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Chapter 5 - Further queries and helpers

Chapter summary

This chapter expands on the basic operations shown in by showing how to do much more complex searches across the data. It also demonstrates a few useful external modules available on CPAN and how to do transactions and locking.


You should understand basic DBIx::Class use as shown in Chapter 4. While the SQL used in this chapter is explained as we go, it will be helpful if you already know how to use the keywords JOIN, GROUP BY, ORDER BY and so on. We will be giving code examples and tests using Test::More so you should be familiar with Perl unit testing. The database we are using is provided as an SQL file you can import into an SQLite database1 to get started.

Download the skeleton code for this chapter:


In Chapter 4 we covered simple queries to fetch single rows from the database, change and delete the data. Now we're going to use the database to prefilter, sort, slice and dice the data for us, as this is more efficient than fetching the data a piece at a time and doing the work in Perl. DBIx::Class allows you to use Perl data structures and methods to describe the intended query, and then optimises the result into SQL. The main method we will be using is search, with various conditions and attributes.

Introducing search conditions and attributes

In Chapter 4 we searched for a set of users with rude or unwanted words as their realnames, in order to remove them from the database. This uses the search method and filters the results using the -like comparison operator.

LIKE is an SQL keyword used to compare data against simple wildcard matching. % matches any number of characters, _ matches a single character. Note that while LIKE is defined as being case-insensitive in the SQL standard, it is not implemented as such in all databases (PostgreSQL for example, provides the LIKE and ILIKE keywords).

The two arguments to search are a set of conditions and a set of attributes. The conditions supply the filters to apply to the data, the attributes add grouping, sorting and joining and more. The conditions are turned into SQL using a module called SQL::Abstract2

The following are some tips on creating SQL conditions using the SQL::Abstract syntax. Remember that in the DBIC_TRACE output, the '?' characters represent bind parameters, the actual values are shown after the query, and will be escaped before being used in the SQL.

  • A hashref produces a set of AND'd conditions:

    Perl: search({ username => 'fredbloggs', email => '[email protected]' });

    SQL: ... WHERE username = ? AND email = ? : 'fredbloggs', '[email protected]'

  • An arrayref produces a set of OR'd conditions:

    Perl: search([ { username => 'fredbloggs' }, { email => '[email protected]' } ]);

    SQL: ... WHERE username = ? OR email = ? : 'fredbloggs', '[email protected]'

  • We can mix and match these:

    Perl: search([ { username => 'fredbloggs', realname => 'Fred Bloggs' }, { email => '[email protected]' } ]);

    SQL: ... WHERE (username = ? AND realname = ?) OR email = ? : 'fredbloggs', 'Fred Bloggs', '[email protected]'

  • To OR a set of alternate values for one column, we can pass an arrayref as the hashref value:

    Perl: search({ username => [ 'fredbloggs', 'alicebloggs', 'joebloggs' ] });

    SQL: ... WHERE username = ? OR username = ? OR username = ? : 'fredbloggs', 'alicebloggs', 'joebloggs'

  • To produce SQL-keywords, we generally precede them with an '-' symbol, so to get IN:

    Perl: search({ username => { '-in' => [ 'fredbloggs', 'alicebloggs', 'joebloggs' ] } });

    SQL: ... WHERE username IN ( 'fredbloggs', 'alicebloggs', 'joebloggs' )


    Perl: search({ created_date => { '-between' => ['2012-01-01', '2012-12-31'] } });

    SQL: ... WHERE created_date BETWEEN ? AND ? : '2012-01-01', '2012-12-31'

  • So to recap from the previous chapter:

    my @badwords = ('john', 'joe', 'joseph', 'jess', 'james'); my $badusers_rs = $users_rs->search({ realname => [ map { { 'like' => "%$_%"} } @badwords ], });

Creates a list of OR'd LIKE queries:

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,
FROM users
WHERE me.realname LIKE '?' 
  OR me.realname LIKE '?' 
  OR me.realname LIKE '?'
  OR me.realname LIKE '?
  OR me.realname LILE '?'
: '%john%', '%joe%', '%joseph%', '%jess%', '%james%'

We can also call functions, concatenate values and so on. The rest of this chapter will demonstrate more search conditions, and the possible contents of the second argument to search, for attributes.

Choosing data to fetch

A default search call will fetch all the columns defined in the ResultSource that we're using for the search. Note that the ResultSource itself does not need to define all the columns in a database table. If you don't need to use some of them in your application at all, you can leave them out of the class definition.

You may want to reduce the set of columns fetched from the database, useful if one of them is a large blob type column and you don't always need the data. The columns attribute replaces the default list with the supplied arrayref of column names.

