diff --git a/core/src/integrationTest/java/org/lflang/tests/RunSingleTest.java b/core/src/integrationTest/java/org/lflang/tests/RunSingleTest.java
index 0200f98183..cbab653e3b 100644
--- a/core/src/integrationTest/java/org/lflang/tests/RunSingleTest.java
+++ b/core/src/integrationTest/java/org/lflang/tests/RunSingleTest.java
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 import org.lflang.tests.runtime.CTest;
 import org.lflang.tests.runtime.CppTest;
 import org.lflang.tests.runtime.PythonTest;
+import org.lflang.tests.runtime.RustRtiTest;
 import org.lflang.tests.runtime.RustTest;
 import org.lflang.tests.runtime.TypeScriptTest;
@@ -90,6 +91,8 @@ private static Class<? extends TestBase> getTestInstance(Target target) {
         return PythonTest.class;
       case Rust:
         return RustTest.class;
+      case RustRti:
+        return RustRtiTest.class;
         throw new IllegalArgumentException();
diff --git a/core/src/integrationTest/java/org/lflang/tests/SimplifiedRuntimeTest.java b/core/src/integrationTest/java/org/lflang/tests/SimplifiedRuntimeTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05ce13845d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/integrationTest/java/org/lflang/tests/SimplifiedRuntimeTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package org.lflang.tests;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import org.lflang.target.Target;
+import org.lflang.tests.TestRegistry.TestCategory;
+ * A collection of JUnit tests to perform on a given set of targets.
+ *
+ * @author Marten Lohstroh
+ * @author Chanhee Lee
+ */
+public abstract class SimplifiedRuntimeTest extends TestBase {
+  /**
+   * Construct a test instance that runs tests for a single target.
+   *
+   * @param target The target to run tests for.
+   */
+  protected SimplifiedRuntimeTest(Target target) {
+    super(target);
+  }
+  /** Whether to enable {@link #runFederatedTests()}. */
+  protected boolean supportsFederatedExecution() {
+    return false;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void runFederatedTestsWithRustRti() {
+    Assumptions.assumeTrue(supportsFederatedExecution(), Message.NO_FEDERATION_SUPPORT);
+    runTestsForTargetsWithRustRti(
+        TestCategory.FEDERATED::equals,
+        Transformers::noChanges,
+        Configurators::noChanges,
+        TestLevel.EXECUTION,
+        false);
+  }
diff --git a/core/src/integrationTest/java/org/lflang/tests/runtime/RustRtiTest.java b/core/src/integrationTest/java/org/lflang/tests/runtime/RustRtiTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90d31a42bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/integrationTest/java/org/lflang/tests/runtime/RustRtiTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019-2024, The University of California at Berkeley.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+ * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ ***************/
+package org.lflang.tests.runtime;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import org.lflang.target.Target;
+import org.lflang.tests.SimplifiedRuntimeTest;
+ * Collection of tests for the C target with Rust RTI.
+ *
+ * <p>Tests that are implemented in the base class are still overridden so that each test can be
+ * easily invoked individually from IDEs with JUnit support like Eclipse and IntelliJ. This is
+ * typically done by right-clicking on the name of the test method and then clicking "Run".*
+ *
+ * @author Marten Lohstroh
+ * @author Chanhee Lee
+ */
+public class RustRtiTest extends SimplifiedRuntimeTest {
+  public RustRtiTest() {
+    super(Target.RustRti);
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected boolean supportsSingleThreadedExecution() {
+    return true;
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected boolean supportsFederatedExecution() {
+    return true;
+  }
+  @Test
+  @Override
+  public void runFederatedTestsWithRustRti() {
+    super.runFederatedTestsWithRustRti();
+  }
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/federated/generator/FedGenerator.java b/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/federated/generator/FedGenerator.java
index 0acf495fc7..792c9f89a0 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/federated/generator/FedGenerator.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/federated/generator/FedGenerator.java
@@ -201,6 +201,97 @@ public boolean doGenerate(Resource resource, LFGeneratorContext context) throws
     return false;
+  /**
+   * Produce LF code for each federate in a separate file, then invoke a target-specific code
+   * generator for each of those files.
+   *
+   * @param resource The resource that has the federated main reactor in it
+   * @param context The context in which to carry out the code generation.
+   * @return False if no errors have occurred, true otherwise.
+   */
+  public boolean doGenerateForRustRTI(Resource resource, LFGeneratorContext context)
+      throws IOException {
+    if (!federatedExecutionIsSupported(resource)) return true;
+    cleanIfNeeded(context);
+    // In a federated execution, we need keepalive to be true,
+    // otherwise a federate could exit simply because it hasn't received
+    // any messages.
+    KeepaliveProperty.INSTANCE.override(targetConfig, true);
+    // Process command-line arguments
+    processCLIArguments(context);
+    // Find the federated reactor
+    Reactor federation = FedASTUtils.findFederatedReactor(resource);
+    // Make sure the RTI host is set correctly.
+    setRTIHost(federation);
+    // Create the FederateInstance objects.
+    ReactorInstance main = createFederateInstances(federation, context);
+    // Insert reactors that split multiports into many ports.
+    insertIndexers(main, resource);
+    // Clear banks so that each bank member becomes a single federate.
+    for (Instantiation instantiation : ASTUtils.allInstantiations(federation)) {
+      instantiation.setWidthSpec(null);
+      instantiation.setWidthSpec(null);
+    }
+    // Find all the connections between federates.
+    // For each connection between federates, replace it in the
+    // AST with an action (which inherits the delay) and three reactions.
+    // The action will be physical for physical connections and logical
+    // for logical connections.
+    replaceFederateConnectionsWithProxies(federation, main, resource);
+    FedEmitter fedEmitter =
+        new FedEmitter(
+            fileConfig,
+            ASTUtils.toDefinition(mainDef.getReactorClass()),
+            messageReporter,
+            rtiConfig);
+    // Generate LF code for each federate.
+    Map<Path, CodeMap> lf2lfCodeMapMap = new HashMap<>();
+    for (FederateInstance federate : federates) {
+      lf2lfCodeMapMap.putAll(fedEmitter.generateFederate(context, federate, federates.size()));
+    }
+    // Do not invoke target code generators if --no-compile flag is used.
+    if (context.getTargetConfig().get(NoCompileProperty.INSTANCE)) {
+      context.finish(Status.GENERATED, lf2lfCodeMapMap);
+      return false;
+    }
+    // If the RTI is to be built locally, set up a build environment for it.
+    prepareRtiBuildEnvironment(context);
+    Map<Path, CodeMap> codeMapMap =
+        compileFederates(
+            context,
+            lf2lfCodeMapMap,
+            subContexts -> {
+              createDockerFiles(context, subContexts);
+              generateLaunchScriptForRustRti();
+              // If an error has occurred during codegen of any federate, report it.
+              subContexts.forEach(
+                  c -> {
+                    if (c.getErrorReporter().getErrorsOccurred()) {
+                      context
+                          .getErrorReporter()
+                          .at(c.getFileConfig().srcFile)
+                          .error("Failure during code generation of " + c.getFileConfig().srcFile);
+                    }
+                  });
+            });
+    context.finish(Status.COMPILED, codeMapMap);
+    return false;
+  }
    * Prepare a build environment for the rti alongside the generated sources of the federates.
@@ -229,6 +320,11 @@ private void generateLaunchScript() {
         .doGenerate(federates, rtiConfig);
+  private void generateLaunchScriptForRustRti() {
+    new FedLauncherGenerator(this.targetConfig, this.fileConfig, this.messageReporter)
+        .doGenerateForRustRTI(federates, new RtiConfig());
+  }
    * Generate a Dockerfile for each federate and a docker-compose.yml for the federation.
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/federated/launcher/FedLauncherGenerator.java b/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/federated/launcher/FedLauncherGenerator.java
index 67cc8085f0..67a0fbe480 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/federated/launcher/FedLauncherGenerator.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/federated/launcher/FedLauncherGenerator.java
@@ -265,6 +265,169 @@ public void doGenerate(List<FederateInstance> federates, RtiConfig rtiConfig) {
+  /**
+   * Create the launcher shell scripts. This will create one or two files in the output path (bin
+   * directory). The first has name equal to the filename of the source file without the ".lf"
+   * extension. This will be a shell script that launches the RTI and the federates. If, in
+   * addition, either the RTI or any federate is mapped to a particular machine (anything other than
+   * the default "localhost" or ""), then this will generate a shell script in the bin
+   * directory with name filename_distribute.sh that copies the relevant source files to the remote
+   * host and compiles them so that they are ready to execute using the launcher.
+   *
+   * <p>A precondition for this to work is that the user invoking this code generator can log into
+   * the remote host without supplying a password. Specifically, you have to have installed your
+   * public key (typically found in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote host.
+   * In addition, the remote host must be running an ssh service. On an Arch Linux system using
+   * systemd, for example, this means running:
+   *
+   * <p>sudo systemctl <start|enable> ssh.service
+   *
+   * <p>Enable means to always start the service at startup, whereas start means to just start it
+   * this once.
+   *
+   * @param federates A list of federate instances in the federation
+   * @param rtiConfig Can have values for 'host', 'dir', and 'user'
+   */
+  public void doGenerateForRustRTI(List<FederateInstance> federates, RtiConfig rtiConfig) {
+    // NOTE: It might be good to use screen when invoking the RTI
+    // or federates remotely, so you can detach and the process keeps running.
+    // However, I was unable to get it working properly.
+    // What this means is that the shell that invokes the launcher
+    // needs to remain live for the duration of the federation.
+    // If that shell is killed, the federation will die.
