Releases: chaoss/grimoirelab
GrimoireLab 0.24.0
The following list describes the changes by component:
grimoirelab-toolkit 0.4.5 - (2024-03-27)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
kidash 0.6.9 - (2024-03-27)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
sortinghat 0.21.2 - (2024-03-27)
Bug fixes:
- Refetch general settings after they are changed
The "unify" and "affiliate" switches on the general settings page
sometimes reflected outdated information. The page now reloads the
data everytime it is visited to keep it updated.
Dependencies updateds:
- Migration to Vue 3
Vue 2 reached end of life on December 2023 and is no longer mantained.
cereslib 0.5.6 - (2024-03-27)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval 0.25.0 - (2024-03-27)
New features:
- Include recovery mode for Git backend
Include a new option in Git that allows continuing to fetch commits
from the previous execution using the last commit. The option is
--recovery <commit>
. The last commit can be obtained from the offset
in the summary object of the last execution or the last item.
perceval-mozilla 0.4.3 - (2024-03-27)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-opnfv 0.2.25 - (2024-03-27)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-puppet 0.2.25 - (2024-03-27)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-weblate 0.2.25 - (2024-03-27)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
graal 0.4.25 - (2024-03-27)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
grimoire-elk 0.111.1 - (2024-03-27)
Bug fixes:
- Kitsune inmerse terms error
Update raw mapping of Kitsune indexes to handle immense terms found in
, anddata.content
sirmordred 0.10.11 - (2024-03-27)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
GrimoireLab 0.23.0-rc.1
The following list describes the changes by component:
grimoirelab-toolkit 0.4.4-rc.1 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
kidash 0.6.8-rc.1 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
sortinghat 0.21.1-rc.1 - (2024-03-12)
Bug fixes:
- Profile view displays correct recommendations (#864)
The profile view now correctly displays all recommendations for an
individual, excluding those that have been dismissed.
cereslib 0.5.5-rc.1 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval 0.24.1-rc.1 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-mozilla 0.4.2-rc.1 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-opnfv 0.2.24-rc.1 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-puppet 0.2.24-rc.1 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-weblate 0.2.24-rc.1 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
graal 0.4.24-rc.1 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
grimoire-elk 0.111.0-rc.1 - (2024-03-12)
New features:
- Kitsune demography study
Include demography study in Kitsune (SUMO). And update the index to
include standard fields such as a unique identifier (id
) and some
missing fields likeorigin
sirmordred 0.10.10-rc.1 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
GrimoireLab 0.23.0
The following list describes the changes by component:
grimoirelab-toolkit 0.4.4 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
kidash 0.6.8 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
sortinghat 0.21.1 - (2024-03-12)
Bug fixes:
- Profile view displays correct recommendations (#864)
The profile view now correctly displays all recommendations for an
individual, excluding those that have been dismissed.
cereslib 0.5.5 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval 0.24.1 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-mozilla 0.4.2 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-opnfv 0.2.24 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-puppet 0.2.24 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-weblate 0.2.24 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
graal 0.4.24 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
grimoire-elk 0.111.0 - (2024-03-12)
New features:
- Kitsune demography study
Include demography study in Kitsune (SUMO). And update the index to
include standard fields such as a unique identifier (id
) and some
missing fields likeorigin
sirmordred 0.10.10 - (2024-03-12)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
GrimoireLab 0.22.0-rc.1
The following list describes the changes by component:
grimoirelab-toolkit 0.4.3-rc.1 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
kidash 0.6.7-rc.1 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
sortinghat 0.21.0-rc.1 - (2024-03-01)
New features:
- Dedicated queues in multi-tenancy
This new feature allows to run jobs in dedicated queues when multi-
tenancy is active. Therefore, tenants that require more computing
time, can run in a separate environment without taking the resources
of others. This new feature changes the format of thetenants.json
file, so please update it before you install this new version. You can
find more info about how to configure it in
Bug fixes:
- Match recommendations job fixed
Fix the bug in recommend matches jobs that was causing it not to
recommend any matches.
Dependencies updateds:
- Drop support of Node.js <18
Versions 14 to 16 of Node.js are no longer mantained. The current
supported versions are 18 to 20.
cereslib 0.5.4-rc.1 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval 0.24.0-rc.1 - (2024-03-01)
New deprecations:
- NNTP backend deprecated
NNTP is deprecated. It is not compatible with Python 3.11.8 and will
be removed in a future version.
perceval-mozilla 0.4.1-rc.1 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-opnfv 0.2.23-rc.1 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-puppet 0.2.23-rc.1 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-weblate 0.2.23-rc.1 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
graal 0.4.23-rc.1 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
grimoire-elk 0.110.0-rc.1 - (2024-03-01)
New features:
- Kitsune raw mapping updated
Update the mapping for Kitsune backend to fix an error inserting
Perceval items in the raw index when the field 'data.metadata.value'
is too big.
sirmordred 0.10.9-rc.1 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
GrimoireLab 0.22.0
The following list describes the changes by component:
grimoirelab-toolkit 0.4.3 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
kidash 0.6.7 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
sortinghat 0.21.0 - (2024-03-01)
New features:
- Dedicated queues in multi-tenancy
This new feature allows to run jobs in dedicated queues when multi-
tenancy is active. Therefore, tenants that require more computing
time, can run in a separate environment without taking the resources
of others. This new feature changes the format of thetenants.json
file, so please update it before you install this new version. You can
find more info about how to configure it in
Bug fixes:
- Match recommendations job fixed
Fix the bug in recommend matches jobs that was causing it not to
recommend any matches.