To fetch the user data without the password column:

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");

my $users_minus_passwd_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->search({
}, {
  columns     => [ qw/ me.realname me.username ],

The SQL created by DBIx::Class will always use a table alias3 to identify the tables in the query. The table the search is based upon is always aliased as me.

To better express the "all but the password column" we can fetch the list of defined columns from the ResultSource, and subtract the column:

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");

my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');
my $users_minus_passwd_rs = $users_rs->search({
}, {
  columns     => [ grep { $_ ne 'password' } ($users_rs->resultsource->columns) ],

The SQL we get for both of these is the same:

SELECT, me.realname, me.username,
FROM users me

Note, if this is a query you are likely to repeat, or you just want to keep your code tidier, you can store it as a predefined method on the ResultSet object. See for how to do this.

The SQL SELECT clause can contain many other things, for example functions such as length. To output a function and its arguments, use a hashref in the columns attribute. You can also add more columns to the default set using the +columns attribute.

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");

my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');
my $users_plus_emaillen_rs = $users_rs->search({
}, {
  '+columns'     => [ { 'emaillen' => { length => '' } }],

Which produces the SQL:

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,, length(
FROM users me

The outer level of the column hashref has the new internal column name as its key. This gives you a way to access to resulting value. Note that we'll need to use the get_column method to fetch the data as it does not create a new accessor method on the resulting Row object.

while (my $user = $users_plus_emaillen_rs->next) {
  print "User: ", $user->username, " has email length ", $user->get_column('emaillen'), " \n";

Later on in the we'll show how to include data from related tables, and select entire sets of related data in the same single query.

Your turn, fetch posts with no "post" column data

This is a straight-forward practice of the techniques just described. Write a piece of code that fetches all the posts entries, but just the title and created_date columns, not the actual post content.

You can find the skeleton of this test in the downloadable code, in the t/no-post-content.t file.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

unlink 't/var/myblog.db';
my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:t/var/myblog.db');

## insert some test data
my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');

  realname => 'John Smith',
  username => 'johnsmith',
  password => Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest->new(
     algorithm => "SHA-1", 
     salt_random => 20,
     passphrase => 'johnspass',
  email => '[email protected]',
  posts => [
        title => "John's first post",
        post  => 'Tap, tap, is this thing on?',
        created_date => DateTime->now,
        title => "John's second post",
        post => "Anybody out there?",
        created_date => DateTime->now,

my $posts_no_content_rs;
## Your code goes here!

## End your code

## Tests:   
is($posts_no_content_rs->count, 2, 'Found both posts');

my $first_post = $posts_no_content_rs->next();
my %post_data = $first_post->get_columns;
is(scalar keys %post_data, 2, "Got two columns in the first post");
ok($first_post->title, 'Got a title on the first post');
ok($first_post->created_date, "Got a created_date on the first post");
ok(!$first_post->post, 'No post content on first post');


Ordering and paging

The SQL language provides a number of ways to manipulate the data before building rows out of the results. Doing this work in the database instead of your Perl code is much more efficient.

First we look at ordering or sorting the results, and reducing the number of rows returned. We can sort results based on any data values in the database, or manipulations of those values. The type of sorting we get depends on the data types in the columns. For example, we can fetch all our users ordered by their usernames for display.

The order_by attribute corresponds to the SQL keyword ORDER BY. Sorting can be done either ascending, with -asc, or descending with -desc. If neither asc or desc are supplied, the database default is usually ascending. With no ORDER BY clause at all, the return order of the results is undefined.

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");

my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->search({
  order_by => { '-desc' => ['me.username'] }

We get the SQL:

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,
FROM users me
ORDER BY me.username DESC

The results from our loop over the results are now sorted by username. There's no need to sort further in Perl or your templating system.

Now that we have rows in a known order, we can also reduce the set of results to a top ten, or to a page worth of results, so that we only fetch data we'll actually use. There are unfortunately many different database-specific implementations of ways to reduce the number of rows returned by an SQL query. Luckily DBIx::Class abstracts these away for you, providing a single rows attribute that is converted to the correct keyword(s) when the query is run.

The first 'page' of 10 usernames to display:

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");

my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->search({
}, {
  order_by => { '-desc' => ['me.username'] },
  rows     => 10,

On SQLite and MySQL we get the SQL:

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,
FROM users me
ORDER BY me.username DESC

Which returns a maximum of 10 rows. If the unlimited query would return fewer than 10 rows, then we just get those. No error is thrown.

SQL even provides a way to return a specified subset of results from within the entire set, so we can fetch a second page of results precisely. DBIx::Class implements this by providing the page attribute to select which page of results to return. This defaults to 1 if not supplied.

