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Exercise 6 - Enhance the UI with Annotations

In this exercise, we will enhance the UI by adding annotations. For each exercise, you will make usage of the CDS compilers code suggestion support for annotation modelling.

Please note: In SAP Business Application Studio, some users experienced issues with the triggering keyboard shortcut for code suggestion not working (ctrl+space) .
In such a case, you can assign a different shortcut in SAP Business Application Studio under File->Settings->Open Keyboard Shortcuts (shortcut command Trigger Suggest).

Exercise 6.1 Adding a Field Group

After completing these steps you will have added a new content section to the Object Page.
You will use annotation FieldGroup which represents a collection of different types of data fields.
The field group annotation definition with the link to the different data field representation options can be found here.

(1) In the SAP Business Application Studio explorer pane, open file app/annotations.cds.

(2) Place cursor in the section 'field group enhancement'

Trigger the LSP support for annotation modelling by pressing keys ctrl+space.
Filter the available menu entries by typing field.
(3) In the popup menu, select FieldGroup.

The annotation is added along with its basic structural elements. The cursor is placed between 'FieldGroup' and ':' .
Here you add a qualifier for the annotation which you later can refer to.
(4)Type #Admin as qualifier.

Press tab to move cursor inside the curly brackets.
Trigger LSP support (ctrl+space).
(5)  Select Property "Data".\

The cursor is moved inside the collection brackets [].
Trigger again LSP support (ctrl+ space).
(6) Start typing in datafield to filter the list. Select Record "DataField".

DataField record is added along with its required value, the cursor is placed inside the record {} after property Value:.
Trigger again LSP support.
Start typing in created to filter the list.
(7) Select property .

(8) Place the cursor after the comma of record {}, and add additional DataField record with Value 'createdBy' in the same way

The full annotation:

FieldGroup #Admin: {
    Data : [
            Value : createdAt,
            Value : createdBy

Exercise 6.2 Adding a Reference Facet Annotation

The different sections of the Object Pages content area are defined by so called reference facet annotations.
You can group several reference facets in so called collection facet annotations.
You will now add the field group #Admin you just created by referring to in a new reference facet inside the collection facet IncidentOverviewFacet.

(9) Place cursor in the section 'reference facet enhancement'

(10) Trigger LSP support (ctrl+space) and select .

The annotation is added along with its basic structural elements.
(11) For property 'Target', place cursor inside quotes ' ' and trigger LSP support (ctrl+space).

(12) Select .

Press Tab key to move cursor to the Label property.
(13) Type in '{i18n>AdminData}' in quotes. This refers to a property defined in the language model definition file (db/_i18n/ Hovering the mouse over the value gives a preview of the underlying text.

Press Tab key to move cursor to ID property.
(14) Type 'AdminDataFacet' in quotes. Save changes.

The full annotation:

                $Type  : 'UI.ReferenceFacet',
                Target : '@UI.FieldGroup#Admin',
                Label  : '{i18n>AdminData}',
                ID     : 'AdminDataFacet'

Make sure that all changes are saved and that the service is running (Terminal command cds w).
Switch to the preview browser tab and refresh.
(15) On the Object Page, new section 'Admin Data' is shown inside the collection facet Incident Overview.

Exercise 6.3 Adding a new Table Column with Criticality Highlighting

In this exercise, you will add an additional column to table Incident Flow shown on the Object Page.
Tables are defined by a so called lineItem annotation, representing a collection of different kinds of data field annotations.
Each data field annotation refers to a property of the annotated service entity, representing a piece of data.
An overview of the different data representation options can be found here.
You can now enhance the existing lineItem annotation for entity IncidentFlow by adding an additional data field annotation.

(16) Open file app/annotations.cds.
Place cursor in section 'column enhancement'.

Trigger LSP support (ctrl+space).
(17)  Choose .

The annotation is added along with its basic structural elements.
With the cursor sitting behind Value :, trigger LSP support.

For highlighting of table column values, we now add property Criticality.
As value we point it to a corresponding property of entity IncidentFlow representing the criticality of each entity instance as a number.
Add an empty line after Value : stepStatus,
Trigger LSP support (ctrl+space).
(19)Choose .

Trigger again LSP support.
(20) Choose entity property 'criticality'.

Save changes. The full annotation:

    $Type : 'UI.DataField',
    Value : stepStatus,
    Criticality : criticality,

Switch to the preview browser tab and refresh.
(21) On the Object Page, A new column Process Step Status is shown in the table Incident Process Flow.


You've now used the LSP annotation support and added annotations for UI.FieldGroup, UI.ReferenceFacet and UI.DataField.

Continue to - Exercise 7 - Adding a contact card showing data from SAP S/4 HANA