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File metadata and controls

44 lines (40 loc) · 2.18 KB

Telepathy Labs Technical Assessment


  • Install .Net 6 SDK or later

Question 1


  • Enums/RoomStatus.cs defines 4 status: Available, Occupied, Vacant, Repair
  • Models/Guest.cs defines the guest object for the hotel
  • Models/Room.cs defines hotel room object
  • Interfaces/IRoomServices.cs is an interface that defines the following methods:
    • Print() will print all rooms' number and status
    • ListAvailableRooms() will list all available room numbers
    • CheckIn() will check in the nearest available room in O(1) time complexity
    • CheckOut() will check out the room given a room number
    • CleanRoom() will clean the room given a room number
    • MarkRepair() will mark the room for repair given a room number
    • RepairRoom() will repair the room given a room number
  • Services/RoomService.cs implements IRoomServices interface
    • Uses a Dictionary to store the room number and Room object in order
    • Uses a string List to store available room numbers, and it will be updated when a room becomes available
  • Program.cs initializes RoomService and interacts with the user

Run Program

Run this command under TL.Question1 folder: dotnet run

Question 2


Use AVL tree data structure to store a large set of random numbers, to inset and to look up a number, because AVL tree is more strictly balanced given a large set of data and it has faster look up operations compared with red-black tree.

  • Node.cs defines a node object and stores children nodes (Left and Right)
  • AVL.cs defines an AVL tree structure that can store integers
    • AddData(int data) inserts a number into the AVL tree with worst case O(log n) time complexity
    • SearchData(int key) searches for a number inside the AVL tree with worst case O(log n) time complexity
    • Print() uses in order traversal and prints all the number in ascending order with worst case O(log n) time complexity
  • Program.cs initializes the AVL tree and interacts with the user

Run Program

Run this command under TL.Question2 folder: dotnet run


Run Unit Tests

Run dotnet test under the root folder