The second 'page' of 10 usernames to display:

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");

my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->search({
}, {
  order_by => { '-desc' => ['me.username'] },
  rows     => 10,
  page     => 2,

On SQLite and MySQL we get the SQL:

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,
FROM users me
ORDER BY me.username DESC

Your turn, fetch and filter ordered posts

Another good use of sorting is to sort things by datetime values to display them in the order that they happened. Now combine search conditions with attributes, and find: 1) all the posts by the user fredbloggs in the order they were created, 2) the 2nd "page" of 2 posts per page.

This test can be found in the file t/ordered-posts.t.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

use Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest;
use Test::More;

package Test::ResultSet;
use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' => qw/method_calls/);

sub new {
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

## Count how many times search is called
sub search {
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

package main;

unlink 't/var/myblog.db';
my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:t/var/myblog.db');
foreach my $source ($schema->sources) {
my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');
## Add some initial data:
my @users = $users_rs->populate([
  realname => 'Fred Bloggs',
  username => 'fred',
  password => Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest->new(algorithm => "SHA-1", salt_random => 20, passphrase=>'mypass'),
  email    => '[email protected]',
  posts    => [
    {  title => 'Post 4', post => 'Post 4 content', created_date => '2012-04-01 10:00:00' },
    {  title => 'Post 3', post => 'Post 3 content', created_date => '2012-03-01 10:00:00' },
    {  title => 'Post 2', post => 'Post 2 content', created_date => '2012-02-01 10:00:00' },
    {  title => 'Post 1', post => 'Post 1 content', created_date => '2012-01-01 10:00:00' },
    {  title => 'Post 5', post => 'Post 5 content', created_date => '2012-05-01 10:00:00' },
    {  title => 'Post 6', post => 'Post 6 content', created_date => '2012-06-01 10:00:00' },

### 1) Posts by fred in order
## Your code goes here:
my $ordered_rs;

## Your code end
is($users_rs->method_calls->{search}, 1, 'Called "search" just once');
is($ordered_rs->count, 6, 'Found 6 posts');
foreach my $i (1..6) {
  my $row = $ordered_rs->next;
  ok($row->isa('MyBlog::Schema::Result::Post'), 'Result isa Post object');
  is($row->title, "Post $i", "Post $i returned in order");

## 2) 2nd page of posts by fred, 2 per page
## Your code goes here:
my $ordered_page_rs;

## Your code end
is($users_rs->method_calls->{search}, 2, 'Called "search" a second time');
is($ordered_page_rs->count, 2, 'Found page-worth of posts (2)');
foreach my $i (3,4) {
  my $row = $ordered_rs->next;
  ok($row->isa('MyBlog::Schema::Result::Post'), 'Result isa Post object');
  is($row->title, "Post $i", "Post $i returned in order");


The solution is available in the download if you need to refer to it.

Joining, Aggregating and Grouping on related data

We've seen how to create related rows, either singly or together with other data. Now we can look at how to query or fetch all that data without making multiple trips to the database. The SQL keyword JOIN can be produced using the attribute key join and providing it a list of related resultsources to join on. The joined tables can be accessed in the search conditions and other clauses, using the name of the relationship.

On its own, the join clause will not produce any change in the query, as it will be optimised away by DBIx::Class. We need to make at least some use of the joined table's columns. So to demonstrate it we also introduce the group_by attribute key, which produces the GROUP BY keyword in SQL.

Grouping the results is a useful technique which allows us to apply things like mathematical functions to the content. For example we can group all of the posts written by each user together, and then apply the COUNT function. The result will contain the count of the set of rows in each group, otherwise know as the number of posts written by the user.

Here is the concrete example. We fetch the usernames together with the number of posts that they have written:

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");

my $users_post_count_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->search({
}, {
  'columns' => [ 'me.username', { post_count => { count => '' } }],
  group_by   => [ 'me.username' ],
  join       => ['posts'],

The columns technique is the same one we saw earlier in , and count just calls the SQL built in aggregate count function. This only works if group_by is used so that it knows what to count against.

We get the SQL:

SELECT me.username, count(
FROM users me
LEFT JOIN posts posts ON =
GROUP BY me.username

Let's look at some results to see what is going on:

+------------+------------+ | username | post_count | +============+============+ | fredbloggs | 2 | +------------+------------+ | joebloggs | 3 | +------------+------------+

Table: Count of posts per user

So, how does that work? If we run the same query, just fetching the usernames and post IDs, with no counting, we can see the raw data:

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");

my $users_posts_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->search({
}, {
  'columns' => [ 'me.username', '' ],
  join       => ['posts'],

We get the SQL:

SELECT me.username,
FROM users me
LEFT JOIN posts posts ON =

The raw uncounted results:

+------------+------------+ | username | | +============+============+ | fredbloggs | 1 | +------------+------------+ | fredbloggs | 3 | +------------+------------+ | joebloggs | 2 | +------------+------------+ | joebloggs | 4 | +------------+------------+ | joebloggs | 5 | +------------+------------+

Table: Individual posts per user

So the grouping is collapsing the username column by each set of usernames, and the count function adds up the number of rows per set.

