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Ultra-Lightweight Microservices for the JVM
-- by Graeme Rocher
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- Creator of Grails (
- Creator of Micronaut (
- Author "The Definitive Guide to Grails"
- Senior Engineer at Object Computing (
- 2018 Oracle Groundbreaker Award Winner
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- How we got here
- Microservice Challenges
- Microservice Framework Lanscape
- Micronaut Demos
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- Since 2008, a lot has changed
- 10 Years is a long time in technology
- Everybody was building Monoliths
- No Angular, No React, No Docker, No Microservices
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- Let's try adapt existing legacy technologies for Microservices
- Technologies like Spring, Jakarta EE etc were never optimized for low memory footprint Microservices
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Shall we:
- Try and convince people that something never designed for Microservices is still ok?
- Go back to the drawing board
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- Create a New Framework designed from the ground-up for Microservices and Serverless Computing
- Blazing fast startup time
- Low Memory Footprint
- As Small As Possible JAR Sizes
- Zero Dependency
- 12 Factor -
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To meet this goal we performed an analysis of Spring and Grails and the challenges to using them to develop Microservice applications
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Spring is an amazing technical achievement and does so many things, but does them at Runtime.
- Reads the byte code of every bean it finds
- Synthesizes new annotations for each annotation on each bean method, constructor, field etc. to support Annotation metadata
- Builds Reflective Metadata for each bean for every method, constructor, field etc.
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- Frameworks based on reflection and annotations become fat
- But we love the programming model and productivity so we live with it
- So ... why should we be more efficient?
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- The Android Community already solved the problem
- Ahead of Time Compilation used extensively
- Google Dagger 2.x
- Compile Time Dependency Injector
- Reflection Free
- Limited in Scope to just DI
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- Designed from the ground up with Microservices in mind
- Ultra-light weight and Reactive - Based on Netty
- Uses Ahead of Time Compilation
- HTTP Client & Server
- Support for Java, Kotlin and Groovy
- Hello Micronaut
class HelloController {
String hello(String name) { return "Hello " + name; }
@Client("/") // Client Generated at Compile Time
interface HelloClient {
String hello(String name);
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- Smallest Micronaut Hello World JAR is 10MB when written Java or 12MB in Groovy
- Can be run with as little as 10mb Max Heap with Kotlin or Java (22mb for Groovy)
- Startup time around a second for Kotlin or Java (a little more for Groovy)
- All Dependency Injection, AOP and Proxy generation happens at compile time
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- All Dependency & Configuration Injection
- Annotation Metadata (Meta annotations)
- AOP Proxies
- Essentially all framework infrastructure
- ie. What Spring/CDI do at runtime
- Essentially, Micronaut is a AOT framework
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- New Little HTTP Frameworks appearing all the time
- If all we had achieved was another HTTP server Micronaut wouldn't be very interesting
- What else does it do?
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- Service Discovery - Consul, Eureka, Route 53 and Kubernetes
- Configuration Sharing - Consul Supported and Amazon ParameterStore
- Client Side Load Balancing - Integrated or Netflix Ribbon Supported
- Support for Serverless Computing; AWS Lambda, OpenFaas, Fn Supported; Azure coming
- Micronaut Pet Store
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- Write Functions and Run them locally or as regular server applications
- Deploy Functions to AWS Lambda - after warm-up functions execute in milliseconds
@Field @Inject Twitter twitter
URL updateStatus(Message status) {
Status s = twitter.updateStatus(status.text)
String url = "$s.user.screenName/status/${}"
return new URL(url)
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- New Polyglot VM from Oracle
- Runs JS, Java, Ruby, R etc.
- Ability to turn Java code native
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- Works well when:
- Little or no runtime reflection is used
- Limited or no dynamic classloading
- You plan ahead
- You use third party libraries selectively
- Micronaut + GraalVM
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- Like Graal itself at the Experimental Phase
- Mirconaut AOT compilation and refection free model makes it easier
- A lot of Micronaut already working:
- HTTP Server, Client & Serverless
- Service Discovery
- DI and AOP
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- Compile Time DI & AOP
- HTTP Client & Server
- Service Discovery
- Distributed Tracing
- Serverless Functions
- Data Access: SQL, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra etc.
- The Micronaut CLI now available via SDKman!
$ curl -s "" | bash
$ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
$ sdk install micronaut
$ mn create-app hello-world
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- Gitter Community:
- User Guide:
- Micronaut Guides:
- FAQ:
- Github:
- Examples:
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- Loads of upcoming Events
- Checkout -
- Webinar
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- Micronaut aims to provide the same wow factor for Microservices that Grails did for Monoliths
- Built by the people that made Grails, leveraging over 10 years experience in framework development
- Uses Ahead of Time Compilation to support low-memory footprint
- Micronaut 1.0 is available now