+    // Hence, it is reasonable to launch the federation on a
+    // machine that participates in the federation, for example,
+    // on the machine that runs the RTI.  The command I tried
+    // to get screen to work looks like this:
+    // ssh -t «target» cd «path»; screen -S «filename»_«federate.name» -L
+    // bin/«filename»_«federate.name» 2>&1
+    // var outPath = binGenPath
+    StringBuilder shCode = new StringBuilder();
+    StringBuilder distCode = new StringBuilder();
+    shCode.append(getSetupCode()).append("\n");
+    String distHeader = getDistHeader();
+    String host = rtiConfig.getHost();
+    String target = host;
+    String user = rtiConfig.getUser();
+    if (user != null) {
+      target = user + "@" + host;
+    }
+    shCode.append("#### Host is ").append(host);
+    // Launch the RTI in the foreground.
+    if (host.equals("localhost") || host.equals("")) {
+      // FIXME: the paths below will not work on Windows
+      shCode.append(getLaunchCodeForRustRti(Integer.toString(federates.size()))).append("\n");
+    } else {
+      // Start the RTI on the remote machine - Not supported yet for Rust RTI.
+    }
+    // Index used for storing pids of federates
+    int federateIndex = 0;
+    for (FederateInstance federate : federates) {
+      var buildConfig = getBuildConfig(federate, fileConfig, messageReporter);
+      if (federate.isRemote) {
+        if (distCode.isEmpty()) distCode.append(distHeader).append("\n");
+        distCode.append(getDistCode(rtiConfig.getDirectory(), federate)).append("\n");
+        shCode
+            .append(getFedRemoteLaunchCode(rtiConfig.getDirectory(), federate, federateIndex++))
+            .append("\n");
+      } else {
+        String executeCommand = buildConfig.localExecuteCommand();
+        shCode
+            .append(getFedLocalLaunchCode(federate, executeCommand, federateIndex++))
+            .append("\n");
+      }
+    }
+    if (host.equals("localhost") || host.equals("")) {
+      // Local PID managements
+      shCode.append(
+          "echo \"#### Bringing the RTI back to foreground so it can receive Control-C.\"" + "\n");
+      shCode.append("fg %1" + "\n");
+    }
+    // Wait for launched processes to finish
+    shCode
+        .append(
+            String.join(
+                "\n",
+                "echo \"RTI has exited. Wait for federates to exit.\"",
+                "# Wait for launched processes to finish.",
+                "# The errors are handled separately via trap.",
+                "for pid in \"${pids[@]}\"",
+                "do",
+                "    wait $pid || exit $?",
+                "done",
+                "echo \"All done.\"",
+                "EXITED_SUCCESSFULLY=true"))
+        .append("\n");
+    // Create bin directory for the script.
+    if (!Files.exists(fileConfig.binPath)) {
+      try {
+        Files.createDirectories(fileConfig.binPath);
+      } catch (IOException e) {
+        messageReporter.nowhere().error("Unable to create directory: " + fileConfig.binPath);
+      }
+    }
+    // Write the launcher file.
+    File file = fileConfig.binPath.resolve(fileConfig.name).toFile();
+    messageReporter.nowhere().info("Script for launching the federation: " + file);
+    // Delete file previously produced, if any.
+    if (file.exists()) {
+      if (!file.delete())
+        messageReporter
+            .nowhere()
+            .error("Failed to delete existing federated launch script \"" + file + "\"");
+    }
+    FileOutputStream fOut = null;
+    try {
+      fOut = new FileOutputStream(file);
+    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+      messageReporter.nowhere().error("Unable to find file: " + file);
+    }
+    if (fOut != null) {
+      try {
+        fOut.write(shCode.toString().getBytes());
+        fOut.close();
+      } catch (IOException e) {
+        messageReporter.nowhere().error("Unable to write to file: " + file);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!file.setExecutable(true, false)) {
+      messageReporter.nowhere().warning("Unable to make launcher script executable.");
+    }
+    // Write the distributor file.
+    // Delete the file even if it does not get generated.
+    file = fileConfig.binPath.resolve(fileConfig.name + "_distribute.sh").toFile();
+    if (file.exists()) {
+      if (!file.delete())
+        messageReporter
+            .nowhere()
+            .error("Failed to delete existing federated distributor script \"" + file + "\"");
+    }
+    if (distCode.length() > 0) {
+      try {
+        fOut = new FileOutputStream(file);
+        fOut.write(distCode.toString().getBytes());
+        fOut.close();
+        if (!file.setExecutable(true, false)) {
+          messageReporter.nowhere().warning("Unable to make file executable: " + file);
+        }
+      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+        messageReporter.nowhere().error("Unable to find file: " + file);
+      } catch (IOException e) {
+        messageReporter.nowhere().error("Unable to write to file " + file);
+      }
+    }
+  }
   private String getSetupCode() {
     return String.join(
@@ -377,6 +540,34 @@ private String getLaunchCode(String rtiLaunchCode) {
         "sleep 1");
+  private String getLaunchCodeForRustRti(String numberOfFederates) {
+    String launchCodeWithoutLogging =
+        new String("cargo run -- -i ${FEDERATION_ID} -n " + numberOfFederates + " -c init &");
+    return String.join(
+        "\n",
+        "echo \"#### Launching the Rust runtime infrastructure (RTI).\"",
+        "# The Rust RTI is started first to allow proper boot-up",
+        "# before federates will try to connect.",
+        "# The RTI will be brought back to foreground",
+        "# to be responsive to user inputs after all federates",
+        "# are launched.",
+        "RUST_RTI_REMOTE_PATHS=`find ~/ -name rti_remote.rs`",
+        "if [ \"${RUST_RTI_REMOTE_PATHS}\" = \"\" ]; then",
+        "    echo \"Rust RTI is not ready.\"",
+        "else",
+        "    cd ${FIRST_RUST_RTI_PATH}; cd ../",
+        "fi",
+        launchCodeWithoutLogging,
+        "# Store the PID of the RTI",
+        "RTI=$!",
+        "# Wait for the RTI to boot up before",
+        "# starting federates (this could be done by waiting for a specific output",
+        "# from the RTI, but here we use sleep)",
+        "sleep 1");
+  }
   private String getRemoteLaunchCode(
       Object host, Object target, String logFileName, String rtiLaunchString) {
     return String.join(
@@ -590,7 +781,7 @@ private String getFedLocalLaunchCode(
   private BuildConfig getBuildConfig(
       FederateInstance federate, FederationFileConfig fileConfig, MessageReporter messageReporter) {
     return switch (federate.targetConfig.target) {
-      case C, CCPP -> new CBuildConfig(federate, fileConfig, messageReporter);
+      case C, CCPP, RustRti -> new CBuildConfig(federate, fileConfig, messageReporter);
       case Python -> new PyBuildConfig(federate, fileConfig, messageReporter);
       case TS -> new TsBuildConfig(federate, fileConfig, messageReporter);
       case CPP, Rust -> throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/generator/LFGenerator.java b/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/generator/LFGenerator.java
index f4e61e93d5..305b08f063 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/generator/LFGenerator.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/generator/LFGenerator.java
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public static FileConfig createFileConfig(
       return switch (target) {
-        case CCPP, C -> new CFileConfig(resource, srcGenBasePath, useHierarchicalBin);
+        case CCPP, C, RustRti -> new CFileConfig(resource, srcGenBasePath, useHierarchicalBin);
         case Python -> new PyFileConfig(resource, srcGenBasePath, useHierarchicalBin);
         case CPP -> new CppFileConfig(resource, srcGenBasePath, useHierarchicalBin);
         case Rust -> new RustFileConfig(resource, srcGenBasePath, useHierarchicalBin);
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ private GeneratorBase createGenerator(LFGeneratorContext context) {
       case CPP -> new CppGenerator(context, scopeProvider);
       case TS -> new TSGenerator(context);
       case Rust -> new RustGenerator(context, scopeProvider);
+      case RustRti -> new CGenerator(context, true);
@@ -121,6 +122,42 @@ public void doGenerate(Resource resource, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorCont
+  public void doGenerateForRustRTI(
+      Resource resource, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+    assert injector != null;
+    final LFGeneratorContext lfContext;
+    if (context instanceof LFGeneratorContext) {
+      lfContext = (LFGeneratorContext) context;
+    } else {
+      lfContext = LFGeneratorContext.lfGeneratorContextOf(resource, fsa, context);
+    }
+    // The fastest way to generate code is to not generate any code.
+    if (lfContext.getMode() == LFGeneratorContext.Mode.LSP_FAST) return;
+    if (FedASTUtils.findFederatedReactor(resource) != null) {
+      try {
+        FedGenerator fedGenerator = new FedGenerator(lfContext);
+        injector.injectMembers(fedGenerator);
+        generatorErrorsOccurred = fedGenerator.doGenerateForRustRTI(resource, lfContext);
+      } catch (IOException e) {
+        throw new RuntimeIOException("Error during federated code generation", e);
+      }
+    } else {
+      final GeneratorBase generator = createGenerator(lfContext);
+      if (generator != null) {
+        generator.doGenerate(resource, lfContext);
+        generatorErrorsOccurred = generator.errorsOccurred();
+      }
+    }
+    final MessageReporter messageReporter = lfContext.getErrorReporter();
+    if (messageReporter instanceof LanguageServerMessageReporter) {
+      ((LanguageServerMessageReporter) messageReporter).publishDiagnostics();
+    }
+  }
   /** Return true if errors occurred in the last call to doGenerate(). */
   public boolean errorsOccurred() {
     return generatorErrorsOccurred;
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/generator/docker/DockerGenerator.java b/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/generator/docker/DockerGenerator.java
index 203c5f94d7..25bcfef6d2 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/generator/docker/DockerGenerator.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/generator/docker/DockerGenerator.java
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public static DockerGenerator dockerGeneratorFactory(LFGeneratorContext context)
       case C, CCPP -> new CDockerGenerator(context);
       case TS -> new TSDockerGenerator(context);
       case Python -> new PythonDockerGenerator(context);
-      case CPP, Rust -> throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+      case CPP, Rust, RustRti -> throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "No Docker support for " + target + " yet.");
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/target/Target.java b/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/target/Target.java
index a01b863303..109d8b211b 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/target/Target.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/org/lflang/target/Target.java
@@ -383,6 +383,13 @@ public enum Target {
       // In our Rust implementation, the only reserved keywords
       // are those that are a valid expression. Others may be escaped
       // with the syntax r#keyword.
