# ARI History

The change notes listed here are extracted from the `CHANGES` and `UPGRADE-#.txt`
files from the Asterisk source tree. A copy of the full files can be found
[in the Asterisk github mirror](https://github.com/asterisk/asterisk).
This file is a lens into the ARI changes made to Asterisk since ARI was
introduced in Asterisk 12.

#### Asterisk 18.0.0

-   A new parameter `inhibitConnectedLineUpdates` is now available in the
    `bridges.addChannel` call. This prevents the identity of the newly connected
    channel from being presented to other bridge members.

-   The Channel resource has a new sub-resource `externalMedia`. This allows an
    application to create a channel for the sole purpose of exchanging media
    with an external server. Once created, this channel could be placed into a
    bridge with existing channels to allow the external server to inject audio
    into the bridge or receive audio from the bridge. See
    for more information.

-   Adds support for AudioSocket, a very simple bidirectional audio streaming
    protocol. There are both channel and application interfaces.

    A description of the protocol can be found on the referenced wiki page. A
    short talk about the reasons and implementation can be found on YouTube at
    the link provided.

    ARI support has also been added via the existing `externalMedia` ARI
    functionality. The UUID is specified using the arbitrary `data` field.

    Wiki: [https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/AudioSocket](https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/AudioSocket)
    YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjduXbZZEgI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjduXbZZEgI)

-   In order to reduce the amount of AMI and ARI events generated, the global
    "Message/ast_msg_queue" channel can be set to suppress its normal channel
    housekeeping events such as "Newexten", "VarSet", etc. This can greatly
    reduce load on the manager and ARI applications when the Digium Phone Module
    for Asterisk is in use. To enable, set "hide_messaging_ami_events" in
    asterisk.conf to "yes" In Asterisk versions <18, the default is "no"
    preserving existing behavior. Beginning with Asterisk 18, the option will
    default to "yes".

-   When creating a channel in ARI using the `create` call you can now specify
    dialplan variables to be set as part of the same operation.

#### Asterisk 16.3.0

-   Application event filtering is now supported. An application can now specify
    an "allowed" and/or "disallowed" list(s) of event types. Only those types
    indicated in the "allowed" list are sent to the application. Conversely, any
    types defined in the "disallowed" list are not sent to the application. Note
    that if a type is specified in both lists "disallowed" takes precedence.

-   A new REST API call has been added: 'move'. It follows the format
    'channels/{channelId}/move' and can be used to move channels from one application
    to another without needing to exit back into the dialplan. An application must be
    specified, but the passing a list of arguments to the new application is optional.
    An example call would look like this:

    client.channels.move(channelId=chan.id, app='ari-example', appArgs='a,b,c')

    If the channel was inside of a bridge when switching applications, it will
    remain there. If the application specified cannot be moved to, then the channel
    will remain in the current application and an event will be triggered named
    "ApplicationMoveFailed", which will provide the destination application's name
    and the channel information.

#### Asterisk 16.2.0

-   Whenever an ARI application is started, a context will be created for it
    automatically as long as one does not already exist, following the format
    'stasis-<app_name>'. Two extensions are also added to this context: a match-all
    extension, and the 'h' extension. Any phone that registers under this context
    will place all calls to the corresponding Stasis application.

#### Asterisk 16

-   The ContactInfo event's contact_status field is now set to "NonQualified"
    when a contact exists but has not been qualified.

#### Asterisk 14.3.0

-   The `ari set debug` command has been enhanced to accept 'all' as an
    application name. This allows dumping of all apps even if an app
    hasn't registered yet.

-   `ari set debug` now displays requests and responses as well as events.

#### Asterisk 14.2.0

-   The bridges resource now exposes two new operations:

    -   `POST /bridges/{bridgeId}/videoSource/{channelId}`: Set a video source in a
        multi-party mixing bridge
    -   `DELETE /bridges/{bridgeId}/videoSource`: Remove the set video source,
        reverting to talk detection for the video source

-   The bridge model in any returned response or event now contains the following
    optional fields: - `video_mode`: the video source mode for the bridge. Can be one of 'none',
    'talker', or 'single'. - `video_source_id`: the unique ID of the channel that is the video source
    in this bridge, if one exists.

-   A new event, BridgeVideoSourceChanged, has been added for bridges.
    Applications subscribed to a bridge will receive this event when the source
    of video changes in a mixing bridge.

-   The ARI major version has been bumped. There are not any known breaking changes
    in ARI. The major version has been bumped because otherwise we can end up with
    overlapping version numbers between different Asterisk versions. Now each major
    version of Asterisk will bring with it a change in the major version of ARI.
    The ARI version in Asterisk 14 is now 2.0.0.

-   Three new CLI commands have been added for ARI:
    -   `ari show apps`: Displays a listing of all registered ARI applications.
    -   `ari show app <name>`: Display detailed information about a registered ARI
    -   `ari set debug <name> <on|off>`: Enable/disable debugging of an ARI
        application. When debugged, verbose information will be sent to the Asterisk
-   The configuration file ari.conf now supports a channelvars option, which
    specifies a list of channel variables to include in each channel-oriented
    ARI event.

