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Advanced composite types: Maps

This chapter will be lighter than the :doc:`previous one<slices>`, so don't worry, and smile for the perspective of adding a new tool to your box.

Arrays and slices are wonderful tools for collecting elements of the same type in a sequential fashion. We simply say: the first element, the second element, ... the n th element of the array or the slice. We can access and modifiy elements using their numerical integer indices in the array or the slice.

This is nice and quite useful. Now suppose that we'd like to access and modify elements given a name of some type (a non-integer name or 'index'). For example: Say we wish to access the definition of the word "Hello" in a dictionary or to find out the capital of "Japan".

These category of problems call for a new kind of type. A type where we can specify a key from which a value will be stored and retrieved. It's not about the nth element of a sequence, it's about an association of things (keys) with other things (values).

This kind of types is called a dict in Python and map in Go and a hash in Ruby.

How to declare a map?

The syntax of a map type is: map[keyType] valueType.

For example:

// A map that associates strings to int
// eg. "one" --> 1, "two" --> 2...
var numbers map[string] int //declare a map of strings to ints

You can access and assign a value to an entry of this map using the square bracket syntax as in arrays or slices, but instead of an int index you use a key of type keyType.

As with slices, since maps are reference types, we can make them using the make function: make(map[string]float32).

When used with maps, make takes an optional capacity parameter.

// A map that associates strings to int
// eg. "one" --> 1, "two" --> 2...
var numbers map[string] int //declare a map of strings to ints
numbers = make(map[string]int)
numbers["one"] = 1
numbers["ten"] = 10
numbers["trois"] = 3 //trois is "three" in french. I know that you know.
fmt.Println("Trois is the french word for the number: ", numbers[3])
// Trois is the french word for the number: 3. Also a good time.

We now have the idea: it's like a table with two columns: in the left column we have the key, and on the right column we have its associated value.

.. graphviz::

    digraph numbers_map {

        graph [bgcolor=transparent, resolution=96, fontsize="10" ];
        edge [arrowsize=.5, arrowhead="dot", arrowtail="dot", color="#555555"];
        node [fontsize=8, height=.1, penwidth=.4]
        numbers [shape="plaintext", label=<
        <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellborder="1" cellpadding="8">
                <td bgcolor="lightblue">Key</td>
                <td bgcolor="lightblue">Value</td>
                <td colspan="2" border="0">numbers</td>

Some things to notice:

  • There is no defined notion of order. We do not access a value by an index, but rather by a key instead.
  • The size of a map is not fixed like in arrays. In fact, just like a slice, a map is a reference type.
  • Doing for example numbers["coffees_I_had"] = 7 will actually add an entry to this table, and the size of the map will be incremented by 1.
  • As in slices and arrays, the built-in function len will return the number of keys in a map (thus the number of entries).
  • Values can be changed, of course. numbers["coffees_I_had"] = 12 will change the int value associated with the string "coffes_I_had".

Literal values of maps can be expressed using a list of colon-separated key:value pairs. Let's see an example of this:

// A map representing the rating given to some programming languages.
rating := map[string]float32 {"C":5, "Go":4.5, "Python":4.5, "C++":2 }
// This is equivalent to writing more verbosely
var rating = map[string]float32
rating = make(map[string]float)
rating["C"] = 5
rating["Go"] = 4.5
rating["Python"] = 4.5
rating["C++"] = 2 //Linus would put 1 at most. Go ask him

Maps are references

If you assign a map m to another map m1, they will both refer to the same underlying structure that holds the key/value pairs. Thus, changing the value associated with a given key in m1 will also change the value of that key in m as they both reference the same underlying data:

//let'ss ay a translation dictionary
m = make(map[string][string])
m["Hello"] = "Bonjour"
m1 = m
m1["Hello"] = "Salut"
// Now: m["Hello"] == "Salut"

Checking existence of a key

Question What would the expression rating["C#"] return as a value, in our previous example?

Good question! The answer is simple: the expression will return the zero value of the value type.

The value type in our example is float32, so it will return '0.00'.

//A map representing the rating given to some programming languages.
rating := map[string]float32 {"C":5, "Go":4.5, "Python":4.5, "C++":2 }
csharp_rating := rating["C#"]
//csharp_rating == 0.00

But then, if the value associated with an inexistent key is the zero of the type value, how can we be sure that C#'s rating is actually 0.00? In other words: is C#'s rating actually 0.00 so we can say that as a language it stinks or was it that it was not rated at all?

Here comes the "comma-ok" form of accessing a key's associated value in a map. It has this syntax: value, present = m[key]. Where present is a boolean that indicates whether the key is present in the map.

//A map representing the rating given to some programming languages.
rating := map[string]float32 {"C":5, "Go":4.5, "Python":4.5, "C++":2 }
csharp_rating, ok := rating["C#"]
//would print: We have no rating associated with C# in the map
if ok {
    fmt.Println("C# is in the map and its rating is ", csharp_rating)
} else {
    fmt.Println("We have no rating associated with C# in the map")

We often use ok as a variable name for boolean presence, hence the name "comma-ok" form. But, hey! You're free to use any name as long as it's a bool type.

Deleting an entry

To delete an entry from the map, think of an inversed "comma-ok" form. In fact, you just have to assign any given value followed by comma false.

