i,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=1,imp
+ do j=1,L-nocc
+ D_unocc_F(i,j)=D_F(i,j+nocc)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=1,L-imp
+ do j=1,nocc
+ D_occ_E(i,j)=D_E(i,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=1,L-imp
+ do j=1,L-nocc
+ D_unocc_E(i,j)=D_E(i,j+nocc)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! Singular Value Decomposition !
+ write(OUT,*)
+ write(OUT,*)'Step 5. Perform a Singular Value Decomposition of D_occ_F.'
+ write(OUT,*)' D_occ_F = U_SVD sqrt_n0 V_SVD with size:'
+ write(OUT,*)' - U_SVD (n_imp x n_imp),'
+ write(OUT,*)' - sqrt_n0 (n_imp x n_imp),'
+ write(OUT,*)' - V_SVD (n_occ x n_occ).'
+ allocate(D_provisoir(imp,nocc))
+ allocate(S(nocc)) ! temporary matrix for having sqrt_n0 in SVD calculation.
+ allocate(sqrt_n0(imp,imp))
+ D_provisoir=D_occ_F ! because the input is destroyed in DGSEDD, and I don't want to destroy D_occ_F
+ allocate(U_SVD(imp,imp))
+ allocate(V_SVD(nocc,nocc))
+ call SVD(D_provisoir,U_SVD,S,sqrt_n0,V_SVD,imp,nocc)
+ deallocate(D_provisoir)
+! Decomposition of V_SVD into !
+! fragment (F) + environment (E) !
+ write(OUT,*)
+ write(OUT,*)'Step 6. Decompose V_SVD into:'
+ write(OUT,*)' - a fragment part V_F (n_occ x n_imp),'
+ write(OUT,*)' - an environment part V_E (n_occ x n_occ-n_imp).'
+ allocate(V_F(nocc,imp))
+ allocate(V_E(nocc,nocc-imp))
+ do i=1,nocc
+ do j=1,imp
+ V_F(i,j)=V_SVD(i,j)
+ enddo
+ do j=1,nocc-imp
+ V_E(i,j)=V_SVD(i,j+imp)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! Compute the overlap matrix Socc !
+ write(OUT,*)
+ write(OUT,*)'Step 7. Compute the overlap matrix, S_occ (n_occ x n_occ)'
+ write(OUT,*)' S_occ = V_F n0 V_F^T, '
+ write(OUT,*)' where n0 = sqrt_n0^T sqrt_n0.'
+ allocate(Socc(nocc,nocc))
+ allocate(n0(imp,imp))
+ n0=matmul(transpose(sqrt_n0),sqrt_n0)
+ Socc=matmul(matmul(V_F,n0),transpose(V_F))
+! Compute the Projector !
+ write(OUT,*)
+ write(OUT,*)'Step 8. Compute the Projector P (L x 2n_imp):'
+ write(OUT,*)' P = Pbar x Block_matrix[[U_SVD^T,0],[0,U_SVD^T]],'
+ write(OUT,*)' where Pbar is the Projector in the basis of natural orbital:'
+ write(OUT,*)' Pbar = Block_matrix[[U_SVD,0],[0,C_B]],'
+ write(OUT,*)' C_B = D_occ_E V_F (sqrt(1 - n0))^-1.'
+ allocate(tildeC_F(imp,imp))
+ allocate(sqrt_un_n0(imp,imp))
+ allocate(inv_sqrt_un_n0(imp,imp))
+ allocate(C_B(L-imp,imp))
+ allocate(Pbar(L,2*imp))
+ allocate(P(L,2*imp))
+ allocate(D_provisoir(2*imp,2*imp))
+ tildeC_F=matmul(D_occ_F,V_F)
+ sqrt_un_n0=0
+ do i=1,imp
+ sqrt_un_n0(i,i)=sqrt(1-n0(i,i))
+ enddo
+ call inverse(sqrt_un_n0,inv_sqrt_un_n0,imp)
+ C_B = matmul(matmul(D_occ_E,V_F),inv_sqrt_un_n0)
+ Pbar=0
+ do i=1,imp
+ do j=1,imp
+ Pbar(i,j)=U_SVD(i,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=imp+1,L
+ do j=imp+1,2*imp
+ Pbar(i,j)=C_B(i-imp,j-imp)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ D_provisoir=0
+ do i=1,imp
+ do j=1,imp
+ D_provisoir(i,j)=U_SVD(j,i)
+ D_provisoir(i+imp,j+imp)=U_SVD(j,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ P=matmul(Pbar,D_provisoir)
+ write(OUT,*)
+ write(OUT,*)' Projector P :'
+ do i=1,L
+ write(OUT,10)(P(i,j),j=1,2*imp)
+ enddo
+ write(OUT,*)
+ write(OUT,*)'End of file.'
