SugarTensor supports Docker
to make it easy to running through Docker.
For general information about Docker, see the Docker site. If you use GPUs, you'll need Nvidia-docker as well.
Get sugartensor docker image for GPU support
docker pull sugartensor/sugartensor
Get sugartensor docker image for CPU only support
docker pull sugartensor/sugartensor:latest-cpu
Run sugartensor container with GPU support
nvidia-docker run -it sugartensor/sugartensor
Run sugartensor container with CPU only support
docker run -it sugartensor/sugartensor:latest-cpu
In Ubuntu 14.04, add following line to the end of '/etc/default/docker' file.
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
and restart docker service.
sudo service docker restart
Run sugartensor container with GPU support
nvidia-docker run -p 2222:22 -d sugartensor/sugartensor
Run sugartensor container with CPU only support
docker run -p 2222:22 -d sugartensor/sugartensor:latest-cpu
Connect using the following command. ( pwd is 'ubuntu' ) Now, you can use your favorite IDE's remote debugging feature if your IDE supports remote debugging. ( To my knowledge, PyCharm professional and VisualStudio support remote python debugging )
ssh root@your_docker_host -p 2222
Run MNIST example in the '/root/sugartensor/example' directory.
Namju Kim ([email protected]) at KakaoBrain Corp.