+      Arrays.asList("self", "true", "false")),
+  RustRti(
+      "RustRti",
+      true,
+      // In our Rust implementation, the only reserved keywords
+      // are those that are a valid expression. Others may be escaped
+      // with the syntax r#keyword.
       Arrays.asList("self", "true", "false"));
   /** String representation of this target. */
@@ -460,7 +467,7 @@ public boolean isReservedIdent(String ident) {
   /** Return true if the target supports federated execution. */
   public boolean supportsFederated() {
     return switch (this) {
-      case C, CCPP, Python, TS -> true;
+      case C, CCPP, Python, TS, RustRti -> true;
       default -> false;
@@ -476,7 +483,7 @@ public boolean supportsInheritance() {
   /** Return true if the target supports multiports and banks of reactors. */
   public boolean supportsMultiports() {
     return switch (this) {
-      case C, CCPP, CPP, Python, Rust, TS -> true;
+      case C, CCPP, CPP, Python, Rust, TS, RustRti -> true;
       default -> false;
@@ -501,7 +508,7 @@ public boolean supportsReactionDeclarations() {
   public boolean buildsUsingDocker() {
     return switch (this) {
       case TS -> false;
-      case C, CCPP, CPP, Python, Rust -> true;
+      case C, CCPP, CPP, Python, Rust, RustRti -> true;
@@ -639,7 +646,7 @@ public void initialize(TargetConfig config) {
-      case Rust -> config.register(
+      case Rust, RustRti -> config.register(
diff --git a/core/src/testFixtures/java/org/lflang/tests/TestBase.java b/core/src/testFixtures/java/org/lflang/tests/TestBase.java
index 6923149f07..bf9a8eb6d1 100644
--- a/core/src/testFixtures/java/org/lflang/tests/TestBase.java
+++ b/core/src/testFixtures/java/org/lflang/tests/TestBase.java
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ public static class Message {
     public static final String DESC_MULTIPORT = "Run multiport tests.";
     public static final String DESC_AS_FEDERATED = "Run non-federated tests in federated mode.";
     public static final String DESC_FEDERATED = "Run federated tests.";
+    public static final String DESC_FEDERATED_WITH_RUST_RTI = "Run federated tests with Rust RTI.";
     public static final String DESC_DOCKER = "Run docker tests.";
     public static final String DESC_DOCKER_FEDERATED = "Run docker federated tests.";
     public static final String DESC_ENCLAVE = "Run enclave tests.";
@@ -196,6 +197,36 @@ protected final void runTestsAndPrintResults(
+  /**
+   * Run selected tests for a given target and configurator up to the specified level.
+   *
+   * @param target The target to run tests for.
+   * @param selected A predicate that given a test category returns whether it should be included in
+   *     this test run or not.
+   * @param configurator A procedure for configuring the tests.
+   * @param copy Whether to work on copies of tests in the test. registry.
+   */
+  protected final void runTestsAndPrintResultsWithRustRti(
+      Target target,
+      Predicate<TestCategory> selected,
+      TestLevel level,
+      Transformer transformer,
+      Configurator configurator,
+      boolean copy) {
+    var categories = Arrays.stream(TestCategory.values()).filter(selected).toList();
+    for (var category : categories) {
+      System.out.println(category.getHeader());
+      var tests = testRegistry.getRegisteredTests(target, category, copy);
+      try {
+        validateAndRunWithRustRti(tests, transformer, configurator, level);
+      } catch (IOException e) {
+        throw new RuntimeIOException(e);
+      }
+      System.out.println(testRegistry.getCoverageReport(target, category));
+      checkAndReportFailures(tests);
+    }
+  }
    * Run tests in the given selection for all targets enabled in this class.
@@ -217,6 +248,28 @@ protected void runTestsForTargets(
+  /**
+   * Run tests in the given selection for all targets enabled in this class.
+   *
+   * @param description A string that describes the collection of tests.
+   * @param selected A predicate that given a test category returns whether it should be included in
+   *     this test run or not.
+   * @param configurator A procedure for configuring the tests.
+   * @param copy Whether to work on copies of tests in the test. registry.
+   */
+  protected void runTestsForTargetsWithRustRti(
+      String description,
+      Predicate<TestCategory> selected,
+      Transformer transformer,
+      Configurator configurator,
+      TestLevel level,
+      boolean copy) {
+    for (Target target : this.targets) {
+      runTestsForRustRti(
+          List.of(target), description, selected, transformer, configurator, level, copy);
+    }
+  }
    * Run tests in the given selection for a subset of given targets.
@@ -241,6 +294,30 @@ protected void runTestsFor(
+  /**
+   * Run tests in the given selection for a subset of given targets.
+   *
+   * @param subset The subset of targets to run the selected tests for.
+   * @param description A string that describes the collection of tests.
+   * @param selected A predicate that given a test category returns whether it should be included in
+   *     this test run or not.
+   * @param configurator A procedure for configuring the tests.
+   * @param copy Whether to work on copies of tests in the test. registry.
+   */
+  protected void runTestsForRustRti(
+      List<Target> subset,
+      String description,
+      Predicate<TestCategory> selected,
+      Transformer transformer,
+      Configurator configurator,
+      TestLevel level,
+      boolean copy) {
+    for (Target target : subset) {
+      printTestHeader(target, description);
+      runTestsAndPrintResultsWithRustRti(target, selected, level, transformer, configurator, copy);
+    }
+  }
   /** Whether to enable threading. */
   protected boolean supportsSingleThreadedExecution() {
     return false;
@@ -496,6 +573,25 @@ private void generateCode(LFTest test) throws TestError {
+  /**
+   * Invoke the code generator for the given test.
+   *
+   * @param test The test to generate code for.
+   */
+  private void generateCodeForRustRti(LFTest test) throws TestError {
+    if (test.getFileConfig().resource == null) {
+      test.getContext().finish(GeneratorResult.NOTHING);
+    }
+    try {
+      generator.doGenerateForRustRTI(test.getFileConfig().resource, fileAccess, test.getContext());
+    } catch (Throwable e) {
+      throw new TestError("Code generation unsuccessful.", Result.CODE_GEN_FAIL, e);
+    }
+    if (generator.errorsOccurred()) {
+      throw new TestError("Code generation unsuccessful.", Result.CODE_GEN_FAIL);
+    }
+  }
    * Given an indexed test, execute it and label the test as failing if it did not execute, took too
    * long to execute, or executed but exited with an error code.
@@ -712,4 +808,49 @@ private void validateAndRun(
+  /**
+   * Validate and run the given tests, using the specified configuratator and level.
+   *
+   * <p>While performing tests, this method prints a header that reaches completion once all tests
+   * have been run.
+   *
+   * @param tests A set of tests to run.
+   * @param transformer A procedure for transforming the tests.
+   * @param configurator A procedure for configuring the tests.
+   * @param level The level of testing.
+   * @throws IOException If initial file configuration fails
+   */
+  private void validateAndRunWithRustRti(
+      Set<LFTest> tests, Transformer transformer, Configurator configurator, TestLevel level)
+      throws IOException {
+    var done = 1;
+    System.out.println(THICK_LINE);
+    for (var test : tests) {
+      System.out.println(
+          "Running: " + test.toString() + " (" + (int) (done / (float) tests.size() * 100) + "%)");
+      try {
+        test.redirectOutputs();
+        prepare(test, transformer, configurator);
+        validate(test);
+        generateCodeForRustRti(test);
+        if (level == TestLevel.EXECUTION) {
+          execute(test);
+        }
+        test.markPassed();
+      } catch (TestError e) {
+        test.handleTestError(e);
+      } catch (Throwable e) {
+        test.handleTestError(
+            new TestError("Unknown exception during test execution", Result.TEST_EXCEPTION, e));
+      } finally {
+        test.restoreOutputs();
+      }
+      done++;
+    }
+    System.out.print(System.lineSeparator());
+  }
diff --git a/test/RustRti/.gitignore b/test/RustRti/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08f514ebc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/Absent.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/Absent.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7130210cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/Absent.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+target C {
+  tracing: true,
+  timeout: 100 ms
+reactor Sender {
+  output out1: int
+  output out2: int
+  timer t(0, 20 ms)
+  state c: int = 1
+  reaction(t) -> out1, out2 {=
+    if (self->c % 2 != 0) {
+      lf_set(out1, self->c);
+    } else {
+      lf_set(out2, self->c);
+    }
+    self->c++;
+  =}
+reactor Receiver {
+  input in1: int
+  input in2: int
+  reaction(in1) {=
+    lf_print("Received %d on in1", in1->value);
+    if (in1->value % 2 == 0) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("********* Expected an odd integer!");
+    }
+  =}
+  reaction(in2) {=
+    lf_print("Received %d on in2", in2->value);
+    if (in2->value % 2 != 0) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("********* Expected an even integer!");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor(d: time = 1 ms) {
+  s = new Sender()
+  r = new Receiver()
+  s.out1 -> r.in1
+  s.out2 -> r.in2
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/BroadcastFeedback.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/BroadcastFeedback.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66a93c275b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/BroadcastFeedback.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/** This tests an output that is broadcast back to a multiport input of a bank. */
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 sec,
+  build-type: RelWithDebInfo
+reactor SenderAndReceiver {
+  output out: int
+  input[2] in: int
+  state received: bool = false
+  reaction(startup) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, 42);
+  =}
+  reaction(in) {=
+    if (in[0]->is_present && in[1]->is_present && in[0]->value == 42 && in[1]->value == 42) {
+      lf_print("SUCCESS");
+      self->received = true;
+    }
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (!self->received == true) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Failed to receive broadcast");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  s = new[2] SenderAndReceiver()
+  (s.out)+ -> s.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/BroadcastFeedbackWithHierarchy.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/BroadcastFeedbackWithHierarchy.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..114e42cfd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/BroadcastFeedbackWithHierarchy.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/** This tests an output that is broadcast back to a multiport input of a bank. */
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 sec
+reactor SenderAndReceiver {
+  output out: int
+  input[2] in: int
+  state received: bool = false
+  r = new Receiver()
+  in -> r.in
+  reaction(startup) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, 42);
+  =}
+reactor Receiver {
+  input[2] in: int
+  state received: bool = false
+  reaction(in) {=
+    if (in[0]->is_present && in[1]->is_present && in[0]->value == 42 && in[1]->value == 42) {
+      lf_print("SUCCESS");
+      self->received = true;
+    }
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (!self->received == true) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Failed to receive broadcast");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  s = new[2] SenderAndReceiver()
+  (s.out)+ -> s.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedBank.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedBank.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65a6f871c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedBank.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Check bank of federates.
