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Keymap YAML specification

This page documents the YAML-format keymap representation that is output by keymap parse and used by keymap draw.

At the root, four fields can be specified which are detailed in respective sections. A typical keymap will have the following structure:

layout:      # physical layout specs, optional if used in CLI
layers:      # ordered mapping of layer name to contents
  layer_1:   # list of (lists of) key specs
    - [Q, W, ...]
combos:      # list of combo specs, optional
  - ...
draw_config: # config overrides for drawing, optional
  - ...


This field provides information about the physical layout of the keyboard, i.e., the location and sizes of individual keys. keymap-drawer understands three types of physical layout descriptions, with corresponding sub-fields under the layout field.

QMK info.json specification

This is the official QMK format for physical key descriptions that every info.json file in the QMK firmware repository uses. keymap-drawer only uses the x, y, r, rx and ry fields. Note that keymap-editor utilizes the same format for info.json. QMK spec also lets you specify multiple "layouts" per keyboard corresponding to different layout macros to support physical variations.

Following physical layout parameters can be specified either in the command line or under this field definition as key-value pairs:

  • qmk_keyboard (equivalent to -k/--qmk-keyboard on the command line): Specifies the keyboard name to use with QMK info.json format layout definition, retrieved from following sources in order of preference:

    Example: layout: {qmk_keyboard: crkbd/rev1}

  • qmk_info_json (equivalent to -j/--qmk-info-json on the command line): Specifies the path to a local QMK format info.json file to use (exclusive with qmk_keyboard).

    Example: layout: {qmk_info_json: my_special_layout.json}

  • layout_name (equivalent to -l/--layout-name on the command line): This argument is shared with the ZMK dts_layout below and when used with either of above two options, it specifies the layout macro to be used among the ones defined in the QMK info file. Defaults to first one specified if not used, should be used alongside one of the above three options.

    Example: layout: {qmk_keyboard: crkbd/rev1, layout_name: LAYOUT_split_3x5_3}

Hint: You can use the QMK Configurator to search for qmk_keyboard and layout_name values, and preview the physical layout.

You can create your own physical layout definitions in QMK format to use with keymap-drawer, which accepts JSONs with the official schema that has layouts listed under the layout key, or one that directly consists of a list of key specs as a shortcut. The best way to generate one is to use the interactive Keymap Layout Helper tool tool by @nickcoutsos. This web app is useful to visualize a given JSON definition, re-order keys using the "Re-order" tool and generate one from scratch from various formats such as KLE or Kicad PCBs using the "Import" tool.1

ZMK physical layout specification

This is the official ZMK format for specifying physical layouts, which are written in devicetree format and included in keyboard definitions. It lets you specify multiple "layouts" per keyboard corresponding to different devicetree nodes to support physical variations, similar to QMK format. The fields to specify each layout are described in the docs linked.

ZMK physical layouts in devicetree files can be specified via either in the command line or under this field definition as key-value pairs:

  • dts_layout (equivalent to -d/--dts-layout on the command line): Specifies the path to a local devicetree file containing ZMK physical layouts.

    Example: layout: {dts_layout: my_keyboard-layouts.dtsi}

  • layout_name (equivalent to -l/--layout-name on the command line): This argument is shared with the QMK options and when used with dts_layout, specifies the node label for in the devicetree ZMK physical layouts file to be used for display. Defaults to first one specified if not used.

    Example: layout: {dts_layout: path/to/kyria-layouts.dtsi, layout_name: splitkb_kyria_5col_layout}

Parametrized ortholinear layout specification

This option lets you specify a set of parameters to automatically generate a split or non-split ortholinear layout.

Following physical layout parameter can be specified either in the command line or under this field definition as a key-value pair:

  • ortho_layout (equivalent to --ortho-layout on the command line): Specifies a mapping of parameters to values to generate an ortholinear physical layout, with schema:

    field name type default value description
    split bool False whether the layout is a split keyboard or not, affects a few other options below
    rows int required how many rows are in the keyboard, excluding the thumb row if split
    columns int required how many columns are in the keyboard, only applies to one half if split
    thumbs int | "MIT" | "2x2u" 0 the number thumb keys per half if split; for non-splits can only take special values MIT or 2x2u2
    drop_pinky bool False whether the pinky (outermost) columns have one fewer key, N/A for non-splits
    drop_inner bool False whether the inner index (innermost) columns have one fewer key, N/A for non-splits

    Example: layout: {ortho_layout: {split: true, rows: 3, columns: 5, thumbs: 3}}

Cols+Thumbs notation specification

Using the "cols+thumbs" notation is another way to generate a layout parametrically, but via a special syntax string that describes the key counts in each column and thumb cluster of the keyboard. This is more flexible than the ortho_layout option if special MIT/2x2u thumbs aren't needed.

Following physical layout parameter can be specified either in the command line or under this field definition as a key-value pair:

  • cols_thumbs_notation (equivalent to -n/--cols-thumbs-notation on the command line): Specifies a specially formatted string to describe an ortholinear keyboard layout. This string is composed of a number of digits corresponding to each column in the keyboard, optionally augmented by a count of thumb keys. This can be repeated to specify split keyboards with two or more halves, separated by a space or underscore.

    Example: layout: {cols_thumbs_notation: 33333+1 2+33332}

Above example specifies an asymmetric 32 key split keyboard with 3 rows and 5 columns on the left side, and a right-aligned thumb cluster with a single key. The right half has a left-aligned thumb cluster with two keys, 5 columns with 3 rows but has a key dropped on the last column.