Note that if we want to fetch more than the username column from the users table, we need to list those columns in the group_by column list. This is part of the SQL standard for group by, to ensure that the results are not ambiguous. Most databases enforce this and will throw an error if you choose to select columns which are not in the grouping list, nor have an aggregate function applied to them. Some, such as MySQL, will not warn by default.

Your turn, find the earliest post of each user

The sum, avg, min, and max aggregate functions work just like the count function. Use this information to create a query that will return the earliest post (minimum created_date) of each user in the database.

This test can be found in the file t/earliest-posts.t.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

use Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest;
use Test::More;

package Test::ResultSet;
use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' => qw/method_calls/);

sub new {
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

## Count how many times search is called
sub search {
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

package main;

unlink 't/var/myblog.db';
my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:t/var/myblog.db');
foreach my $source ($schema->sources) {
my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');
## Add some initial data:
my @users = $users_rs->populate([
  realname => 'Fred Bloggs',
  username => 'fred',
  password => Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest->new(algorithm => "SHA-1", salt_random => 20, passphrase=>'mypass'),
  email    => '[email protected]',
  posts    => [
    {  title => 'Post 1', post => 'Post 1 content', created_date => DateTime->new(year => 2012, month => 01, day => 01) },
    {  title => 'Post 2', post => 'Post 2 content', created_date => DateTime->new(year => 2012, month => 01, day => 03) },
  realname => 'Joe Bloggs',
  username => 'joe',
  password => Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest->new(algorithm => "SHA-1", salt_random => 20, passphrase=>'sillypassword'),
  email    => '[email protected]',
  posts    => [
    {  title => 'Post 3', post => 'Post 3 content', created_date => DateTime->new(year => 2012, month => 01, day => 05) },
    {  title => 'Post 4', post => 'Post 4 content', created_date => DateTime->new(year => 2012, month => 01, day => 07) },

### Users and their earliest posts
## Your code goes here:
my $earliest_rs;

## Your code end
is($users_rs->method_calls->{search}, 1, 'Called "search" just once');
is($earliest_rs->count, 2, 'Found 2 users');
my $row = $earliest_rs->next;
ok($row->isa('MyBlog::Schema::Result::User'), 'Found user objects');
ok($row->username eq 'fred' && $row->created_date->ymd eq '2012-01-01'
   || $row->username eq 'joe' && $row->created_date->ymd eq '2012-01-05',
'Found earliest post, 1st user');
$row = $earliest_rs->next;
ok($row->username eq 'fred' && $row->created_date->ymd eq '2012-01-01'
   || $row->username eq 'joe' && $row->created_date->ymd eq '2012-01-05',
'Found earliest post, 2nd user');


Filtering data after grouping

With and the various aggregation functions we can now sum or count data across groups of rows. Suppose we now want to restrict the results of our query to only those post authors that have written at least one post. The way to do this that feels logical is to add to the WHERE clause:

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");

my $users_post_count_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->search({
  'post_count' => { '>' => 1 },
}, {
  '+columns' => [ { post_count => { count => '' } }],
  group_by   => [ $users_rs->resultsource->columns ],
  join       => ['posts'],

Note that we're using +columns again, to add the count column to the default list from the User source. In order to create a legal GROUP BY clause it needs to contain all the columns in the query that are not being aggregated, so we use the list of columns from the ResultSource.


SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,, count(
FROM users me
LEFT JOIN posts ON =
WHERE post_count > ?
GROUP BY, me.realname, me.username, me.password, : 1

This doesn't work.

It doesn't work for two reasons, firstly, the WHERE clause post_count > 1 doesn't make any sense as it uses the unknown column post_clause. To name results of aggregate functions in SQL, we need to add an alias for it, using AS, like this:

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");

my $users_post_count_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->search({
  'post_count' => { '>' => 1 },
}, {
  '+columns' => [ { post_count => { count => '' },
                                    -as   => 'post_count',
                  } ],
  group_by   => [ $users_rs->resultsource->columns ],
  join       => ['posts'],


SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,, count( AS post_count
FROM users me
LEFT JOIN posts ON =
WHERE post_count > 1
GROUP BY, me.realname, me.username, me.password, : 1

The second reason is that the SQL clauses are run in order. The WHERE clause comes before the GROUP BY clause (because that's just the way SQL is defined, and the database will complain), and thus the grouped count will not yet exist when we try to filter it in the WHERE.