// A map representing the rating given to some programming languages.
rating := map[string]float32 {"C":5, "Go":4.5, "Python":4.5, "C++":2 }
map["C++"] = 1, false // We delete the entry with key "C++"
cpp_rating, ok := rating["C++"]
// Would print: We have no rating associated with C++ in the map
if ok {
    fmt.Println("C++ is in the map and its rating is ", cpp_rating)
} else {
    fmt.Println("We have no rating associated with C++ in the map")

If in line 2, we had map["C++"] = 1, true the output of the if-else statement would be: C++ is in the map and its rating is 1. i.e. the entry associated with key "C++" would be kept in the map, and its value changed to 1.

Cool! We now have a sexy new type which allows us to easily add key/value pairs, check if a given key is present, and delete any given key. Simply.

The question now is: "How do I retrieve all the elements in my map?" More specifically, "How do I print a list of all the languages in the rating map with their respective ratings?"

The range clause

For maps (and arrays, and slices, and other stuff which we'll see later), Go comes with a facinating alteration of the syntax for the "for statement".

This syntax is as follow:

for key, value := range m {
    // In each iteration of this loop, the variables key and value are set
    // to the current key/value in the map

Let's see a complete example to understand this better.

package main
import "fmt"

func main(){
    // Declare a map literal
    ratings := map[string]float32 {"C":5, "Go":4.5, "Python":4.5, "C++":2 }

    // Iterate over the ratings map
    for key, value := range ratings {
        fmt.Printf("%s language is rated at %g\n", key, value)


C++ language is rated at 2
C language is rated at 5
Go language is rated at 4.5
Python language is rated at 4.5

If we don't need the value in our for statement, we can omit it like this:

package main
import "fmt"

func main(){
    // Declare a map literal.
    ratings := map[string]float32 {"C":5, "Go":4.5, "Python":4.5, "C++":2 }

    fmt.Print("We rated these languages: ")

    // Iterate over the ratings map, and print the languages names.
    for key := range ratings {
        fmt.Print(key, ",")


We rated these languages: C++,C,Go,Python,

Exercise: Modify the program above to replace the last comma in the list by a period. That is, output: "We rated these languages: C++,C,Go,Python."

This "for statement" form is also available for arrays and slices where instead of a key we have an index.

Let's rewrite a previous example using this new tool:

package main
import "fmt"

// Return the biggest value in a slice of ints.
func Max(slice []int) int { // The input parameter is a slice of ints.
    max := slice[0] //the first element is the max for now.
    for index, value := range slice { // Notice how we iterate!
        if value > max { // We found a bigger value in our slice.
            max = value
    return max

func main() {
    // Declare three arrays of different sizes, to test the function Max.
    A1 := [10]int {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
    A2 := [4]int {1,2,3,4}
    A3 := [1]int {1}

    //declare a slice of ints
    var slice []int

    slice = A1[:] // Take all A1 elements.
    fmt.Println("The biggest value of A1 is", Max(slice))
    slice = A2[:] // Ttake all A2 elements.
    fmt.Println("The biggest value of A2 is", Max(slice))
    slice = A3[:] // Ttake all A3 elements.
    fmt.Println("The biggest value of A3 is", Max(slice))


The biggest value of A1 is 9
The biggest value of A2 is 4
The biggest value of A3 is 1

Look carefully at line 6. We used a range over a slice of ints. i is an index and it goes from 0 to len(s)-1 and value is an int that goes from s[0] to s[len(s)-1].

Notice also how we didn't use the index i in this loop. We didn't need it.

The blank identifier

Whenever a function returns a value you don't care about, or a range returns an index that you don't care about, you can use the blank identifier _ (underscore) This predeclared identifier can be assigned any value of any type, and it will be discarded.

We could have written the Max(s []int)int function like this:

// Return the biggest value in a slice of ints.
func Max(slice []int) int { // The input parameter is a slice of ints.
    max := slice[0]
    for _, value := range slice { // Notice how we use _ to "ignore" the index.
        if value > max {
            max = value
    return max

Also, say, we have a function that returns two or more values of which some are unimportant for us. We can "ignore" these output results using the blank identifier.

// A function that returns a bool that is set to true of Sqrt is possible
// and false when not. And the actual square root of a float64
func MySqrt(floater float64) (squareroot float64, ok bool) {
    if floater > 0 {
        squareroot, ok = math.Sqrt(f), true
    } else {
        squareroot, ok = 0, false
    return squareroot, ok
r,_ = MySqrt(v) //retrieve the square root of v, and ignore its faisability

That's it for this chapter. We learned about maps ; how to make them, how to add, change, and delete key/value pairs from them. How to check if a given key exists in a given map. And we also learned about the blank identifier '_' and the range clause.

Yes, the range clause, especially, is a control flow construct that should belong in the chapter about :doc:`control flow<control>`, but we didn't yet know about arrays, slices or maps, at that time. This is why we deferred it until this chapter.

The next chapter will be about things that we didn't mention about functions in the chapter about :doc:`functions <functions>` for the same reason: lack of prior exposure, or simply because I wanted the chapter to be light so we can make progress with advanced data structures.

Anyways, you'll see, it will be fun! See you in the next chapter! :)