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An Invariant Learning Characterization of Controlled Text Generation

This repo contains source code for the paper:

An Invariant Learning Characterization of Controlled Text Generation
Carolina Zheng*, Claudia Shi*, Keyon Vafa, Amir Feder, David M. Blei
ACL 2023


Our Python version is 3.10. The required packages can be installed inside a virtual environment via

pip install -r requirements.txt

To run, first you need to run

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm


To preprocess CivilComments for training (subsampling and creating environments used in the paper), run the script

python datasets/ --data_dir [DATA_DIR] --save_dir [SAVE_DIR] --n_envs [N_ENVS] --n_total 28000 --n_test 4200 --balanced 0 --load_evian 0 --evian_model_dir [MODEL_DIR] --seed 42

  • --data_dir is the directory with the CivilComments data (download from here)
  • --save_dir is the directory to save the generated splits (train/valid/test)
  • --n_envs is the number of environments (supports 2 or 3)
  • --n_total is the number of CivilComments examples to subset
  • --n_test is the number of examples in valid/test (for each)
  • --balanced is 1 to sample toxic/nontoxic examples equally, 0 to use the data distribution (0 in the paper)
  • --load_evian is 1 to load previously trained EviaN classifiers from evian_model_dir, 0 to train the models in the script
  • --evian_model_dir is the directory to either load or save the EviaN classifiers to
  • --seed is the random seed value

To generate the RealToxicityPrompts dataset, run the script

python datasets/ --api_key [KEY] --save_dir [SAVE_DIR] --data_dir [DATA_DIR] --n_prompts 200 --n_continuations 10 --seed 42

  • --api_key is your OpenAI API key
  • --save_dir is the directory to save the generated dataset as rtp.csv
  • --data_dir is the directory with the RealToxicityPrompts data (download from here)
  • --n_prompts is the total number of prompts to sample
  • --n_continuations is the number of times to sample GPT-3 per prompt
  • --seed is the random seed value

To generate the Personification dataset, run the script

python datasets/ --api_key [KEY] --save_dir [SAVE_DIR] --winogenerated_path [WINO_PATH] --n_continuations 10 --n_jobs 25 --seed 42

  • --api_key is your OpenAI API key
  • --save_dir is the directory to save the generated dataset as all-professions.csv
  • --winogenerated_path is the path to the WinoBias professions file (download from here)
  • --n_continuations is the number of times to sample GPT-3 per prompt
  • --n_jobs is the number of WinoBias professions to use
  • --seed is the random seed value


To train the model, run the script

python --data_dir [DATA_DIR] --log_dir [LOG_DIR] --save_dir [SAVE_DIR] --valid_in_train [0 or 1] --config [CONFIG] --env_name [ENV_NAME] --beta [BETA] --warmup_beta [WARMUP_BETA] --target target --early_stop 0 --max_length 256 --batch_size 120 --n_epochs 4 --lr 1e-5 --lr_schedule warmup_linear_decay --n_gpus 4 --n_workers 1 --debug 0 --seed 42

  • --data_dir is the data directory with train.csv, test.csv, and valid.csv (unless valid_in_train)
  • --log_dir is the directory to save Tensorboard logs
  • --save_dir is the directory to save the best model checkpoint
  • --valid_in_train is 1 if using leave-one-environment-out-validation (i.e., train data was preprocessed to create 3 environments), otherwise 0
  • --config is the invariance algorithm, options are vanilla (ERM), v-rex, mmd, or coral
  • --env_name is the name of the environment column, e.g., evian_metadata
  • --beta is the invariance regularizer strength value
  • --warmup_beta is the proportion of training steps to linearly scale beta from 0 to 1 (0.1 for V-REx, 0 for other algorithms)
  • --target is the name of the column with y labels
  • --early_stop is the early stopping patience in epochs, or 0 for no early stopping
  • --max_length is the max number of tokens per example
  • --batch_size is the per-GPU batch size
  • --n_epochs is the number of training epochs
  • --lr is the learning rate
  • --lr_schedule is the learning rate schedule, options are constant or warmup_linear_decay
  • --n_gpus is the number of GPUs for Pytorch Lightning DDP
  • --n_workers is the number of workers to create the dataloaders
  • --debug is 1 for debug mode (no saving or logging), otherwise 0
  • --seed is the random seed value

You can also use Weights and Biases for logging and checkpointing by specifying the following arguments instead of --log_dir and --save_dir:

--wandb 1 --wandb_run_name [RUN_NAME] --wandb_project [PROJECT] --wandb_entity [ENTITY]

To test the model on one or more test CSVs (runs on a single GPU), run the script

python --data_path [CSV_PATH] --ckpt_dir [CKPT_DIR] --save_path [SAVE_PATH] --model_names [MODEL_NAMES] --renames [RENAMES] --input_column comment_text --target_column target --max_length 256 --batch_size 32 --n_workers 1

  • --data_path is the path to a single test CSV (alternatively, specify --data_dir as the directory containing multiple test CSVs that start with "test")
  • --ckpt_dir is the save_dir from training
  • --save_path is the path to save the output results CSV
  • --model_names is a comma-separated list of directories within ckpt_dir for the individual models
  • --renames is a comma-separated list of strings to rename each model in the results CSV
  • --input_column is the name of the column containing the examples
  • --target_column is the name of the column containing the labels
  • --max_length is the max number of tokens per example
  • --batch_size is the batch size
  • --n_workers is the number of workers to create the dataloaders

Bibtex Citation

    title = "An Invariant Learning Characterization of Controlled Text Generation",
    author = "Zheng, Carolina and Shi, Claudia and Vafa, Keyon and Feder, Amir and Blei, David",
    booktitle = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    year = "2023",