Header | \nValue | \n
Cache-Control: | \nno-cache | \n
User-Agent: | \nbunq-TestServer/1.00 sandbox/0.17b3 | \n
X-Bunq-Client-Authentication: | \n\nf15f1bbe1feba25efb00802fa127042b54101c8ec0a524c36464f5bb143d3b8b | \n
Header | \nValue | \n
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: | \n* | \n
Content-Type: | \napplication/json | \n
Date: | \nThu, 07 Apr 2016 08:32:04 GMT | \n
Server: | \nAPACHE | \n
Strict-Transport-Security: | \nmax-age=31536000 | \n
Transfer-Encoding: | \nchunked | \n
X-Bunq-Client-Response-Id: | \n89dcaa5c-fa55-4068-9822-3f87985d2268 | \n
X-Bunq-Client-Request-Id: | \n57061b04b67ef | \n
X-Bunq-Server-Signature: | \nee9sDfzEhQ2L6Rquyh2XmJyNWdSBOBo6Z2eUYuM4bAOBCn9N5vjs6k6RROpagxXFXdGI9sT15tYCaLe5FS9aciIuJmrVW/SZCDWq/nOvSThi7+BwD9JFdG7zfR4afC8qfVABmjuMrtjaUFSrthyHS/5wEuDuax9qUZn6sVXcgZEq49hy4yHrV8257I4sSQIHRmgds4BXcGhPp266Z6pxjzAJbfyzt5JgJ8/suxgKvm/nYhnOfsgIIYCgcyh4DRrQltohiSon6x1ZsRIfQnCDlDDghaIxbryLfinT5Y4eU1eiCkFB4D69S4HbFXYyAxlqtX2W6Tvax6rIM2MMPNOh4Q== | \n
X-Frame-Options: | \nSAMEORIGIN | \n
Code | \nError | \nDescription | \n
200 | \nOK | \nSuccessful HTTP request | \n
399 | \nNOT MODIFIED | \nSame as a 304, it implies you have a local cached copy of the data | \n
400 | \nBAD REQUEST | \nMost likely a parameter is missing or invalid | \n
401 | \nUNAUTHORISED | \nToken or signature provided is not valid | \n
403 | \nFORBIDDEN | \nYou're not allowed to make this call | \n
404 | \nNOT FOUND | \nThe object you're looking for cannot be found | \n
405 | \nMETHOD NOT ALLOWED | \nThe method you are using is not allowed for this endpoint | \n
429 | \nRATE LIMIT | \nToo many API calls have been made in a too short period | \n
466 | \nREQUEST SIGNATURE REQUIRED | \nRequest signature is required for this operation. | \n
490 | \nUSER ERROR | \nMost likely a parameter is missing or invalid | \n
491 | \nMAINTENANCE ERROR | \nbunq is in maintenance mode | \n
500 | \nINTERNAL SERVER ERROR | \nSomething went wrong on bunq's end | \n
Category | \nDescription | \n
BILLING | \nnotifications for all bunq invoices | \n
CARD_TRANSACTION_SUCCESSFUL | \nnotifications for successful card transactions | \n
CARD_TRANSACTION_FAILED | \nnotifications for failed card transaction | \n
CHAT | \nnotifications for received chat messages | \n
DRAFT_PAYMENT | \nnotifications for creation and updates of draft payments | \n
IDEAL | \nnotifications for iDEAL-deposits towards a bunq account | \n
SOFORT | \nnotifications for SOFORT-deposits towards a bunq account | \n
MUTATION | \nnotifications for any action that affects a monetary account\u2019s balance | \n
PAYMENT | \nnotifications for payments created from, or received on a bunq account (doesn\u2019t include payments that result out of paying a Request, iDEAL, Sofort or Invoice). Outgoing payments have a negative value while incoming payments have a positive value | \n
REQUEST | \nnotifications for incoming requests and updates on outgoing requests | \n
SCHEDULE_RESULT | \nnotifications for when a scheduled payment is executed | \n
SCHEDULE_STATUS | \nnotifications about the status of a scheduled payment, e.g. when the scheduled payment is updated or cancelled | \n
SHARE | \nnotifications for any updates or creation of Connects (ShareInviteBankInquiry) | \n
TAB_RESULT | \nnotifications for updates on Tab payments | \n
BUNQME_TAB | \nnotifications for updates on bunq.me Tab (open request) payments | \n
SUPPORT | \nnotifications for messages received from us through support chat | \n