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 sec,
+  coordination: centralized
+reactor Node(bank_index: int = 0) {
+  timer t(0, 100 msec)
+  state count: int = 0
+  reaction(t) {=
+    lf_print("Hello world %d.", self->count++);
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (self->count == 0) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Timer reactions did not execute.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor DistributedBank {
+  n = new[2] Node()
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedBankToMultiport.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedBankToMultiport.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d73b0959fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedBankToMultiport.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Check multiport to bank connections between federates.
+target C {
+  timeout: 3 sec
+import Count from "../lib/Count.lf"
+reactor Destination {
+  input[2] in: int
+  state count: int = 1
+  reaction(in) {=
+    for (int i = 0; i < in_width; i++) {
+      lf_print("Received %d.", in[i]->value);
+      if (self->count != in[i]->value) {
+        lf_print_error_and_exit("Expected %d.", self->count);
+      }
+    }
+    self->count++;
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (self->count == 0) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("No data received.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  s = new[2] Count()
+  d = new Destination()
+  s.out -> d.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedDoublePort.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedDoublePort.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec0a6d0b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedDoublePort.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Test the case for when two upstream federates send messages to a downstream federate on two
+ * different ports. One message should carry a microstep delay relative to the other message.
+ *
+ * @author Soroush Bateni
+ */
+target C {
+  timeout: 900 msec,
+  coordination: centralized
+import Count from "../lib/Count.lf"
+reactor CountMicrostep {
+  state count: int = 1
+  output out: int
+  logical action act: int
+  timer t(0, 1 sec)
+  reaction(t) -> act {=
+    lf_schedule_int(act, 0, self->count++);
+  =}
+  reaction(act) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, act->value);
+  =}
+reactor Print {
+  input in: int
+  input in2: int
+  reaction(in, in2) {=
+    interval_t elapsed_time = lf_time_logical_elapsed();
+    lf_print("At tag " PRINTF_TAG ", received in = %d and in2 = %d.", elapsed_time, lf_tag().microstep, in->value, in2->value);
+    if (in->is_present && in2->is_present) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("ERROR: invalid logical simultaneity.");
+    }
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_print("SUCCESS: messages were at least one microstep apart.");
+  =}
+federated reactor DistributedDoublePort {
+  c = new Count()
+  cm = new CountMicrostep()
+  p = new Print()
+  c.out -> p.in  // Indicating a 'logical' connection.
+  cm.out -> p.in2
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedInterleaved.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedInterleaved.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc212daf17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedInterleaved.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// Check multiport to bank connections between federates.
+target C {
+  timeout: 3 sec
+reactor Count(offset: time = 0, period: time = 1 sec) {
+  state count: int = 1
+  output[4] out: int
+  timer t(offset, period)
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    for (int i = 0; i < out_width; i++) {
+      lf_set(out[i], self->count++);
+    }
+  =}
+reactor Destination {
+  input[2] in: int
+  state count: int = 0
+  reaction(in) {=
+    lf_print("Received %d.", in[0]->value);
+    lf_print("Received %d.", in[1]->value);
+    // Because the connection is interleaved, the difference between the
+    // two inputs should be 2, not 1.
+    if (in[1]->value - in[0]->value != 2) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Expected a difference of two.");
+    }
+    self->count++;
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (self->count == 0) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("No data received.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  s = new Count()
+  d = new[2] Destination()
+  s.out -> interleaved(d.in)
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedLoopedAction.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedLoopedAction.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88418f84d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedLoopedAction.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Test a sender-receiver network system that relies on microsteps being taken into account.
+ *
+ * @author Soroush Bateni
+ */
+target C {
+  logging: LOG,
+  timeout: 1 sec
+import Sender from "../lib/LoopedActionSender.lf"
+reactor Receiver(take_a_break_after: int = 10, break_interval: time = 400 msec) {
+  input in: int
+  state received_messages: int = 0
+  state total_received_messages: int = 0
+  state breaks: int = 0
+  timer t(0, 10 msec)  // This will impact the performance
+  // but forces the logical time to advance Comment this line for a more sensible log output.
+  reaction(in) {=
+    lf_print("At tag " PRINTF_TAG " received value %d.",
+      lf_time_logical_elapsed(),
+      lf_tag().microstep,
+      in->value);
+    self->total_received_messages++;
+    if (in->value != self->received_messages++) {
+      lf_print_error("Expected %d", self->received_messages - 1);
+      // exit(1);
+    }
+    if (lf_time_logical_elapsed() != self->breaks * self->break_interval) {
+      lf_print_error("Received messages at an incorrect time: " PRINTF_TIME, lf_time_logical_elapsed());
+      // exit(2);
+    }
+    if (self->received_messages == self->take_a_break_after) {
+      // Sender is taking a break;
+      self->breaks++;
+      self->received_messages = 0;
+    }
+  =}
+  reaction(t) {=
+    // Do nothing
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (self->breaks != 3 ||
+      (self->total_received_messages != ((SEC(1)/self->break_interval)+1) * self->take_a_break_after)
+    ) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Did not receive enough messages.");
+    }
+    printf("SUCCESS: Successfully received all messages from the sender.\n");
+  =}
+federated reactor DistributedLoopedAction {
+  sender = new Sender()
+  receiver = new Receiver()
+  sender.out -> receiver.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedMultiport.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedMultiport.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44a04c4654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedMultiport.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// Check multiport connections between federates.
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 sec,
+  coordination: centralized
+reactor Source(width: int = 2) {
+  output[width] out: int
+  timer t(0, 100 msec)
+  state count: int = 0
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    for (int i = 0; i < out_width; i++) {
+      lf_set(out[i], self->count++);
+    }
+  =}
+reactor Destination(width: int = 3) {
+  input[width] in: int
+  state count: int = 0
+  reaction(in) {=
+    for (int i = 0; i < in_width; i++) {
+      if (in[i]->is_present) {
+        tag_t now = lf_tag();
+        lf_print("Received %d at channel %d at tag " PRINTF_TAG, in[i]->value, i,
+            now.time - lf_time_start(), now.microstep
+        );
+        if (in[i]->value != self->count++) {
+            lf_print_error_and_exit("Expected %d.", self->count - 1);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (self->count == 0) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("No data received.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor DistributedMultiport {
+  s = new Source(width=4)
+  d = new Destination(width=4)
+  s.out -> d.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedMultiportToBank.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedMultiportToBank.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8171de51e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedMultiportToBank.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Check multiport to bank connections between federates.
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 sec
+reactor Source {
+  output[2] out: int
+  timer t(0, 100 msec)
+  state count: int = 0
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    for (int i = 0; i < out_width; i++) {
+      lf_set(out[i], self->count);
+    }
+    self->count++;
+  =}
+reactor Destination {
+  input in: int
+  state count: int = 0
+  reaction(in) {=
+    lf_print("Received %d.", in->value);
+    if (self->count++ != in->value) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Expected %d.", self->count - 1);
+    }
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (self->count == 0) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("No data received.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor DistributedMultiportToBank {
+  s = new Source()
+  d = new[2] Destination()
+  s.out -> d.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedMultiportToken.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedMultiportToken.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..547fe651d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedMultiportToken.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Check multiport connections between federates where the message is carried by a Token (in this
+// case, with an array of char).
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 sec,
+  coordination: centralized
+reactor Source {
+  output[4] out: char*
+  timer t(0, 200 msec)
+  state count: int = 0
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    for (int i = 0; i < out_width; i++) {
+      // With NULL, 0 arguments, snprintf tells us how many bytes are needed.
+      // Add one for the null terminator.
+      int length = snprintf(NULL, 0, "Hello %d", self->count) + 1;
+      // Dynamically allocate memory for the output.
+      SET_NEW_ARRAY(out[i], length);
+      // Populate the output string and increment the count.
+      snprintf(out[i]->value, length, "Hello %d", self->count++);
+      lf_print("MessageGenerator: At time " PRINTF_TIME ", send message: %s.",
+        lf_time_logical_elapsed(),
+        out[i]->value
+      );
+    }
+  =}
+reactor Destination {
+  input[4] in: char*
+  reaction(in) {=
+    for (int i = 0; i < in_width; i++) {
+      if (in[i]->is_present) {
+        lf_print("Received %s.", in[i]->value);
+      }
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor DistributedMultiportToken {
+  s = new Source()
+  d = new Destination()
+  s.out -> d.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedNetworkOrder.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedNetworkOrder.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1413c11b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedNetworkOrder.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * This is a test for send_timed_message, which is an internal API.
+ *
+ * This test sends a second message at time 5 msec that has the same intended tag as a message that
+ * it had previously sent at time 0 msec. This results in a warning, but the message microstep is
+ * incremented and correctly received one microstep later.