#### Asterisk 14.1.0

-   ARI events will all now include a new field in the root of the JSON message,
    'asterisk_id'. This will be the unique ID for the Asterisk system
    transmitting the event. The value can be overridden using the 'entityid'
    setting in asterisk.conf.

#### Asterisk 14.0.0

-   A new ARI method has been added to the channels resource. "create" allows for
    you to create a new channel and place that channel into a Stasis application.
    This is similar to origination except that the specified channel is not
    dialed. This allows for an application writer to create a channel, perform
    manipulations on it, and then delay dialing the channel until later.

-   To complement the "create" method, a "dial" method has been added to the
    channels resource in order to place a call to a created channel.

-   All operations that initiate playback of media on a resource now support
    a list of media URIs. The list of URIs are played in the order they are
    presented to the resource. A new event, "PlaybackContinuing", is raised when
    a media URI finishes but before the next media URI starts. When a list is
    played, the "Playback" model will contain the optional attribute
    "next_media_uri", which specifies the next media URI in the list to be played
    back to the resource. The "PlaybackFinished" event is raised when all media
    URIs are done.

-   Stored recordings now allow for the media associated with a stored recording
    to be retrieved. The new route, GET /recordings/stored/{name}/file, will
    transmit the raw media file to the requester as binary.

-   "Dial" events have been modified to not only be sent when dialing begins and ends.
    They now are also sent for intermediate states, such as "RINGING", "PROGRESS", and

-   The policy for when to send "Dial" events has changed. Previously, "Dial"
    events were sent on the calling channel's topic. However, starting in Asterisk
    14, if there is no calling channel on which to send the event, the event is
    instead sent on the called channel's topic. Note that for the ARI channels
    resource's dial operation, this means that the "Dial" events will always be
    sent on the called channel's topic.

#### Asterisk 13.10.0

-   Added 'formats' to channel create/originate to allow setting the allowed
    formats for a channel when no originator channel is available. Especially
    useful for Local channel creation where no other format information is
    available. 'core show codecs' can now be used to look up suitable format

#### Asterisk 13.6.0

-   Two new endpoint related events are now available: PeerStatusChange and
    ContactStatusChange. In particular, these events are useful when subscribing
    to all event sources, as they provide additional endpoint related
    information beyond the addition/removal of channels from an endpoint.

-   Added the ability to subscribe to all ARI events in Asterisk, regardless
    of whether the application 'controls' the resource. This is useful for
    scenarios where an ARI application merely wants to observe the system,
    as opposed to control it. There are two ways to accomplish this:

        1. Via the WebSocket connection URI. A new query parameter, 'subscribeAll',
        has been added that, when present and True, will subscribe all
        specified applications to all ARI event sources in Asterisk.

        2. Via the applications resource. An ARI client can, at any time, subscribe
        to all resources in an event source merely by not providing an explicit
        resource. For example, subscribing to an event source of 'channels:'
        as opposed to 'channels:12345' will subscribe the application to all

-   A new feature has been added to the Asterisk resource that allows for
    log channels to be manipulated.

#### Asterisk 13.5.0

-   A new feature has been added that enables the retrieval of modules and
    module information through an HTTP request. Information on a single module
    can be also be retrieved. Individual modules can be loaded to Asterisk, as
    well as unloaded and reloaded.

-   A new resource has been added to the 'asterisk' resource, 'config/dynamic'.
    This resource allows for push configuration of sorcery derived objects
    within Asterisk. The resource supports creation, retrieval, updating, and
    deletion. Sorcery derived objects that are manipulated by this resource
    must have a sorcery wizard that supports the desired operations.

#### Asterisk 13.4.0

-   Two new events, 'ChannelHold' and 'ChannelUnhold', have been added to the
    events data model. These events are raised when a channel indicates a hold
    or unhold, respectively.

#### Asterisk 13.3.0

-   The ARI /channels resource now supports a new operation, 'redirect'. The
    redirect operation will perform a technology and state specific redirection
    on the channel to a specified endpoint or destination. In the case of SIP
    technologies, this is either a 302 Redirect response to an on-going INVITE
    dialog or a SIP REFER request.

#### Asterisk 13.2.0

-   The Originate operation now takes in an originator channel. The linked ID of
    this originator channel is applied to the newly originated outgoing channel.
    If using CEL this allows an association to be established between the two so
    it can be recognized that the originator is dialing the originated channel.

-   "language" (the default spoken language for the channel) is now included in
    the standard channel state output for suitable events.

-   The POST channels/{id} operation and the POST channels/{id}/continue operation
    now have a new "label" parameter. This allows for origination or continuation
    to a labeled priority in the dialplan instead of requiring a specific priority
    number. The ARI version has been bumped to 1.7.0 as a result.

#### Asterisk 13.1.0

-   Event ChannelConnectedLine is emitted when the connected line information
    on a channel changes.