+ open (98,FILE='projector.dat',ACCESS ='SEQUENTIAL')
+ do i=1,L
+ write(98,10)(P(i,j),j=1,2*imp)
+ enddo
+ close(98)
+! Format !
+ 10 format(500f25.15)
+ end program SOET_DMET
diff --git a/bin/secant.f90 b/bin/secant.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3e8127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/secant.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+subroutine secant(f,a,b,x,tol,maxiter,iter,ier)
+integer, parameter :: dp=kind(1.d0)
+real(dp),external :: f
+real(dp),intent(inout) :: a
+real(dp),intent(inout) :: b
+real(dp),intent(inout) :: x
+real(dp),intent(in) :: tol
+integer,intent(in) :: maxiter
+integer,intent(out) :: iter
+integer,intent(out) :: ier
+real(dp) :: fa,fb,xzero,fxzero,deltax
+fa = f(a)
+fb = f(b)
+if (fa*fb .gt. 0.0_dp) then
+end if
+xzero = b - fb*(b - a)/(fb - fa)
+fxzero = f(xzero)
+iter = 1
+deltax = 1.0_dp
+do while (deltax.gt.tol.and.iter.lt.maxiter)
+ x = xzero - fxzero*(xzero - b)/(fxzero - fb)
+ deltax = abs(xzero - x)
+ b = xzero
+ xzero = x
+ fb = fxzero
+ fxzero = f(x)
+ iter = iter + 1
+end do
+ if (iter.gt.maxiter) then
+ ier = 1
+ else
+ ier = 0
+ end if
+end subroutine
diff --git a/examples/SOFT_BALDA.py b/examples/SOFT_BALDA.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ea4e553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/SOFT_BALDA.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import numpy as np
+import sys
+import os
+import SOFT
+import random
+working_directory = os.getenv('SOFT_DIR') + "/examples/"
+n_sites = 100
+n_elec = 30
+U = 4.0
+t = 1.0
+v_choice = ["uniform","random","ABAB","power","decreasing"][3]
+SCF_maxiter = 100
+v = np.full((n_sites),1.*n_elec/(1.*n_sites)) # uniform v_choice
+if v_choice == "uniform":
+ pass
+elif v_choice == "random":
+ for i in range(n_sites): v[i] = random.uniform(-1,1)
+elif v_choice == "ABAB":
+ for i in range(n_sites//2):
+ v[2*i] = -1.
+ v[2*i+1] = +1.
+elif v_choice == "power": # See GAO XIANLONG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 165120 (2006)
+ l = 2
+ const_V = 0.006
+ for i in range(n_sites):
+ v[i] = const_V*(i - n_sites/2)**l
+elif v_choice == "decreasing":
+ for i in reversed(range(n_sites)):
+ v[i] = 0.1*i
+ sys.exit("The v_choice is not defined. Program terminated.")
+output_file = working_directory + "/results/L{}_N{}_U{}_t{}_{}.dat".format(n_sites,n_elec,U,t,v_choice)
+KS_orbs, E_DFT, density_exact = SOFT.run_SOFT_Hubbard(n_sites,n_elec,U,t,v,SCF_maxiter,working_directory,output_file)
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed10ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import io
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+ name='SOFT',
+ author='Bruno Senjean',
+ author_email='bruno.senjean@umontpellier.fr',
+ url='',
+ description=('Site Occupation Functional Theory'),
+ packages=find_packages(where='src'),
+ package_dir={'': 'src'},
+ include_package_data=True,
diff --git a/src/SOFT/BALDA.py b/src/SOFT/BALDA.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbc8a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SOFT/BALDA.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import numpy as np
+def correlation_BALDA(U,t,n,beta,dbeta_dU):
+ """
+ Function that generates the correlation BALDA potential and energy for one site with occupation n.
+ It also generates the derivative of the correlation energy with respect to U and t, which can be useful
+ to compute some particular quantities (like the double occupation).
