Note: We highly recommend using PyPy, as do the angr developers.
Install the Python modules required by the analysis code:
pip install -r tools/angr/requirements/analysis.txt
Next compile the disassembler:
sudo apt install zlib1g-dev
cd tools/pt
All the tools for working with angr are located in tools/angr/
You can test the basic functionality of your setup by running the quick unit tests. This should only take a few seconds:
cd tools/angr
python test/ TestGriffinParser TestXed TestPTCFG
You can also run one of the analysis unit tests. This will take about 30 seconds:
cd tools/angr
python test/ TestAnalysis.test_uaf_01_poc
If you want to use the miscellaneous tools provided in tools/angr/
pip install -r tools/angr/requirements/misc.txt