diff --git a/ADOPTERS.md b/ADOPTERS.md
index 687fa485e..dcfd342c6 100644
--- a/ADOPTERS.md
+++ b/ADOPTERS.md
@@ -11,10 +11,29 @@ list, [follow these directions](#adding-your-organization-to-the-list-of-adopter
## Solutions built with Carvel
Below is a list of solutions where Carvel is being used as a component.
+**[Tanzu Community Edition](https://tanzucommunityedition.io/)**
+Tanzu Community Edition provides package management to users via the Tanzu CLI. Package management is defined as the discovery, installation, upgrading, and deletion of software that runs on Tanzu clusters. Each package is created using Carvel tools and following their packaging process.
+**[Office des Postes et Télécommunications de Nouvelle-Calédonie](https://www.opt.nc/)**
+Office des Postes et Télécommunications de Nouvelle-Calédonie uses vendir to sync repos to build docker images, ytt to instanciate templates and are currently working on packaging services as applications with kapp. They are prototyping on an onPrem Tanzu instance. They are using Github.com and GH Actions to automate the whole thing and are evaluating Harbor vs. Artifactory vs. Github Container Registry to store/release their images.
+TeraSky is an Advanced Technology Solutions Provider. We utilize the carvel suite in order to streamline k8s configuration and deployment by many of our customers. We also utilize ytt to manage additional yaml based systems such as vRealize Automation and CloudFoundry.
BEAM is a consulting company based in Luxembourg and specialized in DevOps, Cloud and automation. BEAM supports their customers in their workload and delivery optimizations and helps them transition from traditional IT models to DevOps.