+ *
+ * @author Soroush Bateni
+ */
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 sec,
+  build-type: RelWithDebInfo  // Release with debug info
+preamble {=
+  #ifdef __cplusplus
+  extern "C" {
+  #endif
+  #include "federate.h"
+  #ifdef __cplusplus
+  }
+  #endif
+reactor Sender {
+  output out: int
+  timer t(0, 1 msec)
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    int payload = 1;
+    if (lf_time_logical_elapsed() == 0LL) {
+      lf_send_tagged_message(self->base.environment, MSEC(10), MSG_TYPE_TAGGED_MESSAGE, 0, 1, "federate 1", sizeof(int),
+                (unsigned char*)&payload);
+    } else if (lf_time_logical_elapsed() == MSEC(5)) {
+      payload = 2;
+      lf_send_tagged_message(self->base.environment, MSEC(5), MSG_TYPE_TAGGED_MESSAGE, 0, 1, "federate 1", sizeof(int),
+                (unsigned char*)&payload);
+    }
+  =}
+reactor Receiver {
+  input in: int
+  state success: int = 0
+  reaction(in) {=
+    tag_t current_tag = lf_tag();
+    if (current_tag.time == (lf_time_start() + MSEC(10))) {
+      if (current_tag.microstep == 0 && in->value == 1) {
+        self->success++;
+      } else if (current_tag.microstep == 1 && in->value == 2) {
+        self->success++;
+      }
+    }
+    printf("Received %d at tag " PRINTF_TAG ".\n",
+         in->value,
+         lf_time_logical_elapsed(),
+         lf_tag().microstep);
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (self->success != 2) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to receive messages.\n");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    printf("SUCCESS.\n");
+  =}
+federated reactor DistributedNetworkOrder {
+  sender = new Sender()
+  receiver = new Receiver()
+  sender.out -> receiver.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedPhysicalActionUpstream.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedPhysicalActionUpstream.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a85c9b3d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedPhysicalActionUpstream.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Test that a rapidly produced physical action in an upstream federate can be properly handled in
+ * federated execution.
+ */
+target C {
+  timeout: 10 secs,
+  coordination-options: {
+    advance-message-interval: 30 msec
+  }
+import PassThrough from "../lib/PassThrough.lf"
+import TestCount from "../lib/TestCount.lf"
+preamble {=
+  extern int _counter;
+  void callback(void *a);
+  void* take_time(void* a);
+reactor WithPhysicalAction {
+  preamble {=
+    int _counter = 1;
+    void callback(void *a) {
+      lf_schedule_int(a, 0, _counter++);
+    }
+    // Simulate time passing before a callback occurs.
+    void* take_time(void* a) {
+      while (_counter < 15) {
+        instant_t sleep_time = MSEC(10);
+        lf_sleep(sleep_time);
+        callback(a);
+      }
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  =}
+  output out: int
+  state thread_id: lf_thread_t = 0
+  physical action act(0): int
+  reaction(startup) -> act {=
+    // start new thread, provide callback
+    lf_thread_create(&self->thread_id, &take_time, act);
+  =}
+  reaction(act) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, act->value);
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  a = new WithPhysicalAction()
+  m1 = new PassThrough()
+  m2 = new PassThrough()
+  test = new TestCount(num_inputs=14)
+  a.out -> m1.in
+  m1.out -> m2.in
+  m2.out -> test.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedStopZero.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedStopZero.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..876bd6f7f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/DistributedStopZero.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Test for lf_request_stop() in federated execution with centralized coordination at tag (0,0).
+ *
+ * @author Soroush Bateni
+ */
+target C
+reactor Sender {
+  output out: int
+  timer t(0, 1 usec)
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    printf("Sending 42 at " PRINTF_TAG ".\n",
+           lf_time_logical_elapsed(),
+           lf_tag().microstep);
+    lf_set(out, 42);
+    tag_t zero = (tag_t) { .time = lf_time_start(), .microstep = 0u };
+    if (lf_tag_compare(lf_tag(), zero) == 0) {
+      // Request stop at (0,0)
+      printf("Requesting stop at " PRINTF_TAG ".\n",
+           lf_time_logical_elapsed(),
+           lf_tag().microstep);
+      lf_request_stop();
+    }
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (lf_time_logical_elapsed() != USEC(0) ||
+      lf_tag().microstep != 1) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Sender failed to stop the federation in time. "
+          "Stopping at " PRINTF_TAG ".\n",
+           lf_time_logical_elapsed(),
+           lf_tag().microstep);
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    printf("SUCCESS: Successfully stopped the federation at " PRINTF_TAG ".\n",
+           lf_time_logical_elapsed(),
+           lf_tag().microstep);
+  =}
+reactor Receiver {
+  input in: int
+  reaction(in) {=
+    printf("Received %d at " PRINTF_TAG ".\n",
+           in->value,
+           lf_time_logical_elapsed(),
+           lf_tag().microstep);
+    tag_t zero = (tag_t) { .time = lf_time_start(), .microstep = 0u };
+    if (lf_tag_compare(lf_tag(), zero) == 0) {
+      // Request stop at (0,0)
+      printf("Requesting stop at " PRINTF_TAG ".\n",
+           lf_time_logical_elapsed(),
+           lf_tag().microstep);
+      lf_request_stop();
+    }
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    // Sender should have requested stop earlier than the receiver.
+    // Therefore, the shutdown events must occur at (0, 0) on the
+    // receiver.
+    if (lf_time_logical_elapsed() != USEC(0) ||
+      lf_tag().microstep != 1) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Receiver failed to stop the federation in time. "
+          "Stopping at " PRINTF_TAG ".\n",
+           lf_time_logical_elapsed(),
+           lf_tag().microstep);
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    printf("SUCCESS: Successfully stopped the federation at " PRINTF_TAG ".\n",
+           lf_time_logical_elapsed(),
+           lf_tag().microstep);
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  sender = new Sender()
+  receiver = new Receiver()
+  sender.out -> receiver.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/EnclaveFederatedRequestStop.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/EnclaveFederatedRequestStop.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0bed9e03d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/EnclaveFederatedRequestStop.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Test that enclaves within federates all stop at the time requested by the first enclave to
+ * request a stop. Note that the test has no timeout because any finite timeout can, in theory,
+ * cause the test to fail. The first federate to request a stop does no at 50 ms, so the program
+ * should terminate quickly if all goes well.
+ */
+target C
+reactor Stop(
+    // Zero value here means "don't stop".
+    stop_time: time = 0) {
+  preamble {=
+    #include "platform.h" // Defines PRINTF_TIME
+  =}
+  timer t(stop_time)
+  reaction(t) {=
+    if (self->stop_time > 0) lf_request_stop();
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_print("Stopped at tag (" PRINTF_TIME ", %d)", lf_time_logical_elapsed(), lf_tag().microstep);
+    if (lf_time_logical_elapsed() != 50000000LL || lf_tag().microstep != 1) {
+        lf_print_error_and_exit("Expected stop tag to be (50ms, 1).");
+    }
+  =}
+reactor Fed(least_stop_time: time = 0) {
+  @enclave
+  s1 = new Stop()
+  @enclave
+  s2 = new Stop(stop_time=least_stop_time)
+federated reactor {
+  f1 = new Fed()
+  f2 = new Fed(least_stop_time = 50 ms)
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/FederatedFilePkgReader.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/FederatedFilePkgReader.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf79291acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/FederatedFilePkgReader.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/** Test reading a file at a location relative to the source file. */
+target C {
+  timeout: 0 s
+reactor Source {
+  output out: char*  // Use char*, not string, so memory is freed.
+  reaction(startup) -> out {=
+    char* file_path =
+      LF_FILE_SEPARATOR "src"
+      LF_FILE_SEPARATOR "lib"
+      LF_FILE_SEPARATOR "FileReader.txt";
+    FILE* file = fopen(file_path, "rb");
+    if (file == NULL) lf_print_error_and_exit("Error opening file at path %s.", file_path);
+    // Determine the file size
+    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
+    long file_size = ftell(file);
+    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
+    // Allocate memory for the buffer
+    char* buffer = (char *) malloc(file_size + 1);
+    if (buffer == NULL) lf_print_error_and_exit("Out of memory.");
+    // Read the file into the buffer
+    fread(buffer, file_size, 1, file);
+    buffer[file_size] = '\0';
+    fclose(file);
+    // For federated version, have to use lf_set_array so array size is know
+    // to the serializer.
+    lf_set_array(out, buffer, file_size + 1);
+  =}
+reactor Check {
+  preamble {=
+    #include <string.h>
+  =}
+  input in: char*
+  reaction(in) {=
+    printf("Received: %s\n", in->value);
+    if (strcmp("Hello World", in->value) != 0) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Expected 'Hello World'");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  s = new Source()
+  c = new Check()
+  s.out -> c.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/FederatedFileReader.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/FederatedFileReader.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..617d34c3c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/FederatedFileReader.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+/** Test reading a file at a location relative to the source file. */
+target C {
+  logging: DEBUG,
+  timeout: 0 s
+reactor Source {
+  output out: char*  // Use char*, not string, so memory is freed.
+  reaction(startup) -> out {=
+    char* file_path =
+      LF_FILE_SEPARATOR "lib"
+      LF_FILE_SEPARATOR "FileReader.txt";
+    FILE* file = fopen(file_path, "rb");
+    if (file == NULL) lf_print_error_and_exit("Error opening file at path %s.", file_path);
+    // Determine the file size
+    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
+    long file_size = ftell(file);
+    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
+    // Allocate memory for the buffer
+    char* buffer = (char *) malloc(file_size + 1);
+    if (buffer == NULL) lf_print_error_and_exit("Out of memory.");
+    // Read the file into the buffer
+    fread(buffer, file_size, 1, file);
+    buffer[file_size] = '\0';
+    fclose(file);
+    // For federated version, have to use lf_set_array so array size is know
+    // to the serializer.
