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File metadata and controls

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#Beginners' guide to viral population inference

Input data


454 data comes in different formats, depending on your sequencing service provider.


Convert your SFF to fastq with sff2fastq input.sff -o input.fastq
sff2fastq can be installed with:

git clone git://;
cd sff2fastq;

Sometimes the sequences and quality scores are in different files, as input.fna and input.qual. These can be merged into one single fastq file.
For this, a Python script is available:

from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import PairedFastaQualIterator
import sys
name = sys.argv[1]
handle = open(name+".fastq", "w") #w=write
records = PairedFastaQualIterator(open(name+".fna"), open(name+".qual"))
count = SeqIO.write(records, handle, "fastq")
print "Converted %i records" % count

Save this code as and execute it with python input and a input.fastq will be created.


These formats can be used directly.


Illumina data is provided in the FASTQ format. If you used a MiSeq sequencing platform,
you might get paired-end data with two files input_R1_001.fastq and input_R2_001.fastq.


The most reliable PacBio data are CCS (circular consesus sequences). These files are often called input.ccs.fastq. It is recommended to use the FASTQ.


###InDelFixer The key to a good results is a high quality alignment of the input data. For this case InDelFixer will be used.
InDelFixer can be downloaded with:


An alignment can be computed with:

java -jar InDelFixer.jar -i input.fastq -g referenceGenomes.fasta

or with paired-end data:

java -jar InDelFixer.jar -i input_R1_001.fastq -ir input_R2_001.fastq -g referenceGenomes.fasta

For further information on InDelFixer see

###BWA BWA is a good alternative to create an alignment with following bash script:

function alignMem () {
    bwa index -a bwtsw $2;
    bwa mem -B 20 -A 3 -O 30 -E 3 -t 79 $2 $1 $3 > aln.sam;
    samtools faidx $2;
    samtools view -bt $2.fai aln.sam > aln.bam;
    samtools sort aln.bam aln-sorted;
    samtools index aln-sorted.bam;
    rm aln.sam aln.bam;
    samtools view -bq 1 -F 4 aln-sorted.bam > reads.bam;
    rm aln*;
    samtools index reads.bam

Single read alignment: alignMem input.fastq reference.fasta
Paired-end read alignment: alignMem input1.fastq reference.fasta input.fastq

###Quality control ALWAYS look at the alignment with your own eyes, to check the quality, for example with Tablet

##Viral population inference


The coverage is critical for inference and a MINIMAL coverage of 1,000x is recommended to distinguish between sequencing errors and SNPs.
To find low-frequency variants reliably, a coverage of >10,000x is needed.

The lower the coverage, the less reliable to reconstruction.

QuasiRecomb is capable of providing regions with a minimum coverage of 100x, 500x, 1,000x and 10,000x.

java -jar QuasiRecomb.jar -i reads.sam -coverage

00:00:01:266 Compute coverage
00:00:01:268 To create a coverage plot, please execute: R CMD BATCH support/coverage.R
00:00:01:268 A coverage >100x is in region 23-298
00:00:01:268 A coverage >500x is in region 23-267
00:00:01:268 A coverage >1000x is in region 24-142
00:00:01:268 There is no region with a sufficient coverage of >10000x

One of these regions should be used:

java -jar QuasiRecomb.jar -i reads.bam -r 24-142

Usually model-selection is done automatically in the range of 1-5 generators, but in benchmark situations or if the underlying population is too diverse, model-selection for a larger range of generators can be activated with:

java -jar QuasiRecomb.jar -i reads.bam -r 24-142 -K 1-10
Reduce number of false-positive haplotypes

If the distribution of haplotypes in the quasispecies.fasta file is too flat, the number of false-positives can be reduced with executing the same command-line call as before, but this time with an additional -refine. Of course, reducing the number of false-positives is a tradeoff with introducing false-negatives.

java -jar QuasiRecomb.jar -i reads.sam -r 24-142
java -jar QuasiRecomb.jar -i reads.sam -r 24-142 -refine