This sample shows a more in-depth setup for integrating Dapr into an existing application. It includes a variety of [#Infrastructure-Components], and also uses docker-compose to orchestrate every thing locally.
You'll need to have the follow installed to propperly run the demo.
First, spin up the supporting [#Infrastructure-Components]. Run these commands in the demo2 root directory.
> docker-compose -f docker-compose-infra.yml up -d
A temporary folder named contoso_temp will be created in the root directory of the project as a storage location for these components.
Next, launch the application containers and sidecars.
> docker-compose up -d
Service | Role(s) | Exposed local ports |
Contoso Website | Store front Web UI | 80 |
Products API | Products HTTP Web API | 81 |
Checkout Processor | Subscribes and processes pub/sub messages |
The following components have been configuired to support some of the various Dapr building blocks and logging senarios.
Component | Role(s) | Exposed local ports |
Redis | State store | 6379 |
RabbitMQ | Message Broker | 15672 |
MongoDB | Products database | 27017 |
Zipkin | Distributed tracing | 9411 |
Fluent Bit | Log forwarder | 24224, 24220 |
Seq | Log Aggregator | 8191, 12201 |