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Hacking on snapd

Hacking on snapd is fun and straightforward. The code is extensively unit tested and we use the spread integration test framework for the integration/system level tests.

For non-technical details on contributing to the project, including how to approach a pull request, see Contributing to snapd.

Setting up

Supported Ubuntu distributions

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or later is recommended for snapd development. Usually, the latest LTS would be the best choice.

If you want to build or test on older versions of Ubuntu, additional steps may be required when installing dependencies.

Supported Go version

Go 1.18 (or later) is required to build snapd.

If you need to build older versions of snapd, please have a look at the file debian/control to find out what dependencies were needed at the time (including which version of the Go compiler).

Getting the snapd sources

The easiest way to get the source for snapd is to clone the GitHub repository in a directory where you have read-write permissions, such as your home directory.

cd ~/
git clone
cd snapd

This will allow you to build and test snapd. If you wish to contribute to the snapd project, please see Contributing to snapd.

For more details about source-code structure of snapd please read about Managing module source in Go.

Installing the build dependencies

Build dependencies can automatically be resolved using build-dep on Ubuntu:

cd ~/snapd
sudo apt build-dep .

Package build dependencies for other distributions can be found under the ./packaging/ directory. Eg. for Fedora use:

cd packaging/fedora
sudo dnf install -y rpmdevtools
sudo dnf install -y $(rpmspec -q --buildrequires snapd.spec)
sudo dnf install glibc-static.i686 glibc-devel.i686

Source dependencies are automatically retrieved at build time. Sometimes, it might be useful to pull them without building:

cd ~/snapd
go get ./... && ./


Building the snap with snapcraft

The easiest (though not the most efficient) way to test changes to snapd is to build the snapd snap using snapcraft and then install that snapd snap. The snapcraft.yaml for the snapd snap is located at ./build-aux/, and can be built using snapcraft.

Snapcraft 8.x or later is expected.

Install snapcraft:

sudo snap install snapcraft

Then run snapcraft:

snapcraft --channel=latest/stable

Now the snapd snap that was just built can be installed with:

snap install --dangerous snapd_*.snap

To go back to using snapd from the store instead of the custom version we installed (since it will not get updates as it was installed dangerously), you can either use snap revert snapd, or you can refresh directly with snap refresh snapd --stable --amend.

Building for other architectures with snapcraft

It is also sometimes useful to use snapcraft to build the snapd snap for other architectures using the remote-build feature.

You can use remote-build with snapcraft on the snapd tree for any desired architectures:

snapcraft remote-build --build-for=armhf,s390x,arm64

Splicing the snapd snap into the core snap

Sometimes while developing you may need to build a version of the core snap with a custom snapd version. The snapcraft.yaml for the core snap currently is complex in that it assumes it is built inside Launchpad with the ppa:snappy-dev/image enabled, so it is difficult to inject a custom version of snapd into this by rebuilding the core snap directly, so an easier way is to actually first build the snapd snap and inject the binaries from the snapd snap into the core snap. This currently works since both the snapd snap and the core snap have the same build-base of Ubuntu 16.04. However, at some point in time this trick will stop working when the snapd snap starts using a build-base other than Ubuntu 16.04, but until then, you can use the following trick to more easily get a custom version of snapd inside a core snap.

First follow the steps above to build a full snapd snap. Then, extract the core snap you wish to splice the custom snapd snap into:

sudo unsquashfs -d custom-core core_<rev>.snap

sudo is important as the core snap has special permissions on various directories and files that must be preserved as it is a boot base snap.

Now, extract the snapd snap, again with sudo because there are suid binaries which must retain their permission bits:

sudo unsquashfs -d custom-snapd snapd-custom.snap

Now, copy the meta directory from the core snap outside to keep it and prevent it from being lost when we replace the files from the snapd snap:

sudo cp ./custom-core/meta meta-core-backup

Then copy all the files from the snapd snap into the core snap, and delete the meta directory so we don't use any of the meta files from the snapd snap:

sudo cp -r ./custom-snapd/* ./custom-core/
sudo rm -r ./custom-core/meta/
sudo cp ./meta-core-backup ./custom-core/

Now we can repack the core snap:

sudo snap pack custom-core

Sometimes it is helpful to modify the snap version in ./custom-core/meta/snap.yaml before repacking with snap pack so it is easy to identify which snap file is which.

Building natively

To build the snap command line client:

cd ~/snapd
mkdir -p /tmp/build
go build -o /tmp/build/snap ./cmd/snap

To build the snapd REST API daemon:

cd ~/snapd
mkdir -p /tmp/build
go build -o /tmp/build/snapd ./cmd/snapd

To build all the snapd Go components:

cd ~/snapd
mkdir -p /tmp/build
go build -o /tmp/build ./...

Building with cross-compilation (example: ARM v7 target)

Install a suitable cross-compiler for the target architecture.

sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf

Verify the default architecture version of your GCC cross-compiler.

arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v

Verify the supported Go cross-compile ARM targets here.

