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Azure Monitor Integration

Scrape Prometheus Metrics Endpoints

SAS Viya components are natively instrumented to expose a Prometheus-compatible HTTP or HTTPS metrics endpoint. This sample shows how to configure Azure Monitor to automatically discover and scrape these endpoints.

See the Azure documentation to understand how Azure Monitor discovers and scrapes endpoints.

Follow these steps to enable Azure Monitor for your cluster.

  1. Download the template ConfigMap yaml.

  2. Customize the prometheus-data-collection-settings section. Use the yaml file provided in this sample here as a guide. Recommended changes include:

  • interval - Update from 1m to 30s (recommended, but not required)

  • monitor_kubernetes_pods - Set to true.

  • monitor_kubernetes_pods - Set to true to enable Azure Monitor to auto-discover pods to monitor, based on the standard Prometheus annotations. SAS Viya components that expose metrics endpoints should include these annotations:

  • - true or false

  • - path to metrics endpoint

  • metrics port

  • http or https

  1. After customizing the template, apply it to the cluster by using this command:
kubectl apply -f /path/to/container-azm-ms-agentconfig.yaml

Note: It might take 3-5 minutes for the monitoring agents to restart and for data collection to begin.

Example Queries - Metrics

The following are some sample queries that demonstrate how you can visualize the newly collected Prometheus metric data.

go_threads for sas-folders

| where Namespace == "prometheus"
| where Name == "go_threads"
| where parse_json(Tags).app == "sas-folders"

Show Resident Memory for a Service in MB

| extend T=parse_json(Tags)
| extend App=tostring(
| where Namespace == "prometheus"
| where Name == "process_resident_memory_bytes"
| project TimeGenerated, Name, App, ResidentMemoryMB=Val/1024/1024
| render timechart

Show a Metric across Multiple Services

| where Namespace == "prometheus"
| where Name == "go_threads"
| project TimeGenerated, tostring(App = parse_json(Tags).app), Val
| render timechart

Show sas_* Metrics for a Service

| where Namespace == "prometheus"
| where Name matches regex "sas_"
| where parse_json(Tags).app == "sas-folders"
| extend App = tostring(App = parse_json(Tags).app)
| project TimeGenerated, Name, App, Val
| render timechart

Show Used Memory for a SAS Go Service

| extend App = tostring(App = parse_json(Tags).app)
| where Namespace == "prometheus"
| where Name == "go_memstats_alloc_bytes"
| where App == "sas-folders"
| extend Pod = tostring(parse_json(Tags).pod_name)
| project TimeGenerated, Name, App, Tags, Pod, MemUsageMB=Val/1024.0/1024.0
| render timechart

Calculate Rate

| extend App = tostring(App = parse_json(Tags).app)
| where Namespace == "prometheus"
| where Name == "process_cpu_seconds_total"
| where App == "sas-folders"
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
| extend nextVal = next(Val,1,-1)
| extend diff=iif(nextVal==-1,0.0,Val - nextVal)
| project TimeGenerated, Name, App, CPUCores=diff
| render timechart

Example Queries - Logs

//KubePodInventory Contains namespace information
| join(KubePodInventory| where TimeGenerated > startofday(ago(6h))) on ContainerID
| extend L=parse_json(LogEntry)
| where L.source matches regex "sas-.+"
| where L.level == "warn" or L.level == "error" or L.level == "fatal"
| where TimeGenerated > startofday(ago(3h))
| project TimeGenerated ,Namespace, L.level, L.source, L.message

Example Queries - Events

| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| where not(isempty(Namespace))
| where KubeEventType == "Warning"
| project TimeGenerated, Namespace, ObjectKind, Name, Reason, Message, FirstSeen, LastSeen, Count, Computer, ClusterName
| top 200 by TimeGenerated desc

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