You can pass an options object when you call ShareButton
on an element to make things a little more flexible.
Passing configuration options:
config = {
networks: {
facebook: {
appId: '12345'
var share = new ShareButton('.share-button', config);
All options:
config = {
protocol: // the protocol you'd prefer to use. [Default: your current protocol]
url: // the url you'd like to share. [Default: `window.location.href`]
title: // title to be shared alongside your link [Default: See below in defaults section]
description: // text to be shared alongside your link, [Default: See below in defaults section]
image: // image to be shared [Default: See below in defaults section]
ui: {
flyout: // change the flyout direction of the shares. chose from `top left`, `top center`, `top right`, `bottom left`, `bottom right`, `bottom center`, `middle left`, or `middle right` [Default: `top center`]
button_font: // include the Lato font set from the Google Fonts API. [Default: `true`]
buttonText: // change the text of the button, [Default: `Share`]
icon_font: // include the minified Entypo font set. [Default: `true`]
networks: {
googlePlus: {
enabled: // Enable Google+. [Default: true]
url: // the url you'd like to share to Google+ [Default: config.url]
twitter: {
enabled: // Enable Twitter. [Default: true]
url: // the url you'd like to share to Twitter [Default: config.url]
description: // text to be shared alongside your link to Twitter [Default: config.description]
facebook: {
enabled: // Enable Facebook. [Default: true]
load_sdk: // Load the FB SDK. If false, it will default to Facebook's sharer.php implementation.
// NOTE: This will disable the ability to dynamically set values and rely directly on applicable Open Graph tags.
// [Default: true]
url: // the url you'd like to share to Facebook [Default: config.url]
appId: // Facebook app id for tracking shares. if provided, will use the facebook API
title: // title to be shared alongside your link to Facebook [Default: config.title]
caption: // caption to be shared alongside your link to Facebook [Default: null]
description: // text to be shared alongside your link to Facebook [Default: config.description]
image: // image to be shared to Facebook [Default: config.image]
pinterest: {
enabled: // Enable Pinterest. [Default: true]
url: // the url you'd like to share to Pinterest [Default: config.url]
image: // image to be shared to Pinterest [Default: config.image]
description: // text to be shared alongside your link to Pinterest [Default: config.description]
reddit: {
enabled: // Enable Reddit. [Default: true]
url: // the url you'd like to share to Reddit [Default: config.url]
title: // title to be shared alongside your link to Reddit [Default: config.title]
linkedin: {
enabled: // Enable LinkedIn. [Default: true]
url: // the url you'd like to share to LinkedIn [Default: config.url]
title: // title to be shared alongside your link to LinkedIn [Default: config.title],
description: // text to be shared alongside your link to LinkedIn [Default: config.description]
whatsapp: {
enabled: // Enable WhatsApp. [Default: true]
description: // text to be shared alongside your link to WhatsApp [Default: config.description],
url: // the url you'd like to share to WhatsApp [Default: config.url]
email: {
enabled: // Enable Email. [Default: true]
title: // the subject of the email [Default: config.title]
description: // The body of the email [Default: config.description]
The follow logic is used to populate default values for some of the config keys above:
title - The first defined, non-null value out of (in order):
- meta tag name='og:title' content attribute value
- meta tag name='twitter:title' content attribute value
- document's title tag value
image - the first defined, non-null value out of (in order):
- meta tag name='og:image' content attribute value
- meta tag name='twitter:image' content attribute value
description - the first defined, non-null value out of (in order):
- meta tag name='og:description' content attribute value
- meta tag name='twitter:description' content attribute value
- meta tag name='description' content attribute value