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ContosoCrafts - DaprCon Demo

This sample shows a more in-depth setup for integrating Dapr into an existing application. It includes a variety of [#Infrastructure-Components], and also uses docker-compose to orchestrate every thing locally.


You'll need to have the follow installed to propperly run the demo.

Spinning up the environment

First, spin up the supporting [#Infrastructure-Components]. Run these commands in the demo2 root directory.

> docker-compose -f docker-compose-infra.yml up -d

A temporary folder named contoso_temp will be created in the root directory of the project as a storage location for these components.

Next, launch the application containers and sidecars.

> docker-compose up -d

What's in the box

Application Services

Service Role(s) Exposed local ports
Contoso Website Store front Web UI 80
Products API Products HTTP Web API 81
Checkout Processor Subscribes and processes pub/sub messages

Infrastructure Components

The following components have been configuired to support some of the various Dapr building blocks and logging senarios.

Component Role(s) Exposed local ports
Redis State store 6379
RabbitMQ Message Broker 15672
MongoDB Products database 27017
Zipkin Distributed tracing 9411
Fluent Bit Log forwarder 24224, 24220
Seq Log Aggregator 8191, 12201