To achieve our goal we need to use a new SQL keyword, HAVING. This clause comes after the GROUP BY, and thus can be used to filter the grouped results:

So to actually return all users that have at least one post:

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");

my $users_with_as_least_one_post_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->search({
}, {
  '+columns' => [ 'me.username', { post_count => { count => 'posts.title',
                                    -as   => 'post_count',
  group_by   => [ $users_rs->resultsource->columns ],
  join       => ['posts'],
  having     => [ { 'post_count' => { '>=' => 1 } } ],

We get the SQL:

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,, count( AS post_count
FROM users me
LEFT JOIN posts ON =
GROUP BY, me.realname, me.username, me.password,
HAVING post_count <= ? : 1

WARNING: If you get an error from your database here, and it is an Oracle or MS SQL Server, then you will need to use different code. As these databases do not parse/run the SQL in order, the post_count alias is still unknown while parsing the HAVING clause. We need to repeat the condition instead:

my $users_with_as_least_one_post_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->search({
}, {
  '+columns' => [ { post_count => { count => 'posts.title' },
  group_by   => [ $users_rs->resultsource->columns ],
  join       => ['posts'],
  having     => \[ 'count( >= ?', [ {} => 1 ] ],

The having clause now contains a piece of literal SQL. We could write it without the arrayrefs and the placeholder, but its always preferable to use placeholders in SQL wherever possible, to avoid SQL injection attacks. The syntax allows for a piece of SQL, containing placeholders, which will be inserted literally into the clause, and then an arrayref for each placeholder value. The placeholder values contain a hashref which can be used to define the sql datatype, but for now we just supply an empty one, and a plain value of 1.

The whole thing is then taken as a reference, so we get a reference to an arrayreference, so that SQL::Abstract will know it is for literal SQL, and not some other construct. It's a bit ugly, but also quite exact.

So for Oracle and MS SQL Server we get the SQL:

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,, count(
FROM users me
LEFT JOIN posts ON =
GROUP BY, me.realname, me.username, me.password,
HAVING count( >= ? : 1

Fetching data from related tables

Joins can also be used to fetch multiple tables worth of data in the same query, eliminating extra trips to the database. To illustrate, if we fetch a user object and the first page worth of posts written by that user, we generate the following:

my $user = $schema->resultset('User')->find({ username => 'fred' });

# Output fred's posts:
my $posts = $fred->posts->search({}, { rows => 10, page => 1 });
while (my $post = $fred->next) {
  print $post->title, " ", $post->post, "\n";

The SQL generated:

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,
FROM users me
WHERE me.username = 'fred'

SELECT, me.user_id, me.created_date, me.title,
FROM posts
WHERE me.user_id = 1

Or worse, we fetch a page of posts from different users for our frontpage, and then fetch the user details, we get a query per user:

my $posts_rs = $schema->resultset('Post')->search({}, { rows => 10, page => 1 });

# Output all posts:
while (my $post = $posts_rs->next) {
  print $post->user->username, " ", $post->title, " ", $post->post, "\n";

The SQL generated:

SELECT, me.user_id, me.created_date, me.title,
FROM posts

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,
FROM users me

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,
FROM users me

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,
FROM users me

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,
FROM users me

.. and so on, one for each post, even if some are written by the same user. Of course we could reduce it by caching the user objects so that we don't refetch duplicates.

We can reduce this set of queries (in either case), by using the prefetch attribute to our initial query, which asks it to include all the listed relations into the query.

Note, this currently does not work with multiple has_many type relations at the same level, as decoding the resulting data back into objects is tricky.

So for users and the first page of posts:

my $user = $schema->resultset('User')->search(
  username => 'fred',
  prefetch => ['posts'],
  rows     => 10,
  page     => 1,

# Output fred's posts:
my $posts = $fred->posts->search({}, { rows => 10, page => 1 });
while (my $post = $fred->next) {
  print $post->title, " ", $post->post, "\n";

Resulting in:

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,,, posts.user_id, posts.created_date, posts.title,
FROM users me
LEFT JOIN posts ON = posts.user_id
WHERE me.username = 'fred'

And for the page of posts with users:

my $posts_rs = $schema->resultset('Post')->search(
  prefetch => [ 'user' ],
  rows => 10, 
  page => 1,

# Output all posts:
while (my $post = $posts_rs->next) {
  print $post->user->username, " ", $post->title, " ", $post->post, "\n";

The SQL generated:

SELECT, me.user_id, me.created_date, me.title,,, user.realname, user.username, user.password,
FROM posts
JOIN user ON = posts.user_id

Extending search conditions and ResultSet chaining

As mentioned in Chapter 4, ResultSets are used to store the conditions to create database queries. This means that a ResultSet object can be passed around and used to collect conditions and attributes, before running the query.

