an imitation orm from gorm crorm supports basic CRUD operations based on mysql while not like gorm you operate mainly by gorm.DB, crorm do most operations in crorm.Table
you can configure your mysql connection info using DBConfig struct
type DBConfig struct {
UserName string
UserPassword string
Port string
IP string
DBName string
// after configuration, connect
db, err := Open(standardConfig)
In crorm, you can choose a existed table, create a new table or override an old one. all of the operation returns the table links, or returns the error if there is type mismatch or something wrong to get table information
// pure create table operation followed by the type of standard struct
table, err := db.CreateTable(&standardStruct)
// if the table already exists(have the same name), crorm will just override it
table, err := db.CreateOrOverrideTable(&standardStruct)
// crorm will search for the existed table in the database, and returns table information if all the name and type matches(following a very strict rule)
table, err := db.Sync(&standardStruct)