These examples are automatically generated from unit tests.
Removing a success status is breaking
adding a new required property in request body is breaking
adding a pattern to a schema is breaking for recursive properties
adding a pattern to a schema is breaking
adding a required request body is breaking
changing a request body to enum is breaking
changing a request body type and changing it to enum simultaneously is breaking
changing a request property to not nullable is breaking
changing a required property in response body to optional and also deleting it is breaking
changing a response body to nullable is breaking
changing a response property to nullable is breaking
changing a response property to optional under AllOf, AnyOf or OneOf is breaking
changing an embedded response property to nullable is breaking
changing an existing header param from optional to required is breaking
changing an existing header param to enum is breaking
changing an existing property in request body anyOf to required is breaking
changing an existing property in request body items to required is breaking
changing an existing property in request body to enum is breaking
changing an existing property in request body to required is breaking
changing an existing property in request header to enum is breaking
changing an existing property in request header to required is breaking
changing an existing property in response body to optional is breaking
changing an existing property under another property in request body to required is breaking
changing an existing request body from optional to required is breaking
changing an existing required property in response body to not-write-only is breaking
changing an existing response header from required to optional is breaking
changing max length in request from nil to any value is breaking
changing max length in response from any value to nil is breaking
changing request's body schema type from number to integer is breaking
changing request's body schema type from number to string is breaking
changing request's body schema type from number/none to integer/int32 is breaking
changing request's body schema type from string to number is breaking
changing response's body schema type from integer to number is breaking
changing response's body schema type from number to string is breaking
changing response's body schema type from string to number is breaking
changing response's embedded property schema type from string/none to integer/int32 is breaking
deleting a media-type from response is breaking
deleting a path is breaking
deleting a path with some operations having sunset date in the future is breaking
deleting a required property in request is breaking with warn
deleting a required property in response body is breaking
deleting a required property under AllOf in response body is breaking
deleting a required property within another property in request is breaking with warn
deleting an enum value is breaking
deleting an operation before sunset date is breaking
deleting an operation is breaking
deleting an operation without sunset date is breaking
deleting sunset header for a deprecated endpoint is breaking
deprecating an operation with a deprecation policy and sunset date before required deprecation period is breaking
deprecating an operation with a deprecation policy but without specifying sunset date is breaking
increasing max length in response is breaking
increasing min items in request is breaking
modifying a pattern in a schema is breaking
modifying a pattern in request parameter is breaking
modifying the default value of an optional request parameter is breaking
new required header param is breaking
new required path param is breaking
new required property in request header is breaking
reducing max in request is breaking
reducing max length in request is breaking
reducing min items in response is breaking
reducing min length in response is breaking
removing a media type from requesst body is breaking
removing an existing optional response header is breaking as warn
removing an existing required response header is breaking as error
removing an existing response with non-successful status is breaking (optional)
removing an existing response with successful status is breaking
removing an schema object from components is breaking (optional)
removing the path without a deprecation policy and without specifying sunset date is breaking if some APIs are not alpha stability level
removing the path without a deprecation policy and without specifying sunset date is breaking if some APIs are not draft stability level
removing/updating a property enum in response is breaking (optional)
removing/updating a tag is breaking (optional)
removing/updating an enum in request body is breaking (optional)
removing/updating an operation id is breaking (optional)
setting the default value of an optional request parameter is breaking
adding a media-type to response is not breaking
adding a new required property in response body is not breaking
adding a new required property under AllOf in response body is not breaking
adding a new required read-only property in request body is not breaking
adding a non-existent required property in request body is not breaking
adding a required property to response is not breaking
adding a tag is not breaking
adding an enum value is not breaking
adding an enum value to request body is not breaking
adding an operation ID is not breaking
adding an optional request body is not breaking
both max lengths in request are nil is not breaking
both max lengths in response are nil is not breaking
changing a link to operation ID is not breaking
changing an existing property in request body to optional is not breaking
changing an existing property in request header to optional is not breaking
changing an existing property in response body to required is not breaking
changing an existing read-only property in request body to required is not breaking
changing an existing required property in response body to write-only is not breaking
changing an existing write-only property in response body to optional is not breaking
changing comments is not breaking
changing extensions is not breaking
changing max length in request from any value to nil is not breaking
changing max length in response from nil to any value is not breaking
changing operation ID is not breaking
changing request's body schema type from integer to number is not breaking
changing response's body schema type from number to integer is not breaking
changing response's body schema type from number/none to integer/int32 is not breaking
changing servers is not breaking
deleting a non-required non-write-only property in response body is not breaking
deleting a path after sunset date of all contained operations is not breaking
deleting a pattern from a schema is not breaking
deleting a required write-only property in response body is not breaking
deleting a tag is not breaking
deleting an operation after sunset date is not breaking
deprecating a header is not breaking
deprecating a parameter is not breaking
deprecating a schema is not breaking
deprecating an operation with a deprecation policy and sunset date after required deprecation period is not breaking
deprecating an operation without a deprecation policy and without specifying sunset date is not breaking for draft level
deprecating an operation without a deprecation policy and without specifying sunset date is not breaking
increasing max length in request is not breaking
increasing min items in response is not breaking
modifying a pattern to ".*" in a schema is not breaking
modifying the default value of a required request parameter is not breaking
new optional header param is not breaking
new optional property in request header is not breaking
new required response header param is not breaking
no change is not breaking
reducing max in response is not breaking
reducing max length in response is not breaking
reducing min items in request is not breaking
reducing min length in request is not breaking
removing an existing response with error status is not breaking
removing an existing response with unparseable status is not breaking
removing the path without a deprecation policy and without specifying sunset date is not breaking for alpha level
removing the path without a deprecation policy and without specifying sunset date is not breaking for draft level
renaming a path parameter is not breaking
Adding a new global security to the API
Adding a new media type to request body
Adding a new media type to response
Adding a new oauth security scope
Adding a new operation id
Adding a new security component
Adding a new security to the API endpoint
Adding a new tag
Adding a non-success response status
Adding a required property to response body is detected
Adding a security scope from an API global security
Adding a security scope to an API endpoint security
Adding a success response status
Adding an optional write-only property to a response
Changing a response property schema type
Changing a response schema type
Changing optional response property to required
Changing optional response write-only property to required
Changing request header parameter type
Changing request path parameter type
Changing request query parameter type
Changing required response property to optional
Changing security component oauth's url
Changing security component type
Changing write-only required response property to optional
Removing a global security from the API
Removing a new media type to response
Removing a new oauth security scope
Removing a new security component
Removing a new security to the API endpoint
Removing a non-success response status
Removing a security scope from an API endpoint security
Removing a security scope from an API global security
Removing an existent property that was required in response body is detected
Removing an existing operation id
Removing an existing tag
Removing an optional write-only property from a response
Removing media type from request body
Updating an existing operation id
Updating an existing tag
adding a required write-only property to response body is detected
changing an existing header param from required to optional
changing an existing header param to optional
changing an existing request body from required to optional
changing request's body to optional
changing request's body to required is breaking
deprecating an operation with sunset greater than min
new header, query and cookie request params
new paths or path operations
path operations that became deprecated
path operations that were re-activated
removing a required write-only property that was required in response body is detected