The TalkingBox is a chatbot app that helps users keep track of their tasks and other notes.
You can add 3 types of tasks to the TalkingBox: Todos, Deadlines and Events
todo read book
deadline return book /by 24/3/2024 1600
The app will then add your tasks to your task list
Added new task:
[T] [] read book
current number of tasks: 1
Unwanted tasks can be deleted using the delete
You can also view the entire task list with the list
Current list of tasks:
1. [T] [ ] read book
You can mark a task number as done using the mark
mark 1
Task marked as done. Good job!
1. [T] [x] read book
Similarly, you can mark a task as not done using the unmark
You can search for any tasks containg a certain keyword or key phrase in its name
find book
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1. [T] [x] read book
Besides tasks, the program can also be used to store notes using the write
write today was a good day
New note added!
'today was a good day
the list of notes currently stored can be viewed using the notes
Current list of notes:
1. today was a good day
Like tasks, notes can also be removed using the remove