Suppose we're building a list of unwanted words to search for in realnames of users, and then later filter the search to only certain email domains, we can add to the condition later by calling search again on the returned ResultSet. This returns a new ResultSet containing the merged conditions.

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");
my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');

## Add initial conditions ... 

my @badwords = ('john', 'joe', 'joseph');
my $badusers_rs = $users_rs->search({
  realname => [ map { { 'like' => "%$_%"} } @badwords ],

## And later ...

my $filtered_badwords_rs = $badwords_rs->search({
  email => { '-like' => '' }

Our query will now be:

SELECT, me.realname, me.username, me.password,
FROM users
WHERE me.realname LIKE '%john%' OR me.realname LIKE '%joe%' OR me.realname LIKE '%joseph%' AND email LIKE '';

To re-iterate, search does not change the ResultSet it was called on, just returns a new ResultSet object with the conditions merged into the existing set.

Conditions and attributes are either merged or replaced according to these rules.

  • Search conditions - merged into existing using AND.

  • where attribute - merged using AND.

  • having attribute - merged using AND.

  • join, prefetch, +columns, +select, +as are merged into existing attributes.

All other attributes replaced with the newly supplied values.

You can always call search on an existing ResultSet to add or change conditions or attributes, to extend the query.

Preserving original conditions (subselects)

Extending queries can sometimes have unexpected results, suppose ... # need an example for this!

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");
my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');

$users_rs->search({ some conds })->as_subselect_rs->search({ more filtering });

Data set manipulation (and ResultSet extension)

The SQL language has a whole host of set operations to help manipulate results and make the database software do as much work as possible for you. You may of course prefer to do these in Perl, its up to you. DBIx::Class doesn't currently simplify the use of these directly, however there is a module on CPAN which supplies them.

To use the UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT keywords, install the DBIx::Class::Helpers module from CPAN.

Using these constructs we can glue together the results of arbitrary resultsets. For example, if we want to allow users to search for either usernames or post titles (or contents), we can UNION together several resultsets. Take care to select the same number of columns in the resultsets.

To add new methods to our ResultSet classes, we will need to create our own ResultSet subclass. This will simply inherit from the existing default DBIx::Class::ResultSet class, and add the Helper component. Put this in the MyBlog/Schema/ResultSet/ file:

package MyBlog::Schema::ResultSet::User;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';



Now we can use the Helper methods provided. First, create some resultsets to query each of the fields we wish to search on:

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");
my $post_rs = $schema->resultset('Post');
my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');

my $title_rs = $post_rs->search(
        'columns' => ['id', { search => \'title as search'} ,{ tablename => \'"Post" as tablename'}], 

my $content_rs = $post_rs->search(
        'columns' => ['id', { search => \'post as search'}, { tablename => \'"Post" as tablename'} ],

my $username_rs = $users_rs->search(
        'columns' => [ 'id', { search => \'username as search'} , { tablename => \'"User" as tablename'}],

my $realname_rs = $users_rs->search(
        'columns' => [ 'id', { search => \'realname as search'}, { tablename => \'"User" as tablename'}],

[%# may be able to remove this para at somepoint.. %] To ensure that the resultset results will be consistant, the union code checks that the result_class of its arguments are all the same. (See below) As we're using different sources to union we set the result_class here:


Then create the union and the actual search query:

my $search_term = 'fred';
my $datasearch_rs = $username_rs->union([$realname_rs, $title_rs, $content_rs])->search({
  'search' => { '-like' => $search_term },

To actually get the results we need to introduce another new technique, replacing the class that is used to create the Result objects. In normal use this creates an instance of of your Result class (which derives from DBIx::Class::Row). Using the Result class for User here will not work as the names of our columns don't match the columns defined in the class. DBIx::Class installs one alternative Result class generator for you, DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator, which causes the methods next, find and all to return a hashref of the results instead of an object. We add it to the ResultSet using result_class.


while( my $match = $datasearch_rs->next) {
  ## Enough data to create a link to the user/post of the match
  print "Found: $match->{source}, $match->{id}, value: $match->{search}\n";

The SQL we get looks like this:

SELECT,, me.tablename 
  SELECT, username as search, "User" as tablename 
  FROM users me 
  SELECT, realname as search, "User" as tablename 
  FROM users me 
  SELECT, title as search, "Post" as tablename 
  FROM posts me 
  SELECT, post as search, "Post" as tablename 
  FROM posts me) me 
WHERE ( search LIKE ? )

Which is executed with the placeholders set to: ('fred')

intersect and except can be used in exactly the same way, and produce respectively a set of results which exists in all the queries given, and a set of results that contains all rows in the first query, without any that appear in the subsequent queries.