Dependencies updateds:
- Drop support of Node.js <18
Versions 14 to 16 of Node.js are no longer mantained. The current
supported versions are 18 to 20.
cereslib 0.5.4 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval 0.24.0 - (2024-03-01)
New deprecations:
- NNTP backend deprecated
NNTP is deprecated. It is not compatible with Python 3.11.8 and will
be removed in a future version.
perceval-mozilla 0.4.1 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-opnfv 0.2.23 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-puppet 0.2.23 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-weblate 0.2.23 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
graal 0.4.23 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
grimoire-elk 0.110.0 - (2024-03-01)
New features:
- Kitsune raw mapping updated
Update the mapping for Kitsune backend to fix an error inserting
Perceval items in the raw index when the field 'data.metadata.value'
is too big.
sirmordred 0.10.9 - (2024-03-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
GrimoireLab 0.21.0-rc.1
The following list describes the changes by component:
sortinghat 0.20.0-rc.1 - (2024-02-19)
New features:
- Organization aliases (#857)
Organizations can be known by different names. To avoid duplicates,
organizations can have aliases. Searching for an organization using
one of its aliases returns the organization. When an organization is
merged into another, its name becomes an alias of the target
organization. If a name exists as an alias, no organization can be
created with that name and viceversa. An organization's aliases can be
added and deleted both on the organizations table and the single
organization view.
perceval-mozilla 0.4.0-rc.1 - (2024-02-19)
New features:
- Retry Kitsune when rate limited
Kitsune now includes the--sleep-for-rate
option to manage429 Too Many Requests
errors. You can configure retries and sleep duration
using the--max-retries
options respectively.
grimoire-elk 0.109.8-rc.1 - (2024-02-19)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
sirmordred 0.10.8-rc.1 - (2024-02-19)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
GrimoireLab 0.21.0
The following list describes the changes by component:
sortinghat 0.20.0 - (2024-02-19)
New features:
- Organization aliases (#857)
Organizations can be known by different names. To avoid duplicates,
organizations can have aliases. Searching for an organization using
one of its aliases returns the organization. When an organization is
merged into another, its name becomes an alias of the target
organization. If a name exists as an alias, no organization can be
created with that name and viceversa. An organization's aliases can be
added and deleted both on the organizations table and the single
organization view.
perceval-mozilla 0.4.0 - (2024-02-19)
New features:
- Retry Kitsune when rate limited
Kitsune now includes the--sleep-for-rate
option to manage429 Too Many Requests
errors. You can configure retries and sleep duration
using the--max-retries
options respectively.
grimoire-elk 0.109.8 - (2024-02-19)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
sirmordred 0.10.8 - (2024-02-19)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
GrimoireLab 0.20.2-rc.1
The following list describes the changes by component:
kidash 0.6.6-rc.1 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
sortinghat 0.19.2-rc.1 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
cereslib 0.5.3-rc.1 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval 0.23.6-rc.1 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-mozilla 0.3.22-rc.1 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-opnfv 0.2.22-rc.1 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-puppet 0.2.22-rc.1 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-weblate 0.2.22-rc.1 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
graal 0.4.22-rc.1 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
grimoire-elk 0.109.7-rc.1 - (2024-02-08)
Bug fixes:
- Bug on some backends enrichment
Mediawiki, Meetup are Jira were failing to retrieve the enrollment for
an identity.
sirmordred 0.10.7-rc.1 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
GrimoireLab 0.20.2
The following list describes the changes by component:
kidash 0.6.6 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
sortinghat 0.19.2 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
cereslib 0.5.3 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval 0.23.6 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-mozilla 0.3.22 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-opnfv 0.2.22 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-puppet 0.2.22 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
perceval-weblate 0.2.22 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
graal 0.4.22 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
grimoire-elk 0.109.7 - (2024-02-08)
Bug fixes:
- Bug on some backends enrichment
Mediawiki, Meetup are Jira were failing to retrieve the enrollment for
an identity.
sirmordred 0.10.7 - (2024-02-08)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
GrimoireLab 0.20.1-rc.1
The following list describes the changes by component:
sortinghat 0.19.1-rc.1 - (2024-02-01)
Bug fixes:
- Fix "Table 'django_session' doesn't exist" error
Fixes the "Table 'django_session' doesn't exist" error for new
installs. For existing databases, run the following commands to create
the table:django-admin migrate --fake sessions zero django-admin migrate
graal 0.4.21-rc.1 - (2024-02-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
grimoire-elk 0.109.6-rc.1 - (2024-02-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies
sirmordred 0.10.6-rc.1 - (2024-02-01)
- Update Poetry's package dependencies