+ """
+ ec = - 2.*t*beta*np.sin(np.pi*n/beta)/np.pi + 4.0*t*np.sin(np.pi*n/2.0)/np.pi - U*0.25*n*n
+ dec_dU = dbeta_dU*(-2.*t*np.sin(np.pi*n/beta)/np.pi + 2.*t*n*np.cos(np.pi*n/beta)/beta) - n*n*0.25
+ dec_dn = - 2.*t*np.cos(np.pi*n/beta) + 2.*t*np.cos(np.pi*n/2.0) - U*0.5*n
+ # Hole-particle symmetry:
+ if n > 1.0:
+ ec = - 2.*t*beta*np.sin(np.pi*(2.-n)/beta)/np.pi + U*(n-1.) + 4.0*t*np.sin(np.pi*(2.-n)/2.0)/np.pi - U*n*n*0.25
+ dec_dU = dbeta_dU*(-2.*t*np.sin(np.pi*(2.-n)/beta)/np.pi + 2.*t*(2.-n)*np.cos(np.pi*(2.-n)/beta)/beta) + n - 1. - n*n*0.25
+ dec_dn = 2.*t*np.cos(np.pi*(2.0-n)/beta) - 2.*t*np.cos(np.pi*(2.0-n)/2.0) + U - U*0.5*n
+ dec_dt = ec/t - U*dec_dU/t
+ return ec, dec_dU, dec_dt, dec_dn
+def generate_potential(L,U,t,occ,beta,dbeta_dU):
+ """
+ Function that generates the Hxc BALDA potentials and energies for the full system.
+ """
+ deHxc_dn = np.zeros((L),dtype=float)
+ deHxc_dt = np.zeros((L),dtype=float)
+ deHxc_dU = np.zeros((L),dtype=float)
+ eHxc = np.zeros((L),dtype=float)
+ for i in range(L):
+ ec, dec_dU, dec_dt, dec_dn = correlation_BALDA(U,t,occ[i],beta,dbeta_dU)
+ eHxc[i] = ec + U*0.25*occ[i]*occ[i]
+ deHxc_dn[i] = dec_dn + U*occ[i]*0.5
+ return eHxc, deHxc_dn
diff --git a/src/SOFT/SCF.py b/src/SOFT/SCF.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e957291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SOFT/SCF.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.linalg import eigh
+from scipy import optimize
+import random
+sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
+from .BALDA import generate_potential
+def generate_hamiltonian(L,N,t,v):
+ """
+ Function that generates the non-interacting 1D Hubbard Hamiltonian with potential v.
+ """
+ H = np.zeros((L,L),dtype=float)
+ for i in range(L-1):
+ H[i,i+1] = H[i+1,i] = -t
+ H[i,i] = v[i]
+ if ((N//2) % 2 == 1): #periodic condition
+ H[L-1,0] = H[0,L-1] = -t
+ elif ((N//2) % 2 == 0): #antiperiodic condition
+ H[L-1,0] = H[0,L-1] = +t
+ H[L-1,L-1] = v[L-1]
+ return H
+def solve_KShamiltonian(L,N,H):
+ """
+ Function to diagonalize the Hamiltonian and extract the one-particle reduced density matrix and the orbital energies.
+ """
+ orb_energy,C = eigh(H)
+ # One-particle reduced density matrix:
+ onepdm = np.zeros((L,L),dtype=float)
+ occ = np.zeros((L),dtype=float)
+ for i in range(L):
+ for j in range(L):
+ for k in range(N//2):
+ onepdm[i,j]+=2*C[i,k]*C[j,k] # factor 2 because we work with spatial orbitals
+ occ[i] = onepdm[i,i]
+ return onepdm,occ,orb_energy,C
+def self_consistency(Nsites,Nelec,U,t,pot,beta,dbeta_dU,MAXIT,path_results_folder,output_file,mix_cst=0.4):
+ """
+ Function to get the self-consistent energy and occupations.