Your turn, find all user except those with no posts

This is an alternative way to get the same results we had with group_by and having. First create a query to fetch all the users, then use the except method provided by DBIx::Class::Helpers to subtract the users with no posts.

You can find this test in the file users_with_posts.t.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

use Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest;
use Test::More;

package Test::ResultSet;
use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet';
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' => qw/method_calls/);

sub new {
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

## Count how many times except is called
sub except {
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

package main;

unlink 't/var/myblog.db';
my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:t/var/myblog.db');
foreach my $source ($schema->sources) {
my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');
## Add some initial data:
my @users = $users_rs->populate([
  realname => 'Fred Bloggs',
  username => 'fred',
  password => Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest->new(algorithm => "SHA-1", salt_random => 20, passphrase=>'mypass'),
  email    => '[email protected]',
  posts    => [
    {  title => 'Post 1', post => 'Post 1 content', created_date => DateTime->new(year => 2012, month => 01, day => 01) },
    {  title => 'Post 2', post => 'Post 2 content', created_date => DateTime->new(year => 2012, month => 01, day => 03) },
  realname => 'Joe Bloggs',
  username => 'joe',
  password => Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest->new(algorithm => "SHA-1", salt_random => 20, passphrase=>'sillypassword'),
  email    => '[email protected]',
  realname => 'Jane Bloggs',
  username => 'jane',
  password => Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest->new(algorithm => "SHA-1", salt_random => 20, passphrase=>'sillypassword'),
  email    => '[email protected]',
  posts    => [
    {  title => 'Post 3', post => 'Post 3 content', created_date => DateTime->new(year => 2012, month => 01, day => 05) },
    {  title => 'Post 4', post => 'Post 4 content', created_date => DateTime->new(year => 2012, month => 01, day => 07) },

### Users and their earliest posts
## Your code goes here:
my $users_with_posts_rs;

## Your code end
is($users_rs->method_calls->{except}, 1, 'Called "except" just once');
is($$users_with_posts_rs->count, 2, 'Found 2 users');
my $row = $$users_with_posts_rs->next;
ok($row->isa('MyBlog::Schema::Result::User'), 'Found user objects');
ok($row->username eq 'fred' || $row->username eq 'jane', 
  'Found users with posts, 1st user');
$row = $earliest_rs->next;
ok($row->username eq 'fred' || $row->username eq 'jane',
  'Found users with posts, 2nd user');


Real or virtual Views and stored procedures

SQL database systems provide two ways to store predefined queries in the database. Views consist of a stored query, which can be used just like a table in SELECT statements. The underlying query is run when needed to fetch the data.

As views are used similarly to tables, you can just create a normal Result class, as described in , using the name of the view as the table argument.

WARNING: Although this may make the view look like a table, it may not allow you to run any of the methods to remove or alter the data, such as update and delete. Whether these work will depend on the structure of the query, and the database system you are using.

DBIx::Class also provides a specialised View class which can store the actual query behind the view, and thus allow it to be deployed (output a CREATE VIEW statement), along with all the tables. Instead of deploying the view or representing an actual view defined in the database, it can also define a virtual view, a query just stored in the DBIx::Class schema.

To create a View class to represent posts together with the username of the user that wrote them, we can create the PostsAndUser class:

1. package MyBlog::Schema::Result::PostsAndUser;

2. use strict;
3. use warnings;

4. use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;

5. __PACKAGE__->table_class('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View');

6. __PACKAGE__->table('posts_and_user');
7. __PACKAGE__->result_source_instance->is_virtual(1);
9. __PACKAGE__->result_source_instance->view_definition(
10.  "SELECT id, title, post, created_date, username, realname FROM posts JOIN users ON posts.user_id = WHERE = ?"
11. );

12. __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
13.   'id' => {
14.   data_type => 'integer',
16. },
17.   'title' => {
18.   data_type => 'varchar',
19.   size => 255,
20. },
21.  'post => {
22.   data_type => 'text',
23. },
24.  'created_date' => {
25.  data_type => 'datetime',
26. },
27.  'username' => {
28.   data_type => 'varchar',
29.   size => 255,
30. },
31.  'realname' => {
32.  data_type => 'varchar',
33.  size => 255,
34. },   
35. );

The main differences to the plain Table Result class are:

5. __PACKAGE__->table_class('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View');

Line 5 sets the type of the Result class to be a View instead of the default Table class.

