diff --git a/hydra-node/hydra-node.cabal b/hydra-node/hydra-node.cabal index 878c90c7f67..8fc6d858810 100644 --- a/hydra-node/hydra-node.cabal +++ b/hydra-node/hydra-node.cabal @@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ test-suite tests Hydra.Chain.Direct.StateSpec Hydra.Chain.Direct.TimeHandleSpec Hydra.Chain.Direct.TxSpec + Hydra.Chain.Direct.TxTraceSpec Hydra.Chain.Direct.WalletSpec Hydra.ContestationPeriodSpec Hydra.CryptoSpec @@ -363,6 +364,7 @@ test-suite tests , lens-aeson , plutus-ledger-api:{plutus-ledger-api, plutus-ledger-api-testlib} >= , plutus-tx + , pretty-simple , QuickCheck , quickcheck-dynamic >=3.3.1 && <3.4 , quickcheck-instances diff --git a/hydra-node/src/Hydra/Chain/Direct/State.hs b/hydra-node/src/Hydra/Chain/Direct/State.hs index 18d904e2089..adb8e4ec275 100644 --- a/hydra-node/src/Hydra/Chain/Direct/State.hs +++ b/hydra-node/src/Hydra/Chain/Direct/State.hs @@ -479,12 +479,9 @@ collect ctx headId headParameters utxoToCollect spendableUTxO = do ChainContext{networkId, ownVerificationKey, scriptRegistry} = ctx --- | Construct a close transaction based on the 'OpenState' and a confirmed --- snapshot. --- - 'SlotNo' parameter will be used as the 'Tx' lower bound. --- - 'PointInTime' parameter will be used as an upper validity bound and --- will define the start of the contestation period. --- NB: lower and upper bound slot difference should not exceed contestation period +-- | Construct a close transaction spending the head output in given 'UTxO', +-- head parameters, and a confirmed snapshot. NOTE: Lower and upper bound slot +-- difference should not exceed contestation period. close :: ChainContext -> -- | Spendable UTxO containing head, initial and commit outputs @@ -533,6 +530,7 @@ contest :: HeadId -> ContestationPeriod -> ConfirmedSnapshot Tx -> + -- | Current slot and posix time to be used as the contestation time. PointInTime -> Either ContestTxError Tx contest ctx spendableUTxO headId contestationPeriod confirmedSnapshot pointInTime = do diff --git a/hydra-node/src/Hydra/Snapshot.hs b/hydra-node/src/Hydra/Snapshot.hs index b1066a45e5a..4cda9f05251 100644 --- a/hydra-node/src/Hydra/Snapshot.hs +++ b/hydra-node/src/Hydra/Snapshot.hs @@ -82,10 +82,12 @@ instance (Typeable tx, ToCBOR (UTxOType tx), ToCBOR (TxIdType tx)) => ToCBOR (Sn instance (Typeable tx, FromCBOR (UTxOType tx), FromCBOR (TxIdType tx)) => FromCBOR (Snapshot tx) where fromCBOR = Snapshot <$> fromCBOR <*> fromCBOR <*> fromCBOR <*> fromCBOR --- | A snapshot that can be used to close a head with. Either the initial one, or when it was signed by all parties, i.e. it is confirmed. +-- | A snapshot that can be used to close a head with. Either the initial one, +-- or when it was signed by all parties, i.e. it is confirmed. data ConfirmedSnapshot tx = InitialSnapshot - { headId :: HeadId + { -- XXX: 'headId' is actually unused. Only 'getSnapshot' forces this to exist. + headId :: HeadId , initialUTxO :: UTxOType tx } | ConfirmedSnapshot diff --git a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Abort.hs b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Abort.hs index 812cb628712..3d7dee227f7 100644 --- a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Abort.hs +++ b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Abort.hs @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import Cardano.Api.UTxO qualified as UTxO import Data.List qualified as List import Data.Map qualified as Map import Hydra.Chain (HeadParameters (..)) -import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Gen (genForParty) import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Mutation ( Mutation (..), SomeMutation (..), @@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ import Hydra.Contract.Initial qualified as Initial import Hydra.Contract.InitialError (InitialError (STNotBurned)) import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (genAddressInEra, genVerificationKey) import Hydra.Party (Party, partyToChain) -import Test.Hydra.Fixture (cperiod) +import Test.Hydra.Fixture (cperiod, genForParty) import Test.QuickCheck (Property, choose, counterexample, elements, oneof, shuffle, suchThat) -- diff --git a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Close.hs b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Close.hs index f274dd609b9..e74301fc128 100644 --- a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Close.hs +++ b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Close.hs @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Hydra.Prelude hiding (label) import Cardano.Api.UTxO as UTxO import Data.Maybe (fromJust) -import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Gen (genForParty, genHash, genMintedOrBurnedValue) +import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Gen (genHash, genMintedOrBurnedValue) import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Mutation ( Mutation (..), SomeMutation (..), @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Mutation ( replaceSnapshotNumber, replaceUtxoHash, ) -import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Fixture (testNetworkId) import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Fixture qualified as Fixture import Hydra.Chain.Direct.ScriptRegistry (genScriptRegistry, registryUTxO) import Hydra.Chain.Direct.TimeHandle (PointInTime) @@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ import Hydra.Plutus.Orphans () import Hydra.Snapshot (Snapshot (..), SnapshotNumber) import PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Time (DiffMilliSeconds (..), fromMilliSeconds) import PlutusLedgerApi.V2 (BuiltinByteString, POSIXTime, PubKeyHash (PubKeyHash), toBuiltin) -import Test.Hydra.Fixture (aliceSk, bobSk, carolSk) +import Test.Hydra.Fixture (aliceSk, bobSk, carolSk, genForParty) import Test.QuickCheck (arbitrarySizedNatural, choose, elements, listOf1, oneof, suchThat) import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () @@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ healthyOpenHeadTxIn = generateWith arbitrary 42 healthyOpenHeadTxOut :: TxOut CtxUTxO healthyOpenHeadTxOut = - mkHeadOutput testNetworkId Fixture.testPolicyId headTxOutDatum + mkHeadOutput Fixture.testNetworkId Fixture.testPolicyId headTxOutDatum & addParticipationTokens healthyParticipants where headTxOutDatum = toUTxOContext (mkTxOutDatumInline healthyOpenHeadDatum) @@ -293,7 +292,7 @@ genCloseMutation :: (Tx, UTxO) -> Gen SomeMutation genCloseMutation (tx, _utxo) = oneof [ SomeMutation (Just $ toErrorCode NotPayingToHead) NotContinueContract <$> do - mutatedAddress <- genAddressInEra testNetworkId + mutatedAddress <- genAddressInEra Fixture.testNetworkId pure $ ChangeOutput 0 (modifyTxOutAddress (const mutatedAddress) headTxOut) , SomeMutation (Just $ toErrorCode SignatureVerificationFailed) MutateSignatureButNotSnapshotNumber . ChangeHeadRedeemer <$> do Head.Close . toPlutusSignatures <$> (arbitrary :: Gen (MultiSignature (Snapshot Tx))) diff --git a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/CollectCom.hs b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/CollectCom.hs index 02989fd045e..4dd0f143024 100644 --- a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/CollectCom.hs +++ b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/CollectCom.hs @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Data.List qualified as List import Data.Map qualified as Map import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Hydra.Chain (HeadParameters (..)) -import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Gen (genForParty, genHash, genMintedOrBurnedValue) +import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Gen (genHash, genMintedOrBurnedValue) import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Mutation ( Mutation (..), SomeMutation (..), @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ import Hydra.OnChainId (OnChainId) import Hydra.Party (Party, partyToChain) import Hydra.Plutus.Orphans () import PlutusTx.Builtins (toBuiltin) +import Test.Hydra.Fixture (genForParty) import Test.QuickCheck (choose, elements, oneof, suchThat) import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () diff --git a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Contest.hs b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Contest.hs index 4ec5ab777f1..360c9a113ff 