+    lf_set_array(out, buffer, file_size + 1);
+  =}
+reactor Check {
+  preamble {=
+    #include <string.h>
+  =}
+  input in: char*
+  state received: bool = false
+  reaction(in) {=
+    printf("Received: %s\n", in->value);
+    self->received = true;
+    if (strcmp("Hello World", in->value) != 0) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Expected 'Hello World'");
+    }
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (!self->received) {
+        lf_print_error_and_exit("No input received.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  s = new Source()
+  c = new Check()
+  s.out -> c.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/FeedbackDelay.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/FeedbackDelay.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88b15945b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/FeedbackDelay.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * This test has two coupled cycles. In this variant, one is a zero-delay cycle (ZDC) and the other
+ * is not, having a microstep delay. In this variant, the microstep delay is on a connection
+ * entering the ZDC.
+ */
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 sec
+reactor PhysicalPlant {
+  input control: double
+  output sensor: double
+  timer t(0, 100 ms)
+  state last_sensor_time: time = 0
+  state previous_sensor_time: time = 0
+  state count: int = 0
+  reaction(t) -> sensor {=
+    lf_set(sensor, 42);
+    self->previous_sensor_time = self->last_sensor_time;
+    self->last_sensor_time = lf_time_physical();
+  =}
+  reaction(control) {=
+    self->count++;
+    lf_print("Control input: %f", control->value);
+    instant_t control_time = lf_time_physical();
+    lf_print("Latency: " PRINTF_TIME ".", control_time - self->previous_sensor_time);
+    lf_print("Logical time: " PRINTF_TIME ".", lf_time_logical_elapsed());
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (self->count != 10) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Received only %d inputs.", self->count);
+    }
+  =}
+reactor Controller {
+  input sensor: double
+  output control: double
+  state latest_control: double = 0.0
+  state first: bool = true
+  output request_for_planning: double
+  input planning: double
+  reaction(planning) {=
+    self->latest_control = planning->value;
+    tag_t now = lf_tag();
+    lf_print("Controller received planning value %f at tag " PRINTF_TAG,
+        self->latest_control, now.time - lf_time_start(), now.microstep
+    );
+  =}
+  reaction(sensor) -> control, request_for_planning {=
+    if (!self->first) {
+      lf_set(control, self->latest_control);
+    }
+    self->first = false;
+    lf_set(request_for_planning, sensor->value);
+  =}
+reactor Planner {
+  input request: double
+  output response: double
+  reaction(request) -> response {=
+    lf_sleep(MSEC(10));
+    lf_set(response, request->value);
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  p = new PhysicalPlant()
+  c = new Controller()
+  pl = new Planner()
+  p.sensor -> c.sensor
+  c.request_for_planning -> pl.request
+  pl.response -> c.planning after 0
+  c.control -> p.control
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/FeedbackDelay3.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/FeedbackDelay3.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7d47d9340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/FeedbackDelay3.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/** This test has two coupled cycles. In this variant, both are a zero-delay cycles (ZDC). */
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 sec,
+  tracing: true
+import PhysicalPlant, Planner from "FeedbackDelay.lf"
+reactor Controller {
+  input sensor: double
+  output control: double
+  state latest_control: double = 0.0
+  state first: bool = true
+  output request_for_planning: double
+  input planning: double
+  reaction(sensor) -> control, request_for_planning {=
+    if (!self->first) {
+      lf_set(control, self->latest_control);
+    }
+    self->first = false;
+    lf_set(request_for_planning, sensor->value);
+  =}
+  reaction(planning) {=
+    self->latest_control = planning->value;
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  p = new PhysicalPlant()
+  c = new Controller()
+  pl = new Planner()
+  p.sensor -> c.sensor
+  c.request_for_planning -> pl.request
+  pl.response -> c.planning
+  c.control -> p.control
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/FeedbackDelay5.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/FeedbackDelay5.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd7edcd051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/FeedbackDelay5.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * This test has two coupled cycles. In this variant, both are zero-delay cycles (ZDC), but one of
+ * the cycles has two superposed cycles, one of which is zero delay and the other of which is not.
+ */
+target C {
+  timeout: 900 ms
+import PhysicalPlant from "FeedbackDelay.lf"
+reactor Controller {
+  input in: double
+  input sensor: double
+  output control: double
+  state latest_control: double = 0.0
+  output request_for_planning: double
+  input planning: double
+  reaction(in, planning) {=
+    self->latest_control = planning->value;
+  =}
+  reaction(sensor) -> control, request_for_planning {=
+    lf_set(control, self->latest_control);
+    lf_set(request_for_planning, sensor->value);
+  =}
+reactor Planner {
+  input request: double
+  output response: double
+  output out: double
+  timer t(0, 100 ms)
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, 0);
+  =}
+  reaction(request) -> response {=
+    lf_sleep(MSEC(10));
+    lf_set(response, request->value);
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  p = new PhysicalPlant()
+  c = new Controller()
+  pl = new Planner()
+  p.sensor -> c.sensor
+  c.request_for_planning -> pl.request
+  pl.response -> c.planning after 0
+  c.control -> p.control
+  pl.out -> c.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/FeedbackDelaySimple.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/FeedbackDelaySimple.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..655fbe0762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/FeedbackDelaySimple.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 sec
+reactor Loop {
+  input in: int
+  output out: int
+  timer t(0, 100 msec)
+  state count: int = 1
+  reaction(in) {=
+    lf_print("Received %d.", in->value);
+    if (in->value != self->count) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit(
+        "Expected %d. Got %d.",
+        self->count,
+        in->value
+      );
+    }
+    self->count++;
+  =}
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, self->count);
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (self->count != 11) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit(
+        "Expected 11 messages. Got %d.",
+        self->count
+      );
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  l = new Loop()
+  l.out -> l.in after 0
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/HelloDistributed.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/HelloDistributed.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc7c10da3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/HelloDistributed.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Test a particularly simple form of a distributed deterministic system where a federation that
+ * receives timestamped messages has only those messages as triggers. Therefore, no additional
+ * coordination of the advancement of time (HLA or Ptides) is needed.
+ * @author Edward A. Lee
+ */
+target C
+preamble {=
+  #include <string.h>
+reactor Source {
+  output out: string
+  reaction(startup) -> out {=
+    lf_print("Sending 'Hello World!' message from source federate.");
+    lf_set(out, "Hello World!");
+    lf_request_stop();
+  =}
+reactor Destination {
+  input in: string
+  state received: bool = false
+  reaction(startup) {=
+    lf_print("Destination started.");
+  =}
+  reaction(in) {=
+    lf_print("At logical time " PRINTF_TIME ", destination received: %s", lf_time_logical_elapsed(), in->value);
+    if (strcmp(in->value, "Hello World!") != 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expected to receive 'Hello World!'\n");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    self->received = true;
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_print("Shutdown invoked.");
+    if (!self->received) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Destination did not receive the message.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor HelloDistributed at localhost {
+  s = new Source()       // Reactor s is in federate Source
+  d = new Destination()  // Reactor d is in federate Destination
+  s.out -> d.in          // This version preserves the timestamp.
+  reaction(startup) {=
+    lf_print("Printing something in top-level federated reactor.");
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/InheritanceFederated.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/InheritanceFederated.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90098b29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/InheritanceFederated.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Test for inheritance in a federated program.
+// Compilation without errors is success.
+// Based on https://github.com/lf-lang/lingua-franca/issues/1733.
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 ms
+reactor A {
+  reaction(startup) {=
+    printf("Hello\n");
+  =}
+reactor B {
+  a = new A()
+reactor C extends B {
+federated reactor {
+  c = new C()
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralized.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralized.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..968ac2784e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralized.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * This tests a feedback loop with physical actions and centralized coordination.
+ *
+ * @author Edward A. Lee
+ */
+target C {
+  coordination: centralized,
+  coordination-options: {
+    advance-message-interval: 100 msec
+  },
+  timeout: 4 sec,
+  logging: DEBUG
+reactor Looper(incr: int = 1, delay: time = 0 msec) {
+  input in: int
+  output out: int
+  physical action a(delay)
+  state count: int = 0
+  timer t(0, 1 sec)
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, self->count);
+    self->count += self->incr;
+  =}
+  reaction(in) {=
+    instant_t time_lag = lf_time_physical() - lf_time_logical();
+    char time_buffer[28]; // 28 bytes is enough for the largest 64 bit number: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
+    lf_comma_separated_time(time_buffer, time_lag);
+    lf_print("Received %d. Logical time is behind physical time by %s nsec.", in->value, time_buffer);
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_print("******* Shutdown invoked.");
+    if (self->count != 5 * self->incr) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Failed to receive all five expected inputs.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor LoopDistributedCentralized(delay: time = 0) {
+  left = new Looper()
+  right = new Looper(incr=-1)
+  left.out -> right.in
+  right.out -> left.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralized2.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralized2.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25de5873e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralized2.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * This tests a feedback loop with physical actions and centralized coordination.
+ *
+ * @author Edward A. Lee
+ */
+target C {
+  coordination: centralized,
+  coordination-options: {
+    advance-message-interval: 100 msec
+  },
+  timeout: 4 sec
+reactor Looper(incr: int = 1, delay: time = 0 msec) {
+  input in: int
+  output out: int
+  physical action a(delay)
+  state count: int = 0
+  timer t(0, 1 sec)
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, self->count);
+    self->count += self->incr;
+  =}
+  reaction(in) {=
+    instant_t time_lag = lf_time_physical() - lf_time_logical();
+    char time_buffer[28]; // 28 bytes is enough for the largest 64 bit number: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
+    lf_comma_separated_time(time_buffer, time_lag);
+    lf_print("Received %d. Logical time is behind physical time by %s nsec.", in->value, time_buffer);
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_print("******* Shutdown invoked.");
+    if (self->count != 5 * self->incr) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Failed to receive all five expected inputs.");
+    }
+  =}
+reactor Looper2(incr: int = 1, delay: time = 0 msec) {
+  input in: int
+  output out: int
+  physical action a(delay)
+  state count: int = 0
+  timer t(0, 1 sec)
+  reaction(in) {=
+    instant_t time_lag = lf_time_physical() - lf_time_logical();
+    char time_buffer[28]; // 28 bytes is enough for the largest 64 bit number: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
+    lf_comma_separated_time(time_buffer, time_lag);
+    lf_print("Received %d. Logical time is behind physical time by %s nsec.", in->value, time_buffer);
+  =}
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, self->count);
+    self->count += self->incr;
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_print("******* Shutdown invoked.");
+    if (self->count != 5 * self->incr) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Failed to receive all five expected inputs.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor(delay: time = 0) {
+  left = new Looper()
+  right = new Looper2(incr=-1)
+  left.out -> right.in
+  right.out -> left.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralizedPhysicalAction.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralizedPhysicalAction.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac783f07cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralizedPhysicalAction.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * This tests a feedback loop with physical actions and centralized coordination.