7. __PACKAGE__->result_source_instance->is_virtual(1);

Line 7 uses the is_virtual method to define this as a DBIx::Class level view, not a view in the database. Note that only virtual views can contain placeholders.

9. __PACKAGE__->result_source_instance->view_definition(
10.  "SELECT id, title, post, created_date, username, realname FROM posts JOIN users ON posts.user_id = WHERE users.username = ?"
11. );

Lines 9 to 11 actually set the query used for the view.

We can use the view just like a normal query, providing the value for the placeholder parameter in the bind attribute:

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");

my $posts_and_users_rs = $schema->resultset('PostsAndUser');
my $freds_posts = $posts_and_users_rs->search({}, { bind => ['fred'] });

This would run the SQL:

SELECT, me.title,, me.created_date, me.username, me.realname
  SELECT id, title, post, created_date, username, realname
  FROM posts
  JOIN users ON posts.user_id =
  users.username = ?


Using the placeholders: ( 'fred' )

Stored procedures are SQL code stored in the database that can run quite complex programs to create, update and otherwise manipulate data. They can return either single values, or a set of rows.

DBIx::Class doesn't provide any specific support for stored procedures, however they may be used as the content of a virtual view (returning a set), or as a function (returning single values).

Preventing race conditions with transactions and locking

When accessing the database using multiple processes or clients, such as when writing a multi-user application or website, creates the possibility of race conditions. In our MyBlog schema, these can happen if, for example, two users attempt to create a new user with the same username, at the same time.

## First user:
my $user = $users_rs->find_or_new({
   username => 'fredbloggs',
   realname => 'Fred Bloggs',
   password => 'something daft',
   email    => '[email protected]',

if(!$user->in_storage) { # New user
} else {
  warn "fredblogs already exists!"

## Second user:
my $user = $users_rs->find_or_new({
   username => 'fredbloggs',
   realname => 'Fred Bloggs',
   password => 'summat daft',
   email    => '[email protected]',
if(!$user->in_storage) { # New user
} else {
  warn "fredblogs already exists!"

On the surface this might seem straight forward, but internally we are running this set of queries:

## First user:
SELECT id, username, realname, password, email 
FROM users 
WHERE username = 'fredbloggs';

-- Do some work

(username, realname, password, email)
VALUES('fredbloggs', 'Fred Bloggs', 'something daft', '[email protected]');

## Second user:
SELECT id, username, realname, password, email 
FROM users 
WHERE username = 'fredbloggs';

-- Do some work

(username, realname, password, email)
VALUES('fredbloggs', 'Fred Bloggs', 'summat daft', '[email protected]');

We obviously intend for these to run first user, then second user, and for the second one to get an error that a user named 'fredbloggs' already exists. What may happen is that the SELECT statements run first and both return a result of 'no such user yet'. To ensure the statements for each user creation run together, we need to start a transaction, using the txn_do method:

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");
my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');

$schema->txn_do( sub {
  my $user = $users_rs->find_or_new({
     username => 'fredbloggs',
     realname => 'Fred Bloggs',
     password => 'something daft',
     email    => '[email protected]',

  # ... Do some work

  if(!$user->in_storage) { # New user
  } else {
    warn "fredbloggs already exists!"

} );

Now we'll get the SQL:

SELECT id, username, realname, password, email 
FROM users 
WHERE username = 'fredbloggs';

-- Do some work

(username, realname, password, email)
VALUES('fredbloggs', 'Fred Bloggs', 'something daft', '[email protected]');


If any of these fail, the entire set of statements is automatically reverted using the ROLLBACK statement.

It's possible that you can't collect all the code you need to run in a transaction in the same place in your code. In this case there are also the bare bones methods txn_begin and txn_commit on the Schema object, which will independently start and end a transaction. Another alternative is the txn_scope_guard method which will return a $guard object. This will issue a rollback if it goes out of scope. Otherwise it can be used to issue a commit statement.

my $schema = MyBlog::Schema->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=myblog", "myuser", "mypassword");
my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');

  my $guard = $schema->txn_scope_guard;

  my $user = $users_rs->find_or_new({
     username => 'fredbloggs',
     realname => 'Fred Bloggs',
     password => 'something daft',
     email    => '[email protected]',

  # ... Do some work, pass $user and $guard around ...

  if(!$user->in_storage) { # New user
  } else {
    warn "fredbloggs already exists!"


Transactions may be also be nested.


  1. Turn Perl data structures into SQL statements,

  2. An alternate name for a table, used in SQL to shorten or differentiate table names. In use it is placed after the name of the table, for example: FROM users_table users or JOIN mylongpoststable posts in which "users" and "posts" are the aliases.