#### Asterisk 13.0.0

-   A bug fix in bridge creation has caused a behavioural change in how
    subscriptions are created for bridges. A bridge created through ARI, does
    not, by itself, have a subscription created for any particular Stasis
    application. When a channel in a Stasis application joins a bridge, an
    implicit event subscription is created for that bridge as well. Previously,
    when a channel left such a bridge, the subscription was leaked; this allowed
    for later bridge events to continue to be pushed to the subscribed
    applications. That leak has been fixed; as a result, bridge events that were
    delivered after a channel left the bridge are no longer delivered. An
    application must subscribe to a bridge through the applications resource if
    it wishes to receive all events related to a bridge.

#### Asterisk 12.5.0

-   Stored recordings now support a new operation, copy. This will take an
    existing stored recording and copy it to a new location in the recordings

-   LiveRecording objects now have three additional fields that can be reported
    in a RecordingFinished ARI event:

    -   total_duration: the duration of the recording
    -   talking_duration: optional. The duration of talking detected in the
        recording. This is only available if max_silence_seconds was specified
        when the recording was started.
    -   silence_duration: optional. The duration of silence detected in the
        recording. This is only available if max_silence_seconds was specified
        when the recording was started.
        Note that all duration values are reported in seconds.

-   Users of ARI can now send and receive out of call text messages. Messages
    can be sent directly to a particular endpoint, or can be sent to the
    endpoints resource directly and inferred from the URI scheme. Text
    messages are passed to ARI clients as TextMessageReceived events. ARI
    clients can choose to receive text messages by subscribing to the particular
    endpoint technology or endpoints that they are interested in.

-   The applications resource now supports subscriptions to all endpoints of
    a particular channel technology. For example, subscribing to an eventSource
    of 'endpoint:PJSIP' will subscribe to all PJSIP endpoints.

#### Asterisk 12.4.0

-   New event models have been aded for the TALK_DETECT function. When the
    function is used on a channel, ChannelTalkingStarted/ChannelTalkingFinished
    events will be emitted to connected WebSockets subscribed to the channel,
    indicating the start/stop of talking on the channel.

#### Asterisk 12.3.0

-   A new Playback URI 'tone' has been added. Tones are specified either as
    an indication name (e.g. 'tone:busy') from indications.conf or as a tone
    pattern (e.g. 'tone:240/250,0/250'). Tones differ from normal playback
    URIs in that they must be stopped manually and will continue to occupy
    a channel's ARI control queue until they are stopped. They also can not
    be rewound or fastforwarded.

-   User events can now be generated from ARI. Events can be signalled with
    arbitrary json variables, and include one or more of channel, bridge, or
    endpoint snapshots. An application must be specified which will receive
    the event message (other applications can subscribe to it). The message
    will also be delivered via AMI provided a channel is attached. Dialplan
    generated user event messages are still transmitted via the channel, and
    will only be received by a stasis application they are attached to or if
    the channel is subscribed to.

#### Asterisk 12.2.0

-   The live recording object on recording events now contains a target_uri
    field which contains the URI of what is being recorded.

-   The bridge type used when creating a bridge is now a comma separated list of
    bridge properties. Valid options are: mixing, holding, dtmf_events, and

-   A channelId can now be provided when creating a channel, either in the
    uri (POST channels/my-channel-id) or as query parameter. A local channel
    will suffix the second channel id with ';2' unless provided as query
    parameter otherChannelId.

-   A bridgeId can now be provided when creating a bridge, either in the uri
    (POST bridges/my-bridge-id) or as a query parameter.

-   A playbackId can be provided when starting a playback, either in the uri
    (POST channels/my-channel-id/play/my-playback-id /
    POST bridges/my-bridge-id/play/my-playback-id) or as a query parameter.

-   A snoop channel can be started with a snoopId, in the uri or query.

#### Asterisk 12.1.0

-   The Bridge data model now contains the additional fields 'name' and
    'creator'. The 'name' field conveys a descriptive name for the bridge;
    the 'creator' field conveys the name of the entity that created the bridge.
    This affects all responses to HTTP requests that return a Bridge data model
    as well as all event derived data models that contain a Bridge data model.
    The POST /bridges operation may now optionally specify a name to give to
    the bridge being created.

-   Added a new ARI resource 'mailboxes' which allows the creation and
    modification of mailboxes managed by external MWI. Modules res_mwi_external
    and res_stasis_mailbox must be enabled to use this resource. For more
    information on external MWI control, see res_mwi_external.

-   Added new events for externally initiated transfers. The event
    BridgeBlindTransfer is now raised when a channel initiates a blind transfer
    of a bridge in the ARI controlled application to the dialplan; the
    BridgeAttendedTransfer event is raised when a channel initiates an
    attended transfer of a bridge in the ARI controlled application to the

-   Channel variables may now be specified as a body parameter to the
    POST /channels operation. The 'variables' key in the JSON is interpreted
    as a sequence of key/value pairs that will be added to the created channel
    as channel variables. Other parameters in the JSON body are treated as
    query parameters of the same name.

#### Asterisk 12.0.0

-   ARI added to Asterisk