100644 --- a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Contest.hs +++ b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Contest.hs @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Hydra.Prelude hiding (label) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Cardano.Api.UTxO as UTxO -import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Gen (genForParty, genHash, genMintedOrBurnedValue) +import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Gen (genHash, genMintedOrBurnedValue) import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Mutation ( Mutation (..), SomeMutation (..), @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import Hydra.Plutus.Orphans () import Hydra.Snapshot (Snapshot (..), SnapshotNumber) import PlutusLedgerApi.V2 (BuiltinByteString, toBuiltin) import PlutusLedgerApi.V2 qualified as Plutus -import Test.Hydra.Fixture (aliceSk, bobSk, carolSk) +import Test.Hydra.Fixture (aliceSk, bobSk, carolSk, genForParty) import Test.QuickCheck (arbitrarySizedNatural, elements, listOf, listOf1, oneof, suchThat, vectorOf) import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (choose) import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () diff --git a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Gen.hs b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Gen.hs index b735c09b40c..b7df864bf68 100644 --- a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Gen.hs +++ b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Gen.hs @@ -1,37 +1,17 @@ -- | Generators used in mutation testing framework module Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Gen where -import Cardano.Crypto.Hash (hashToBytes) -import Codec.CBOR.Magic (uintegerFromBytes) import Data.ByteString qualified as BS import Hydra.Cardano.Api import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Fixture qualified as Fixtures import Hydra.Contract.HeadTokens (headPolicyId) import Hydra.Contract.Util (hydraHeadV1) -import Hydra.Crypto (Hash (HydraKeyHash)) -import Hydra.Party (Party (..)) import Hydra.Prelude import PlutusTx.Builtins (fromBuiltin) import Test.QuickCheck (oneof, suchThat, vector) -- * Party / key utilities --- | Generate some 'a' given the Party as a seed. NOTE: While this is useful to --- generate party-specific values, it DOES depend on the generator used. For --- example, `genForParty genVerificationKey` and `genForParty (fst <$> --- genKeyPair)` do not yield the same verification keys! -genForParty :: Gen a -> Party -> a -genForParty gen Party{vkey} = - generateWith gen seed - where - seed = - fromIntegral - . uintegerFromBytes - . hydraKeyHashToBytes - $ verificationKeyHash vkey - - hydraKeyHashToBytes (HydraKeyHash h) = hashToBytes h - genBytes :: Gen ByteString genBytes = arbitrary diff --git a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Init.hs b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Init.hs index a5993d5b5f6..d376b47af08 100644 --- a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Init.hs +++ b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Contract/Init.hs @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Hydra.Prelude import Cardano.Api.UTxO qualified as UTxO import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Hydra.Chain (HeadParameters (..)) -import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Gen (genForParty) import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Mutation ( Mutation (..), SomeMutation (..), @@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (genOneUTxOFor, genValue) import Hydra.OnChainId (OnChainId, genOnChainId) import Hydra.Party (Party) import PlutusLedgerApi.Test.Examples qualified as Plutus +import Test.Hydra.Fixture (genForParty) import Test.QuickCheck (choose, elements, oneof, suchThat, vectorOf) import Prelude qualified diff --git a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/TxSpec.hs b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/TxSpec.hs index 801d17366b5..2c70d793b50 100644 --- a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/TxSpec.hs +++ b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/TxSpec.hs @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import Data.Map qualified as Map import Data.Text qualified as T import Hydra.Cardano.Api.Pretty (renderTx) import Hydra.Chain (HeadParameters (..)) -import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Gen (genForParty) import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Fixture ( epochInfo, pparams, @@ -36,6 +35,7 @@ import Hydra.Contract.Initial qualified as Initial import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (adaOnly, genOneUTxOFor, genVerificationKey) import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.Evaluate (EvaluationReport, maxTxExecutionUnits) import Hydra.Party (Party) +import Test.Hydra.Fixture (genForParty) import Test.QuickCheck ( Property, choose, diff --git a/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/TxTraceSpec.hs b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/TxTraceSpec.hs new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..028c3d80b61 --- /dev/null +++ b/hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/TxTraceSpec.hs @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +module Hydra.Chain.Direct.TxTraceSpec where + +import Hydra.Prelude hiding (Any, State, label, show) +import Test.Hydra.Prelude + +import Cardano.Api.UTxO (UTxO) +import Cardano.Api.UTxO qualified as UTxO +import Data.List ((\\)) +import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map +import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime) +import Hydra.Cardano.Api (mkTxOutDatumInline) +import Hydra.Cardano.Api.Pretty (renderTxWithUTxO) +import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Mutation (addParticipationTokens) +import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Fixture qualified as Fixture +import Hydra.Chain.Direct.ScriptRegistry (ScriptRegistry, genScriptRegistry, registryUTxO) +import Hydra.Chain.Direct.State (ChainContext (..), close, contest) +import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Tx (HeadObservation, headIdToCurrencySymbol, mkHeadId, mkHeadOutput, observeHeadTx) +import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Tx qualified as Tx +import Hydra.ContestationPeriod qualified as CP +import Hydra.Contract.HeadState qualified as Head +import Hydra.Crypto (aggregate, sign) +import Hydra.Ledger (hashUTxO) +import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (Tx, adjustUTxO, genUTxOFor, genVerificationKey) +import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.Evaluate (evaluateTx) +import Hydra.Party (partyToChain) +import Hydra.Snapshot (ConfirmedSnapshot (..), Snapshot (..), SnapshotNumber, number) +import PlutusTx.Builtins (toBuiltin) +import Test.Hydra.Fixture (genForParty) +import Test.Hydra.Fixture qualified as Fixture +import Test.QuickCheck (Property, Smart (..), checkCoverage, cover, elements, forAll, oneof, resize) +import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadicIO) +import Test.QuickCheck.StateModel ( + ActionWithPolarity (..), + Actions (..), + Any (..), + HasVariables (getAllVariables), + LookUp, + RunModel (..), + StateModel (..), + Step ((:=)), + Var, + VarContext, + mkVar, + runActions, + ) +import Text.Pretty.Simple (pShowNoColor) +import Text.Show (Show (..)) + +spec :: Spec +spec = do + prop "generates interesting transaction traces" prop_traces + prop "all valid transactions" prop_runActions + +prop_traces :: Property +prop_traces = + forAll (arbitrary :: Gen (Actions Model)) $ \(Actions_ _ (Smart _ steps)) -> + checkCoverage $ + True + & cover 1 (null steps) "empty" + & cover 10 (hasFanout steps) "reach fanout" + & cover 5 (countContests steps >= 2) "has multiple contests" + & cover 5 (containSomeSnapshots steps) "has some snapshots" + & cover 5 (closeNonInitial steps) "close with non initial snapshots" + where + containSomeSnapshots = + any $ + \(_ := ActionWithPolarity{polarAction}) -> case polarAction of + ProduceSnapshots snapshots -> not $ null snapshots + _ -> False + + hasFanout = + any $ + \(_ := ActionWithPolarity{polarAction}) -> case polarAction of + Fanout{} -> True + _ -> False + + countContests = + length + . filter + ( \(_ := ActionWithPolarity{polarAction}) -> case polarAction of + Contest{} -> True + _ -> False + ) + + closeNonInitial = + any $ + \(_ := ActionWithPolarity{polarAction}) -> case polarAction of + Close{snapshotNumber} -> snapshotNumber > 0 + _ -> False + +prop_runActions :: Actions Model -> Property +prop_runActions actions = + monadicIO $ + void (runActions actions) + +-- * Model + +data Model = Model + { snapshots :: [SnapshotNumber] + , headState :: State + , utxoV :: Var UTxO + -- ^ Last known, spendable UTxO. + , alreadyContested :: [Actor] + } + deriving (Show) + +data State + = Open + | Closed + | Final + deriving (Show, Eq) + +data Actor = Alice | Bob | Carol + deriving (Show, Eq) + +instance StateModel Model where + data Action Model a where + ProduceSnapshots :: [SnapshotNumber] -> Action Model () + Close :: {actor :: Actor, snapshotNumber :: SnapshotNumber} -> Action Model UTxO + Contest :: {actor :: Actor, snapshotNumber :: SnapshotNumber} -> Action Model UTxO + Fanout :: Action Model () + -- \| Helper action to identify the terminal state 'Final' and shorten + -- traces using the 'precondition'. + Stop :: Action Model () + + arbitraryAction :: VarContext -> Model -> Gen (Any (Action Model)) + arbitraryAction _lookup Model{headState, snapshots, alreadyContested} = + case headState of + Open -> + oneof + [ -- NOTE: non-continuous snapshot numbers are allowed in this model + Some . ProduceSnapshots <$> arbitrary + , do + actor <- elements allActors + snapshotNumber <- elements (0 : snapshots) + pure $ Some $ Close{actor, snapshotNumber} + ] + Closed -> + case maybeGenContest of + Nothing -> genFanout + Just contestAction -> oneof [contestAction, genFanout] + Final -> pure $ Some Stop + where + genFanout = pure $ Some Fanout + + possibleContesters = allActors \\ alreadyContested + + maybeGenContest + | null possibleContesters || null snapshots = Nothing + | otherwise = Just $ do + actor <- elements possibleContesters + snapshotNumber <- elements snapshots + pure $ Some Contest{actor, snapshotNumber} + + initialState = + Model + { snapshots = [] + , headState = Open + , utxoV = mkVar (-1) + , alreadyContested = [] + } + + nextState :: Model -> Action Model a -> Var a -> Model + nextState m Stop _ = m + nextState m t result = + case t of + ProduceSnapshots snapshots -> m{snapshots = snapshots} + Close{snapshotNumber} -> + m + { headState = Closed + , utxoV = result + , snapshots = filter (> snapshotNumber) $ snapshots m + , alreadyContested = [] + } + Contest{actor, snapshotNumber} -> + m + { headState = Closed + , utxoV = result + , snapshots = filter (> snapshotNumber) $ snapshots m + , alreadyContested = actor : alreadyContested m + } + Fanout -> m{headState = Final} + + precondition :: Model -> Action Model a -> Bool + precondition Model{headState = Final} Stop = + False + precondition Model{headState} Contest{snapshotNumber} = + headState == Closed && snapshotNumber /= 0 + precondition _ _ = True + +instance HasVariables Model where + getAllVariables = mempty + +instance HasVariables (Action Model a) where + getAllVariables = mempty + +deriving instance Eq (Action Model a) +deriving instance Show (Action Model a) + +instance RunModel Model IO where + perform :: Model -> Action Model a -> LookUp IO -> IO a + perform Model{utxoV, alreadyContested} action lookupVar = do + case action of + ProduceSnapshots _snapshots -> pure () + Close{actor, snapshotNumber} -> do + tx <- newCloseTx actor $ correctlySignedSnapshot snapshotNumber + validateTx openHeadUTxO tx + observeTxMatching openHeadUTxO tx $ \case + Tx.Close{} -> Just () + _ -> Nothing + pure $ adjustUTxO tx openHeadUTxO + Contest{actor, snapshotNumber} -> do + let utxo = lookupVar utxoV + tx <- newContestTx utxo actor $ correctlySignedSnapshot snapshotNumber + validateTx utxo tx + observation@Tx.ContestObservation{contesters} <- + observeTxMatching utxo tx $ \case + Tx.Contest obs -> Just obs + _ -> Nothing + let newContesters = actor : alreadyContested + unless (length contesters == length newContesters) $ + failure . toString . unlines $ + fromString + <$> [ "Expected contesters " <> show newContesters <> ", but observed only " <> show contesters + , toString $ pShowNoColor observation + , "Transaction: " <> renderTxWithUTxO utxo tx + ] + pure $ adjustUTxO tx utxo + Fanout -> pure () + Stop -> pure () + +-- * Fixtures and glue code + +-- | List of all model actors corresponding to the fixtures used. +allActors :: [Actor] +allActors = [Alice, Bob, Carol] + +-- | A "random" UTxO distribution for a given snapshot number. This always +-- contains one UTxO for alice, bob, and carol. +snapshotUTxO :: SnapshotNumber -> UTxO +snapshotUTxO n = (`generateWith` fromIntegral n) . resize 1 $ do + aliceUTxO <- genUTxOFor (genVerificationKey `genForParty` Fixture.alice) + bobUTxO <- genUTxOFor (genVerificationKey `genForParty` Fixture.bob) + carolUTxO <- genUTxOFor (genVerificationKey `genForParty` Fixture.carol) + pure $ aliceUTxO <> bobUTxO <> carolUTxO + +-- | A model of a correctly signed snapshot. Given a snapshot number a snapshot +-- signed by all participants (alice, bob and carol) with some UTxO contained is +-- produced. +correctlySignedSnapshot :: SnapshotNumber -> ConfirmedSnapshot Tx +correctlySignedSnapshot = \case + 0 -> + InitialSnapshot + { -- -- NOTE: The close validator would not check headId on close with + -- initial snapshot, but we need to provide it still. + headId = mkHeadId Fixture.testPolicyId + , initialUTxO = snapshotUTxO 0 + } + number -> ConfirmedSnapshot{snapshot, signatures} + where + snapshot = + Snapshot + { headId = mkHeadId Fixture.testPolicyId + , number + , utxo = snapshotUTxO number + , confirmed = [] + } + + signatures = aggregate [sign sk snapshot | sk <- [Fixture.aliceSk, Fixture.bobSk, Fixture.carolSk]] + +-- | UTxO of the open head on-chain. NOTE: This uses fixtures for headId, parties, and cperiod. +openHeadUTxO :: UTxO +openHeadUTxO = + UTxO.singleton (headTxIn, openHeadTxOut) + <> registryUTxO testScriptRegistry + where + headTxIn = arbitrary `generateWith` 42 + + openHeadTxOut = + mkHeadOutput Fixture.testNetworkId Fixture.testPolicyId openHeadDatum + & addParticipationTokens [Fixture.alicePVk, Fixture.bobPVk, Fixture.carolPVk] + + openHeadDatum = + mkTxOutDatumInline + Head.Open + { parties = partyToChain <$> [Fixture.alice, Fixture.bob, Fixture.carol] + , utxoHash = toBuiltin $ hashUTxO @Tx $ snapshotUTxO 0 + , contestationPeriod = CP.toChain Fixture.cperiod + , headId = headIdToCurrencySymbol $ mkHeadId Fixture.testPolicyId + } + +-- | Creates a transaction that closes 'openHeadUTxO' with given the snapshot. +-- NOTE: This uses fixtures for headId, parties (alice, bob, carol), +-- contestation period and also claims to close at time 0 resulting in a +-- contestation deadline of 0 + cperiod. +newCloseTx :: HasCallStack => Actor -> ConfirmedSnapshot Tx -> IO Tx +newCloseTx actor snapshot = + either (failure . show) pure $ + close + (actorChainContext actor) + openHeadUTxO + (mkHeadId Fixture.testPolicyId) + Fixture.testHeadParameters + snapshot + lowerBound + upperBound + where + lowerBound = 0 + + upperBound = (0, posixSecondsToUTCTime 0) + +-- | Creates a contest transaction using given utxo and contesting with given +-- snapshot. NOTE: This uses fixtures for headId, contestation period and also +-- claims to contest at time 0. +newContestTx :: HasCallStack => UTxO -> Actor -> ConfirmedSnapshot Tx -> IO Tx +newContestTx spendableUTxO actor snapshot = + either (failure . show) pure $ + contest + (actorChainContext actor) + spendableUTxO + (mkHeadId Fixture.testPolicyId) + Fixture.cperiod + snapshot + currentTime + where + currentTime = (0, posixSecondsToUTCTime 0) + +-- | Fixture for the chain context of a model 'Actor' on 'testNetworkId'. Uses a generated 'ScriptRegistry'. +actorChainContext :: Actor -> ChainContext +actorChainContext actor = + ChainContext + { networkId = Fixture.testNetworkId + , ownVerificationKey = + case actor of + Alice -> Fixture.alicePVk + Bob -> Fixture.bobPVk + Carol -> Fixture.carolPVk + , ownParty = + case actor of + Alice -> Fixture.alice + Bob -> Fixture.bob + Carol -> Fixture.carol + , scriptRegistry = testScriptRegistry + } + +testScriptRegistry :: ScriptRegistry +testScriptRegistry = genScriptRegistry `generateWith` 42 + +-- * Helpers + +-- | Thin wrapper around 'evaluateTx' that fails with 'failure' if any of the +-- scripts/redeemers