Snapd depends on libseccomp v2.3 or later. The following instructions can be used to cross-compile the library:

cd ~/
git clone
cd libseccomp
./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf --prefix=${HOME}/libseccomp/build
make && make install

Setup the Go environment for cross-compiling.

export CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
export CGO_ENABLED=1
export CGO_LDFLAGS="-L${HOME}/libseccomp/build/lib"
export GOOS=linux
export GOARCH=arm
export GOARM=7

The Go environment variables are now explicitly set to target the ARM v7 architecture.

Run the same build commands from the Building (natively) section above.

Verify the target architecture by looking at the application ELF header.

readelf -h /tmp/build/snapd
Class:                             ELF32
OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
Machine:                           ARM

CGO produced ELF binaries contain additional architecture attributes that reflect the exact ARM architecture we targeted.

readelf -A /tmp/build/snap-seccomp
File Attributes
  Tag_CPU_name: "7-A"
  Tag_CPU_arch: v7
  Tag_FP_arch: VFPv3-D16


We value good tests, so when you fix a bug or add a new feature we highly encourage you to add tests.

Install the following package(s) to satisfy test dependencies.

sudo apt-get install python3-yamlordereddictloader dbus-x11

Running unit-tests

To run the various tests that we have to ensure a high quality source just run:


This will check if the source format is consistent, that it builds, all tests work as expected and that "go vet" has nothing to complain about.

The source format follows the gofmt -s formating. Please run this on your source files if run-checks complains about the format.

You can run an individual test for a sub-package by changing into that directory and:

go test -check.f $testname

If a test hangs, you can enable verbose mode:

go test -v -check.vv

Or, try just -check.v for a less verbose output.

Some unit tests are known to fail on locales other than C.UTF-8. If you have unit tests failing, try setting LANG=C.UTF-8 when running go test. See issue #1960131 for more details.

There is more to read about the testing framework on the website

Running integration tests

Downloading spread framework

To run the integration tests locally via QEMU, you need the latest version of the spread framework. You can get spread, QEMU, and the build tools to build QEMU images with:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y qemu-kvm autopkgtest
$ curl | tar -xz -C <target-directory>

<target-directory> can be any directory that is listed in $PATH, as it is assumed further in the guidelines of this document. You may consider creating a dedicated directory and adding it to $PATH, or you may choose to use one of the conventional Linux directories (e.g. /usr/local/bin)

Building spread VM images

To run the spread tests via QEMU you need to create VM images in the ~/.spread/qemu directory:

$ mkdir -p ~/.spread/qemu
$ cd ~/.spread/qemu

Assuming you are building on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) (or later), run the following to build a 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (or later):

$ autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud -r <release-short-name>
$ mv autopkgtest-<release-short-name>-amd64.img ubuntu-<release-version>-64.img  

For the correct values of <release-short-name> and <release-version>, please refer to the official list of Ubuntu releases.

<release-short-name> is the first word in the release's full name, e.g. for "Bionic Beaver" it is bionic.

To build an Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) based VM, use:

$ autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud -r trusty --post-command='sudo apt-get install -y --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial && update-grub'
$ mv autopkgtest-trusty-amd64.img ubuntu-14.04-64.img

This is because we need at least 4.4+ kernel for snapd to run on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, which is available through the linux-generic-lts-xenial package.

If you are running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, use adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud instead of autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud (the latter replaced the former in 18.04):

$ adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud -r xenial
$ mv adt-<release-name>-amd64-cloud.img ubuntu-<release-version>-64.img

Downloading spread VM images

Alternatively, instead of building the QEMU images manually, you can download pre-built and somewhat maintained images from The images will need to be extracted with gunzip and placed into ~/.spread/qemu as above.

An image for Ubuntu Core 20 that is pre-built for KVM can be downloaded from here.

Running spread

For regular development work, the integration tests will be run with a prebuilt test variant of the snapd snap. The build happens automatically when starting the tests using run-spread helper like so:

$ ./run-spread <spread-args>

Make sure you set up snapcraft following the snapcraft build section.

The test variant of the snapd snap may be built manually by invoking a helper script:

$ ./tests/build-test-snapd-snap

The artifact will be placed under $PWD/built-snap.

On occasion, when working on a test and it is known that the snapd snap need not be rebuilt, the tests may be invoked with NO_REBUILD=1 like so:

$ NO_REBUILD=1 ./run-spread <spread-args>

Running spread with QEMU

Finally, you can run the spread tests for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64-bit with:

$ ./run-spread -v qemu:ubuntu-18.04-64

To run for a different system, replace ubuntu-18.04-64 with a different system name, which should be a basename of the built or downloaded Ubuntu image file.

For quick reuse you can use:

$ ./run-spread -reuse qemu:ubuntu-18.04-64

It will print how to reuse the systems. Make sure to use export REUSE_PROJECT=1 in your environment too.

Spread tests can be exercised on Ubuntu Core 20, but need UEFI. UEFI support with QEMU backend of spread requires a BIOS from the OVMF package, which can be installed with sudo apt install ovmf.

