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File metadata and controls

62 lines (56 loc) · 4.34 KB


  • Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Before training, the data has to be preprocessed via
  • Now you can start training

Other notes and Issues

  • If you run into filewatcher issues, blacklist datasets, training, virtualenv and .git.


The following datasets have support in this repository:

  • LJSpeech-1.1
  • TTS_icelandic_Google_m
  • unsilenced_icelandic Currently, to make sure no data is lost, additions have to be made to to be able to use other datasets. This has already been done for a version of TTS_icelandic_Google_m where was applied to the dataset.

Example of running from scratch

  1. Preprocess the data
    • We assume there is a supported dataset at the absolute path path_to_dataset_base = <input_dir>. and <output_dir> is relative to /home/<user>, meaning that selecting <output_dir> as work/processed results in the absolute path /home/<user>/work/processed.
    • To preprocess , run python3 --input_dir=<input_dir> --output_dir=<output_dir> --dataset_name=<dataset_name> where <dataset_name> is one of the supported datasets.
    • This results in the processed data being stored at /home/<user>/<output_dir>.
  2. Training
    • Can only be done on a pre-processed dataset. We assume that the processed data is located at /home/<user>/<input_dir>. Training data will be stored at /home/<user>/<output_dir>. The dataset name is selected again here but the model_name variable has to be set as well. We do this to be able to seperate 2 different models inferring on the same dataset but with different hyper parameters. There are some other arguments that are optional or required that can be seen in the source of
    • To start training, run python3 --input_dir=<input_dir> --output_dir=<output_dir> --model_name=<model_name>...
    • This eventually results in the training data being stored at home/<user>/<output_dir>/<model_name>. Under that directory you should find logs, model and samples
  3. Synthesize
    • We assume that model-data is stored at /home/<user>/<input_dir> for <model_name>. A <restore_step> and <text> has to be supplied.
    • To synthesize run python3 --input_dir=<input_dir> --restore_step=<restore_step> --text=<text>. This results in the synthesized data being stored at /home/<user>/<input_dir>/<model_name>/synthesized
  4. Using Tensorboard
    • To inspect training information you should now be able to visit tensorboard by running tensorboard --logdir=<path_to_training_output>/meta

Suggested configuration

The project structure that has been used so far is the following:

    main_folder/ <- Main project folder
        datasets/ <- Raw datasets
        output/ <- Contains model output
                logs/ <- Log files per training session
                meta/ <- Checkpoints and events
                samples/ <- Training-time synth-samples
                synthesized/ <- Synthesized samples
        processed/ <- Contains pre-processed data

If we assume that the project folder is stored at /home/<user>/Work/taco with the same structure listed above, then we can perform from scratch:

  1. Preprocess: python3 --input_dir=/home/<user>/Work/taco/datasets/TTS_icelandic_Google_m --output_dir=/home/<user>/Work/taco/processed --dataset_name=icelandic
  2. Train: python3 --input_dir=Work/taco/processed --dataset_name=icelandic --output_dir=Work/taco/output --model_name=icelandic_model --checkpoint_interval=1000, --summary_interval=10000
  3. Synthesize: python3 --restore_step=10000 --input_dir=Work/taco/output --model_name=icelandic_model --text="Íslenskur texti"
  4. Open tensorboard: tensorboard --logdir=/home/<user>/Work/taco/output/icelandic_model/meta

Using Ivona

Training audio samples are limited to max_iters * outputs_per_step * frame_shift_ms ms, which is by default 200 * 5 * 12.5 = 12.5 seconds. In the case of ivona where the longest audio samples is about 25 seconds, you can simply supply --hparams="max_iters=400 to double the maximum length of the audio samples.