+ *
+ * @author Edward A. Lee
+ */
+target C {
+  flags: "-Wall",
+  coordination: centralized,
+  coordination-options: {
+    advance-message-interval: 100 msec
+  },
+  timeout: 5 sec,
+  logging: warn
+preamble {=
+  #include <unistd.h> // Defines sleep()
+  extern bool stop;
+  void* ping(void* actionref);
+reactor Looper(incr: int = 1, delay: time = 0 msec) {
+  preamble {=
+    bool stop = false;
+    // Thread to trigger an action once every second.
+    void* ping(void* actionref) {
+      while(!stop) {
+        lf_print("Scheduling action.");
+        lf_schedule(actionref, 0);
+        sleep(1);
+      }
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  =}
+  input in: int
+  output out: int
+  physical action a(delay)
+  state count: int = 0
+  reaction(startup) -> a {=
+    // Start the thread that listens for Enter or Return.
+    lf_thread_t thread_id;
+    lf_print("Starting thread.");
+    lf_thread_create(&thread_id, &ping, a);
+  =}
+  reaction(a) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, self->count);
+    self->count += self->incr;
+  =}
+  reaction(in) {=
+    instant_t time_lag = lf_time_physical() - lf_time_logical();
+    char time_buffer[28]; // 28 bytes is enough for the largest 64 bit number: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
+    lf_comma_separated_time(time_buffer, time_lag);
+    lf_print("Received %d. Logical time is behind physical time by %s nsec.", in->value, time_buffer);
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_print("******* Shutdown invoked.");
+    // Stop the thread that is scheduling actions.
+    stop = true;
+    if (self->count != 5 * self->incr) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Failed to receive all five expected inputs.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor(delay: time = 0) {
+  left = new Looper()
+  right = new Looper(incr=-1)
+  left.out -> right.in
+  right.out -> left.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralizedPrecedence.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralizedPrecedence.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51a10faac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralizedPrecedence.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * This tests that the precedence order of reaction invocation is kept when a feedback loop is
+ * present in centralized coordination.
+ *
+ * @author Edward A. Lee
+ * @author Soroush Bateni
+ */
+target C {
+  flags: "-Wall",
+  coordination: centralized,
+  coordination-options: {
+    advance-message-interval: 100 msec
+  },
+  timeout: 5 sec
+reactor Looper(incr: int = 1, delay: time = 0 msec) {
+  input in: int
+  output out: int
+  state count: int = 0
+  state received_count: int = 0
+  timer t(0, 1 sec)
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, self->count);
+    self->count += self->incr;
+  =}
+  reaction(in) {=
+    instant_t time_lag = lf_time_physical() - lf_time_logical();
+    char time_buffer[28]; // 28 bytes is enough for the largest 64 bit number: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
+    lf_comma_separated_time(time_buffer, time_lag);
+    lf_print("Received %d. Logical time is behind physical time by %s nsec.", in->value, time_buffer);
+    self->received_count = self->count;
+  =}
+  reaction(t) {=
+    if (self->received_count != self->count) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("reaction(t) was invoked before reaction(in). Precedence order was not kept.");
+    }
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_print("******* Shutdown invoked.");
+    if (self->count != 6 * self->incr) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Failed to receive all six expected inputs.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor(delay: time = 0) {
+  left = new Looper()
+  right = new Looper(incr=-1)
+  left.out -> right.in
+  right.out -> left.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralizedPrecedenceHierarchy.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralizedPrecedenceHierarchy.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82adfca699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/LoopDistributedCentralizedPrecedenceHierarchy.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * This tests that the precedence order of reaction invocation is kept in the hierarchy of reactors
+ * when a feedback loop is present in centralized coordination.
+ *
+ * @author Edward A. Lee
+ * @author Soroush Bateni
+ */
+target C {
+  flags: "-Wall",
+  coordination: centralized,
+  coordination-options: {
+    advance-message-interval: 100 msec
+  },
+  timeout: 5 sec
+reactor Contained(incr: int = 1) {
+  timer t(0, 1 sec)
+  input in: int
+  state count: int = 0
+  state received_count: int = 0
+  reaction(t) {=
+    self->count += self->incr;
+  =}
+  reaction(in) {=
+    self->received_count = self->count;
+  =}
+  reaction(t) {=
+    if (self->received_count != self->count) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("reaction(t) was invoked before reaction(in). Precedence order was not kept.");
+    }
+  =}
+reactor Looper(incr: int = 1, delay: time = 0 msec) {
+  input in: int
+  output out: int
+  state count: int = 0
+  timer t(0, 1 sec)
+  c = new Contained(incr=incr)
+  in -> c.in
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    lf_print("Sending network output %d", self->count);
+    lf_set(out, self->count);
+    self->count += self->incr;
+  =}
+  reaction(in) {=
+    instant_t time_lag = lf_time_physical() - lf_time_logical();
+    char time_buffer[28]; // 28 bytes is enough for the largest 64 bit number: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
+    lf_comma_separated_time(time_buffer, time_lag);
+    lf_print("Received %d. Logical time is behind physical time by %s nsec.", in->value, time_buffer);
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_print("******* Shutdown invoked.");
+    if (self->count != 6 * self->incr) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Failed to receive all six expected inputs.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor(delay: time = 0) {
+  left = new Looper()
+  right = new Looper(incr=-1)
+  left.out -> right.in
+  right.out -> left.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/ParallelDestinations.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/ParallelDestinations.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4a4c026db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/ParallelDestinations.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/** Test parallel connections for federated execution. */
+target C {
+  timeout: 2 sec
+import Count from "../lib/Count.lf"
+import TestCount from "../lib/TestCount.lf"
+reactor Source {
+  output[2] out: int
+  c1 = new Count()
+  c2 = new Count()
+  c1.out, c2.out -> out
+federated reactor {
+  s = new Source()
+  t1 = new TestCount(num_inputs=3)
+  t2 = new TestCount(num_inputs=3)
+  s.out -> t1.in, t2.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/ParallelSources.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/ParallelSources.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0bedc87d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/ParallelSources.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/** Test parallel connections for federated execution. */
+target C {
+  timeout: 2 sec
+import Count from "../lib/Count.lf"
+import TestCount from "../lib/TestCount.lf"
+reactor Destination {
+  input[2] in: int
+  t1 = new TestCount(num_inputs=3)
+  t2 = new TestCount(num_inputs=3)
+  in -> t1.in, t2.in
+federated reactor {
+  c1 = new Count()
+  c2 = new Count()
+  d = new Destination()
+  c1.out, c2.out -> d.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/ParallelSourcesMultiport.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/ParallelSourcesMultiport.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..026c223463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/ParallelSourcesMultiport.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/** Test parallel connections for federated execution. */
+target C {
+  timeout: 2 sec
+import Count from "../lib/Count.lf"
+import TestCount from "../lib/TestCount.lf"
+reactor Source {
+  output[2] out: int
+  c1 = new Count()
+  c2 = new Count()
+  c1.out, c2.out -> out
+reactor Destination1 {
+  input[3] in: int
+  t1 = new TestCount(num_inputs=3)
+  t2 = new TestCount(num_inputs=3)
+  t3 = new TestCount(num_inputs=3)
+  in -> t1.in, t2.in, t3.in
+federated reactor {
+  s1 = new Source()
+  s2 = new Source()
+  d1 = new Destination1()
+  t4 = new TestCount(num_inputs=3)
+  s1.out, s2.out -> d1.in, t4.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/SimpleFederated.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/SimpleFederated.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb6a798f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/SimpleFederated.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+target C {
+  timeout: 2 secs,
+  build-type: RelWithDebInfo
+reactor Fed {
+  input in: int
+  output out: int
+federated reactor {
+  fed1 = new Fed()
+  fed2 = new Fed()
+  fed1.out -> fed2.in
+  fed2.out -> fed1.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/SpuriousDependency.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/SpuriousDependency.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b810d5288f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/SpuriousDependency.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * This checks that a federated program does not deadlock when it is ambiguous, given the structure
+ * of a federate, whether it is permissible to require certain network sender/receiver reactions to
+ * precede others in the execution of a given tag.
+ */
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 sec
+reactor Passthrough(id: int = 0) {
+  input in: int
+  output out: int
+  reaction(in) -> out {=
+    lf_print("Hello from passthrough %d", self->id);
+    lf_set(out, in->value);
+  =}
+reactor Twisty {
+  input in0: int
+  input in1: int
+  output out0: int
+  output out1: int
+  p0 = new Passthrough(id=0)
+  p1 = new Passthrough(id=1)
+  in0 -> p0.in
+  p0.out -> out0
+  in1 -> p1.in
+  p1.out -> out1
+reactor Check {
+  input in: int
+  state count: int = 0
+  reaction(in) {=
+    lf_print("count is now %d", ++self->count);
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_print("******* Shutdown invoked.");
+    if (self->count != 1) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Failed to receive expected input.");
+    }
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  t0 = new Twisty()
+  t1 = new Twisty()
+  check = new Check()
+  t0.out1 -> t1.in0
+  t1.out1 -> t0.in0
+  state count: int = 0
+  t1.out0 -> check.in
+  reaction(startup) -> t0.in1 {=
+    lf_set(t0.in1, 0);
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/StopAtShutdown.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/StopAtShutdown.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fad7db3d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/StopAtShutdown.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * Check that lf_request_stop() doesn't cause any issues at the shutdown tag.