Normally each column will be centered vertically, but you can also add modifier characters after each column count to tweak this: v or d (for ↓/"down") pushes the column down by half a key height, and ^ or u (for ↑/"up") pushes it up by the same amount. These modifiers can be repeated to push further. Similarly, you can use > or r to push a thumb row right by half a key width, or < or l to push it left.

As an advanced example, notation 2v333+2> 3+13332^ 33 will result in a physical layout that looks like below:

  x x x       x x x x   x x
x x x x     x x x x x   x x
x x x x       x x x     x x
     x x    x x x

ℹ️ CLI+keymap YAML specification

If the physical layout parameters are specified in both command line and under the layout section, the former will take precedence.


This field is an ordered mapping of layer names to a list of LayoutKey specs that represent the keys on that layer. A LayoutKey can be defined with either a string value or with a mapping with the following fields:

field name (alias) type default value description
tap (t) str "" the tap action of a key, drawn on the center of the key; spaces will be converted to line breaks3
hold (h) str "" the hold action of a key, drawn on the bottom of the key
shifted (s) str "" the "shifted" action of a key, drawn on the top of the key
type str "" the styling of the key that corresponds to the SVG class4. predefined types are held (a red shading to denote held down keys), ghost (dashed outline to denote optional keys in a layout), trans (lighter text for transparent keys)

Using a string value such as "A" for a key spec is equivalent to defining a mapping with only the tap field, i.e., {tap: "A"}. It is meant to be used as a shortcut for keys that do not need hold or type fields.

You can use the special $$..$$ syntax to refer to custom SVG glyphs in tap/hold/shifted fields, however note that they cannot be used with other text or glyphs inside the same field value. See the custom glyphs section for more information.

layers field also flattens any lists that are contained in its value: This allows you to semantically divide keys to "rows," if you prefer to do so. The two layers in the following example are functionally identical:

  flat_layer: ["7", "8", "9", "4", "5", "6", "1", "2", "3", {t: "0", h: Fn}]
    - ["7", "8", "9"]
    - ["4", "5", "6"]
    - ["1", "2", "3"]
    - {t: "0", h: Fn}


This is an optional field that contains a list of ComboSpecs, each of which is a mapping that can have the following fields:

field name (alias) type default value description
key_positions (p) list[int] required list of key indices that trigger the combo5
key (k) LayoutKey6 required key produced by the combo when triggered, LayoutKey's type field will be combined with the type field of ComboSpec
layers (l) list[str] []7 list of layers the combo can trigger on, specified using layer names in layers field
align (a) "mid" | "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" "mid" where to draw the combo: mid draws on the mid-point of triggering keys' center coordinates, or to the top/bottom/left/right of the triggering keys
offset (o) float 0.0 additional offset to top/bottom/left/right positioning, specified in units of key width/height: useful for combos that would otherwise overlap
dendron (d) null | bool null whether to draw dendrons going from combo to triggering key coordinates, default is to draw for non-mid alignments and draw for mid if key coordinates are far from the combo
slide (s) null | float (-1 <= val <= 1) null slide the combo box along an axis between keys -- can be used for moving top/bottom combo boxes left/right, left/right boxes up/down, or mid combos between two keys
arc_scale float 1.0 scale the arcs going left/right for top/bottom or up/down for left/right aligned combos
type str "" the styling of the key that corresponds to the CSS class, see LayoutKey definition above
width (w) float null the width of the combo box (in pixels), defaults to draw_config.combo_w if null
height (h) float null the height of the combo box (in pixels), defaults to draw_config.combo_h if null
rotation (r) float 0.0 the rotation of the combo box in degrees -- only applies to the box itself and not any dendrons
draw_separate null | bool null whether to draw the combo separate from layers, using a dedicated diagram. defaults to draw_config.separate_combo_diagrams if null
hidden bool false do not draw this combo at all -- useful when you have the combo in the parse output but you want to ignore it through your config

All fields except key_positions, key, type and hidden are ignored when combo is drawn in a separate diagram using draw_separate or draw_config.separate_combo_diagrams.


  - { p: [0, 1], k: Tab, l: [Qwerty] }
  - { p: [1, 2], k: Esc, l: [Qwerty] }


This optional field lets you override config parameters for SVG drawing. This way you can specify drawing configuration for a specific layout and store in the keymap specification. It is a mapping from field names in DrawConfig class to values.


  key_h: 60
  combo_h: 22
  combo_w: 24


  1. The behavior of the layout helper and keymap-drawer differs for rotated keys when omitting rx, ry parameters -- keymap-drawer assumes rotation around the key center and layout helper assumes rotation around the top left of the key. For this reason it is recommended to explicitly specify rx, ry fields if r is specified. You might also want to omit the fields besides x, y, r, rx and ry in your final JSON since they won't be used by keymap-drawer.

  2. Corresponding to bottom row arrangements of a single 2u key, or two neighboring 2u keys, respectively.

  3. You can prevent line breaks by using double spaces " " to denote a single non-breaking space.

  4. Text styling can be overridden in the svg_extra_style field under draw_config using the "tap", "hold" and "shifted" CSS classes if desired.

  5. Key indices start from 0 on the first key position and increase by columns and then rows, corresponding to their ordering in the layers field. This matches the key-positions property in ZMK combo definitions.

  6. Just like for keys in a layer under the layers field, key field can be specified with a string value as a shortcut, or a mapping (where the type field will be ignored).

  7. The default value of empty list corresponds to all layers in the keymap, similar to the layers property in ZMK.