Testing the snapd daemon

To test the snapd REST API daemon on a snappy system you need to transfer it to the snappy system and then run:

sudo systemctl stop snapd.service snapd.socket

To debug interaction with the snap store, you can set SNAPD_DEBUG_HTTP. It is a bitfield: dump requests: 1, dump responses: 2, dump bodies: 4.

Similarly, to debug the interaction between the snap command-line tool and the snapd REST API, you can set SNAP_CLIENT_DEBUG_HTTP. It is also a bitfield, with the same values and behaviour as SNAPD_DEBUG_HTTP.

In case you get some security profiles errors, when trying to install or refresh a snap, maybe you need to replace system installed snap-seccomp with the one aligned to the snapd that you are testing. To do this, simply backup /usr/lib/snapd/snap-seccomp and overwrite it with the testing one. Don't forget to roll back to the original, after you finish testing.

Testing the snap userd agent

To test the snap userd --agent command, you must first stop the current process, if it is running, and then stop the dbus activation part. To do so, just run:

systemctl --user disable snapd.session-agent.socket
systemctl --user stop snapd.session-agent.socket

After that, it's now possible to launch the daemon with snapd userd --agent from a command line.

To re-enable the dbus activation, kill that process and run:

systemctl --user enable snapd.session-agent.socket

Running nested tests

Nested tests are used to validate features that cannot be tested with the regular tests.

The nested test suites work differently from the other test suites in snapd. In this case each test runs in a new image which is created following the rules defined for the test.

The nested tests are executed using the spread framework. See the following examples using the QEMU and Google backends.

  • QEMU: spread qemu-nested:ubuntu-20.04-64:tests/nested/core20/tpm
  • Google: spread google-nested:ubuntu-20.04-64:tests/nested/core20/tpm

The nested system in all the cases is selected based on the host system. The following lines show the relation between host and nested systemd (same applies to the classic nested tests):

  • ubuntu-16.04-64 => ubuntu-core-16-64
  • ubuntu-18.04-64 => ubuntu-core-18-64
  • ubuntu-20.04-64 => ubuntu-core-20-64

The tools used for creating and hosting the nested VMs are:

  • ubuntu-image snap is used to build the images
  • QEMU is used for the virtualization (with KVM acceleration)

Nested test suite is composed by the following 4 suites:

  • classic: the nested suite contains an image of a classic system downloaded from
  • core: it tests a core nested system, and the images are generated with ubuntu-image snap
  • core20: this is similar to the core suite, but these tests are focused on UC20
  • manual: tests on this suite create a non generic image with specific conditions

The nested suites use some environment variables to configure the suite and the tests inside it. The most important ones are described below:

  • NESTED_WORK_DIR: path to the directory where all the nested assets and images are stored
  • NESTED_TYPE: use core for Ubuntu Core nested systems or classic instead.
  • NESTED_CORE_CHANNEL: the images are created using ubuntu-image snap, use it to define the default branch
  • NESTED_CORE_REFRESH_CHANNEL: the images can be refreshed to a specific channel; use it to specify the channel
  • NESTED_USE_CLOUD_INIT: use cloud init to make initial system configuration instead of user assertion
  • NESTED_ENABLE_KVM: enable KVM in the QEMU command line
  • NESTED_ENABLE_TPM: re-boot in the nested VM in case it is supported (just supported on UC20)
  • NESTED_ENABLE_SECURE_BOOT: enable secure boot in the nested VM in case it is supported (supported just on UC20)
  • NESTED_BUILD_SNAPD_FROM_CURRENT: build and use either core or snapd from the current branch
  • NESTED_CUSTOM_IMAGE_URL: download and use an custom image from this URL
  • NESTED_SNAPD_DEBUG_TO_SERIAL: add snapd debug and log to nested vm serial console
  • NESTED_EXTRA_CMDLINE: add any extra cmd line parameter to the nested vm

Quick intro to hacking on snap-confine

Hey, welcome to the nice, low-level world of snap-confine

Building the code locally

To get started from a pristine tree you want to do this:

cd cmd/
autoreconf -i -f
./configure --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib/snapd --enable-nvidia-multiarch --with-host-arch-triplet="$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)"

This will drop makefiles and let you build stuff. You may find the make hack target, available in ./cmd/ handy (cd cmd; make hack). It installs the locally built version on your system and reloads the AppArmor profile.

The above configure options assume you are on Ubuntu and are generally necessary to run/test graphical applications with your local version of snap-confine. The --with-host-arch-triplet option sets your specific architecture and --enable-nvidia-multiarch allows the host's graphics drivers and libraries to be shared with snaps. If you are on a distro other than Ubuntu, try --enable-nvidia-biarch (though you'll likely need to add further system-specific options too).

Testing your changes locally

After building the code locally as explained in the previous section, you can run the test suite available for snap-confine (among other low-level tools) by running the make check target available in ./cmd.

Submitting patches

Please run (cd cmd; make fmt) before sending your patches for the "C" part of the source code.