Header | \nValue | \n
Cache-Control: | \nno-cache | \n
User-Agent: | \nbunq-TestServer/1.00 sandbox/0.17b3 | \n
X-Bunq-Client-Authentication: | \n\nf15f1bbe1feba25efb00802fa127042b54101c8ec0a524c36464f5bb143d3b8b | \n
Header | \nValue | \n
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: | \n* | \n
Content-Type: | \napplication/json | \n
Date: | \nThu, 07 Apr 2016 08:32:04 GMT | \n
Server: | \nAPACHE | \n
Strict-Transport-Security: | \nmax-age=31536000 | \n
Transfer-Encoding: | \nchunked | \n
X-Bunq-Client-Response-Id: | \n89dcaa5c-fa55-4068-9822-3f87985d2268 | \n
X-Bunq-Client-Request-Id: | \n57061b04b67ef | \n
X-Bunq-Server-Signature: | \nee9sDfzEhQ2L6Rquyh2XmJyNWdSBOBo6Z2eUYuM4bAOBCn9N5vjs6k6RROpagxXFXdGI9sT15tYCaLe5FS9aciIuJmrVW/SZCDWq/nOvSThi7+BwD9JFdG7zfR4afC8qfVABmjuMrtjaUFSrthyHS/5wEuDuax9qUZn6sVXcgZEq49hy4yHrV8257I4sSQIHRmgds4BXcGhPp266Z6pxjzAJbfyzt5JgJ8/suxgKvm/nYhnOfsgIIYCgcyh4DRrQltohiSon6x1ZsRIfQnCDlDDghaIxbryLfinT5Y4eU1eiCkFB4D69S4HbFXYyAxlqtX2W6Tvax6rIM2MMPNOh4Q== | \n
X-Frame-Options: | \nSAMEORIGIN | \n
Code | \nError | \nDescription | \n
200 | \nOK | \nSuccessful HTTP request | \n
399 | \nNOT MODIFIED | \nSame as a 304, it implies you have a local cached copy of the data | \n
400 | \nBAD REQUEST | \nMost likely a parameter is missing or invalid | \n
401 | \nUNAUTHORISED | \nToken or signature provided is not valid | \n
403 | \nFORBIDDEN | \nYou're not allowed to make this call | \n
404 | \nNOT FOUND | \nThe object you're looking for cannot be found | \n
405 | \nMETHOD NOT ALLOWED | \nThe method you are using is not allowed for this endpoint | \n
429 | \nRATE LIMIT | \nToo many API calls have been made in a too short period | \n
466 | \nREQUEST SIGNATURE REQUIRED | \nRequest signature is required for this operation. | \n
490 | \nUSER ERROR | \nMost likely a parameter is missing or invalid | \n
491 | \nMAINTENANCE ERROR | \nbunq is in maintenance mode | \n
500 | \nINTERNAL SERVER ERROR | \nSomething went wrong on bunq's end | \n
Category | \nDescription | \n
BILLING | \nnotifications for all bunq invoices | \n
CARD_TRANSACTION_SUCCESSFUL | \nnotifications for successful card transactions | \n
CARD_TRANSACTION_FAILED | \nnotifications for failed card transaction | \n
CHAT | \nnotifications for received chat messages | \n
DRAFT_PAYMENT | \nnotifications for creation and updates of draft payments | \n
IDEAL | \nnotifications for iDEAL-deposits towards a bunq account | \n
SOFORT | \nnotifications for SOFORT-deposits towards a bunq account | \n
MUTATION | \nnotifications for any action that affects a monetary account\u2019s balance | \n
PAYMENT | \nnotifications for payments created from, or received on a bunq account (doesn\u2019t include payments that result out of paying a Request, iDEAL, Sofort or Invoice). Outgoing payments have a negative value while incoming payments have a positive value | \n
REQUEST | \nnotifications for incoming requests and updates on outgoing requests | \n
SCHEDULE_RESULT | \nnotifications for when a scheduled payment is executed | \n
SCHEDULE_STATUS | \nnotifications about the status of a scheduled payment, e.g. when the scheduled payment is updated or cancelled | \n
SHARE | \nnotifications for any updates or creation of Connects (ShareInviteBankInquiry) | \n
TAB_RESULT | \nnotifications for updates on Tab payments | \n
BUNQME_TAB | \nnotifications for updates on bunq.me Tab (open request) payments | \n
SUPPORT | \nnotifications for messages received from us through support chat | \n