+ *
+ * Original bug discovered by Steven Wong <housengw@berkeley.edu>
+ *
+ * @author Steven Wong <housengw@berkeley.edu>
+ */
+target C {
+  timeout: 2 sec
+reactor A {
+  input in: int
+  reaction(startup) {=
+    lf_print("Hello World!");
+  =}
+  reaction(in) {=
+    lf_print("Got it");
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_request_stop();
+  =}
+reactor B {
+  output out: int
+  timer t(1 sec)
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, 1);
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_request_stop();
+  =}
+federated reactor {
+  a = new A()
+  b = new B()
+  b.out -> a.in
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/federated/TopLevelArtifacts.lf b/test/RustRti/src/federated/TopLevelArtifacts.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d73ea35967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/federated/TopLevelArtifacts.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * Test whether top-level reactions, actions, and ports are handled appropriately.
+ *
+ * Currently, these artifacts are replicated on all federates.
+ *
+ * @note This just tests for the correctness of the code generation. These top-level artifacts might
+ * be disallowed in the future.
+ */
+target C {
+  timeout: 1 msec
+import Count from "../lib/Count.lf"
+import TestCount from "../lib/TestCount.lf"
+federated reactor {
+  state successes: int = 0
+  timer t(0, 1 sec)
+  logical action act(0)
+  c = new Count()
+  tc = new TestCount()
+  c.out -> tc.in
+  reaction(startup) {=
+    self->successes++;
+  =}
+  reaction(t) -> act {=
+    self->successes++;
+    lf_schedule(act, 0);
+  =}
+  reaction(act) {=
+    self->successes++;
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    if (self->successes != 3) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Failed to properly execute top-level reactions");
+    }
+    lf_print("SUCCESS!");
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/Count.lf b/test/RustRti/src/lib/Count.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee3953b021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/Count.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+target C
+reactor Count(offset: time = 0, period: time = 1 sec) {
+  state count: int = 1
+  output out: int
+  timer t(offset, period)
+  reaction(t) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, self->count++);
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/FileLevelPreamble.lf b/test/RustRti/src/lib/FileLevelPreamble.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11067d5e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/FileLevelPreamble.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+/** Test for ensuring that file-level preambles are inherited when a file is imported. */
+target C
+preamble {=
+  #define FOO 2
+reactor FileLevelPreamble {
+  reaction(startup) {=
+    printf("FOO: %d\n", FOO);
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/FileReader.txt b/test/RustRti/src/lib/FileReader.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e1c309dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/FileReader.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Hello World
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/GenDelay.lf b/test/RustRti/src/lib/GenDelay.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f21c3de1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/GenDelay.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+target C
+preamble {=
+  typedef int message_t;
+reactor Source {
+  output out: message_t
+  reaction(startup) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, 42);
+  =}
+reactor Sink {
+  input in: message_t
+  reaction(in) {=
+    lf_print("Received %d at time %lld", in->value, lf_time_logical_elapsed());
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/Imported.lf b/test/RustRti/src/lib/Imported.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85d0a2b493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/Imported.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// This is used by the test for the ability to import a reactor definition that itself imports a
+// reactor definition.
+target C
+import ImportedAgain from "./ImportedAgain.lf"
+reactor Imported {
+  input x: int
+  a = new ImportedAgain()
+  reaction(x) -> a.x {=
+    lf_set(a.x, x->value);
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/ImportedAgain.lf b/test/RustRti/src/lib/ImportedAgain.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6870526b95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/ImportedAgain.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// This is used by the test for the ability to import a reactor definition that itself imports a
+// reactor definition.
+target C
+reactor ImportedAgain {
+  input x: int
+  reaction(x) {=
+    printf("Received: %d.\n", x->value);
+    if (x->value != 42) {
+      printf("ERROR: Expected input to be 42. Got: %d.\n", x->value);
+      exit(1);
+    }
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/ImportedComposition.lf b/test/RustRti/src/lib/ImportedComposition.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5524f3d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/ImportedComposition.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// This is used by the test for the ability to import a reactor definition that itself imports a
+// reactor definition.
+target C
+reactor Gain {
+  input x: int
+  output y: int
+  reaction(x) -> y {=
+    lf_set(y, x->value * 2);
+  =}
+reactor ImportedComposition {
+  input x: int
+  output y: int
+  g1 = new Gain()
+  g2 = new Gain()
+  x -> g1.x after 10 msec
+  g1.y -> g2.x after 30 msec
+  g2.y -> y after 15 msec
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/InternalDelay.lf b/test/RustRti/src/lib/InternalDelay.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb7124a4ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/InternalDelay.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+target C
+reactor InternalDelay(delay: time = 10 msec) {
+  input in: int
+  output out: int
+  logical action d: int
+  reaction(in) -> d {=
+    lf_schedule_int(d, self->delay, in->value);
+  =}
+  reaction(d) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, d->value);
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/LoopedActionSender.lf b/test/RustRti/src/lib/LoopedActionSender.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9ea36f40a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/LoopedActionSender.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * A sender reactor that outputs integers in superdense time.
+ *
+ * @author Soroush Bateni
+ */
+target C
+ * @param take_a_break_after: Indicates how many messages are sent in consecutive superdense time
+ * @param break_interval: Determines how long the reactor should take a break after sending
+ * take_a_break_after messages.
+ */
+reactor Sender(take_a_break_after: int = 10, break_interval: time = 400 msec) {
+  output out: int
+  logical action act
+  state sent_messages: int = 0
+  reaction(startup, act) -> act, out {=
+    // Send a message on out
+    /* printf("At tag (%lld, %u) sending value %d.\n",
+      lf_time_logical_elapsed(),
+      lf_tag().microstep,
+      self->sent_messages
+    ); */
+    lf_set(out, self->sent_messages);
+    lf_print("Sender sent %d.", self->sent_messages);
+    self->sent_messages++;
+    if (self->sent_messages < self->take_a_break_after) {
+      lf_schedule(act, 0);
+    } else {
+      // Take a break
+      self->sent_messages=0;
+      lf_schedule(act, self->break_interval);
+    }
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/PassThrough.lf b/test/RustRti/src/lib/PassThrough.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..389905489a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/PassThrough.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+/** Forward the integer input on `in` to the output port `out`. */
+target C
+reactor PassThrough {
+  input in: int
+  output out: int
+  reaction(in) -> out {=
+    lf_set(out, in->value);
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/Test.lf b/test/RustRti/src/lib/Test.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69e4f79b2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/Test.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+target C
+reactor TestDouble(expected: double[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}) {
+  input in: double
+  state count: int = 0
+  reaction(in) {=
+    printf("Received: %f\n", in->value);
+    if (in->value != self->expected[self->count]) {
+      printf("ERROR: Expected %f.\n", self->expected[self->count]);
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    self->count++;
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/TestCount.lf b/test/RustRti/src/lib/TestCount.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4fbb82b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/TestCount.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Test that a counting sequence of inputs starts with the specified start parameter value,
+ * increments by the specified stride, and receives the specified number of inputs.
+ *
+ * @param start The starting value for the expected inputs. Default is 1.
+ * @param stride The increment for the inputs. Default is 1.
+ * @param num_inputs The number of inputs expected. Default is 1.
+ */
+target C
+reactor TestCount(start: int = 1, stride: int = 1, num_inputs: int = 1) {
+  state count: int = start
+  state inputs_received: int = 0
+  input in: int
+  reaction(in) {=
+    lf_print("Received %d.", in->value);
+    if (in->value != self->count) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Expected %d.", self->count);
+    }
+    self->count += self->stride;
+    self->inputs_received++;
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_print("Shutdown invoked.");
+    if (self->inputs_received != self->num_inputs) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Expected to receive %d inputs, but got %d.",
+        self->num_inputs,
+        self->inputs_received
+      );
+    }
+  =}
diff --git a/test/RustRti/src/lib/TestCountMultiport.lf b/test/RustRti/src/lib/TestCountMultiport.lf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0b0db294d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/RustRti/src/lib/TestCountMultiport.lf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Test that a counting sequence of inputs starts with the specified start parameter value,
+ * increments by the specified stride, and receives the specified number of inputs. This version has
+ * a multiport input, and each input is expected to be present and incremented over the previous
+ * input.
+ *
+ * @param start The starting value for the expected inputs. Default is 1.
+ * @param stride The increment for the inputs. Default is 1.
+ * @param num_inputs The number of inputs expected on each channel. Default is 1.
+ */
+target C
+reactor TestCountMultiport(start: int = 1, stride: int = 1, num_inputs: int = 1, width: int = 2) {
+  state count: int = start
+  state inputs_received: int = 0
+  input[width] in: int
+  reaction(in) {=
+    for (int i = 0; i < in_width; i++) {
+      if (!in[i]->is_present) {
+        lf_print_error_and_exit("No input on channel %d.", i);
+      }
+      lf_print("Received %d on channel %d.", in[i]->value, i);
+      if (in[i]->value != self->count) {
+        lf_print_error_and_exit("Expected %d.", self->count);
+      }
+      self->count += self->stride;
+    }
+    self->inputs_received++;
+  =}
+  reaction(shutdown) {=
+    lf_print("Shutdown invoked.");
+    if (self->inputs_received != self->num_inputs) {
+      lf_print_error_and_exit("Expected to receive %d inputs, but only got %d.",
+        self->num_inputs,
+        self->inputs_received
+      );
+    }
+  =}