fail to evaluate. +validateTx :: (HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) => UTxO -> Tx -> m () +validateTx utxo tx = + case evaluateTx tx utxo of + Left err -> + failure $ show err + Right redeemerReport -> + when (any isLeft (Map.elems redeemerReport)) $ + failure . toString . unlines $ + fromString + <$> [ "Transaction evaluation failed: " <> renderTxWithUTxO utxo tx + , "Some redeemers failed: " <> show redeemerReport + ] + +-- | Expect to observe a transaction matching given predicate. This fails with +-- 'failure' if the predicate yields 'Nothing'. +observeTxMatching :: (HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) => UTxO -> Tx -> (HeadObservation -> Maybe a) -> m a +observeTxMatching utxo tx predicate = do + let res = observeHeadTx Fixture.testNetworkId utxo tx + case predicate res of + Just a -> pure a + Nothing -> failure $ "Observation result not matching expectation, got " <> show res diff --git a/hydra-node/test/Test/Hydra/Fixture.hs b/hydra-node/test/Test/Hydra/Fixture.hs index 767d00c3356..575cf65ae1d 100644 --- a/hydra-node/test/Test/Hydra/Fixture.hs +++ b/hydra-node/test/Test/Hydra/Fixture.hs @@ -3,31 +3,42 @@ module Test.Hydra.Fixture where import Hydra.Prelude -import Hydra.Cardano.Api (Key (..), SerialiseAsRawBytes (..), SigningKey, VerificationKey, getVerificationKey) +import Cardano.Crypto.Hash (hashToBytes) +import Codec.CBOR.Magic (uintegerFromBytes) +import Hydra.Cardano.Api (Key (..), PaymentKey, SerialiseAsRawBytes (..), SigningKey, VerificationKey, getVerificationKey) +import Hydra.Chain (HeadParameters (..)) import Hydra.ContestationPeriod (ContestationPeriod (..)) -import Hydra.Crypto (HydraKey, generateSigningKey) +import Hydra.Crypto (Hash (..), HydraKey, generateSigningKey) import Hydra.Environment (Environment (..)) import Hydra.HeadId (HeadId (..), HeadSeed (..)) +import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (genVerificationKey) import Hydra.OnChainId (AsType (AsOnChainId), OnChainId) import Hydra.Party (Party (..), deriveParty) +-- | Our beloved alice, bob, and carol. alice, bob, carol :: Party alice = deriveParty aliceSk bob = deriveParty bobSk carol = deriveParty carolSk +-- | Hydra signing keys for 'alice', 'bob', and 'carol'. aliceSk, bobSk, carolSk :: SigningKey HydraKey aliceSk = generateSigningKey "alice" bobSk = generateSigningKey "bob" +-- NOTE: Using 'zcarol' as seed results in ordered 'deriveParty' values carolSk = generateSigningKey "zcarol" +-- | Hydra verification keys for 'alice', 'bob', and 'carol'. aliceVk, bobVk, carolVk :: VerificationKey HydraKey aliceVk = getVerificationKey aliceSk bobVk = getVerificationKey bobSk carolVk = getVerificationKey carolSk -allVKeys :: [VerificationKey HydraKey] -allVKeys = vkey <$> [alice, bob, carol] +-- | Cardano payment keys for 'alice', 'bob', and 'carol'. +alicePVk, bobPVk, carolPVk :: VerificationKey PaymentKey +alicePVk = genVerificationKey `genForParty` alice +bobPVk = genVerificationKey `genForParty` bob +carolPVk = genVerificationKey `genForParty` carol cperiod :: ContestationPeriod cperiod = UnsafeContestationPeriod 42 @@ -49,6 +60,22 @@ deriveOnChainId Party{vkey} = where bytes = serialiseToRawBytes $ verificationKeyHash vkey +-- | Generate some 'a' given the Party as a seed. NOTE: While this is useful to +-- generate party-specific values, it DOES depend on the generator used. For +-- example, `genForParty genVerificationKey` and `genForParty (fst <$> +-- genKeyPair)` do not yield the same verification keys! +genForParty :: Gen a -> Party -> a +genForParty gen Party{vkey} = + generateWith gen seed + where + seed = + fromIntegral + . uintegerFromBytes + . hydraKeyHashToBytes + $ verificationKeyHash vkey + + hydraKeyHashToBytes (HydraKeyHash h) = hashToBytes h + -- | An environment fixture for testing. testEnvironment :: Environment testEnvironment = @@ -59,3 +86,11 @@ testEnvironment = , contestationPeriod = cperiod , participants = deriveOnChainId <$> [alice, bob, carol] } + +-- | Head parameters fixture for testing. +testHeadParameters :: HeadParameters +testHeadParameters = + HeadParameters + { contestationPeriod = cperiod + , parties = [alice, bob, carol] + }