+ """
+ # Start with uniform density
+ occ = np.full((Nsites),1.*Nelec/(1.*Nsites))
+ with open(output_file,'a') as f:
+ f.write("*"*10 + " Initialization " + "*"*10 + "\n")
+ f.write("""
+ L = {}
+ N = {}
+ t = {}
+ U = {}
+ v = {}\n""".format(Nsites,Nelec,t,U,pot))
+ f.write(" Initial trial sites occupation:\n{}\n\n".format(occ))
+ Etot = 0
+ it = 0
+ delta_E = 1
+ convergence = True
+ while (delta_E > 1e-4 or normocc > 1e-4) and convergence: #or mix_cst < 1) and convergence:
+ # Compute the vHxc contributions
+ deHxc_dn = generate_potential(Nsites,U,t,occ,beta,dbeta_dU)[1]
+ KSpot = np.add(pot,deHxc_dn)
+ # Construct and solve the KS Hamiltonian
+ h_SOFT = generate_hamiltonian(Nsites,Nelec,t,KSpot)
+ onepdm_SOFT, occ_new, KS_energies, KS_orbs = solve_KShamiltonian(Nsites,Nelec,h_SOFT)
+ # compute the eHxc contribution with the new density
+ eHxc = generate_potential(Nsites,U,t,occ_new,beta,dbeta_dU)[0]
+ # Compute the total energy
+ sum_occ_eKS = 0.
+ sum_eHxc = 0.
+ sum_deHxc_dn = 0.
+ for i in range(Nelec//2): sum_occ_eKS += 2*KS_energies[i]
+ for i in range(Nsites): sum_eHxc += eHxc[i]
+ for i in range(Nsites): sum_deHxc_dn += deHxc_dn[i]*occ_new[i]
+ Etot_new = sum_occ_eKS + sum_eHxc - sum_deHxc_dn
+ delta_E = abs(Etot_new - Etot)
+ Etot = Etot_new
+ normocc = np.linalg.norm(occ - occ_new)
+ #if (delta_E <= 1e-4 and normocc <= 1e-4): mix_cst += 0.2
+ occ = (1 - mix_cst)*occ + mix_cst*occ_new
+ with open(output_file,'a') as f:
+ f.write("*"*10 + " ITERATION {:3d} ".format(it) + "*"*10 + "\n")
+ f.write("mix constant : {:4.2f}".format(mix_cst) + "\n")
+ f.write("Energy (hartree) : {:16.8f}".format(Etot) + "\n")
+ f.write("Occupied KS : {}".format(KS_energies[:Nelec//2]) + "\n")
+ f.write("New occ : {}".format(occ_new) + "\n")
+ f.write("Damped occ : {}".format(occ) + "\n")
+ f.write("Delta Energy : {:16.8f}".format(delta_E) + "\n")
+ f.write("Norm Delta_occ : {:16.8f}\n".format(normocc) + "\n")
+ it+=1
+ if it > MAXIT: convergence=False
+ return convergence, Etot, occ, it, KS_orbs
+def run_SOFT_Hubbard(Nsites,Nelec,U,t,pot,MAXIT,code_directory,output_file):
+ # Compute beta and dbeta_dU for the approximate BALDA potential
+ subprocess.check_call("echo " + str(U) + " " + str(t) + " | beta_and_derivatives",shell=True, cwd = code_directory)
+ with open(code_directory + "beta_dbetadU.dat","r") as f:
+ line = f.read()
+ beta = float(line.split()[0])
+ dbeta_dU = float(line.split()[1])
+ f.close()
+ # Perform the self-consistent algorithm
+ conv, Etot, occ, it, KS_orbs = self_consistency(Nsites,Nelec,U,t,pot,beta,dbeta_dU,MAXIT,code_directory+"/results/",output_file)
+ # Check convergence.
+ if (conv):
+ with open(output_file,'a') as f:
+ f.write("*"*10 + " SUCCESS " + "*"*10 + "\n")
+ f.write("Iteration : {:16d}".format(it) + "\n")
+ f.write("Energy (hartree) : {:16.8f}".format(Etot) + "\n")
+ f.write("Occupations : {}".format(occ) + "\n")
+ else:
+ with open(output_file,'a') as f:
+ f.write("*"*10 + " FAILURE " + "*"*10 + "\n")
+ f.write("Iteration > {}, NO_CONVERGENCE_REACHED".format(MAXIT) + "\n")
+ return KS_orbs, Etot, occ
diff --git a/src/SOFT/__init__.py b/src/SOFT/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..696a975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SOFT/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from .SCF import (
+ generate_hamiltonian,
+ solve_KShamiltonian,
+ self_consistency,
+ run_SOFT_Hubbard)
+from .BALDA import (
+ correlation_BALDA,
+ generate_potential)